Trump Announcement

Maybe due to his background. How do I know what others are thinking and why this thread motivates them. I'd just like to see the whole birther issue put to rest. There seems to be enough people who believe that it's still an issue. Why? Maybe due to Sheriff Arpaio's findings and for some.... maybe they just hate Obama. Beats me.

I'm sure the fact that when he was first asked and refused it didn't help matters.

You got it there.

For you that "part of the answer" works. For others they just want to know the truth. Naturally you seem less concerned about that.

I am not a birther and I have no reason to challenge his or Romney's school records. It is an attack on the President, plain and simple.
You cannot deal with us so you retreat to the 'liar, liar, pants on fire' defense. Have to put my kids to bed, this is like talking to a wall, or walls.

You guys defending your guy on this, just shows what dishonest hypocrites you all are. I could respect you somewhat if you showed at least an ounce of honesty.

I have never said a word on these boards that has not been honest. You are unable to debate us, so you resort to attacking our honesty and integrity. You are pathetic.

Liberals don't debate...they attack. When they are attacked back, they whine about attacking.
Okay, the melt down is complete folks, and they are now tossing out the bait to start the food fight to get the thread closed or busted to the flame zone or some such.

Don't take the bait.

Stay on topic.

Ignore the trolls.

Let's keep the discussion on point until we know what the results of the challenge will be.
You cannot deal with us so you retreat to the 'liar, liar, pants on fire' defense. Have to put my kids to bed, this is like talking to a wall, or walls.

You guys defending your guy on this, just shows what dishonest hypocrites you all are. I could respect you somewhat if you showed at least an ounce of honesty.

I have never said a word on these boards that has not been honest. You are unable to debate us, so you resort to attacking our honesty and integrity. You are pathetic.
The loser who throws the race card isn't even on the same planet as honesty and integrity....Speaking of pathetic.
Okay, the melt down is complete folks, and they are now tossing out the bait to start the food fight to get the thread closed or busted to the flame zone or some such.

Don't take the bait.

Stay on topic.

Ignore the trolls.

Let's keep the discussion on point until we know what the results of the challenge will be.

10,000% correct. It's what they always do and we fall for it.
Oh if only The President would release his college transcripts for the children! *sob*


This thread belongs in conspiracy theories or the rubber room.

Absolutely not. No accusations are being made. Just asking the president to release his records and passport application. Naturally this would be in his library like all predescessors have released their records in their libraries, so this is just asking him to do it now. What is the problem Ravi? We are putting $5 million big ones in the presidents favorite charity. I can only imagine it would be his campaign fund!
Obama, here's how to help the poor:

Obama, here's how to help the poor: Educate both parents and their children -

Since you care so much Mr. President.. here's your chance.. What American wouldn't take the 5 MILLION when all they have to do is release silly old college transcripts?? I mean, after all.. who the hell wants to, or need to hide college documents??? Why you would think only someone who has something they don't want others to find out about right? Being you said you have nothing to hide Barry, and we all know you would never evah ever lie.. then we encourage you to help the poor and release your information.. It's a WIN WIN.. :)

Signed a caring constituent.

Yup. It's a worthy cause. Mr. President, you can relieve Donald Trump of a very large sum of money and do a wonderful thing for kids or other needy persons through a worthy charity. It's a great offer. Take it.
The left here is melting down and if you scan news sites, they are barely covering it. The ones that are are covering it as just another story.
He wants to know why no one but Obama.

Maybe due to his background. How do I know what others are thinking and why this thread motivates them. I'd just like to see the whole birther issue put to rest. There seems to be enough people who believe that it's still an issue. Why? Maybe due to Sheriff Arpaio's findings and for some.... maybe they just hate Obama. Beats me.

I'm sure the fact that when he was first asked and refused it didn't help matters.

You got it there.

why did you pick only that scenario? Why could it not be others?

You claim you KNOW Obama has integrity. How do you know? You calim to KNOW he is intelligent. How do you know? Truth is, all you know about him is what his speech writers write and what his campaign tells you. You dont know what he does behind closed doors. You know he doesnt know how to pronounce corpseman....but that was a gaffe...or was it? How do you know? He DID say it 3 times in a row.

His willingness to show what ANYONE would show a prosepctive employer will result in a 5 million dollar donation. No skin off his back at all.

He...AND ONLY HE...can prevent that donation.

Why would he? All he has to do is what most of us have had to do to get a job. HE will allow a charity to gain 5 million why wouldnt he do it?
You got it there.

For you that "part of the answer" works. For others they just want to know the truth. Naturally you seem less concerned about that.

I am not a birther and I have no reason to challenge his or Romney's school records. It is an attack on the President, plain and simple.

it is not an attack on the President.

It is an attack on a man who has refused to be transparent even though he vied for and won the job of a man that is supposed to be transparent. He just happens to be president.
Maybe due to his background. How do I know what others are thinking and why this thread motivates them. I'd just like to see the whole birther issue put to rest. There seems to be enough people who believe that it's still an issue. Why? Maybe due to Sheriff Arpaio's findings and for some.... maybe they just hate Obama. Beats me.

I'm sure the fact that when he was first asked and refused it didn't help matters.

You got it there.

why did you pick only that scenario? Why could it not be others?

You claim you KNOW Obama has integrity. How do you know? You calim to KNOW he is intelligent. How do you know? Truth is, all you know about him is what his speech writers write and what his campaign tells you. You dont know what he does behind closed doors. You know he doesnt know how to pronounce corpseman....but that was a gaffe...or was it? How do you know? He DID say it 3 times in a row.

His willingness to show what ANYONE would show a prosepctive employer will result in a 5 million dollar donation. No skin off his back at all.

He...AND ONLY HE...can prevent that donation.

Why would he? All he has to do is what most of us have had to do to get a job. HE will allow a charity to gain 5 million why wouldnt he do it?

Said slightly a person we know all we need to know about Romney...his background warts and all. We know zero about Obama. We only know what the media has told us. Anything verifiable and of consequence has been made off limits and is surrounded in controversy...controversy that Obama exacerbates...but has the power to quell and won't for whatever his reasons.
How does this fuck get off on making these statements about someone else. He has filed bankruptcy 4 different times. It is okay for this ass to have many creditors loosing their money while this jerk can start again.
I am sure the President ObamA will take the Deal and give the money to a worthy cause. Then he will have a press conference and thank Mr. Trump! He will be all smiles.​


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