Trump Announcement

So you're saying Romney is hiding something in the taxes he won't release?

People don't understand complicated taxes and that is what the Democrats would be depending on. They would go on about capital gains tax that is open to anyone that invests. It is as simple as that.

But college records everyone who has gone to college or has apllied for anything understands applications and records of grades. That's cannot be misinterpreted.

:lol: hypocrite alert!!!

Not a hypocrite at all. They are making a big deal about Mitt paying a 15% tax. That is what you pay for longterm investment gains on capital investment gains. That is AFTER paying income tax on earnings, so it is a second tax on earning technically. It is taxed a higher rate if it is a short term gain. That too, is a technical second tax on income.

Are you taxed twice on your income?
It's actually dumb yet brilliant. Obama won't do it cuz it's obvious as hell he is hiding something. but the fact that he won't do it makes it all the more apparent that he is a lying piece of shit with tons of secrets.

So you're saying Romney is hiding something in the taxes he won't release?

People don't understand complicated taxes and that is what the Democrats would be depending on. They would go on about capital gains tax that is open to anyone that invests. It is as simple as that.

But college records everyone who has gone to college or has apllied for anything understands applications and records of grades. That's cannot be misinterpreted.

Also a person's college application, transcripts, and passport records reflect only on the person. When you have a tax return that is as complicated as Mitt Romney's tax return, it will name persons and organizations that don't deserve to be dragged into the fray, don't deserve to have the papparazzi camped out on their lawn, and reporters hounding them night and day. For the same reason, the equally wealthy and complicated John Kerry only released the requisite two years of his tax returns. (And nobody was clamoring for him to release a lot more either.) Candidates without complicated family structures and foundations tied up in the process don't put others in jeopardy by releasing their tax returns for whatever years.
Someone needs to tape a parody in which The Chump makes the same offer to Romney for 10 or so years worth of his tax returns.

Exactly. Soros should make the offer. 5 million to the Mormon Church or cult of his choice for the past 10 years of his tax returns.

No other presidential candidate has lied about and then hidden his tax returns.

If he has nothing to hide, then why hide them? Why release only one return and then its the only return he could manipulate. He's a crook, as corrupt as they come. BUT, he's R, so its okay.

As for the parody, SNL is surely on it. As well as Stewart, Fallon, Colbert.
People don't understand complicated taxes and that is what the Democrats would be depending on. They would go on about capital gains tax that is open to anyone that invests. It is as simple as that.

But college records everyone who has gone to college or has apllied for anything understands applications and records of grades. That's cannot be misinterpreted.

:lol: hypocrite alert!!!

Not a hypocrite at all. They are making a big deal about Mitt paying a 15% tax. That is what you pay for longterm investment gains on capital investment gains. That is AFTER paying income tax on earnings, so it is a second tax on earning technically. It is taxed a higher rate if it is a short term gain. That too, is a technical second tax on income.

Are you taxed twice on your income?

Hypocrite. You want the President to release what no other candidate or office holder has ever voluntarily released ( except Kerry, I believe) but don't think Romney should have to release what every candidate since his father has. That's hypocritical.
People don't understand complicated taxes and that is what the Democrats would be depending on. They would go on about capital gains tax that is open to anyone that invests. It is as simple as that.

But college records everyone who has gone to college or has apllied for anything understands applications and records of grades. That's cannot be misinterpreted.

:lol: hypocrite alert!!!

Not a hypocrite at all. They are making a big deal about Mitt paying a 15% tax. That is what you pay for longterm investment gains on capital investment gains. That is AFTER paying income tax on earnings, so it is a second tax on earning technically. It is taxed a higher rate if it is a short term gain. That too, is a technical second tax on income.

Are you taxed twice on your income?

Jackson....upon looking at the Left's responses to the simple query of 'why not hand over the info....for a good cause: charity....'

....the only conclusion that remains is that they are children, uttering a 'don't you dare say bad things about my daddy!!!'' rejoinder.

Just as scholarship is revealing doubts and negatives about FDR.....we'll have to wait half a century.....but the truth will come out.
Someone needs to tape a parody in which The Chump makes the same offer to Romney for 10 or so years worth of his tax returns.

Exactly. Soros should make the offer. 5 million to the Mormon Church or cult of his choice for the past 10 years of his tax returns.

No other presidential candidate has lied about and then hidden his tax returns.

If he has nothing to hide, then why hide them? Why release only one return and then its the only return he could manipulate. He's a crook, as corrupt as they come. BUT, he's R, so its okay.

As for the parody, SNL is surely on it. As well as Stewart, Fallon, Colbert.

Link, please. Love to see your proof. A crook doesn't give to charity as he does, He cheats and keeps his money.
:lol: hypocrite alert!!!

Not a hypocrite at all. They are making a big deal about Mitt paying a 15% tax. That is what you pay for longterm investment gains on capital investment gains. That is AFTER paying income tax on earnings, so it is a second tax on earning technically. It is taxed a higher rate if it is a short term gain. That too, is a technical second tax on income.

Are you taxed twice on your income?

Jackson....upon looking at the Left's responses to the simple query of 'why not hand over the info....for a good cause: charity....'

....the only conclusion that remains is that they are children, uttering a 'don't you dare say bad things about my daddy!!!'' rejoinder.

Just as scholarship is revealing doubts and negatives about FDR.....we'll have to wait half a century.....but the truth will come out.

And how will we handle the truth? Time will tell.
:lol: hypocrite alert!!!

Not a hypocrite at all. They are making a big deal about Mitt paying a 15% tax. That is what you pay for longterm investment gains on capital investment gains. That is AFTER paying income tax on earnings, so it is a second tax on earning technically. It is taxed a higher rate if it is a short term gain. That too, is a technical second tax on income.

Are you taxed twice on your income?

Hypocrite. You want the President to release what no other candidate or office holder has ever voluntarily released ( except Kerry, I believe) but don't think Romney should have to release what every candidate since his father has. That's hypocritical.

Romney has released the requisite two years of tax returns. Kerry released the requisite two years of tax returns when he was a candidate. That was considered adequate for Kerry and it should be considered adequate for Romney. They are different from other candidates in that their returns can compromise the privacy of other people.

Of course the only reason Romney's tax returns are a big deal is to demonize him as such returns have never been an issue for any other presidential candidate, even the more wealthy ones.

Here is a rundown on what returns have been made available by former presidents. Most did not start furnishing tax returns until they became President. Presidents always release their tax returns for each year they are in office, and if Romney is elected, he will do the same.

Tax History Project: Presidential Tax Returns
Repost but some people seem to have missed it:

How miserly is The Donald?

From 1990 through 2009, Trump has personally donated a total of just $3.7 million to his foundation, which was incorporated in 1987. In fact, the billionaire is not even the largest contributor to his own charitable organization.
Trump: The Least Charitable Billionaire | The Smoking Gun

The friggin' check would probably bounce high enough to reach his penthouse.



He doesn't give much away because he doesn't have much!
...Just as scholarship is revealing doubts and negatives about FDR.....we'll have to wait half a century.....but the truth will come out.

Yeah, probably about the same time presidential historians begin to regard Dubya as a sorely misunderstood genius...
:lol: hypocrite alert!!!

Not a hypocrite at all. They are making a big deal about Mitt paying a 15% tax. That is what you pay for longterm investment gains on capital investment gains. That is AFTER paying income tax on earnings, so it is a second tax on earning technically. It is taxed a higher rate if it is a short term gain. That too, is a technical second tax on income.

Are you taxed twice on your income?

Hypocrite. You want the President to release what no other candidate or office holder has ever voluntarily released ( except Kerry, I believe) but don't think Romney should have to release what every candidate since his father has. That's hypocritical.

Not every candidate has released years and years of taxes and it will show he was successful.

Have you been taxed twice on your income? I have just for the luxury of risking my investment and then losing my investments in a crash! But when you lose in the crash you can only deduct $3,000 straight line deduction after the initial loss so it just isn't fair that when you win in the investment you pay up but you cannot deduct the entire loss when youlose! He's playing by the rules and they are complicated. YOu and most people cannot understand the tax codes.
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We all know Obama went to school so he must have applied. Why doesn't he show the records? Why not make the easy $5 million for some charity and be a hero?
Not every candidate has released years and years of taxes and it will show he was successful. a legalized form of tax evasion.

There is a difference between tax minimization/avoidance and tax evasion. All citizens have the right to reduce the amount of taxes they pay as long as it is by legal means.
to be honest i am not that bothered about seeing romney tax returns. i am not bothered either about seeing obama college records or passports. I think we should focus on what they do now and have done rather then all this stuff

trump for me if he has something bad he think on president should just let it out. President gave him his birth certificate but why should he have to give his college records. the worst thing is that trump in sense using charity to try to get his way on this one. For me he could just pay charity himself and so could president himself without all this crap.

He might have something on obama but if he had he should let it out. otherwise president should not get involved in this publicity game with him
If it is legal, then it isn't evasion. I'm sure all those accusing others of unethical or legal cheating are paying a whole lot more than they owe on their own taxes, yes? The U.S. government readily accepts contributions from citizens, so I'm sure all those accusing others of being hypocrites re their taxes or whatever are making contributions above and beyond what the law requires them to pay in taxes.

I am by no means rich, but I readily admit I take every single deduction and every single tax credit and every single exemption and every means that I am able to defer or avoid taxes that the tax law allows me to take. And I apologize to nobody that I do.
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