Trump And the Growing List of "Good Fellas"

It wasn't so much that Trump dealt with the Mob, he dealt with the Unions.

Nothing got built in New Yawk Shitty without Union permission. Nothing -- Especially not in those days.

And Unions are simply another part of the criminal enterprise known as the dimocrap scum party.

Everybody knows that. With the exception of a misguided and not real bright poster in here. Or two.

Or half the board
Your verbiage that you vomit in this post shows me you don't deserve to be considered as a rational person and your posts are nothing but crap.

No one should waste time and electrons on you any further and you just made my ignore list.

Goodbye asshole.
If Trump wins the nomination ... I expect his plane to have an " accident ".

Nope....with his DOJ they'll realize every day will be Christmas. And while "his kids run his business" he'll become a real multi-billionaire who might even reveal his tax returns.
Well then you ought to be very happy. I can't figure out why you would tip everyone off in advance though.
Now that you have tipped off Trump about the bomb shells Cuomo and "other NYers know" about and are going "castrate" Trump do you think it's 'safe' for you anymore?
You have ratted on the mob and warned Trump. You might need to be looking over your shoulder from now on.

fyi this story was on the cover of yahoo news this morning. :uhoh3:
Oh sweet lord were you the one calling into Rush today that Mark Steyn called out. You people are really running a sad game right now. I was just hanging in here in little old Manitoba but it's time Cruz fans got an awakening.
Oh sweet lord were you the one calling into Rush today that Mark Steyn called out. You people are really running a sad game right now. I was just hanging in here in little old Manitoba but it's time Cruz fans got an awakening.

Nah, I've never called in to a talk show except locally after a Phoenix Suns broadcast. I once thought Steyn was okay but today I heard some ugly, stupid comments about Rubio......he's a limey asshole.
Congress elevates itself above the very laws they pass for others.

Congress exempts themselves from laws they pass.

They simply IGNORE the law when they are caught breaking it - like they did when several members were caught engaging in Insider Trading or when they don't pay their taxes.

They sell themselves to the highest Special Interest bidders.

They provide protection at a monetary cost. (A 'Mafia Racket', as I understand it).
- Hillary, as SoS protected one of her big donors and his company from punishment after he was caught illegally violating US Sanctions against Iran by running contraband to them.

They engage in Human Trafficking to bring Illegals into the US and spread them al lover the country without letting local / state authorities know.

They steal people's cows and slaughter them; they seize people's land when they think they can use people's property more wisely than the owners, like by it is in the best raising more tax revenue by seizing someone's beachfront property and giving it to a hotel chain....

Yet the average American, especially Liberals, have become so numb to this, have rolled over and simply conceded these UN-Constitutional / Illegal acts to the government; but when someone points out a businessman greased the palms of some Union guys they want to call for 'blood'?!

Ever see the movie 'Back to School' with Rodney Dangerfield? In the movie he 'schools' a nerdy, pompous Liberal intellectual who TEACHES because he doesn't know what goes on in the real world by pointing out that unless businesses grease the palms of unions, different local and state - and sometimes federal - agencies business, construction, etc doesn't get done. But certain people find that 'totally unacceptable' while thinking nothing of the great F*ed up things they allow our elected officials get away with.

Congress elevates itself above the very laws they pass for others.

Congress exempts themselves from laws they pass.

They simply IGNORE the law when they are caught breaking it - like they did when several members were caught engaging in Insider Trading or when they don't pay their taxes.

They sell themselves to the highest Special Interest bidders.

They provide protection at a monetary cost. (A 'Mafia Racket', as I understand it).
- Hillary, as SoS protected one of her big donors and his company from punishment after he was caught illegally violating US Sanctions against Iran by running contraband to them.

They engage in Human Trafficking to bring Illegals into the US and spread them al lover the country without letting local / state authorities know.

They steal people's cows and slaughter them; they seize people's land when they think they can use people's property more wisely than the owners, like by it is in the best raising more tax revenue by seizing someone's beachfront property and giving it to a hotel chain....

Yet the average American, especially Liberals, have become so numb to this, have rolled over and simply conceded these UN-Constitutional / Illegal acts to the government; but when someone points out a businessman greased the palms of some Union guys they want to call for 'blood'?!

Ever see the movie 'Back to School' with Rodney Dangerfield? In the movie he 'schools' a nerdy, pompous Liberal intellectual who TEACHES because he doesn't know what goes on in the real world by pointing out that unless businesses grease the palms of unions, different local and state - and sometimes federal - agencies business, construction, etc doesn't get done. But certain people find that 'totally unacceptable' while thinking nothing of the great F*ed up things they allow our elected officials get away with.


Not sure what your tirade has to do with anything in this thread. BTW, I'd be all for the things Trump is supposedly for....the wall, a trade war with China, tearing up the deal with Iran....if I thought for a second he'd do any of it.....he won't. He's a fraud and a trojan horse for his pal Hillary.
Ah another Trump supporter who thinks partying with mobsters just makes Trump even more "cool". :eusa_snooty:
Fuck yeah!!!! Cool... If that's what it takes to get permits to do stuff, that's what you do. Blame the corrupt system for that. Blame corrupt politicians and government employees.
Nope....with his DOJ they'll realize every day will be Christmas. And while "his kids run his business" he'll become a real multi-billionaire who might even reveal his tax returns.
I wan to see your tax returns. Post it here. I am sure if you had nothing to hide you would post it. Come on, be a man....
I wan to see your tax returns. Post it here. I am sure if you had nothing to hide you would post it. Come on, be a man....

Why so you can come to my house and peek in the windows? Should I ever run for president I'll publish my tax returns...if you ever pay taxes I'll expect the same from you.
Why so you can come to my house and peek in the windows? Should I ever run for president I'll publish my tax returns...if you ever pay taxes I'll expect the same from you.
You wanted to see other people's tax returns therefore, it was a fair request on my part. Fair is fair..... As long as you are not willing to do the same you have no grounds to stand on in demanding someone to show his tax return to you....
You wanted to see other people's tax returns therefore, it was a fair request on my part. Fair is fair..... As long as you are not willing to do the same you have no grounds to stand on in demanding someone to show his tax return to you....

Public servants are required to show how much money they made and from where. It's why Trump is supposedly "self-funding"...if he took matching funds he'd have to disclose his 1040s.
The progression of Trump derangement syndrome:

He'll never run!!
He'll never file his financials!!
He's not a serious candidate!!
He won't win a single state!!
He'll never beat hiLIARy!!
He'll be impeached if elected!!
He's mobbed up!!

You wanted to see other people's tax returns therefore, it was a fair request on my part. Fair is fair..... As long as you are not willing to do the same you have no grounds to stand on in demanding someone to show his tax return to you....

Public servants are required to show how much money they made and from where. It's why Trump is supposedly "self-funding"...if he took matching funds he'd have to disclose his 1040s.
Political Organization Filing and Disclosure
"Political Organization Filing and Disclosure

Welcome to the Political Organization Filing and Disclosure Website. On this site, you can electronically file, as well as search for and view submitted forms (both paper and electronic filings):

  • Form 8871, Political Organization Notice of Section 527 Status
  • Form 8872, Political Organization Report of Contributions and Expenditures"
Those sure don't look like 1040.
Now, where is your tax return?

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