Trump and the NRA and the GOP have INFESTED America with murderous GUN VERMIN

Damn right! You got it Eddie! Those Brown El Paso cops know they can’t shoot whitey!
I was in the Army in El Paso at Ft Bliss and got thrown out of a bar because I was with a black friend No changes now Still racist

They knew y'all were faggots, bitch.

It's called the Trump effect. Trump has a rally and makes extremely racist claims, and within a week or two, some mentally deranged racist decides mass murder is the answer. It doesn't happen after every rally, but it happens mostly a week or two after one of his rallies where he is more racist than usual. Remember the Trump Effect. You will be hearing more about it soon.

nothing he said was racist,,,
I don't see a big difference between fundamentalists like the NRA and Al-Qaeda. The latter are just more intellectually honest than the former.

give us a list of the murders committed by the NRA or in the name of the NRA, then list the murders committed by al-qaeda or in the name of islam.

its apples and oranges, dude, stop lying.
"Trump and the NRA and the GOP have INFESTED America with murderous GUN VERMIN"
That is a lie of egregious proportions, just like the Steel Dossier that has been proven 100% false in every way.
If you say it is false then it must be true.
Tramp called hispanics "invaders" and so did his Trump Nationalist.

He also felt corporations were evil and the cause of nothing being done about environmental issues, in particular global warming. He was bullied in school, he was a racist and bigot who believed that eliminating people was the only way to save our resources. He is scum, despicable and a mental nut that hated both Democrats and Republicans.
Yes not real crazy but something sets them off and trump hate speech is the igniter

I agree that the rhetoric in American politics is an igniter. I have seen it in the last 18 plus years and it seems to be escalating in the last 10 years.
It is a reasonable reaction to an unsustainable invasion. The optimum reaction would be for a couple of hundred Americans to cut loose on an invader camp. The border Patrol isn't armed and has their own axe to grind. Opposition would be minimal.

This needs to get past the sporadic lone nut attacks and move into serious strategy.

You're an anonymous cowardly asshole promoting violence on line for others to commit. USMB should ban you for good. are a good fascist...we get it...try not to sell it so hard, we already know you are a fascist.

See, here's the problem. I'm replying to a post where the person is calling for others to shoot innocent people and you're calling me a fascist. Good job.

People breaking our laws and disrespecting our sovereignty are hardly innocent.


Its way more complex than that.
First of all, we Europeans are the real illegal immigrants, and those coming up from Honduras, etc., are natives.
Second is that the 7 southwest states we purchased from Mexico are by treaty supposed to remain open to free travel and immigration.
Third is that there is absolutely nothing in the Constitution authorizing any federal immigration laws.
Forth is that actually it is states that are sovereign, and the USA is only a federation the sovereign states joined, much like the EU. The USA is not supposed to ever be considered sovereign.
The illegals appreciate the passionate ass-licking, but they still hate you and want your house. When are you moving out?
Most mass shooters are leftist atheists.

What was your point again?

...but, you forgot to post a link backing that up.
So did Ed.

But you're giving him a pass.

I don't know what shooter Ed was talking about, but Weather is talking about "most shooters". Personally, I have never heard of a single atheist leftist mass shooter.
What was it Ed wrote? Oh, yes..."Most mass shooters are white Trump nationalists."

Weather made a generalization. The same one Ed did.

But there you are...still giving Ed a pass.

Ok, I see that, now, but I won't argue with Ed, other than to to say that they were not necessarily Trump supporters. After all, nobody took Trump seriously until you guys elected the clown two years ago. I would argue that they are mostly RW nut jobs.
You're allowed to criticize your fellow leftists. You won't burst into flames. I promise.
Ok, if you want to name every gang shooting.

Out of 268 name two where the shooter was a regular church attender.


Name one. One out of 268.

I’ll wait.

Still stretching pal. Nobody is blaming mass shooting on churchgoers.
Crappy dodge.

Fact is, since 1998 there have been a grand total of THREE regular church goers who were mass shooters.

Out of how many? 268 in 2018 alone per your claim.
What are the religious views of mass public shooters? - Crime Prevention Research Center

I have no religious views.

Now, back on target, the El Paso shooter seems to have been obsessed with hate for immigrants. I wonder where that came from?
Do you morons really think that no one was ever racist before Trump?

Sorry, wrong you morons really feel that no one was ever racist before Trump?

You are right. Trump carries on the most rememberable traditions of George Wallace.
Well, that's just stupid.
The Sheriff in Tucson blamed Rush Limbaugh for the shooting of Gabby Giffords even though the shooter was able to obtain a firearm while schizophrenic.
Russia Limbaugh has been spreading hate for more than 30 years. He primed the pump for Tramp to bring hate mainstream.
and of course you push nothing but love,,,
Especially love of country.
Why do you hate America?
how do I hate america???
Ok, if you want to name every gang shooting.

Out of 268 name two where the shooter was a regular church attender.


Name one. One out of 268.

I’ll wait.

Still stretching pal. Nobody is blaming mass shooting on churchgoers.
Crappy dodge.

Fact is, since 1998 there have been a grand total of THREE regular church goers who were mass shooters.

Out of how many? 268 in 2018 alone per your claim.
What are the religious views of mass public shooters? - Crime Prevention Research Center

We aren't talking about how many church goers are mass shooters. We're talking about how many trump supporters are mass shooters. Seems like most, and they usually flip out shortly after another racist Trump rally. Try to keep up.

You have yet to provide a link to a credible source to prove your idiocy.


You have yet to provide a credible link to show I'm wrong.
YOU made a claim; YOU prove it. "Seems" to you is inadmissible.
youve always been one dumb kunt,,,
we went over this before, the NRA are the ones behind background checks and have never opposed them,,,
I even provided their link to back it up,,

now scurry off to what ever hole you climbed out of,,,,

Here Is the NRA statement opposing universal background checks
NRA-ILA | Universal Background Checks
Deceptively marketed to the public as a way to keep guns from dangerous people, "universal" background check legislation is instead a broadside against lawful firearm ownership in America, setting cruel traps for common and innocent firearm-related conduct and banning an entire class of law-abiding adults from certain gun purchases.

What exactly is the difference between universal background checks and checks only from licensed dealer sales?

Universal is a commie catch phrase that everyone knows is shorthand for BULLSHIT. You can't force a black market gun dealer to do background checks any more that you can prosecute a criminal for not registering a firearm.


You can't force a cartel member to obey drug laws either, but those laws still help.

Apples and oranges commie. We can prosecute cartel members, courts have ruled prosecution of a criminal for not registering a firearm is unconstitutional, because registration is a violation of their 5th Amendment rights to not incriminate themselves.


Don't be silly. Cartels will do what they want regardless of what our laws are. You don't think that is a logical statement?
You're THIS close to having a revelation.

Smart money says you'll veer off before you get there.
I don't see a big difference between fundamentalists like the NRA and Al-Qaeda. The latter are just more intellectually honest than the former.

That is not only sick and ridiculous, it is bizarre and surreal. The last time I checked, the NRA has never tried to impose Sharia law anywhere; the NRA has not cut off the heads of people they don't like; they NRA has never set up human trafficking to sell women to wealthy buyers; the NRA has never called for an end to democratic elections; the NRA has never called for "death to America"; the NRA has not flown airliners into buildings in NYC; the NRA has not used IEDs to kill American soldiers; and, oh yeah, the NRA does not confiscate guns from people in areas that they take over (the NRA doesn't try to take over areas anyway). The list of differences goes on and on.
Another key difference: American liberals don't support the NRA.
They knew y'all were faggots, bitch.

but trump didnt go shoot up a mall,,,that takes a leftist mind to do that,,,

OH and both were right, there is an invasion at the border
No, one of Trumps ""good people " was responsible Trumps hate speech is responsible Look in the mirror to see real hate

no such thing as hate speech,,,
Almost EVERY time trump opens his mouth hate drools out
You're looking in a mirror, Ed.

but trump didnt go shoot up a mall,,,that takes a leftist mind to do that,,,

OH and both were right, there is an invasion at the border
No, one of Trumps ""good people " was responsible Trumps hate speech is responsible Look in the mirror to see real hate

no such thing as hate speech,,,
Almost EVERY time trump opens his mouth hate drools out
You're looking in a mirror, Ed.
Had enough daveman?
1 hr

WTW Resistance Political Agency
1 hr
Nothing is every going to change on guns until we vote for it. The Republicans along with the idiot and Moscow Mitch got to go. Over 250 domestic terrorist attacks this year, have you had enough yet?
but trump didnt go shoot up a mall,,,that takes a leftist mind to do that,,,

OH and both were right, there is an invasion at the border
No, one of Trumps ""good people " was responsible Trumps hate speech is responsible Look in the mirror to see real hate

no such thing as hate speech,,,
Almost EVERY time trump opens his mouth hate drools out
You're looking in a mirror, Ed.
Had enough daveman?
1 hr

WTW Resistance Political Agency
1 hr
Nothing is every going to change on guns until we vote for it. The Republicans along with the idiot and Moscow Mitch got to go. Over 250 domestic terrorist attacks this year, have you had enough yet?

Again, did people own guns in 2015? Yes or no?

but trump didnt go shoot up a mall,,,that takes a leftist mind to do that,,,

OH and both were right, there is an invasion at the border
No, one of Trumps ""good people " was responsible Trumps hate speech is responsible Look in the mirror to see real hate

no such thing as hate speech,,,
Almost EVERY time trump opens his mouth hate drools out
You're looking in a mirror, Ed.
Smart money says it's odds on you are a trump supporter of the hate coming from his mouth
Shooter said he was targeting Hispanic community Seems to me the slime bag in our WH does the same
The Sheriff in Tucson blamed Rush Limbaugh for the shooting of Gabby Giffords even though the shooter was able to obtain a firearm while schizophrenic.
Russia Limbaugh has been spreading hate for more than 30 years. He primed the pump for Tramp to bring hate mainstream.
Speaking of spreading hate for 30 years, how old are you?

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