Trump Announcement


Donald Trump, the Don King of contemporary American politics.


I understand what you're getting at but that's kind of a cheap shot.

Hey, what better place for cheap shots than USMB!


That seems like a deal to me. I would agree to start pushing Mitt Romney to release more tax records if the Left will agree to start pushing President Obama to let qualified experts examine that birth certificate and his passport record and those college records.
Yes. If you'd prefer to not click the link there and watch his YouTube, here's the summary: Mitt Romney campaign surrogate Donald Trump will give $5 million to a charity of President Barack Obama's choosing if he provides Trump his college transcripts and passport records by Halloween. Since this is not going to happen, that means that inner-city kids with cancer and AIDS will suffer, or something. Basically, Donald Trump, having gotten nowhere in proving any of the innately stupid conspiracy theories he's promulgated about Obama, now wants Obama to help him.

There is literally nothing else to say about this. Enjoy your day.

Was Donald Trump's Announcement A Gigantic, Pointless Waste Of Time Promulgated By A Venal Con Artist?

Why not show your tax returns and be honest?

Let's all call for both of them to release EVERYTHING, yes??

SHOW OF HANDS LEFTISTS.. How many of you will demand BOTH candidates release it all???

I don't see one lefty hand up.

Yeah, two minutes between your two posts is more than enough time, right?

You people are just idiots.

The reality here is that its pretty lame to be asking Obama for his school records. I mean, he negotiated the START Treaty without the US giving up even ONE working nuclear weapon and you want his school records?

But, Mittens lies to you, every day, more lies piled on top of more lies. He's never actually accomplished one thing of importance but you're ready to sign over to him every cent you'll ever earn. And, you idiots even lie FOR him.

Sure, if Obama wants to make his school records public, its okay with me but really, who cares?

As for Trump, I think there is another possibility here ... He was all set with something that he thought would be earthshaking but then he comes out with THIS> It really is pretty anticlimactic and incredibly lame - even for him.

Seems very possible that whatever he thought he had fell through at the last minute and this was the best he could come up with.

And as we've seen, its more than enough for the rw's.

They'll fall for just about anything.
39 pages, I got through 14. Pardon me if someone has already said this.

As venal, vile, ignorant, reprehensible and just flat out WRONG that this might seem, WHY NOT?

Obama should get his ass on TV and tell Trump, "Make it $50 million and you've got a DEAL!"

He can afford it, I think...

And then Obama can say "See, I got a 1%'er to pay his 'fair share'..."
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39 pages, I got through 14. Pardon me if someone has already said this.

As venal, vile, ignorant, reprehensible and just flat out WRONG that this might seem, WHY NOT?

Obama should get his ass on TV and tell Trump, "Make it $50 million and you've got a DEAL!"

He can afford it, I think...

And then Obama can say "See, I got a 1%'er to pay his 'fair share'..."

Then tell Trump his charity is the DNC.
I would love to see Trump donate the money regardless of Schmobama releasing anything. Would definitely make a bunch of people in here eat their words and make big ears look even more like a jackass.
39 pages, I got through 14. Pardon me if someone has already said this.

As venal, vile, ignorant, reprehensible and just flat out WRONG that this might seem, WHY NOT?

Obama should get his ass on TV and tell Trump, "Make it $50 million and you've got a DEAL!"

He can afford it, I think...

And then Obama can say "See, I got a 1%'er to pay his 'fair share'..." Trump would ever pay up

When has a birther ever accepted proof that has been provided
Trump's announcement was just Trump trying to stay relevant and to keep his name in the news.
Must be that the new season of "The Apprentice" must be premiering soon.

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