Trump and the NRA and the GOP have INFESTED America with murderous GUN VERMIN

You're looking in a mirror, Ed.
Smart money says it's odds on you are a trump supporter of the hate coming from his mouth
There's no hate coming from Trump. You hear it because you filter everything through your own hatred.
What's not to hate about you racist bastards?? You're the haters of black and brown alike I don't think you're one of those good people like scump talks about Either is smoker
we dont hate brown or black people,,,,

so it is you with all the hate in your heart,,

thanks for admitting it
You don't?? And pigs fly You're a party of racists and haters and the proof is out there for all to see Have you really listened to Trump ? Send them home ,,a mexican invasion etc etc etc ???
first off I am not a republican or a democrat, I am an american,,,

and youre the only one I see pushing hate,,,and the send them home thing is just that, if they want to come here there are legal ways to do it,,,

and why are you bashing trump?? Obama deported more people and is the one that started the separation of families not trump ...

your hypocrisy is noted
Smart money says it's odds on you are a trump supporter of the hate coming from his mouth
There's no hate coming from Trump. You hear it because you filter everything through your own hatred.
What's not to hate about you racist bastards?? You're the haters of black and brown alike I don't think you're one of those good people like scump talks about Either is smoker
we dont hate brown or black people,,,,

so it is you with all the hate in your heart,,

thanks for admitting it
You don't?? And pigs fly You're a party of racists and haters and the proof is out there for all to see Have you really listened to Trump ? Send them home ,,a mexican invasion etc etc etc ???
first off I am not a republican or a democrat, I am an american,,,

and youre the only one I see pushing hate,,,and the send them home thing is just that, if they want to come here there are legal ways to do it,,,

and why are you bashing trump?? Obama deported more people and is the one that started the separation of families not trump ...

your hypocrisy is noted

You support Trump. You are a republican even if you are too embarrassed to admit it.
There's no hate coming from Trump. You hear it because you filter everything through your own hatred.
What's not to hate about you racist bastards?? You're the haters of black and brown alike I don't think you're one of those good people like scump talks about Either is smoker
we dont hate brown or black people,,,,

so it is you with all the hate in your heart,,

thanks for admitting it
You don't?? And pigs fly You're a party of racists and haters and the proof is out there for all to see Have you really listened to Trump ? Send them home ,,a mexican invasion etc etc etc ???
first off I am not a republican or a democrat, I am an american,,,

and youre the only one I see pushing hate,,,and the send them home thing is just that, if they want to come here there are legal ways to do it,,,

and why are you bashing trump?? Obama deported more people and is the one that started the separation of families not trump ...

your hypocrisy is noted

You support Trump. You are a republican even if you are too embarrassed to admit it.
I dont support trump,,didnt vote for him and wont,,,

it is possible to defend truth and reality and not support him or republicans

the problem is you cant see that due to the large amounts of kool ade you drink,,,
Donald Trump—from Charleston to Baltimore to the border—is using the tired, old language of demagogues, of fearmongers and racists, to divide our country against itself

Mr. President, this is America

And we are stronger and great because of this diversity, Mr. President, not in spite of it … We love it. We are not leaving it. We are here to stay, and we're certainly not going to leave it to you.

Its true there are people that voted for Donald Trump before that aren't racist; they just wanted a better shake in the economy

We need to recognize that when it comes to the economic gap between blacks and whites in America, it does come from a great injustice that has never been dealt with

That great injustice has had to do with the fact that there was 250 years of slavery was followed by another 100 years of domestic terrorism

Go give them money, right? Time to grow up and admit that you are simply swallowing hate Trump meme's.

Do people of color have access to schooling and jobs?
Do people of color the ability to marry, stay together and raise kids in a healthy environment?
Do people of color have access to Health Care?
Do people of color have the right to vote?

These folks have the same "rights" as any of us do. You aren't arguing for "equal" rights, you are arguing for "special" rights.
You're an anonymous cowardly asshole promoting violence on line for others to commit. USMB should ban you for good. are a good fascist...we get it...try not to sell it so hard, we already know you are a fascist.

See, here's the problem. I'm replying to a post where the person is calling for others to shoot innocent people and you're calling me a fascist. Good job.

People breaking our laws and disrespecting our sovereignty are hardly innocent.


Might as well shoot everyone who is guilty of a misdemeanor. Hope you don't exceed the speed limit by more than 10 MPH in our state. We may have to stand you up in front of a wall.

No worries, I haven't had a speeding ticket since the 70's and I beat that one. Also many of the illegals crossing the border are committing felonies.


Ok, then let's stat shooting felons, too. RW America may yet find common ground with N. Korea!
Still stretching pal. Nobody is blaming mass shooting on churchgoers.
Crappy dodge.

Fact is, since 1998 there have been a grand total of THREE regular church goers who were mass shooters.

Out of how many? 268 in 2018 alone per your claim.
What are the religious views of mass public shooters? - Crime Prevention Research Center

I have no religious views.

Now, back on target, the El Paso shooter seems to have been obsessed with hate for immigrants. I wonder where that came from?
Do you morons really think that no one was ever racist before Trump?

Sorry, wrong you morons really feel that no one was ever racist before Trump?

You are right. Trump carries on the most rememberable traditions of George Wallace.
Well, that's just stupid.

"I don't consider myself racist. I consider people who call other people racist to be racist" George Wallace, 1968, Person to Person interview.

Sound familiar?
Crappy dodge.

Fact is, since 1998 there have been a grand total of THREE regular church goers who were mass shooters.

Out of how many? 268 in 2018 alone per your claim.
What are the religious views of mass public shooters? - Crime Prevention Research Center

I have no religious views.

Now, back on target, the El Paso shooter seems to have been obsessed with hate for immigrants. I wonder where that came from?
Do you morons really think that no one was ever racist before Trump?

Sorry, wrong you morons really feel that no one was ever racist before Trump?

You are right. Trump carries on the most rememberable traditions of George Wallace.
Well, that's just stupid.

"I don't consider myself racist. I consider people who call other people racist to be racist" George Wallace, 1968, Person to Person interview.

Sound familiar?
Democrats are all racists.

As is yesterday’s mass murderer.

Universal is a commie catch phrase that everyone knows is shorthand for BULLSHIT. You can't force a black market gun dealer to do background checks any more that you can prosecute a criminal for not registering a firearm.


You can't force a cartel member to obey drug laws either, but those laws still help.

Apples and oranges commie. We can prosecute cartel members, courts have ruled prosecution of a criminal for not registering a firearm is unconstitutional, because registration is a violation of their 5th Amendment rights to not incriminate themselves.


Don't be silly. Cartels will do what they want regardless of what our laws are. You don't think that is a logical statement?
You're THIS close to having a revelation.

Smart money says you'll veer off before you get there.

Revelation? You mean the revelation that just because no law is 100% effective at preventing the crime it was enacted for doesn't mean that law is not helpful in reducing that crime. I was hoping you would be sneaking up on that revelation dumb ass.

A law that's designed to criminalize the everyday activities of lawful gun owners and has no meaningful enforcement mechanism to curb criminal activity is worthless and is designed to control the law abiding, not criminal activity. Even a moron like you should be able to see that.

I was in the Army in El Paso at Ft Bliss and got thrown out of a bar because I was with a black friend No changes now Still racist

They knew y'all were faggots, bitch.

It's called the Trump effect. Trump has a rally and makes extremely racist claims, and within a week or two, some mentally deranged racist decides mass murder is the answer. It doesn't happen after every rally, but it happens mostly a week or two after one of his rallies where he is more racist than usual. Remember the Trump Effect. You will be hearing more about it soon.
Yes, because that will be the Official Opinion handed down to the leftist lemmings and they will all dutifully repeat it and pretend they're smart.

Even an idiot like you should be able to see the connection between Trump's racist rants and crazed gun nut shooters.
The shooter was a registered Democrat.

I was in the Army in El Paso at Ft Bliss and got thrown out of a bar because I was with a black friend No changes now Still racist

They knew y'all were faggots, bitch.

It's called the Trump effect. Trump has a rally and makes extremely racist claims, and within a week or two, some mentally deranged racist decides mass murder is the answer. It doesn't happen after every rally, but it happens mostly a week or two after one of his rallies where he is more racist than usual. Remember the Trump Effect. You will be hearing more about it soon.
Yes, because that will be the Official Opinion handed down to the leftist lemmings and they will all dutifully repeat it and pretend they're smart.
Yeah you white nationalists don't hate brown and black folk just like trump? Guarantee you do Take that to the bank
They knew y'all were faggots, bitch.

It's called the Trump effect. Trump has a rally and makes extremely racist claims, and within a week or two, some mentally deranged racist decides mass murder is the answer. It doesn't happen after every rally, but it happens mostly a week or two after one of his rallies where he is more racist than usual. Remember the Trump Effect. You will be hearing more about it soon.
Yes, because that will be the Official Opinion handed down to the leftist lemmings and they will all dutifully repeat it and pretend they're smart.

Even an idiot like you should be able to see the connection between Trump's racist rants and crazed gun nut shooters.
The shooter was a registered Democrat.

Weather get that AK 47 out and get some crazy Dems I know you have it in you
And a by product of all this hate is Russians dancing in the street knowing their support of trump is dividing America

Only ones I see carrying Putins water are commies like you, you lost the election now STFU.


It's called the Trump effect. Trump has a rally and makes extremely racist claims, and within a week or two, some mentally deranged racist decides mass murder is the answer. It doesn't happen after every rally, but it happens mostly a week or two after one of his rallies where he is more racist than usual. Remember the Trump Effect. You will be hearing more about it soon.
Yes, because that will be the Official Opinion handed down to the leftist lemmings and they will all dutifully repeat it and pretend they're smart.

Even an idiot like you should be able to see the connection between Trump's racist rants and crazed gun nut shooters.
The shooter was a registered Democrat.

Weather get that AK 47 out and get some crazy Dems I know you have it in you
I’m having too much fun watching you Leftards eat each other.
And a by product of all this hate is Russians dancing in the street knowing their support of trump is dividing America

Only ones I see carrying Putins water are commies like you, you lost the election now STFU.

Texas How TF can you say that Didn't you hear Schmucko in the WH praise his pal Putin ? Believes him rather than FBI And ""why would putin lie""
There's no hate coming from Trump. You hear it because you filter everything through your own hatred.
What's not to hate about you racist bastards?? You're the haters of black and brown alike I don't think you're one of those good people like scump talks about Either is smoker
we dont hate brown or black people,,,,

so it is you with all the hate in your heart,,

thanks for admitting it
You don't?? And pigs fly You're a party of racists and haters and the proof is out there for all to see Have you really listened to Trump ? Send them home ,,a mexican invasion etc etc etc ???
first off I am not a republican or a democrat, I am an american,,,

and youre the only one I see pushing hate,,,and the send them home thing is just that, if they want to come here there are legal ways to do it,,,

and why are you bashing trump?? Obama deported more people and is the one that started the separation of families not trump ...

your hypocrisy is noted

You support Trump. You are a republican even if you are too embarrassed to admit it.

Not all democrats are commies like you.

What's not to hate about you racist bastards?? You're the haters of black and brown alike I don't think you're one of those good people like scump talks about Either is smoker
we dont hate brown or black people,,,,

so it is you with all the hate in your heart,,

thanks for admitting it
You don't?? And pigs fly You're a party of racists and haters and the proof is out there for all to see Have you really listened to Trump ? Send them home ,,a mexican invasion etc etc etc ???
first off I am not a republican or a democrat, I am an american,,,

and youre the only one I see pushing hate,,,and the send them home thing is just that, if they want to come here there are legal ways to do it,,,

and why are you bashing trump?? Obama deported more people and is the one that started the separation of families not trump ...

your hypocrisy is noted

You support Trump. You are a republican even if you are too embarrassed to admit it.

Not all democrats are commies like you.

Better Red than Dead ??? are a good fascist...we get it...try not to sell it so hard, we already know you are a fascist.

See, here's the problem. I'm replying to a post where the person is calling for others to shoot innocent people and you're calling me a fascist. Good job.

People breaking our laws and disrespecting our sovereignty are hardly innocent.


Might as well shoot everyone who is guilty of a misdemeanor. Hope you don't exceed the speed limit by more than 10 MPH in our state. We may have to stand you up in front of a wall.

No worries, I haven't had a speeding ticket since the 70's and I beat that one. Also many of the illegals crossing the border are committing felonies.


Ok, then let's stat shooting felons, too. RW America may yet find common ground with N. Korea!

Hey, it's a win win, you reduce the criminal population and the number of people incarcerated at the same time, it's very cost effective. LMAO

The American lifestyle affords our citizens an incredible quality of life. However, our lifestyle is destroying the environment of our country. The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. Corporations are heading the destruction of our environment by shamelessly overharvesting resources. This has been a problem for decades. For example, this phenomenon is brilliantly portrayed in the decades old classic “The Lorax”. Water sheds around the country, especially in agricultural areas, are being depleted. Fresh water is being polluted from farming and oil drilling operations. Consumer culture is creating thousands of tons of unnecessary plastic waste and electronic waste, and recycling to help slow this down is almost non-existent. Urban sprawl creates inefficient cities which unnecessarily destroys millions of acres of land. We even use god knows how many trees worth of paper towels just wipe water off our hands. Everything I have seen and heard in my short life has led me to believe that the average American isn’t willing to change their lifestyle, even if the changes only cause a slight inconvenience. The government is unwilling to tackle these issues beyond empty promises since they are owned by corporations. Corporations that also like immigration because more people means a bigger market for their products. I just want to say that I love the people of this country, but god damn most of y’all are just too stubborn to change your lifestyle. So the next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources. If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.
I have no religious views.

Now, back on target, the El Paso shooter seems to have been obsessed with hate for immigrants. I wonder where that came from?
Do you morons really think that no one was ever racist before Trump?

Sorry, wrong you morons really feel that no one was ever racist before Trump?

You are right. Trump carries on the most rememberable traditions of George Wallace.
Well, that's just stupid.

"I don't consider myself racist. I consider people who call other people racist to be racist" George Wallace, 1968, Person to Person interview.

Sound familiar?
Democrats are all racists.

As is yesterday’s mass murderer.


You are desperate aren't you?

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