Trump and the Polls

Perhaps the polls for or against Trump are accurate....or not.
It would seem astounding if he were far more popular than the media's projections suggest....based on the constant drumbeat from the lefts condotierri, the media and the pop culture icons.

BUT....what both more astounding and more disheartening, polls seem to indicate an undeserved popularity for Barack Hussein Obama, a totally average candidate who would never have been elected had he less melanin, and turned everything he touched in .......mud.
The premise of the thread is so obviously ridiculous...

...the Rasmussen poll is most favorable to Trump, so it must be the most accurate one.
Perhaps the polls for or against Trump are accurate....or not.
It would seem astounding if he were far more popular than the media's projections suggest....based on the constant drumbeat from the lefts condotierri, the media and the pop culture icons.

BUT....what both more astounding and more disheartening, polls seem to indicate an undeserved popularity for Barack Hussein Obama, a totally average candidate who would never have been elected had he less melanin, and turned everything he touched in .......mud.

I guess then by that 'logic' Trump wouldn't have been elected if he wasn't white.
Here is today's project 538 report of Trump's approval ratings
How Popular Is Donald Trump?

1. Gallup 4/30-5/2.....42% A

2. Rasmussen 4/30-5/2......49% LV

3. YouGov 4/29-5/2.....43% A

4. Ipsos 4/27- 5/1.....44% A

5. Morning Consult 4/27-4/30......48% RV





1. Seems to me that all of these are higher than last week

2. Only one polled likely voters.

3. Which would you deem most reliable based on the pool of those questioned?

4. Trump polled highest among likely voters, rather than the polls that simply required those questioned to have a pulse.

5. One thing that the 'fake news' polls do is alter the pool questioned from the realistic 44%-48% Republicans-Democrat, to something like 24%-38%.
This site didn't provide that data.

The trouble is that I this is a Trump high then he is in big trouble. Also the last IDB/TIPP poll showed Trump with extremely low approval ratings. The trouble with Rasmussen is that they were showing Trump winning the popular vote which did not happen. If Rasmussen is basing their approval polls on the turnout in 2016 then they are likely off. In 2016 you had 2 extremely unpopular candidates. Trump won because he was not Hillary.
5. One thing that the 'fake news' polls do is alter the pool questioned from the realistic 44%-48% Republicans-Democrat, to something like 24%-38%.
The data is readily available, but the actual accurate data would have been somewhat inconvenient in the light of your obfuscations and outright fabrications! Your numbers are the actual fake news, Chica!

Your crap ratio of a "realistic" 44%-48%/Republican to Democratic contrasted to your fabricated 24%-38% is nothing but garbage! Here is what Gallup said the actual percentages were including the Independents, who you patently omitted existing, as of Jan 2016 below.

Again, Chica, for any poll to be as accurate as possible, an ACTUAL cross section of the population is sampled. Given the random nature of the sampling of a 42% Indy, 29% Dem and 26% Rep sample group, it's obvious that the odds will favor MORE Dems being sampled than Reps and MORE Indys sampled than either Dems or Reps. So all of your bitching and moaning about thumbs on the scales of political polls is generated by your blatant partisan ignorance along with your penchant to lie through you bloody teeth just like the Fabricator-in-Chief!

Democratic, Republican Identification Near Historical Lows
Here is today's project 538 report of Trump's approval ratings
How Popular Is Donald Trump?

1. Gallup 4/30-5/2.....42% A

2. Rasmussen 4/30-5/2......49% LV

3. YouGov 4/29-5/2.....43% A

4. Ipsos 4/27- 5/1.....44% A

5. Morning Consult 4/27-4/30......48% RV





1. Seems to me that all of these are higher than last week

2. Only one polled likely voters.

3. Which would you deem most reliable based on the pool of those questioned?

4. Trump polled highest among likely voters, rather than the polls that simply required those questioned to have a pulse.

5. One thing that the 'fake news' polls do is alter the pool questioned from the realistic 44%-48% Republicans-Democrat, to something like 24%-38%.
This site didn't provide that data.

The trouble is that I this is a Trump high then he is in big trouble. Also the last IDB/TIPP poll showed Trump with extremely low approval ratings. The trouble with Rasmussen is that they were showing Trump winning the popular vote which did not happen. If Rasmussen is basing their approval polls on the turnout in 2016 then they are likely off. In 2016 you had 2 extremely unpopular candidates. Trump won because he was not Hillary.

1."The trouble with Rasmussen is that they were showing Trump winning the popular vote..."

Trump won the popular vote. We don't count the illegal aliens who followed the snake, Obama's, instructions to go out and vote.

"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

California has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015

Illegal Immigration Statistics in California -

2. "The trouble with Rasmussen blah blah blah..."
Au contraire.....the problem with the accuracy of ever other poll is that only Rasmussen selected 'likely voters.'

3. "Trump won because he was not Hillary."
Gee, Captain Obvious!!!
You must be a trained investigator!!!!

What makes this interview significant is that

1. Penn was the pollster for the Clintons.

2. As noted in the OP, Penn reminds that polls that fail to screen for 'likely voters,' as Rasmussen does, and allow non-citizens or those who never vote to be polled are not valid.

3. He points out that the 'fake news' polls fail to cover questions that moved the electorate:
sanctuary cities
illegal citizenship
support for the police
hire American
...the Trump message points
With Rasmussen showing Trump now at 45%, which by Rasmussen's own admission translates to about 41% by standard polling methods,

I'd say Rasmussen is in the ballpark.

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