Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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Convenient timing after that side show they called a debate the other night. Guess they really really really didn't want to debate again. Ha. I'm sure Biden is just as pleased.
Biden was in close proximity for 90 minuets.... He gets a test too...
God will see to it that biden gets it.
All Biden needs to do is touch the surface where the virus is and then touch his face by putting on or taking off his mask and he has got it... Shit happens... and there isn't anything anyone can do about it unless you live in a sterile bubble..

Yup. These lefty meatheads think you can control a virus.

You can't. No matter who runs the show, no matter what they have to say, no matter what they do a pandemic kills. It can't be controlled.

It will get into any country no matter the safeguards that country institutes. Its a killer and can't be controlled.
Of course it can be controlled and reduced in spread.

It can't be eliminated entirely, until at 80 or 90% herd immunity, via vaccination. The small pox virus was killed, eliminated, is one example

because smallpox only infects humans and has no other reservoir or infection source. It also didn't mutate into differing forms like some other viruses do.

But we still can control virus spread, through our actions... we have always been able to ....

With AIDS, wear a rubber...

With the Spanish flu, wear masks, cancelled schools, churches and gatherings of people together...

With measles, quarantine kids at home...

Only the Spanish Flu is applicable, and even then they had to balance risk of infection with risk of economic disaster.

What you are looking for is zero risk of infection at the cost of destroying the economy.
I m not looking for zero risk.

Well that's what your side appears to be selling.
There is no need to "sell it" Marty, it's actually FACT BASED....

Those spreading the bull crud that masks don't work to slow down the spread of infection, are the ones trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge, to everyone.
Unfortunately, the President of the United States and the First Lady have tested positive for COVID-19.

President Trump, first lady test positive for coronavirus, set to quarantine at White House

Given the cavalier manner in which the present Administration and its leadership has perceived and articulated this godawful pandemic over most of the past year...

Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?
Since he never called it a hoax, that kind of makes you look like an idiot.

NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. — President Donald Trump accused Democrats of “politicizing” the deadly coronavirus during a campaign rally here on Friday, claiming that the outbreak is “their new hoax” as he continued to downplay the risk in the U.S.

Trump calls coronavirus Democrats' 'new hoax'

Now you can explain what he meant by that. By doing that you aren't really making him look any better because that's what has to be done over and over with Trump.

He talks like a 12 year old. Name calling, incomplete sentences. Things that then have to be explained what he actually meant. Well now he can call in sick and lay in bed all day and watch cartoons.

Well if you go on Snopes and read it what he was referring to was the hoax of an impeachment the Dem were holding. Not the virus.

Like I said.....everything he says has to be explained by someone else because he speaks like a 12 year old.
Which is 5 grades too high for a large majority of Democrats.

In many cases it might be but it doesn't excuse Trump.
I'm pretty sure that Trump subscribes to the business practice of speaking to the lowest common denominatior.

I'm not saying he speaks well, or that he even can, but even in undergraduate school, they teach speaking and writing to the 8th-grade level.
Convenient timing after that side show they called a debate the other night. Guess they really really really didn't want to debate again. Ha. I'm sure Biden is just as pleased.
Biden was in close proximity for 90 minuets.... He gets a test too...
God will see to it that biden gets it.
All Biden needs to do is touch the surface where the virus is and then touch his face by putting on or taking off his mask and he has got it... Shit happens... and there isn't anything anyone can do about it unless you live in a sterile bubble..

Yup. These lefty meatheads think you can control a virus.

You can't. No matter who runs the show, no matter what they have to say, no matter what they do a pandemic kills. It can't be controlled.

It will get into any country no matter the safeguards that country institutes. Its a killer and can't be controlled.
Of course it can be controlled and reduced in spread.

It can't be eliminated entirely, until at 80 or 90% herd immunity, via vaccination. The small pox virus was killed, eliminated, is one example

because smallpox only infects humans and has no other reservoir or infection source. It also didn't mutate into differing forms like some other viruses do.

But we still can control virus spread, through our actions... we have always been able to ....

With AIDS, wear a rubber...

With the Spanish flu, wear masks, cancelled schools, churches and gatherings of people together...

With measles, quarantine kids at home...

Only the Spanish Flu is applicable, and even then they had to balance risk of infection with risk of economic disaster.

What you are looking for is zero risk of infection at the cost of destroying the economy.
I m not looking for zero risk.

Well that's what your side appears to be selling.
There is no need to "sell it" Marty, it's actually FACT BASED....

Those spreading the bull crud that masks don't work to slow down the spread of infection, are the ones trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge, to everyone.
But they better be good looking masks Not like the ugly one Trump said Biden was wearing Maybe if the POS wore one he wouldn't be in isolation now
I thought the virus didn’t affect anyone?!

Like the flu, old or unhealthy people are more affected, Einstein.
Lol actually it affects everyone who has it. I’m glad I could clear this up for you lol
Lol it doesnt effect everyone the same. Im glad i could clear this up for you lol
Perhaps you need to tell Trump that. He says it doesn’t affect anyone lol
He never said that. Your fake arguments are boring. :cuckoo:
Lol well he did. You might want to look up the full quote for yourself.
Don't put words into my mouth.. You dont not know what my training level is.

I asked you what medical degrees you have earned and you didn't answer. :dunno:
I dont play the gotcha game of political and personal destruction... I am a scientist with several degrees.. but I do not need to explain myself to you... A nobody on an internet board...
Don't put words into my mouth.. You dont not know what my training level is.

I asked you what medical degrees you have earned and you didn't answer. :dunno:
I dont play the gotcha game of political and personal destruction... I am a scientist with several degrees.. but I do not need to explain myself to you... A nobody on an internet board...

Ok then. Well I’m going to go ahead and continue believing that you’re not as qualified as the director of the CDC. Your “several degrees” that you don’t wish to disclose were really compelling, but ultimately I decided that your credibility just isn’t as high. Just slightly.

It was a really close decision and I thank you.
Don't put words into my mouth.. You dont not know what my training level is.

I asked you what medical degrees you have earned and you didn't answer. :dunno:
I dont play the gotcha game of political and personal destruction... I am a scientist with several degrees.. but I do not need to explain myself to you... A nobody on an internet board...

Ok then. Well I’m going to go ahead and continue believing that you’re not as qualified as the director of the CDC. Your “several degrees” that you don’t wish to disclose were really compelling, but ultimately I decided that your credibility just isn’t as high. Just slightly.

It was a really close decision and I thank you.
I have just decided you do not posses the cognitive ability to asses the current set of problems we are facing.. So we agree on something, your a fool...
Something to consider, when the Donald crushes this virus, he will now enter presidential lore and be viewed as even more solid by the world. Fearless and unconcerned. Leading by example even!

The dirty Communists can't make a good car or baby product and they sure as hell can't make a good virus. Trump can block their shot and wag his finger at the Commies. Reagan would be proud.

They tried a Russian witch hunt, Creepy Porn Lawyers, constant allegations, an impeachment, riots and attacks outside the W.H, and now, some virus Made in China. "Surprise! I'm still here ya sobs!"

View attachment 395927
Or just another right wing leader that paid the price of not following the recommendation of medical advisors. Just because you recover from Covid 19 does not mean you will not suffer long term effects. Many people, particularly older adults have problems long after they have tested negative. Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister, who contracted Covid nearly 6 mos. ago is still having problems with shortness of breath and weakness.

Ignoring the advice of medical advisors and contracting the disease is stupid, not fearless. In general, national leaders such as Boris Johnson of the UK and Bolsonaro, President of Brazil have not benefited form thumbing their noise at the virus and becoming a victim.
Convenient timing after that side show they called a debate the other night. Guess they really really really didn't want to debate again. Ha. I'm sure Biden is just as pleased.
Biden was in close proximity for 90 minuets.... He gets a test too...
God will see to it that biden gets it.
All Biden needs to do is touch the surface where the virus is and then touch his face by putting on or taking off his mask and he has got it... Shit happens... and there isn't anything anyone can do about it unless you live in a sterile bubble..

Yup. These lefty meatheads think you can control a virus.

You can't. No matter who runs the show, no matter what they have to say, no matter what they do a pandemic kills. It can't be controlled.

It will get into any country no matter the safeguards that country institutes. Its a killer and can't be controlled.
Of course it can be controlled and reduced in spread.

It can't be eliminated entirely, until at 80 or 90% herd immunity, via vaccination. The small pox virus was killed, eliminated, is one example

because smallpox only infects humans and has no other reservoir or infection source. It also didn't mutate into differing forms like some other viruses do.

But we still can control virus spread, through our actions... we have always been able to ....

With AIDS, wear a rubber...

With the Spanish flu, wear masks, cancelled schools, churches and gatherings of people together...

With measles, quarantine kids at home...

Only the Spanish Flu is applicable, and even then they had to balance risk of infection with risk of economic disaster.

What you are looking for is zero risk of infection at the cost of destroying the economy.
I m not looking for zero risk.

Well that's what your side appears to be selling.
There is no need to "sell it" Marty, it's actually FACT BASED....

Those spreading the bull crud that masks don't work to slow down the spread of infection, are the ones trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge, to everyone.

The ones who are saying masks work to slow the spread of infection, are the ones who told us before they don't work and can in fact be dangerous.

What is that sound? London bridge is falling down!

You suck at analogies. That or you don't have long term memory to remember what happened six months ago.

So why don't we wear masks for the flu if masks work on viruses?
Convenient timing after that side show they called a debate the other night. Guess they really really really didn't want to debate again. Ha. I'm sure Biden is just as pleased.
Biden was in close proximity for 90 minuets.... He gets a test too...
God will see to it that biden gets it.
All Biden needs to do is touch the surface where the virus is and then touch his face by putting on or taking off his mask and he has got it... Shit happens... and there isn't anything anyone can do about it unless you live in a sterile bubble..

Yup. These lefty meatheads think you can control a virus.

You can't. No matter who runs the show, no matter what they have to say, no matter what they do a pandemic kills. It can't be controlled.

It will get into any country no matter the safeguards that country institutes. Its a killer and can't be controlled.
Of course it can be controlled and reduced in spread.

It can't be eliminated entirely, until at 80 or 90% herd immunity, via vaccination. The small pox virus was killed, eliminated, is one example

because smallpox only infects humans and has no other reservoir or infection source. It also didn't mutate into differing forms like some other viruses do.

But we still can control virus spread, through our actions... we have always been able to ....

With AIDS, wear a rubber...

With the Spanish flu, wear masks, cancelled schools, churches and gatherings of people together...

With measles, quarantine kids at home...

Only the Spanish Flu is applicable, and even then they had to balance risk of infection with risk of economic disaster.

What you are looking for is zero risk of infection at the cost of destroying the economy.
I m not looking for zero risk.

Well that's what your side appears to be selling.
There is no need to "sell it" Marty, it's actually FACT BASED....

Those spreading the bull crud that masks don't work to slow down the spread of infection, are the ones trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge, to everyone.

The ones who are saying masks work to slow the spread of infection, are the ones who told us before they don't work and can in fact be dangerous.

What is that sound? London bridge is falling down!

You suck at analogies. That or you don't have long term memory to remember what happened six months ago.

So why don't we wear masks for the flu if masks work on viruses?

We should wear them to counter the flu as well.
Convenient timing after that side show they called a debate the other night. Guess they really really really didn't want to debate again. Ha. I'm sure Biden is just as pleased.
Biden was in close proximity for 90 minuets.... He gets a test too...
God will see to it that biden gets it.
All Biden needs to do is touch the surface where the virus is and then touch his face by putting on or taking off his mask and he has got it... Shit happens... and there isn't anything anyone can do about it unless you live in a sterile bubble..

Yup. These lefty meatheads think you can control a virus.

You can't. No matter who runs the show, no matter what they have to say, no matter what they do a pandemic kills. It can't be controlled.

It will get into any country no matter the safeguards that country institutes. Its a killer and can't be controlled.
Of course it can be controlled and reduced in spread.

It can't be eliminated entirely, until at 80 or 90% herd immunity, via vaccination. The small pox virus was killed, eliminated, is one example

because smallpox only infects humans and has no other reservoir or infection source. It also didn't mutate into differing forms like some other viruses do.

But we still can control virus spread, through our actions... we have always been able to ....

With AIDS, wear a rubber...

With the Spanish flu, wear masks, cancelled schools, churches and gatherings of people together...

With measles, quarantine kids at home...

Only the Spanish Flu is applicable, and even then they had to balance risk of infection with risk of economic disaster.

What you are looking for is zero risk of infection at the cost of destroying the economy.
I m not looking for zero risk.

Well that's what your side appears to be selling.
There is no need to "sell it" Marty, it's actually FACT BASED....

Those spreading the bull crud that masks don't work to slow down the spread of infection, are the ones trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge, to everyone.

The ones who are saying masks work to slow the spread of infection, are the ones who told us before they don't work and can in fact be dangerous.

What is that sound? London bridge is falling down!

You suck at analogies. That or you don't have long term memory to remember what happened six months ago.

So why don't we wear masks for the flu if masks work on viruses?

We should wear them to counter the flu as well.

So why did these "medical professionals" lie to us then?

And ... um ...

Don't put words into my mouth.. You dont not know what my training level is.

I asked you what medical degrees you have earned and you didn't answer. :dunno:
I dont play the gotcha game of political and personal destruction... I am a scientist with several degrees.. but I do not need to explain myself to you... A nobody on an internet board...

Ok then. Well I’m going to go ahead and continue believing that you’re not as qualified as the director of the CDC. Your “several degrees” that you don’t wish to disclose were really compelling, but ultimately I decided that your credibility just isn’t as high. Just slightly.

It was a really close decision and I thank you.
I have just decided you do not posses the cognitive ability to asses the current set of problems we are facing.. So we agree on something, your a fool...
assess and you're ,,,,,You must be a scientist that had no degree in English
I’ll say it again. Biden’s was smart enough to avoid the Virus and Trump was dumb enough to catch despite being protected by dozens of people 24/7. He almost had to try to get it. That’s a special kind of stupid

Gonna laugh my ass off at YOU when Biden gets the Rona.
If Biden tests positive then he caught it from the debate and the dumb ass Presidents posse. They should all be ashamed for how cavalier and dishonest they’ve been about this whole thing. I wish a speedy recovery for all but I also hope they learn a fucking lesson and start taking this thing seriously. Stop endangering others
Never leave your house
Because the boogeyman man is out there. It's a dangerous odor for frightened leftists
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Something to consider, when the Donald crushes this virus, he will now enter presidential lore and be viewed as even more solid by the world. Fearless and unconcerned. Leading by example even!

The dirty Communists can't make a good car or baby product and they sure as hell can't make a good virus. Trump can block their shot and wag his finger at the Commies. Reagan would be proud.

They tried a Russian witch hunt, Creepy Porn Lawyers, constant allegations, an impeachment, riots and attacks outside the W.H, and now, some virus Made in China. "Surprise! I'm still here ya sobs!"

View attachment 395927
Or just another right wing leader that paid the price of not following the recommendation of medical advisors. Just because you recover from Covid 19 does not mean you will not suffer long term effects. Many people, particularly older adults have problems long after they have tested negative. Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister, who contracted Covid nearly 6 mos. ago is still having problems with shortness of breath and weakness.

Ignoring the advice of medical advisors and contracting the disease is stupid, not fearless. In general, national leaders such as Boris Johnson of the UK and Bolsonaro, President of Brazil have not benefited form thumbing their noise at the virus and becoming a victim.

Funny since most of the covid victims were murdered by Democrat governors in blue States ...
I thought the virus didn’t affect anyone?!

Like the flu, old or unhealthy people are more affected, Einstein.
Lol actually it affects everyone who has it. I’m glad I could clear this up for you lol
Lol it doesnt effect everyone the same. Im glad i could clear this up for you lol
Perhaps you need to tell Trump that. He says it doesn’t affect anyone lol
He never said that. Your fake arguments are boring. :cuckoo:
Lol well he did. You might want to look up the full quote for yourself.
Nope, we all already know what he said. Your fake arguments are boring.
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