Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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No one is exempt from it.

But a person with COVID-19 is far more likely to die from COVID-19 than someone else who is COVID-19 negative.
Only if you assume that the chinese disease is an automatic death sentence and pelosi and biden are exempt from catching it
Uh, no. That's just moronic thinking. A person Impeached Trump's age who is COVID-19 positive has about a 12% chance of dying from it.

Whereas a person that who is COVID-19 negative has only a small chance of even contracting it, especially if they're taking precautions.
You could say that trump is risking his life by leaving the White House and traveling by aircraft, instead of biden who seldom leaves his basement.

but life involves risk and trump is living life whereas biden is just hanging on
No one is exempt from it.

But a person with COVID-19 is far more likely to die from COVID-19 than someone else who is COVID-19 negative.
Only if you assume that the chinese disease is an automatic death sentence and pelosi and biden are exempt from catching it
Uh, no. That's just moronic thinking. A person Impeached Trump's age who is COVID-19 positive has about a 12% chance of dying from it.

Whereas a person that who is COVID-19 negative has only a small chance of even contracting it, especially if they're taking precautions.
You could say that trump is risking his life by leaving the White House and traveling by aircraft, instead of biden who seldom leaves his basement.

but life involves risk and trump is living life whereas biden is just hanging on
He also risked lots of other peoples lives, when he travelled after learning his aide was positive. But acknowledging this would involve putting down the cult rulebook, and you're not going to do that.
Gotta shake my head at the true believers. His downplaying the virus is right there on Woodward's tapes. I mean, it's on record. But I didn't need to hear that from Woodward.
He did call the virus the Democrat's latest hoax. And then proceeded to do next to nothing to combat the spread of the virus in the first two for golfing, tweeting, and holding his pep rallies.

And in 10 days when he's fine.....he should continue calling the Left's use of a virus to stifle America a "HOAX"
I agree.

With the assistance of the very best medicine and 24-hour care the world has ever offered, he may be fine in a few days.

Then he and his sheep will declare him Superman, and ignore all the death and long-term health damage this virus has caused.

What an ugly, ignorant time.
In internet warrior talk....Progs drew first blood.
Unfortunately, the President of the United States and the First Lady have tested positive for COVID-19.

President Trump, first lady test positive for coronavirus, set to quarantine at White House

Given the cavalier manner in which the present Administration and its leadership has perceived and articulated this godawful pandemic over most of the past year...

Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?

What exactly do you want to see them do right now?
Don't ask

Why not?
Many here won't like my answer I despise them both

Give it a go..
Jay I'm not the highest branch on the tree but I sure know when I'm being conned
Maybe you should address that to the Dems. They are the ones who called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US to stop the spread of the virus.

Oh and lets not forget Pelousy telling everyone the virus was nothing and to not worry about it. She also wanted them to come out with her to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Trump took it quite seriously and he never called it a hoax. His administration got the ventilators, masks and everything else that was needed out there. Its a pandemic shit for brains. Pandemics kill once they get into a country and nothing anyone could do would have stopped that virus from getting into the US. Hell the Spanish flue killed 20 million and the bubonic plague damned near wiped out the human race.

No one could have done any better than Trump did.

Oh and you must think Americans are stupid. I, along with millions of others, saw the writing on the wall. Hell I went out and bought a mask and practices social distancing long before the CDC came up with those instructions and so did millions of other.

A pandemic doesn't care who's in charge and it also doesn't care what you can do to stop it. Pandemics kill and that all a pandemic does.
Trump has downplayed this thing from the beginning and has never really acted as if the deaths are anything other than something that might make himself look bad. His karmic debt is enormous. He had this coming and I hope he is scared shitless.

He didn't down play anything. I'd say you Dems downplayed it.

They predicted. 3.2 million deaths for the US. 200,000 is a long way from that thank God.

Nothing scares Trump. He and the FL will make out just fine even though YOU hope they don't.
In his own words he downplayed it. And in your words he didn't downplay anything. Imagine fan-crushing someone that deeply? Are you in your teens? Trump posters on the walls, like Ricky?

I'm sure he did downplay it but he didn't call it a hoax. All Governments do the same when facing something like a pandemic.

Teens?? LMAO Hel no. I'm an old lady and I do support Trump.

Before this Covid mess the country was in great shape. UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all across this country. We had a great economy and all that with Trump at the helm. We will have that back but not if Biden get elected.

Hell he already said he will raise taxes on some and lift CG from 21 percent to 28%. The more money a company has the more they can expand and hire. Great for the economy 28% CG won't help with that.

Then he explained his green shit. Hell if that's implemented it will bankrupt the country. No Biden isn't anyone I'll be voting for especially since he wore a wire at the debate. Nope.
I responded to a post where you said he didnt downplay anything.

Now I'm responding to a post where you said you're sure he did downplay it.

Any idea how that culty-think works, please? because it seems like a helluva drug.

Yes I did say that but I was talking about him calling it a hoax. I'm sure he did try to downplay it to some extent but he never called it a hoax which is what many on the left keep saying.

All Governments downplay something like a pandemic so as not to cause panic. I think that's a mistake because the more info you have the better you can react.

Don't get me wrong though. Most Americans were watching the news and many could see the writing on the wall. Hell I went out and bought a mask and practices social distancing before the CDC passed those instructions and I'd bet millions of other American did the same.

Never heard of culty-think.
No one is exempt from it.

But a person with COVID-19 is far more likely to die from COVID-19 than someone else who is COVID-19 negative.
Only if you assume that the chinese disease is an automatic death sentence and pelosi and biden are exempt from catching it
Uh, no. That's just moronic thinking. A person Impeached Trump's age who is COVID-19 positive has about a 12% chance of dying from it.

Whereas a person that who is COVID-19 negative has only a small chance of even contracting it, especially if they're taking precautions.
You could say that trump is risking his life by leaving the White House and traveling by aircraft, instead of biden who seldom leaves his basement.

but life involves risk and trump is living life whereas biden is just hanging on

Trump has been indifferent about the well being of his followers.

Rather than warn them to wear masks and spread out, he mocks those who do.
A little CLOROX might be just the thing
Clorox is so yesterday
Maybe you should address that to the Dems. They are the ones who called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US to stop the spread of the virus.

Oh and lets not forget Pelousy telling everyone the virus was nothing and to not worry about it. She also wanted them to come out with her to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Trump took it quite seriously and he never called it a hoax. His administration got the ventilators, masks and everything else that was needed out there. Its a pandemic shit for brains. Pandemics kill once they get into a country and nothing anyone could do would have stopped that virus from getting into the US. Hell the Spanish flue killed 20 million and the bubonic plague damned near wiped out the human race.

No one could have done any better than Trump did.

Oh and you must think Americans are stupid. I, along with millions of others, saw the writing on the wall. Hell I went out and bought a mask and practices social distancing long before the CDC came up with those instructions and so did millions of other.

A pandemic doesn't care who's in charge and it also doesn't care what you can do to stop it. Pandemics kill and that all a pandemic does.
Trump has downplayed this thing from the beginning and has never really acted as if the deaths are anything other than something that might make himself look bad. His karmic debt is enormous. He had this coming and I hope he is scared shitless.

He didn't down play anything. I'd say you Dems downplayed it.

They predicted. 3.2 million deaths for the US. 200,000 is a long way from that thank God.

Nothing scares Trump. He and the FL will make out just fine even though YOU hope they don't.
In his own words he downplayed it. And in your words he didn't downplay anything. Imagine fan-crushing someone that deeply? Are you in your teens? Trump posters on the walls, like Ricky?

I'm sure he did downplay it but he didn't call it a hoax. All Governments do the same when facing something like a pandemic.

Teens?? LMAO Hel no. I'm an old lady and I do support Trump.

Before this Covid mess the country was in great shape. UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all across this country. We had a great economy and all that with Trump at the helm. We will have that back but not if Biden get elected.

Hell he already said he will raise taxes on some and lift CG from 21 percent to 28%. The more money a company has the more they can expand and hire. Great for the economy 28% CG won't help with that.

Then he explained his green shit. Hell if that's implemented it will bankrupt the country. No Biden isn't anyone I'll be voting for especially since he wore a wire at the debate. Nope.
I responded to a post where you said he didnt downplay anything.

Now I'm responding to a post where you said you're sure he did downplay it.

Any idea how that culty-think works, please? because it seems like a helluva drug.

I'm sure he did try to downplay it to some extent but he never called it a hoax which is what many on the left keep saying.

All Governments downplay something like a pandemic so as not to cause panic. I think that's a mistake because the more info you have the better you can react.

Don't get me wrong though. Most Americans were watching the news and many could see the writing on the wall. Hell I went out and bought a mask and practices social distancing before the CDC passed those instructions and I'd bet millions of other American did the same.

Never heard of culty-think.
He's on video calling it the new dem hoax, right at the beginning. Check YouTube, then issue your retraction.
He admitted to downplaying it and said it was his intent, are you saying not to believe his own words?

Remember the toilet paper and disinfectant shortages the day after covid was announced?

There's a reason the government doesn't want it's people to panic.

Understand now?

I was in the military and I say his leadership was poor in his reaction and not I think its funny that he has it, I'm just waiting for him to blame someone other than himself for his predicament so I can laugh harder.

So what?
Unfortunately, the President of the United States and the First Lady have tested positive for COVID-19.

President Trump, first lady test positive for coronavirus, set to quarantine at White House

Given the cavalier manner in which the present Administration and its leadership has perceived and articulated this godawful pandemic over most of the past year...

Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?

What exactly do you want to see them do right now?
Don't ask

Why not?
Many here won't like my answer I despise them both
At least she was not killed by bear. (Borat joke)

But that hapless buffoon Trump may have exposed Biden!
But Baron is safe Neither Mom or Dad comes near him
Oh, cute...I thought children were off limits?
Some one mentioned being without a father is a terrible thing I just passed the thought along neither trump or his wife are with the child that much I said nothing wrong about the child ,,Others have
There seem to be quite a few people in America who don't even believe that the Trumps tested positive.

How about that.

Interesting possibility.

As I posted in another thread Trump and Melania are tested for Covid every day.
There is a new 15 minute test.
It could be a false positive.

I find it intriguing that both tested positive at the same time.
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.

It's no mystery you'll be celebrating Trump has China virus all day, every day now.
Obviously this won't change conservatives' wrongheaded perception of the pandemic.
No one is exempt from it.

But a person with COVID-19 is far more likely to die from COVID-19 than someone else who is COVID-19 negative.
Only if you assume that the chinese disease is an automatic death sentence and pelosi and biden are exempt from catching it
Uh, no. That's just moronic thinking. A person Impeached Trump's age who is COVID-19 positive has about a 12% chance of dying from it.

Whereas a person that who is COVID-19 negative has only a small chance of even contracting it, especially if they're taking precautions.
You could say that trump is risking his life by leaving the White House and traveling by aircraft, instead of biden who seldom leaves his basement.

but life involves risk and trump is living life whereas biden is just hanging on
Biden has never been restricted to his basement. That was just a WH propaganda effort to neutralize to real "Bunker Boy" story of Trump hiding in the WH bunker during BLM protests around the WH.
Biden has been on a "whistle-stop" train tour through western Pennsylvania meeting large crowds at each stop.

What's False
Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax.

Well y'all surely took Trump' s hoax statements and took it to the extreme then....

They know what they did, they know what they enabled.

You know what they say about karma.

They did what they could. You have been completely duped. I guess we could have locked everything down in Feb, much to the Democrats dismay and ruined our economy prior to knowing what was going on with COVID. Maybe we could lock it all again now to really get us into a depression If the Democrats brainiacs would have been in charge, not only would the spread have been worse because they wouldn’t have locked anything down and we would have more illegals crossing the border, but once it got bad, they would still have the country locked down.

You should be thanking Trump for his response. Democrats running this show would have put your career in jeopardy as many would have been pulling their money out of the markets. Who needs a CFP when there aren’t really any safe investment vehicles(nor capital)for the average investor.
Yes, they should have done such, south Korea and Germany....we'd have 150000 less deaths to date...
Trump was too busy downplaying it, as he has admitted.

How many people died or spread the deadly virus because they believed him and went about their business with no precautions?

Trumpsters aren't allowed to ask -- or even THINK -- that obvious question.

One would think someone that does financial planning for a living would have a better understanding of statistics.

Even for a 74 year old, Trump's chances of dying are less than 1%. Let that sink in for a minute.
Maybe you should address that to the Dems. They are the ones who called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop flights into the US to stop the spread of the virus.

Oh and lets not forget Pelousy telling everyone the virus was nothing and to not worry about it. She also wanted them to come out with her to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Trump took it quite seriously and he never called it a hoax. His administration got the ventilators, masks and everything else that was needed out there. Its a pandemic shit for brains. Pandemics kill once they get into a country and nothing anyone could do would have stopped that virus from getting into the US. Hell the Spanish flue killed 20 million and the bubonic plague damned near wiped out the human race.

No one could have done any better than Trump did.

Oh and you must think Americans are stupid. I, along with millions of others, saw the writing on the wall. Hell I went out and bought a mask and practices social distancing long before the CDC came up with those instructions and so did millions of other.

A pandemic doesn't care who's in charge and it also doesn't care what you can do to stop it. Pandemics kill and that all a pandemic does.
Trump has downplayed this thing from the beginning and has never really acted as if the deaths are anything other than something that might make himself look bad. His karmic debt is enormous. He had this coming and I hope he is scared shitless.

He didn't down play anything. I'd say you Dems downplayed it.

They predicted. 3.2 million deaths for the US. 200,000 is a long way from that thank God.

Nothing scares Trump. He and the FL will make out just fine even though YOU hope they don't.
In his own words he downplayed it. And in your words he didn't downplay anything. Imagine fan-crushing someone that deeply? Are you in your teens? Trump posters on the walls, like Ricky?

I'm sure he did downplay it but he didn't call it a hoax. All Governments do the same when facing something like a pandemic.

Teens?? LMAO Hel no. I'm an old lady and I do support Trump.

Before this Covid mess the country was in great shape. UE the lowest its been in 50 years and jobs all across this country. We had a great economy and all that with Trump at the helm. We will have that back but not if Biden get elected.

Hell he already said he will raise taxes on some and lift CG from 21 percent to 28%. The more money a company has the more they can expand and hire. Great for the economy 28% CG won't help with that.

Then he explained his green shit. Hell if that's implemented it will bankrupt the country. No Biden isn't anyone I'll be voting for especially since he wore a wire at the debate. Nope.
I responded to a post where you said he didnt downplay anything.

Now I'm responding to a post where you said you're sure he did downplay it.

Any idea how that culty-think works, please? because it seems like a helluva drug.

I'm sure he did try to downplay it to some extent but he never called it a hoax which is what many on the left keep saying.

All Governments downplay something like a pandemic so as not to cause panic. I think that's a mistake because the more info you have the better you can react.

Don't get me wrong though. Most Americans were watching the news and many could see the writing on the wall. Hell I went out and bought a mask and practices social distancing before the CDC passed those instructions and I'd bet millions of other American did the same.

Never heard of culty-think.
He's on video calling it the new dem hoax, right at the beginning. Check YouTube, then issue your retraction.

I'm looking at it right now on Snopes and what he said was.

President Donald Trump likened the Democrats criticism of his administrations response to the new coronavirus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying "this is their new hoax."

Sound to me like he was talking about that hoax of an impeachment and not the virus.
Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
In all seriousness, I'm sitting here having trouble formulating something to say.

There are so many possible comments floating around that they appear to have formed a traffic jam in my mind.

Maybe after a little more coffee.

It's no mystery you'll be celebrating Trump has China virus all day, every day now.
Obviously this won't change conservatives' wrongheaded perception of the pandemic.

Why are you not talking about what might happen if he dies?
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