Trump And the Growing List of "Good Fellas"

The viciousness towards Trump is unprecedented, I have never seen anything like it's beyond sick!

And the more they hate him... the more I like him.

They will do anything to keep him out of office or illegal and everything in between.

This is a very sad state off affairs in American politics, it has never been so low.
Political Organization Filing and Disclosure
"Political Organization Filing and Disclosure

Welcome to the Political Organization Filing and Disclosure Website. On this site, you can electronically file, as well as search for and view submitted forms (both paper and electronic filings):

  • Form 8871, Political Organization Notice of Section 527 Status
  • Form 8872, Political Organization Report of Contributions and Expenditures"
Those sure don't look like 1040.
Now, where is your tax return?

You're serious? :bs1: Trump claims he's worth $10B. Forbes has him at MAYBE $4B. Since Trump is a serial liar and con artist, he filed what he wants you to believe he is, not what he is. And you're buying it like the rubes who gave him their money for Trump over 5,000 of them in a class-action suit he won't settle until he's forced to.
You're serious? :bs1: Trump claims he's worth $10B. Forbes has him at MAYBE $4B. Since Trump is a serial liar and con artist, he filed what he wants you to believe he is, not what he is. And you're buying it like the rubes who gave him their money for Trump over 5,000 of them in a class-action suit he won't settle until he's forced to.
I am not buying shit. I am disgusted how a candidate is being attacked. This shouldn't happen within a party. The establishment is pushing me further and further away and into Trump's direction. I am seriously thinking of making a protest vote for Trump just because of the slimy fuckers.
Congress elevates itself above the very laws they pass for others.

Congress exempts themselves from laws they pass.

They simply IGNORE the law when they are caught breaking it - like they did when several members were caught engaging in Insider Trading or when they don't pay their taxes.

They sell themselves to the highest Special Interest bidders.

They provide protection at a monetary cost. (A 'Mafia Racket', as I understand it).
- Hillary, as SoS protected one of her big donors and his company from punishment after he was caught illegally violating US Sanctions against Iran by running contraband to them.

They engage in Human Trafficking to bring Illegals into the US and spread them al lover the country without letting local / state authorities know.

They steal people's cows and slaughter them; they seize people's land when they think they can use people's property more wisely than the owners, like by it is in the best raising more tax revenue by seizing someone's beachfront property and giving it to a hotel chain....

Yet the average American, especially Liberals, have become so numb to this, have rolled over and simply conceded these UN-Constitutional / Illegal acts to the government; but when someone points out a businessman greased the palms of some Union guys they want to call for 'blood'?!

Ever see the movie 'Back to School' with Rodney Dangerfield? In the movie he 'schools' a nerdy, pompous Liberal intellectual who TEACHES because he doesn't know what goes on in the real world by pointing out that unless businesses grease the palms of unions, different local and state - and sometimes federal - agencies business, construction, etc doesn't get done. But certain people find that 'totally unacceptable' while thinking nothing of the great F*ed up things they allow our elected officials get away with.


Not sure what your tirade has to do with anything in this thread. BTW, I'd be all for the things Trump is supposedly for....the wall, a trade war with China, tearing up the deal with Iran....if I thought for a second he'd do any of it.....he won't. He's a fraud and a trojan horse for his pal Hillary.

At least you won't have to worry about Hillary doing any of those things.
The viciousness towards Trump is unprecedented, I have never seen anything like it's beyond sick!

And the more they hate him... the more I like him.

They will do anything to keep him out of office or illegal and everything in between.

This is a very sad state off affairs in American politics, it has never been so low.

Progressives, both Democrat and Republican, ultimate goal is to disarm everybody and make us slaves to the all powerful State, so anyone who threatens that is dealt with quite harshly
The viciousness towards Trump is unprecedented, I have never seen anything like it's beyond sick!

And the more they hate him... the more I like him.

They will do anything to keep him out of office or illegal and everything in between.

This is a very sad state off affairs in American politics, it has never been so low.

What's "sad" is that you won't look at the truth in front of your eyes. You people think he gives a crap about's worse than the Obama moonbats. Email his campaign and demand he hand over the interview on the border wall he did with the NYTimes. The masks are coming off.....dare to look at what's underneath.
The viciousness towards Trump is unprecedented, I have never seen anything like it's beyond sick!

And the more they hate him... the more I like him.

They will do anything to keep him out of office or illegal and everything in between.

This is a very sad state off affairs in American politics, it has never been so low.

What's "sad" is that you won't look at the truth in front of your eyes. You people think he gives a crap about's worse than the Obama moonbats. Email his campaign and demand he hand over the interview on the border wall he did with the NYTimes. The masks are coming off.....dare to look at what's underneath.

I will do that just as soon as Hillary releases the transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street tycoons.
Unless it's a crime to pour concrete from S&A what's the freaking problem? Nobody thought it was strange when JFK had a freaking affair with a mob babe that he and his strange brother were shtooping. Trump had to do business with people who may have had ties to organized crime but how do you avoid it if you are building a casino in Atlantic City? Bill Clinton pardoned one of the FBI's ten most wanted for a couple of bucks donated to his "library" and Barry Hussein was in partnership, skimming money from a Chicago endowment fund, with a unrepentant domestic terrorist who should have been sharing a jail cell with Charlie Manson.
The viciousness towards Trump is unprecedented, I have never seen anything like it's beyond sick!

And the more they hate him... the more I like him.

They will do anything to keep him out of office or illegal and everything in between.

This is a very sad state off affairs in American politics, it has never been so low.

What's "sad" is that you won't look at the truth in front of your eyes. You people think he gives a crap about's worse than the Obama moonbats. Email his campaign and demand he hand over the interview on the border wall he did with the NYTimes. The masks are coming off.....dare to look at what's underneath.

I will do that just as soon as Hillary releases the transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street tycoons.

Well said ! :thup:
Unless it's a crime to pour concrete from S&A what's the freaking problem? Nobody thought it was strange when JFK had a freaking affair with a mob babe that he and his strange brother were shtooping. Trump had to do business with people who may have had ties to organized crime but how do you avoid it if you are building a casino in Atlantic City? Bill Clinton pardoned one of the FBI's ten most wanted for a couple of bucks donated to his "library".

The crime is called "racketeering".....rigged bids, union stewards intimidated, foreign workers living on the site with no hard hats working 12 hour days for $5 an hour. This is the guy you think is all warm and fuzzy and will bring jobs back from China...sheeeeit.
Unless it's a crime to pour concrete from S&A what's the freaking problem? Nobody thought it was strange when JFK had a freaking affair with a mob babe that he and his strange brother were shtooping. Trump had to do business with people who may have had ties to organized crime but how do you avoid it if you are building a casino in Atlantic City? Bill Clinton pardoned one of the FBI's ten most wanted for a couple of bucks donated to his "library".

The crime is called "racketeering".....rigged bids, union stewards intimidated, foreign workers living on the site with no hard hats working 12 hour days for $5 an hour. This is the guy you think is all warm and fuzzy and will bring jobs back from China...sheeeeit.

Here's your hat!!


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