trump alludes to punishment for "spies"

The Whistle Blower is being caught in lies already...that didn't take long...

It was his own staff that rattled him out
Even his own people are repulsed by what he dies
You Mean Adam Schiff’s Russian Mole-Spy.

The fake rat with his fake story went through the DNI, NSA, and DOJ and none of them saw his “report” as credible.

He is just another Brennan-Obama holdover who betrayed his country.


It was his own staff that rattled him out
Even his own people are repulsed by what he dies
Trump needs to go full blown Pinochet and start throwing these treasonous commie globalist pieces of shit out of shit hooks 15 miles off the east coast.

I'll sign up for flight school.

We haven't executed spies since the Rosenburgs were strapped to the Sing Sing hot seat. FBI traitor Robert Hanssen made a deal where he would plead guilty to espionage if his family received a freaking lifetime pension as if he retired honorably. Amazingly the FBI agreed to it to avoid publicity related to the Bureau's negligence that cost the lives of untold foreign informants. The military can't even bring itself to execute convicted killers, some of which have been on death row for a quarter of a century.
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Trump acts more and more like a Mafia Don

Suggesting a hit on those staff members that betrayed him
Schiff and Brennan have engaged in some serious sedition. Trump would have support in arresting these seditious bastards. Including getting John Kerry for violating the Logan act.
Schiff and Brennan have engaged in some serious sedition. Trump would have support in arresting these seditious bastards. Including getting John Kerry for violating the Logan act.

Your Google must be broken
Why is it okay for dems to spy on the president all of a sudden?...and where are the republican senators?...they need to speak up loudly...put the Iphones down and hold a press conference every damn day and beat this shit right back in Pelosi's mug.....
Trump should immediately order Barr to bring up the spy on espianage (treason) charges.

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