Trump and Russia


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
A bit of advise to Dems spinning up their response to the Mueller probe... Stop using the Obstruction of Justice line, it’s a loser. The report is said to show no collusion and no more indictments... anything you are accusing Trump of “obstructing” would be false claims against him and you are only going to make him look stronger and more justified.

To the Reps spinning up their talking points. Don’t gloat too much about total vindication... many many lies and dirty dealings were exposed and several Trump people plead or were found guilty of crimes. Trump was exposed of several lies so it was an ugly and embarrassing for everybody.

Both sides should let it go and move forward to an actual policy debate. I know this won’t happen but that’s what adults would do if they were in charge.
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Ohhh, this bullshit is just getting started.
As one left loon on tv put it this morning, "this is just round 1"
At this point, its nothing more than a partisan shit show.
A bit of advise to Dems spinning up their response to the Mueller probe... Stop using the Obstruction of Justice line, it’s a loser. The report is said to show no collusion and no more indictments, anything your accusing Trump of “obstructing” would be false claims against him and you are only going to make him look stronger and more justified.

To the Reps spinning up their talking points. Don’t gloat too much about total vindication... many many lies and dirty dealings were exposed and several Trump people plead or were found guilty of crimes. Trump was exposed of several lies so it was an ugly and embarrassing for everybody.

Both sides should let it go and move forward to an actual policy debate. I know this won’t happen but that’s what adults would do if they were in charge.
It would be great to see the moderate voices in the party calm things down a bit, but I just don't see it.

This is a mania.
A bit of advise to Dems spinning up their response to the Mueller probe... Stop using the Obstruction of Justice line, it’s a loser. The report is said to show no collusion and no more indictments, anything your accusing Trump of “obstructing” would be false claims against him and you are only going to make him look stronger and more justified.

To the Reps spinning up their talking points. Don’t gloat too much about total vindication... many many lies and dirty dealings were exposed and several Trump people plead or were found guilty of crimes. Trump was exposed of several lies so it was an ugly and embarrassing for everybody.

Both sides should let it go and move forward to an actual policy debate. I know this won’t happen but that’s what adults would do if they were in charge.

As I said Russia had nothing to do with Trump winning. James Comey did the most damage and if someone want to find the Russian Pawn then maybe for once people should look at Jill Stein seeing she was also in Russia at the same time.

Trump is his own worst enemy and if the left were smart they would let him go crazy by ignoring him and acting civil when they do give him attention...
Oh and you can bet the voters are watching.

The shit show the Dem House is running sure isn't covering them with glory.

I'd be surprised if they hang onto the House come 2020 and you can bet they are making Trumps 2020 run an easy one.

You sure as hell can't cure stupid.
A bit of advise to Dems spinning up their response to the Mueller probe... Stop using the Obstruction of Justice line, it’s a loser. The report is said to show no collusion and no more indictments, anything your accusing Trump of “obstructing” would be false claims against him and you are only going to make him look stronger and more justified.

To the Reps spinning up their talking points. Don’t gloat too much about total vindication... many many lies and dirty dealings were exposed and several Trump people plead or were found guilty of crimes. Trump was exposed of several lies so it was an ugly and embarrassing for everybody.

Both sides should let it go and move forward to an actual policy debate. I know this won’t happen but that’s what adults would do if they were in charge.
Process Crimes Are Bullshit, and you and everyone else knows it. That was Mueller ringing people up on Trumped up Technicalities so he could squeeze people to rat the president out.

Here is the thing, it's hard to rat someone out when they didn't actually do anything, because even The Rat can't prove it. The only two people who are going to do any real jail time worked previously for and with Hillary Clinton and John Podesta, and what they did occurred outside of the campaign, and years before Trump announced his candidacy. None of it had anything at all to do with Russia. End of story.

So yah, we are going to gloat, and punish you for at least two-three years and we might let up in 2021 after Trump finishes his first year in his 2nd term, and we'll make sure to thank you for it.
What would successful obstruction of justice accomplish? That’s Right, it would hide a CRIME.

That is no small matter
A bit of advise to Dems spinning up their response to the Mueller probe... Stop using the Obstruction of Justice line, it’s a loser. The report is said to show no collusion and no more indictments, anything your accusing Trump of “obstructing” would be false claims against him and you are only going to make him look stronger and more justified.

To the Reps spinning up their talking points. Don’t gloat too much about total vindication... many many lies and dirty dealings were exposed and several Trump people plead or were found guilty of crimes. Trump was exposed of several lies so it was an ugly and embarrassing for everybody.

Both sides should let it go and move forward to an actual policy debate. I know this won’t happen but that’s what adults would do if they were in charge.

As I said Russia had nothing to do with Trump winning. James Comey did the most damage and if someone want to find the Russian Pawn then maybe for once people should look at Jill Stein seeing she was also in Russia at the same time.

Trump is his own worst enemy and if the left were smart they would let him go crazy by ignoring him and acting civil when they do give him attention...
Jill Stein? Really?

What influence do you suppose she has?
Ohhh, this bullshit is just getting started.
As one left loon on tv put it this morning, "this is just round 1"
At this point, its nothing more than a partisan shit show.
We can all only control our own actions.
A bit of advise to Dems spinning up their response to the Mueller probe... Stop using the Obstruction of Justice line, it’s a loser. The report is said to show no collusion and no more indictments, anything your accusing Trump of “obstructing” would be false claims against him and you are only going to make him look stronger and more justified.

To the Reps spinning up their talking points. Don’t gloat too much about total vindication... many many lies and dirty dealings were exposed and several Trump people plead or were found guilty of crimes. Trump was exposed of several lies so it was an ugly and embarrassing for everybody.

Both sides should let it go and move forward to an actual policy debate. I know this won’t happen but that’s what adults would do if they were in charge.

As I said Russia had nothing to do with Trump winning. James Comey did the most damage and if someone want to find the Russian Pawn then maybe for once people should look at Jill Stein seeing she was also in Russia at the same time.

Trump is his own worst enemy and if the left were smart they would let him go crazy by ignoring him and acting civil when they do give him attention...
Jill Stein? Really?

What influence do you suppose she has?

Not much but realize those that voted for her in key states cost Hillary those key states.

It is not guaranteed that those that voted for Stein would have voted for Clinton but let just say the Green Candidate hurt Hillary by giving the Sanders voter another choice.

I voted for Johnson.
Oh and you can bet the voters are watching.

The shit show the Dem House is running sure isn't covering them with glory.

I'd be surprised if they hang onto the House come 2020 and you can bet they are making Trumps 2020 run an easy one.

You sure as hell can't cure stupid.
You're ignoring the fact the several lies have been exposed by Trumps side. Lies that perpetuated all this ugliness. We aren’t at a point that’s going to push voters to Trump. His base will celebrate but Independents are thirsty for an intelligent non dramatic adult to run things.
Oh and you can bet the voters are watching.

The shit show the Dem House is running sure isn't covering them with glory.

I'd be surprised if they hang onto the House come 2020 and you can bet they are making Trumps 2020 run an easy one.

You sure as hell can't cure stupid.
You're ignoring the fact the several lies have been exposed by Trumps side. Lies that perpetuated all this ugliness. We aren’t at a point that’s going to push voters to Trump. His base will celebrate but Independents are thirsty for an intelligent non dramatic adult to run things.

I'm an independent and I can tell you who I'm voting for. Trump.
A bit of advise to Dems spinning up their response to the Mueller probe... Stop using the Obstruction of Justice line, it’s a loser. The report is said to show no collusion and no more indictments, anything your accusing Trump of “obstructing” would be false claims against him and you are only going to make him look stronger and more justified.

To the Reps spinning up their talking points. Don’t gloat too much about total vindication... many many lies and dirty dealings were exposed and several Trump people plead or were found guilty of crimes. Trump was exposed of several lies so it was an ugly and embarrassing for everybody.

Both sides should let it go and move forward to an actual policy debate. I know this won’t happen but that’s what adults would do if they were in charge.
Process Crimes Are Bullshit, and you and everyone else knows it. That was Mueller ringing people up on Trumped up Technicalities so he could squeeze people to rat the president out.

Here is the thing, it's hard to rat someone out when they didn't actually do anything, because even The Rat can't prove it. The only two people who are going to do any real jail time worked previously for and with Hillary Clinton and John Podesta, and what they did occurred outside of the campaign, and years before Trump announced his candidacy. None of it had anything at all to do with Russia. End of story.

So yah, we are going to gloat, and punish you for at least two-three years and we might let up in 2021 after Trump finishes his first year in his 2nd term, and we'll make sure to thank you for it.
Stop spinning. People got busted for lying. That’s how it should be. Stop making excuses for them and trying to blame Mueller. They shouldn’t have lied. End of story.
What would successful obstruction of justice accomplish? That’s Right, it would hide a CRIME.

That is no small matter
You’re right, but an exhaustive investigation showed no crime, so it’s pointless to now go after Obstruction. Get it?
Its probably good for the Democrats that this came out when it did frankly. The more time that goes by, the more time the Democrats get to remind people that there were (at least) 6 felons who Trump hired and some of whom were going to have prominent positions in his Administration.

How this is a “loss” for the Democrats is rather perplexing. When/if the pardons come, it brings it all back up.

Mueller’s investigation was good for All Americans. It was especially good for the Democrats.
A bit of advise to Dems spinning up their response to the Mueller probe... Stop using the Obstruction of Justice line, it’s a loser. The report is said to show no collusion and no more indictments, anything your accusing Trump of “obstructing” would be false claims against him and you are only going to make him look stronger and more justified.

To the Reps spinning up their talking points. Don’t gloat too much about total vindication... many many lies and dirty dealings were exposed and several Trump people plead or were found guilty of crimes. Trump was exposed of several lies so it was an ugly and embarrassing for everybody.

Both sides should let it go and move forward to an actual policy debate. I know this won’t happen but that’s what adults would do if they were in charge.
Process Crimes Are Bullshit, and you and everyone else knows it. That was Mueller ringing people up on Trumped up Technicalities so he could squeeze people to rat the president out.

Here is the thing, it's hard to rat someone out when they didn't actually do anything, because even The Rat can't prove it. The only two people who are going to do any real jail time worked previously for and with Hillary Clinton and John Podesta, and what they did occurred outside of the campaign, and years before Trump announced his candidacy. None of it had anything at all to do with Russia. End of story.

So yah, we are going to gloat, and punish you for at least two-three years and we might let up in 2021 after Trump finishes his first year in his 2nd term, and we'll make sure to thank you for it.
Stop spinning. People got busted for lying. That’s how it should be. Stop making excuses for them and trying to blame Mueller. They shouldn’t have lied. End of story.

You will be punished. TAKE YOUR PUNISHMENT.

PEOPLE WERE INTERROGATED for hours, and denied things like their own emails, notes, and then when asked to recall a date or time, Moscow Mueller rang them up, to get at Trump.

That is "Prosecutorial Misconduct"! The FISA warrants were Illegal, and devoid of "Exculpatory Evidence"! This means the FISA Applications contained "False Affidavits"!

Are those words too big for you?

End of story. Most of Mueller's victims will get off on appeal or be pardoned. A big fat waste of Millions of Dollars. 3 Official Investigations and 3 Official Fat Zeros on Collusion.

Take your medicine like a big boy now.
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Oh and you can bet the voters are watching.

The shit show the Dem House is running sure isn't covering them with glory.

I'd be surprised if they hang onto the House come 2020 and you can bet they are making Trumps 2020 run an easy one.

You sure as hell can't cure stupid.
You're ignoring the fact the several lies have been exposed by Trumps side. Lies that perpetuated all this ugliness. We aren’t at a point that’s going to push voters to Trump. His base will celebrate but Independents are thirsty for an intelligent non dramatic adult to run things.

I'm an independent and I can tell you who I'm voting for. Trump.
Good for you
Ohhh, this bullshit is just getting started.
As one left loon on tv put it this morning, "this is just round 1"
At this point, its nothing more than a partisan shit show.

Yes, the dingbats-D are clearly hoping that the refs will reverse the "move along, nothing to see here" verdict on instant replay and the douche bags-R are celebrating like Jesus just announced the dates for his second concert tour. :rolleyes:

Sheesh... is it any wonder why the rest of the World thinks we're insane?
A bit of advise to Dems spinning up their response to the Mueller probe... Stop using the Obstruction of Justice line, it’s a loser. The report is said to show no collusion and no more indictments... anything you are accusing Trump of “obstructing” would be false claims against him and you are only going to make him look stronger and more justified.

To the Reps spinning up their talking points. Don’t gloat too much about total vindication... many many lies and dirty dealings were exposed and several Trump people plead or were found guilty of crimes. Trump was exposed of several lies so it was an ugly and embarrassing for everybody.

Both sides should let it go and move forward to an actual policy debate. I know this won’t happen but that’s what adults would do if they were in charge.
They think this one is going to help them in the upcoming elections but I think it's going to backfire on them

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