Trump Announcement

We all know Obama went to school so he must have applied. Why doesn't he show the records? Why not make the easy $5 million for some charity and be a hero?
well he could just give 5 million to chairty himself without showing records. So to be fair could trump without all this stuff.

Also if president having to show this then why not romney or trump even to. It just silly man. If he has something on president which he might then just show it and don,t put charity into this.
Repost but some people seem to have missed it:

How miserly is The Donald?

From 1990 through 2009, Trump has personally donated a total of just $3.7 million to his foundation, which was incorporated in 1987. In fact, the billionaire is not even the largest contributor to his own charitable organization.
Trump: The Least Charitable Billionaire | The Smoking Gun

The friggin' check would probably bounce high enough to reach his penthouse.



He doesn't give much away because he doesn't have much!

can you say;"leveraged to the hilt";)
It's actually dumb yet brilliant. Obama won't do it cuz it's obvious as hell he is hiding something. but the fact that he won't do it makes it all the more apparent that he is a lying piece of shit with tons of secrets.

So you're saying Romney is hiding something in the taxes he won't release?

People don't understand complicated taxes and that is what the Democrats would be depending on. They would go on about capital gains tax that is open to anyone that invests. It is as simple as that.

But college records everyone who has gone to college or has apllied for anything understands applications and records of grades. That's cannot be misinterpreted.

THAT is your excuse for Mitten's lies?

Mitt's returns are too complicated for us dummies to understand?

Damn, but that's lame.
Yup, if it is legal, then it isn't evasion.

Then why the hell has Romney been so evasive on the issue?!

Just because something of questionable morality has been rendered legal through loopholes doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.
Yup, if it is legal, then it isn't evasion.

Then why the hell has Romney been so evasive on the issue?!

Just because something of questionable morality has been rendered legal through loopholes doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.

There is no morality in law. "Morality" refers to personal or cultural values, codes of conduct or social mores. Law is a system of rules and guidelines enforced through social institutions to govern behavior. Laws are made by governments.
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Yup, if it is legal, then it isn't evasion.

Then why the hell has Romney been so evasive on the issue?!

Just because something of questionable morality has been rendered legal through loopholes doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.

What has he been evasive about? Seems to me that he has been pretty darn open. He furnished the requested most recent tax returns. He said that is all he would release and gave his reasons for not releasing more. Those reasons were to protect the privacy of others and they are logically legitimate. Certainly those who have legitimate reason to know the information in those earlier returns have access to them.

Has Obama provided a reason that he wouldn't release his birth certificate until the pressure from both sides made him give in? Has he provided a reason for not releasing requested information re his passport and college records? I don't recall ever seeing a reason. I have not called him a liar or a cheat or other hateful names because he will not. I am curious about why he feels it important to not show those.

And I still think Trump was brilliant in his challenge to get him to do it.
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We all know Obama went to school so he must have applied. Why doesn't he show the records? Why not make the easy $5 million for some charity and be a hero?

Why not show your tax returns and be honest?

Let's all call for both of them to release EVERYTHING, yes??

SHOW OF HANDS LEFTISTS.. How many of you will demand BOTH candidates release it all???

Donald Trump, the Don King of contemporary American politics.

We all know Obama went to school so he must have applied. Why doesn't he show the records? Why not make the easy $5 million for some charity and be a hero?

Why not show your tax returns and be honest?

Because no one is going to pay a charity 5 million smackers like Trump is for his college records!

Hell, I would show my college records and my passport for a far sight less than $5 million dollars contributed to the charity of my choice. And for $5 million dollars would throw in our marriage license, all our tax returns, access to all my e-mails, and a peek into all my closets, drawers, and cupboards.
Why not show your tax returns and be honest?

Let's all call for both of them to release EVERYTHING, yes??

SHOW OF HANDS LEFTISTS.. How many of you will demand BOTH candidates release it all???

I don't see one lefty hand up.

Exactly and you won't. They all know BARRY is hiding something that would most likely IMPEACH his lying ass.. THEY KNOW IT.. and thats why they all went apeshit today when THE DONALD did what he did.

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