Trump Announcement

Next, Trump will take some more kids hostage until the President does a handstand.

A douche bag holds the chemicals used to clean a nasty, yeasty vagina. Colloquially it refers to a vile thing.

A douche nozzle is what's inserted into a nasty, yeasty vagina to deliver chemicals to clean said vagina. Colloquially, it refers to a thing even more vile than a douche bag.

A yogurt covered tampon is a folk remedy treatment for nasty, yeasty vagina. Preparation leads to the tampon swelling with moisture from the yogurt and thus expanding, before which what's already a gross mess is inserted into the nasty, yeasty vagina directly with the fingers because the loss of firmness makes using the applicator difficult to impossible. It results in a disturbing squishy, slimy feeling, and a general mess around and oozing out of the nasty, yeasty vagina. As discovered by myself, my former roommate, and her closest girlfriend, its colloquial usage must refer to a vile thing even worse than a douche nozzle.

A Trump is a person who uses proposed sizable charitable donations as a cheap ploy by which to publicly leverage political pressure on a candidate or elected official two weeks before an election. It is the most vile thing imaginable, even moreso than a yogurt covered tampon. But that's literally.
A douche bag holds the chemicals used to clean a nasty, yeasty vagina. Colloquially it refers to a vile thing.

A douche nozzle is what's inserted into a nasty, yeasty vagina to deliver chemicals to clean said vagina. Colloquially, it refers to a thing even more vile than a douche bag.

A yogurt covered tampon is a folk remedy treatment for nasty, yeasty vagina. Preparation leads to the tampon swelling with moisture from the yogurt and thus expanding, before which what's already a gross mess is inserted into the nasty, yeasty vagina directly with the fingers because the loss of firmness makes using the applicator difficult to impossible. It results in a disturbing squishy, slimy feeling, and a general mess around and oozing out of the nasty, yeasty vagina. As discovered by myself, my former roommate, and her closest girlfriend, its colloquial usage must refer to a vile thing even worse than a douche nozzle.

A Trump is a person who uses proposed sizable charitable donations as a cheap ploy by which to publicly leverage political pressure on a candidate or elected official two weeks before an election. It is the most vile thing imaginable, even moreso than a yogurt covered tampon. But that's literally.

The Libberhoid melt-downs in this thread... priceless.
Truth is Trump knows Obama won't do it and rightfully so. Obama is the POTUS and engaging a public figure on something like this would be a disgrace to the Presidency.

Was Obama born in Kenya? Nobody really knows, but he sure hasn't done anything to disprove it.

You, and the other lunatic conspiracy theorists might not know, but rational people do.

Well the fact is, your Dear Leader still hasn't released all his Records. And you Bot nutters can't blame that on DA BOOOOOOSH, or Romney. It is what it is.
If this was someone like Michael Moore coming out and offering to donate $5 million to a charity of Mitt's choice if he released his tax returns for 12 years, something tells me that the people celebrating this blackmail attempt from Trump would be damning Moore for being childish and ridiculous.

But, that's just me.

So, you are saying that Michael Moore has more class than Donald Trump? OK, got it...

After this, probably. It makes Trump look like a clown. Forget charity, it's basically him willing to spend $5 million for Obama's transcripts.

For one, how unbecoming of someone to basically blackmail the president in plain daylight. Trump doesn't have anything to hold over him but still, it's basically blackmail. And playing around with promises to donate the money to charity is ridiculous. Don't drag a fucking charity, presumably organizations that work hard to benefit the less fortunate or cure cancer, into it: at least offer to donate it to his campaign.

Second, Romney has done a good job selling himself as someone who can get America working again... as someone who wants to get job creation going so people out there that are struggling can get some real income. Then, Trump comes out and basically waves $5 million around like it's a dollar bill. Supports the idea that republicans only care about the rich, or that they are all rich and don't care about the little guys.

Does Trump even realize that this damages Romney's campaign? I'm assuming he wants Romney to win and he comes out and does something this fucking stupid?
A douche bag holds the chemicals used to clean a nasty, yeasty vagina. Colloquially it refers to a vile thing.

A douche nozzle is what's inserted into a nasty, yeasty vagina to deliver chemicals to clean said vagina. Colloquially, it refers to a thing even more vile than a douche bag.

A yogurt covered tampon is a folk remedy treatment for nasty, yeasty vagina. Preparation leads to the tampon swelling with moisture from the yogurt and thus expanding, before which what's already a gross mess is inserted into the nasty, yeasty vagina directly with the fingers because the loss of firmness makes using the applicator difficult to impossible. It results in a disturbing squishy, slimy feeling, and a general mess around and oozing out of the nasty, yeasty vagina. As discovered by myself, my former roommate, and her closest girlfriend, its colloquial usage must refer to a vile thing even worse than a douche nozzle.

A Trump is a person who uses proposed sizable charitable donations as a cheap ploy by which to publicly leverage political pressure on a candidate or elected official two weeks before an election. It is the most vile thing imaginable, even moreso than a yogurt covered tampon. But that's literally.

The Libberhoid melt-downs in this thread... priceless.

OMG, IKR??!! Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
If this was someone like Michael Moore coming out and offering to donate $5 million to a charity of Mitt's choice if he released his tax returns for 12 years, something tells me that the people celebrating this blackmail attempt from Trump would be damning Moore for being childish and ridiculous.

But, that's just me.

So, you are saying that Michael Moore has more class than Donald Trump? OK, got it...

After this, probably. It makes Trump look like a clown. Forget charity, it's basically him willing to spend $5 million for Obama's transcripts.

For one, how unbecoming of someone to basically blackmail the president in plain daylight. Trump doesn't have anything to hold over him but still, it's basically blackmail. And playing around with promises to donate the money to charity is ridiculous. Don't drag a fucking charity, presumably organizations that work hard to benefit the less fortunate or cure cancer, into it: at least offer to donate it to his campaign.

Second, Romney has done a good job selling himself as someone who can get America working again... as someone who wants to get job creation going so people out there that are struggling can get some real income. Then, Trump comes out and basically waves $5 million around like it's a dollar bill. Supports the idea that republicans only care about the rich, or that they are all rich and don't care about the little guys.

Does Trump even realize that this damages Romney's campaign? I'm assuming he wants Romney to win and he comes out and does something this fucking stupid?

Excellent points. Has the Romney/Ryan campaign weighed in on this publicity stunt?
Load of horseshit.. Has nothing to do with disgracing the Presidency from a man who allowed 4 AMERICANS to die without sending in help, then went to bed........... LIED to cover it all up..

That's another good point. Obama's got a HUGE problem to deal with with this Benghazi stuff. The media is looking for any opportunity to not cover it like they should be. Well, thanks to the Donald and all his wisdom, they now have their diversion.

Thanks Donald.

Signed, Obama and the media
Waiting for what?? I don't know ANYONE in this entire country who is afraid of their student record being made public

okay Wackadoo gunslinger, ill share some personal info with you and this board.

As I told you previously, I do work training Men and Women in the armed services mainly in Radar theory and SATCOM. A few years back I had a co worker who did not like me and or my boss at the time. He some how obtained my college degree from FSU (which is in Business) and tried to say I was not qualified to be doing the work I was and also the high level clearance I have should be yanked as well. What he didn't know is my father who was a USAF LT COL had advised me to keep my college info off the record unless I absolutely had to use it.

Guess what, I had a stupid person, much like you try and use my college education against me. Which backfired on him and he is now "black listed" from the work we do. He lost his TS SCI SLBM clearance and is now out of work.

Obama's info is his to share at his disposal, no matter what you think.

so ya, I don't want anyone near my personal info, mainly my college info.
Truth is Trump knows Obama won't do it and rightfully so. Obama is the POTUS and engaging a public figure on something like this would be a disgrace to the Presidency.

Was Obama born in Kenya? Nobody really knows, but he sure hasn't done anything to disprove it.

Load of horseshit.. Has nothing to do with disgracing the Presidency from a man who allowed 4 AMERICANS to die without sending in help, then went to bed........... LIED to cover it all up..

This President, does a mighty fine job of disgracing all Americans. He deserves to face impeachment proceedings IMO
Truth is Trump knows Obama won't do it and rightfully so. Obama is the POTUS and engaging a public figure on something like this would be a disgrace to the Presidency.

Was Obama born in Kenya? Nobody really knows, but he sure hasn't done anything to disprove it.

Obama engages public figures all the time, solicits their name and popularity for his campaigns, and uses them in a major way for fund raising for his campaigns.

Consider the scenario. President Obama goes before the camera and good naturedly acknowledges Donald Trump's generous offer and says that is too good a deal to pass up. He names such and such a charity and expounds on why it is a worthy organization. And he is today ordering that the requested records be notarized and released and he is happy to be a part of seeing that worthy organization gets a whole lot of Mr. Trump's money.

Don't you think this is a great opportunity for Obama to score major points with the public? Would no doubt put him ahead in the polls.

Unless of course there is something in those records that would be really embarassing for him. Which of course is why most people think he has kept them sealed so tight that even Congress is unable to leak them.

But at face value, it is a great opportunity for him to appear good natured, and to be willing to accommodate a reasonable offer to help out a great charity.
Load of horseshit.. Has nothing to do with disgracing the Presidency from a man who allowed 4 AMERICANS to die without sending in help, then went to bed........... LIED to cover it all up..

That's another good point. Obama's got a HUGE problem to deal with with this Benghazi stuff. The media is looking for any opportunity to not cover it like they should be. Well, thanks to the Donald and all his wisdom, they now have their diversion.

Thanks Donald.

Signed, Obama and the media

Good point. One that I agree with

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