Trump and the NRA and the GOP have INFESTED America with murderous GUN VERMIN

See, here's the problem. I'm replying to a post where the person is calling for others to shoot innocent people and you're calling me a fascist. Good job.

People breaking our laws and disrespecting our sovereignty are hardly innocent.


Might as well shoot everyone who is guilty of a misdemeanor. Hope you don't exceed the speed limit by more than 10 MPH in our state. We may have to stand you up in front of a wall.

No worries, I haven't had a speeding ticket since the 70's and I beat that one. Also many of the illegals crossing the border are committing felonies.


Ok, then let's stat shooting felons, too. RW America may yet find common ground with N. Korea!

Hey, it's a win win, you reduce the criminal population and the number of people incarcerated at the same time, it's very cost effective. LMAO


We have had more than an average of one mass shooting in America every day of this year, and you are joking about how we shoot be shooting more people. You are a disgusting bag of shit. You are also on "ignore".
And a by product of all this hate is Russians dancing in the street knowing their support of trump is dividing America

Only ones I see carrying Putins water are commies like you, you lost the election now STFU.

Texas How TF can you say that Didn't you hear Schmucko in the WH praise his pal Putin ? Believes him rather than FBI And ""why would putin lie""

Child I've heard nothing but division form you commie pinkos before the inauguration and continuing to this day. You and your ilk and the commie media are the ones carrying Putins water, not Trump. You slime ball commies have been calling for Trumps impeachment since election day, you lost, now STFU.

I was in the Army in El Paso at Ft Bliss and got thrown out of a bar because I was with a black friend No changes now Still racist

They knew y'all were faggots, bitch.

It's called the Trump effect. Trump has a rally and makes extremely racist claims, and within a week or two, some mentally deranged racist decides mass murder is the answer. It doesn't happen after every rally, but it happens mostly a week or two after one of his rallies where he is more racist than usual. Remember the Trump Effect. You will be hearing more about it soon.
Yes, because that will be the Official Opinion handed down to the leftist lemmings and they will all dutifully repeat it and pretend they're smart.
Yeah you white nationalists don't hate brown and black folk just like trump? Guarantee you do Take that to the bank

Take that to the bank and walk away broke and sad and saying "Orange Man Bad".
we dont hate brown or black people,,,,

so it is you with all the hate in your heart,,

thanks for admitting it
You don't?? And pigs fly You're a party of racists and haters and the proof is out there for all to see Have you really listened to Trump ? Send them home ,,a mexican invasion etc etc etc ???
first off I am not a republican or a democrat, I am an american,,,

and youre the only one I see pushing hate,,,and the send them home thing is just that, if they want to come here there are legal ways to do it,,,

and why are you bashing trump?? Obama deported more people and is the one that started the separation of families not trump ...

your hypocrisy is noted

You support Trump. You are a republican even if you are too embarrassed to admit it.

Not all democrats are commies like you.

Better Red than Dead ???

Is that the new commiecrat slogan? It fits you very well.

There's no hate coming from Trump. You hear it because you filter everything through your own hatred.
What's not to hate about you racist bastards?? You're the haters of black and brown alike I don't think you're one of those good people like scump talks about Either is smoker
we dont hate brown or black people,,,,

so it is you with all the hate in your heart,,

thanks for admitting it
You don't?? And pigs fly You're a party of racists and haters and the proof is out there for all to see Have you really listened to Trump ? Send them home ,,a mexican invasion etc etc etc ???
first off I am not a republican or a democrat, I am an american,,,

and youre the only one I see pushing hate,,,and the send them home thing is just that, if they want to come here there are legal ways to do it,,,

and why are you bashing trump?? Obama deported more people and is the one that started the separation of families not trump ...

your hypocrisy is noted

You support Trump. You are a republican even if you are too embarrassed to admit it.
We have two major parties. With many people who have different opinions. In the former Democrat Party you have Democrats. But you also have Progressives. Progressives get elected and control the whole Democrat Party. So moderate and conservative Democrats have no voice but keep voting for them. Even liberal Democrats are to the right of Progs who are now proudly calling themselves Socialists and then eventually, Communists. A percentage of those who are not Progs or to the left voted for Trump. The Repub Party is dominated by elected RINOS, left leaning Repubs and moderates. Some are war mongers just like the elected Dems. If I say to you that there are people who were followed by Repub voters for years and decades and promoted the same policies as Trump which is not far to the right and now revile everything he stands for, would you acknowledge that we have been lied to? So from Scarborough to Krystal to Will and so many others, they will never be believed again. If Trump is a fraud then we are all done. Progs or people who run as Progs have no problem eliminating anything for their power and cause. Repubs are wishy washy on many things.
People breaking our laws and disrespecting our sovereignty are hardly innocent.


Might as well shoot everyone who is guilty of a misdemeanor. Hope you don't exceed the speed limit by more than 10 MPH in our state. We may have to stand you up in front of a wall.

No worries, I haven't had a speeding ticket since the 70's and I beat that one. Also many of the illegals crossing the border are committing felonies.


Ok, then let's stat shooting felons, too. RW America may yet find common ground with N. Korea!

Hey, it's a win win, you reduce the criminal population and the number of people incarcerated at the same time, it's very cost effective. LMAO


We have had more than an average of one mass shooting in America every day of this year, and you are joking about how we shoot be shooting more people. You are a disgusting bag of shit. You are also on "ignore".

Poor thing, only pussies use "ignore", you little commie snowflakes get triggered when you get a taste of your own medicine.

You don't?? And pigs fly You're a party of racists and haters and the proof is out there for all to see Have you really listened to Trump ? Send them home ,,a mexican invasion etc etc etc ???
first off I am not a republican or a democrat, I am an american,,,

and youre the only one I see pushing hate,,,and the send them home thing is just that, if they want to come here there are legal ways to do it,,,

and why are you bashing trump?? Obama deported more people and is the one that started the separation of families not trump ...

your hypocrisy is noted

You support Trump. You are a republican even if you are too embarrassed to admit it.

Not all democrats are commies like you.

Better Red than Dead ???

Is that the new commiecrat slogan? It fits you very well.

Given a choice Trump and his followers would be the last place I'd go .Morons racists liars that can't admit the harm they're doing to America. From Trump to McConnell republicans are afraid to stand up to them They wag their tails like trained dogs and say "can I have another?""
first off I am not a republican or a democrat, I am an american,,,

and youre the only one I see pushing hate,,,and the send them home thing is just that, if they want to come here there are legal ways to do it,,,

and why are you bashing trump?? Obama deported more people and is the one that started the separation of families not trump ...

your hypocrisy is noted

You support Trump. You are a republican even if you are too embarrassed to admit it.

Not all democrats are commies like you.

Better Red than Dead ???

Is that the new commiecrat slogan? It fits you very well.

Given a choice Trump and his followers would be the last place I'd go .Morons racists liars that can't admit the harm they're doing to America. From Trump to McConnell republicans are afraid to stand up to them They wag their tails like trained dogs and say "can I have another?""

Good, the best place for you to go is Cuba or North Korea.

We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations


Learn something.
We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations
Yes, trump did infest America with guns and white nationalists. I remember just some 30 months ago before Trump was president he was passing out bullets at rallies. And the 20 years before that when he was not a politician, building all those great hotels. I remember at each opening Trump giving KKK members in their robes the honor of cutting the ribbon.

From that TV show where they fired and humiliated black people to all his hard work making sure all his hotels sold guns to whitey.

You are right, trump created all thes ed problems as a businessman.
Hey pinhead, the title includes the GOP and the NRA along with Tramp, I could include scum like Russia Limbaugh in there also as spreading the hate, but as even you well know they merely primed the pume, Tramp made pure hate socially acceptable.
You support Trump. You are a republican even if you are too embarrassed to admit it.

Not all democrats are commies like you.

Better Red than Dead ???

Is that the new commiecrat slogan? It fits you very well.

Given a choice Trump and his followers would be the last place I'd go .Morons racists liars that can't admit the harm they're doing to America. From Trump to McConnell republicans are afraid to stand up to them They wag their tails like trained dogs and say "can I have another?""

Good, the best place for you to go is Cuba or North Korea.

Think I'd get along wit Un trumps pal ?
We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations
Yes, trump did infest America with guns and white nationalists. I remember just some 30 months ago before Trump was president he was passing out bullets at rallies. And the 20 years before that when he was not a politician, building all those great hotels. I remember at each opening Trump giving KKK members in their robes the honor of cutting the ribbon.

From that TV show where they fired and humiliated black people to all his hard work making sure all his hotels sold guns to whitey.

You are right, trump created all thes ed problems as a businessman.
Hey pinhead, the title includes the GOP and the NRA along with Tramp, I could include scum like Russia Limbaugh in there also as spreading the hate, but as even you well know they merely primed the pume, Tramp made pure hate socially acceptable.

Is that why the democrats are wallowing in hatred?
Tramp called hispanics "invaders" ....
No, he didn’t. Without lies democrats would have nothing to say.
Without lying about Democrats CON$ervoFascists would have nothing to say.
He has described groups of immigrants as “infestations,” declared in his campaign kickoff that many of those coming from Mexico were “rapists,“deemed a caravan of Hispanic migrants as invaders and wondered why the United States accepted so many immigrants from “s---hole countries” like Haiti, El Salvador and African nations.
Trump calls migrant caravans "invasion" at campaign rally
BTW, did you catch at the end when he asked, "how do you stop these people from crossing the border?" and one in the audience shouts "shoot 'em" and he stops and laughs as he points to the guy for recognition and says "only in the panhandle can you get away with saying that" and the hate filled crowd cheers. That was the Tramp hate rally shortly before the El Paso shooting.
We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations
Yes, trump did infest America with guns and white nationalists. I remember just some 30 months ago before Trump was president he was passing out bullets at rallies. And the 20 years before that when he was not a politician, building all those great hotels. I remember at each opening Trump giving KKK members in their robes the honor of cutting the ribbon.

From that TV show where they fired and humiliated black people to all his hard work making sure all his hotels sold guns to whitey.

You are right, trump created all thes ed problems as a businessman.
Hey pinhead, the title includes the GOP and the NRA along with Tramp, I could include scum like Russia Limbaugh in there also as spreading the hate, but as even you well know they merely primed the pume, Tramp made pure hate socially acceptable.

Is that why the democrats are wallowing in hatred?
You are wallowing in lying.
We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations
Yes, trump did infest America with guns and white nationalists. I remember just some 30 months ago before Trump was president he was passing out bullets at rallies. And the 20 years before that when he was not a politician, building all those great hotels. I remember at each opening Trump giving KKK members in their robes the honor of cutting the ribbon.

From that TV show where they fired and humiliated black people to all his hard work making sure all his hotels sold guns to whitey.

You are right, trump created all thes ed problems as a businessman.
Hey pinhead, the title includes the GOP and the NRA along with Tramp, I could include scum like Russia Limbaugh in there also as spreading the hate, but as even you well know they merely primed the pume, Tramp made pure hate socially acceptable.

So you preferred they assassinate cops like they did during Obama?
We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations
Yes, trump did infest America with guns and white nationalists. I remember just some 30 months ago before Trump was president he was passing out bullets at rallies. And the 20 years before that when he was not a politician, building all those great hotels. I remember at each opening Trump giving KKK members in their robes the honor of cutting the ribbon.

From that TV show where they fired and humiliated black people to all his hard work making sure all his hotels sold guns to whitey.

You are right, trump created all thes ed problems as a businessman.
Hey pinhead, the title includes the GOP and the NRA along with Tramp, I could include scum like Russia Limbaugh in there also as spreading the hate, but as even you well know they merely primed the pume, Tramp made pure hate socially acceptable.

Is that why the democrats are wallowing in hatred?
You are wallowing in lying.

Democrats are anti women ask any little girl who has to watch a dude take a piss wearing a dress in the bathroom
We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language!

What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations
Yes, trump did infest America with guns and white nationalists. I remember just some 30 months ago before Trump was president he was passing out bullets at rallies. And the 20 years before that when he was not a politician, building all those great hotels. I remember at each opening Trump giving KKK members in their robes the honor of cutting the ribbon.

From that TV show where they fired and humiliated black people to all his hard work making sure all his hotels sold guns to whitey.

You are right, trump created all thes ed problems as a businessman.
Hey pinhead, the title includes the GOP and the NRA along with Tramp, I could include scum like Russia Limbaugh in there also as spreading the hate, but as even you well know they merely primed the pume, Tramp made pure hate socially acceptable.

Is that why the democrats are wallowing in hatred?
You are wallowing in lying.

Democrats are anti women ask any little girl who has to watch a dude take a piss wearing a dress in the bathroom
If you didn't have bullshit you'd have nothing

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