Trump Announcement

Four Years in, and he still hasn't released all his Records? And Obamabots see nothing odd about that? Boy, what happened to these people? It's time for them to drop the loyal Obama-Worship shtick, and get real. If he were a Republican President, they would be demanding the release of these Records 24/7.
By the liberal reaction here, THEY KNOW their messiah is lying and covering something up.. Why else the HUGE hissy fit??

False dichotomy.

I hate Obama. This is well known. But I am not so fucked in the head that I believe it is okay to lie, cheat, or blackmail to win.

Have some goddam principles. It is incredibly hypocritical to defend Trump's actions.


Offering 5 million bucks for a student record is cheating in your warped mind?? YOU'RE NUTS, you truly are.. There isn't one person in this entire country who wouldn't take that offer and think NOTHING of it.. BUT BARRY SOERETO.. and we all know why.. we also know why you're shit straining your undies all over the forum..
Who here is worried about their college records being made public??? Who here pays MILLIONS of dollars in attorney fee's to keep those records hidden??

This is why the liberal Zombie herd are going apeshit today . lol

Obama hasn't spent a penny keeping his records "hidden". I don't know why you guys keep repeating that bullshit.

Maybe not directly, but indirectly he has. He's spent well over 2 million already in legal fees defending himself in court against eligibility law suits. He's used Executive Privilege and the power of the White House to keep things hidden. This was just the beginning back in 2009, almost already a million....

Is Obama campaign cash quashing eligibility suits?

In his own words...

[ame=]Barack Obama - SOMETHING TO HIDE? Hear Him Answer. - YouTube[/ame]

obama is a filthy liar, and as he says himself....








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and what about Trumps Tax returns - publish those so Americans know where his 5 million came from.
Who are you to say what "a ton" is? He doesn't have to give a dime if he so chooses not to...

I didn't say that he did.

You're the one who's fawning over Trump and what a wonderful person he is, I'm just pointing out that he's statistically one of the LEAST charitable "billionaires" in the US.

Show me where I'm fawning... All I did was defend his right to do what he wants with his money unlike you and your pals who are grasping at straws and attacking him over what he chooses to do with HIS money!

You're really missing my point.

Trump has the right to do whatever he wants with his money. And I have the right to call him an asshole for it.
What are liberals going apeshit over?? A man offers to give 5 million dollars to feed hungry kids and libs are offended????

It's not just liberals.....I am an Independent and I want to know ONE thing....what other President, besides Obama has been asked to show their birth certificate as well as their college transcripts as Obama has. Please name ONE. I will wait.
Again....why are you so afraid of any Obama revelations?

Why would I be afraid of Obama releasing these records? I don't really care. But I'd view him even more unfavorably if he caved to this kind of demand. Personally, I'd like to see Obama release every last record, tell Trump to shove his money up has ass, and turn around and make a donation himself to a charity of his choosing.
What are liberals going apeshit over?? A man offers to give 5 million dollars to feed hungry kids and libs are offended????

He is insulting the President of the United States. If it were a Republican president you would be insulted. Or even a White Democrat might get you pissed off
Four Years in, and he still hasn't released all his Records? And Obamabots see nothing odd about that? Boy, what happened to these people? It's time for them to drop the loyal Obama-Worship shtick, and get real. If he were a Republican President, they would be demanding the release of these Records 24/7.

I believe it is suspicious Obama has not made his records available. This is a guy who hyped the shit out of "transparency" in 2008.

So you are as wrong as fucking wrong can be if you think my opposition to Trump's UTTER BULLSHIT is "Obama-Worship".

What are liberals going apeshit over?? A man offers to give 5 million dollars to feed hungry kids and libs are offended????

He is insulting the President of the United States. If it were a Republican president you would be insulted. Or even a White Democrat might get you pissed off

Additionally, IF Trump is such a grand humanitarian, why not just give the $5M with no strings attached?
If this was someone like Michael Moore coming out and offering to donate $5 million to a charity of Mitt's choice if he released his tax returns for 12 years, something tells me that the people celebrating this blackmail attempt from Trump would be damning Moore for being childish and ridiculous.

But, that's just me.
What are liberals going apeshit over?? A man offers to give 5 million dollars to feed hungry kids and libs are offended????

It's not just liberals.....I am an Independent and I want to know ONE thing....what other President, besides Obama has been asked to show their birth certificate as well as their college transcripts as Obama has. Please name ONE. I will wait.

Would I show someone my college transcripts and passport records for $5,000,000 ??

You bet your sweet ass I would.

What fucking idiot wouldn't?
If this was someone like Michael Moore coming out and offering to donate $5 million to a charity of Mitt's choice if he released his tax returns for 12 years, something tells me that the people celebrating this blackmail attempt from Trump would be damning Moore for being childish and ridiculous.

But, that's just me.

If this was someone like Michael Moore coming out and offering to donate $5 million to a charity of Mitt's choice if he released his tax returns for 12 years, something tells me that the people celebrating this blackmail attempt from Trump would be damning Moore for being childish and ridiculous.

But, that's just me.

So, you are saying that Michael Moore has more class than Donald Trump? OK, got it...

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