Trump and Conservatives win again

With a 38 percent approval, that change could kill it

Where is the balanced budget, the wall, Obamacare repeal, Jobs from China

That was supposed to be the change they promised

Are you forgetting? Obama's approval rating went down to 40% in 2011 and 2013. We'll come closer to balancing the budget once the full effect of Trump's plans are working. With illegals crossing the border down 80%, the wall is not as much of an issue. Obamacare is slowly dying, whether it be from it's own ponderousness, or the hacking away of bits and pieces it's currently undergoing. And jobs are coming back from China. You didn't hear about the deals Trump worked out while here was over there?

Obama had approvals above 50 percent and finished above 60
He was also popularly elected by 10 million votes

People voted DumBama in because they liked him personally. They voted a Republican led Congress to stop his policies.

How could any Democrat or left-leaning Republican not vote for Obama?

"The first black President? Sure, my friends said they're voting for him so I want them to like me..."

How stupid it is to choose a leader, based primarily on his color. As stupid as choosing one based on the fact that she's a woman. I have no problem with a black or female President, but it's as glaring as the sun, those who supported Obama and Hillary knew or cared nothing as to who or what they really were.

That's our voting public for ya. Unfortunately, many vote for representatives like they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant: how do they look, how do they speak, how do they dress........

It's why I believe not everybody should be allowed to vote. You should have to take a very simple test before voting. Nothing too hard, just questions like who is the VP? What party does he belong to? Who holds the majority in Congress? In the Senate?

If you can't pass the test, you don't get to vote. Republicans would love something like that. Democrats would go ape shit. Democrats heavily rely on the politically ignorant for power. That's why all ghettos vote strictly Democrat.

Hell, I'd be happy if we just had a national voter ID law. That would cut out most of the fraudulent voting by illegals and leftists.
You reap what you sow

Republicans changed the rules, now they can live with them too

Now....If Trump brings down the Republican Party

You lack perception. Donald Trump is radically changing the Republican Party. That's why there's opposition from within it.

Not too shabby for a former Democrat who saw the error in his ways. Of course, Reagan was a Democrat once too.

With a 38 percent approval, that change could kill it

Where is the balanced budget, the wall, Obamacare repeal, Jobs from China

That was supposed to be the change they promised

Balanced budget was never going to happen, BO care repeal the so called GOP Congress screwed that up along with the wall. The job front is improving at the moment. Trump is also much to the chagrin of Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg among others going to tighten up H1B.
Republicans failed to deliver on Conservative hot button issues

What are they going to run on in 2018?
The Party of Trump? He has 38 percent approval with the voters

How do you figure that? Did he put a conservative on the Supreme Court? Did he stop the flow of illegals coming across the border? Did he wipe out ISIS? Did the record stock market, lowest unemployment in 17 years, and steady economic growth increase the wealth of all Americans, not just the rich? Did he open up new oil sources with thew Dakota and Keystone Pipeline? Did he roll back the Clean Power Plan, and withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accord? Isn't he working on tax reform and repealing Obamacare?

What's the problem here?
On ISIS and the stock market, he just continued existing policies and trends
The Supreme Court seat was stolen and is hardly an accomplishment
Are you forgetting? Obama's approval rating went down to 40% in 2011 and 2013. We'll come closer to balancing the budget once the full effect of Trump's plans are working. With illegals crossing the border down 80%, the wall is not as much of an issue. Obamacare is slowly dying, whether it be from it's own ponderousness, or the hacking away of bits and pieces it's currently undergoing. And jobs are coming back from China. You didn't hear about the deals Trump worked out while here was over there?

Obama had approvals above 50 percent and finished above 60
He was also popularly elected by 10 million votes

People voted DumBama in because they liked him personally. They voted a Republican led Congress to stop his policies.

How could any Democrat or left-leaning Republican not vote for Obama?

"The first black President? Sure, my friends said they're voting for him so I want them to like me..."

How stupid it is to choose a leader, based primarily on his color. As stupid as choosing one based on the fact that she's a woman. I have no problem with a black or female President, but it's as glaring as the sun, those who supported Obama and Hillary knew or cared nothing as to who or what they really were.

That's our voting public for ya. Unfortunately, many vote for representatives like they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant: how do they look, how do they speak, how do they dress........

It's why I believe not everybody should be allowed to vote. You should have to take a very simple test before voting. Nothing too hard, just questions like who is the VP? What party does he belong to? Who holds the majority in Congress? In the Senate?

If you can't pass the test, you don't get to vote. Republicans would love something like that. Democrats would go ape shit. Democrats heavily rely on the politically ignorant for power. That's why all ghettos vote strictly Democrat.

Hell, I'd be happy if we just had a national voter ID law. That would cut out most of the fraudulent voting by illegals and leftists.
All you have to do is keep them from registering
Once they are registered, ID will not help
With a 38 percent approval, that change could kill it

Where is the balanced budget, the wall, Obamacare repeal, Jobs from China

That was supposed to be the change they promised

Are you forgetting? Obama's approval rating went down to 40% in 2011 and 2013. We'll come closer to balancing the budget once the full effect of Trump's plans are working. With illegals crossing the border down 80%, the wall is not as much of an issue. Obamacare is slowly dying, whether it be from it's own ponderousness, or the hacking away of bits and pieces it's currently undergoing. And jobs are coming back from China. You didn't hear about the deals Trump worked out while here was over there?

Obama had approvals above 50 percent and finished above 60
He was also popularly elected by 10 million votes

People voted DumBama in because they liked him personally. They voted a Republican led Congress to stop his policies.

How could any Democrat or left-leaning Republican not vote for Obama?

"The first black President? Sure, my friends said they're voting for him so I want them to like me..."

How stupid it is to choose a leader, based primarily on his color. As stupid as choosing one based on the fact that she's a woman. I have no problem with a black or female President, but it's as glaring as the sun, those who supported Obama and Hillary knew or cared nothing as to who or what they really were.

That's our voting public for ya. Unfortunately, many vote for representatives like they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant: how do they look, how do they speak, how do they dress........

It's why I believe not everybody should be allowed to vote. You should have to take a very simple test before voting. Nothing too hard, just questions like who is the VP? What party does he belong to? Who holds the majority in Congress? In the Senate?

If you can't pass the test, you don't get to vote. Republicans would love something like that. Democrats would go ape shit. Democrats heavily rely on the politically ignorant for power. That's why all ghettos vote strictly Democrat.
OK......a voter needs to know which issues he is concerned with and who best represents those issues

How does knowing the political party of the Vice President help your choice?
Are you forgetting? Obama's approval rating went down to 40% in 2011 and 2013. We'll come closer to balancing the budget once the full effect of Trump's plans are working. With illegals crossing the border down 80%, the wall is not as much of an issue. Obamacare is slowly dying, whether it be from it's own ponderousness, or the hacking away of bits and pieces it's currently undergoing. And jobs are coming back from China. You didn't hear about the deals Trump worked out while here was over there?

Obama had approvals above 50 percent and finished above 60
He was also popularly elected by 10 million votes

People voted DumBama in because they liked him personally. They voted a Republican led Congress to stop his policies.

How could any Democrat or left-leaning Republican not vote for Obama?

"The first black President? Sure, my friends said they're voting for him so I want them to like me..."

How stupid it is to choose a leader, based primarily on his color. As stupid as choosing one based on the fact that she's a woman. I have no problem with a black or female President, but it's as glaring as the sun, those who supported Obama and Hillary knew or cared nothing as to who or what they really were.

That's our voting public for ya. Unfortunately, many vote for representatives like they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant: how do they look, how do they speak, how do they dress........

It's why I believe not everybody should be allowed to vote. You should have to take a very simple test before voting. Nothing too hard, just questions like who is the VP? What party does he belong to? Who holds the majority in Congress? In the Senate?

If you can't pass the test, you don't get to vote. Republicans would love something like that. Democrats would go ape shit. Democrats heavily rely on the politically ignorant for power. That's why all ghettos vote strictly Democrat.
OK......a voter needs to know which issues he is concerned with and who best represents those issues

How does knowing the political party of the Vice President help your choice?

It shows you are at least aware of what's going on. We have people like the Obama Phone lady voting, the Obama Money lady voting, and these people don't have the slightest clue how our government works.

Most everybody here is a political junkie. We spend most of our day in politics everyday. We can't expect most people to dedicate as much time to politics as we do. But for crying out loud, if you don't know who the VP is or what party they belong to, you shouldn't be allowed to walk past a voting location yet alone participate.

Howard Stern Interviews Obama Supporters 2012 | RealClearPolitics
The seat sat empty for almost a year
If Dems win the Senate, will they sit on a Trump nomination for two years?

If a vacancy occurs in 2020 sure they will sit on it. They run some risk however if one occurs in say the summer of 2019 for example.
What is the risk?

Voters don't care if a Supreme Court seat gets filled
They proved that in 2016

2016 was Presidential election year, the summer of 2019 as I stated earlier is not. 2020 of course will be. That is the difference.

Who cares?

The Senate refused to consider a Presidents nomination for the Supreme Court.......the voters didn't care if the court was empty for a year
Why should they care if it is empty for two years?

If we can win a few seats next year I'd say we need to refuse to seat anymore judges until Trump is out of office.

Dude (or is it dudette) the Repubs are going to GAIN seats in the Senate, lol.
Republicans have every reason to gloat

They stole a Supreme Court seat and blocked lower level nominations for years. Now they are abandoning long held traditions to ram through their choices

But they will have to live through the consequences as the same tactics will now be used against them in future

Long held traditions like marriage between a man and a woman, the sanctity of life, and the constitution? Oh wait that's progressives fighting those traditions
Republicans are going to learn about .....what goes around, comes around
actually that is what's happening to you right now...the democrats did this very same thing back in the 60's and you now sound like the GOP did back then, ...or should I say, what came around is now coming back around for you and the left, the bright side is that it only took 50-60 years to reverse it, so you got that to look forward to
What's screwed up is the religious judges you're installing are against the 14th amendment of the constitutions. You know that part of the constitutions that says that all Americans are to be treated equally...They need to be impeached if they violate peoples human rights!

Dude. You really think that the liberals are about treating Americans equally?

Wake the fuck up.
Obama had approvals above 50 percent and finished above 60
He was also popularly elected by 10 million votes

People voted DumBama in because they liked him personally. They voted a Republican led Congress to stop his policies.

How could any Democrat or left-leaning Republican not vote for Obama?

"The first black President? Sure, my friends said they're voting for him so I want them to like me..."

How stupid it is to choose a leader, based primarily on his color. As stupid as choosing one based on the fact that she's a woman. I have no problem with a black or female President, but it's as glaring as the sun, those who supported Obama and Hillary knew or cared nothing as to who or what they really were.

That's our voting public for ya. Unfortunately, many vote for representatives like they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant: how do they look, how do they speak, how do they dress........

It's why I believe not everybody should be allowed to vote. You should have to take a very simple test before voting. Nothing too hard, just questions like who is the VP? What party does he belong to? Who holds the majority in Congress? In the Senate?

If you can't pass the test, you don't get to vote. Republicans would love something like that. Democrats would go ape shit. Democrats heavily rely on the politically ignorant for power. That's why all ghettos vote strictly Democrat.
OK......a voter needs to know which issues he is concerned with and who best represents those issues

How does knowing the political party of the Vice President help your choice?

It shows you are at least aware of what's going on. We have people like the Obama Phone lady voting, the Obama Money lady voting, and these people don't have the slightest clue how our government works.

Most everybody here is a political junkie. We spend most of our day in politics everyday. We can't expect most people to dedicate as much time to politics as we do. But for crying out loud, if you don't know who the VP is or what party they belong to, you shouldn't be allowed to walk past a voting location yet alone participate.

Howard Stern Interviews Obama Supporters 2012 | RealClearPolitics
That's the problem with these bogus voter tests
They are full of facts that have little to do with your voting decision

Their primary purpose is to purge voting roles of those likely to vote against those making the test questions
What's screwed up is the religious judges you're installing are against the 14th amendment of the constitutions. You know that part of the constitutions that says that all Americans are to be treated equally...They need to be impeached if they violate peoples human rights!

Dude. You really think that the liberals are about treating Americans equally?

Wake the fuck up.
We support Truth, Justice and the American Way

Conservatives support the rich
What's screwed up is the religious judges you're installing are against the 14th amendment of the constitutions. You know that part of the constitutions that says that all Americans are to be treated equally...They need to be impeached if they violate peoples human rights!

Dude. You really think that the liberals are about treating Americans equally?

Wake the fuck up.
We support Truth, Justice and the American Way

Conservatives support the rich

YOu ever going to talk about your vision of the future again?
And as liberals have been moving more and more power to the courts, away from voters, this is even more important.
the judiciary is the one place where the voters have little power and why the libs keep running there, as you correctly pointed out, they have been consolidating what is left of their power into the hands of left wing friendly jurists whom they turn to when the ballot box exposes and betrays them
What's screwed up is the religious judges you're installing are against the 14th amendment of the constitutions. You know that part of the constitutions that says that all Americans are to be treated equally...They need to be impeached if they violate peoples human rights!

Dude. You really think that the liberals are about treating Americans equally?

Wake the fuck up.
We support Truth, Justice and the American Way

Conservatives support the rich

YOu ever going to talk about your vision of the future again?

You mean about flying cars and time machines?
What's screwed up is the religious judges you're installing are against the 14th amendment of the constitutions. You know that part of the constitutions that says that all Americans are to be treated equally...They need to be impeached if they violate peoples human rights!

Dude. You really think that the liberals are about treating Americans equally?

Wake the fuck up.
We support Truth, Justice and the American Way

Conservatives support the rich

Of course you do, that's why you voted for a candidate under FBI investigation.
People voted DumBama in because they liked him personally. They voted a Republican led Congress to stop his policies.

How could any Democrat or left-leaning Republican not vote for Obama?

"The first black President? Sure, my friends said they're voting for him so I want them to like me..."

How stupid it is to choose a leader, based primarily on his color. As stupid as choosing one based on the fact that she's a woman. I have no problem with a black or female President, but it's as glaring as the sun, those who supported Obama and Hillary knew or cared nothing as to who or what they really were.

That's our voting public for ya. Unfortunately, many vote for representatives like they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant: how do they look, how do they speak, how do they dress........

It's why I believe not everybody should be allowed to vote. You should have to take a very simple test before voting. Nothing too hard, just questions like who is the VP? What party does he belong to? Who holds the majority in Congress? In the Senate?

If you can't pass the test, you don't get to vote. Republicans would love something like that. Democrats would go ape shit. Democrats heavily rely on the politically ignorant for power. That's why all ghettos vote strictly Democrat.
OK......a voter needs to know which issues he is concerned with and who best represents those issues

How does knowing the political party of the Vice President help your choice?

It shows you are at least aware of what's going on. We have people like the Obama Phone lady voting, the Obama Money lady voting, and these people don't have the slightest clue how our government works.

Most everybody here is a political junkie. We spend most of our day in politics everyday. We can't expect most people to dedicate as much time to politics as we do. But for crying out loud, if you don't know who the VP is or what party they belong to, you shouldn't be allowed to walk past a voting location yet alone participate.

Howard Stern Interviews Obama Supporters 2012 | RealClearPolitics
That's the problem with these bogus voter tests
They are full of facts that have little to do with your voting decision

Their primary purpose is to purge voting roles of those likely to vote against those making the test questions

How is not knowing anything about our government or who it's orchestrated by not having anything to do with your voting decision? It has everything to do with it. You are voting on things you have absolutely no idea about.
What's screwed up is the religious judges you're installing are against the 14th amendment of the constitutions. You know that part of the constitutions that says that all Americans are to be treated equally...They need to be impeached if they violate peoples human rights!

Dude. You really think that the liberals are about treating Americans equally?

Wake the fuck up.
We support Truth, Justice and the American Way

Conservatives support the rich

YOu ever going to talk about your vision of the future again?

You mean about flying cars and time machines?

YOu know what I'm talking about.

The Dystopia that you thought would be an Utopia, because you expected white people to take just accept being oppressed by the majority.

You've realized that I was right and that you are working towards a Third World shit hole, but you still want it, for reasons' that you cannot articulate.

Do you even know?
What's screwed up is the religious judges you're installing are against the 14th amendment of the constitutions. You know that part of the constitutions that says that all Americans are to be treated equally...They need to be impeached if they violate peoples human rights!

Dude. You really think that the liberals are about treating Americans equally?

Wake the fuck up.
We support Truth, Justice and the American Way

Conservatives support the rich

Of course you do, that's why you voted for a candidate under FBI investigation.

Actually, Comey testified it was Trump under FBI investigation
How could any Democrat or left-leaning Republican not vote for Obama?

"The first black President? Sure, my friends said they're voting for him so I want them to like me..."

How stupid it is to choose a leader, based primarily on his color. As stupid as choosing one based on the fact that she's a woman. I have no problem with a black or female President, but it's as glaring as the sun, those who supported Obama and Hillary knew or cared nothing as to who or what they really were.

That's our voting public for ya. Unfortunately, many vote for representatives like they used to vote for their favorite American Idol contestant: how do they look, how do they speak, how do they dress........

It's why I believe not everybody should be allowed to vote. You should have to take a very simple test before voting. Nothing too hard, just questions like who is the VP? What party does he belong to? Who holds the majority in Congress? In the Senate?

If you can't pass the test, you don't get to vote. Republicans would love something like that. Democrats would go ape shit. Democrats heavily rely on the politically ignorant for power. That's why all ghettos vote strictly Democrat.
OK......a voter needs to know which issues he is concerned with and who best represents those issues

How does knowing the political party of the Vice President help your choice?

It shows you are at least aware of what's going on. We have people like the Obama Phone lady voting, the Obama Money lady voting, and these people don't have the slightest clue how our government works.

Most everybody here is a political junkie. We spend most of our day in politics everyday. We can't expect most people to dedicate as much time to politics as we do. But for crying out loud, if you don't know who the VP is or what party they belong to, you shouldn't be allowed to walk past a voting location yet alone participate.

Howard Stern Interviews Obama Supporters 2012 | RealClearPolitics
That's the problem with these bogus voter tests
They are full of facts that have little to do with your voting decision

Their primary purpose is to purge voting roles of those likely to vote against those making the test questions

How is not knowing anything about our government or who it's orchestrated by not having anything to do with your voting decision? It has everything to do with it. You are voting on things you have absolutely no idea about.

A guy living under a highway overpass is entitled to vote for the man best able to get him out from that overpass

Just like the guy who built the overpass is entitled to vote for the guy best able to get him the next overpass job

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