Trump appointed Judge and Florida jury = epic democrat fail

You’d have to find evidence to support your accusation if you’d want to charge her.

You guys always forget the “evidence” part.
Are you retarded? You think she got off the hook because there was evidence of her destroying 30,000 documents? Jesus Christ you people are soooooo uninformed. :cuckoo:
Are you retarded? You think she got off the hook because there was evidence of her destroying 30,000 documents? Jesus Christ you people are soooooo uninformed. :cuckoo:
There was no evidence of her destroying subpoenaed documents.

That’s why she wasn’t charged with anything.
It's cute you think this woman...


...will get get to rule on this case. :lmao:

Who is that woman and why would she be ruling on the case?

In reality, her lawyers gathered all government emails in December 2014? and turned them over, 30,000 p lus. Then her lawyers instructed their IT guy to deleted all personal emails that were left, to prepare the server for other use.

the subpoena came in January for any emails involving Benghazi and Lybia. Of which her team of lawyers complied...her server and private emails were NOT SUBPOENAED by Congress at the time her IT guy wiped them from her server.

Clinton's server was not subpoenaed until August, the following summer, by the FBI, when the IG, (inspector general) going through her emails turned over found 4 email chains by her staff that contained top secret information.
Your timelines are all wacky, i assume intentionally. Dishonesty isnt going to win you anything here.
She admitted it you stupid fucking retard. :laugh:
No, she didn’t. This was all part of Comey’s report on mid-year investigation which you obviously didn’t read.

Clinton was told all her government emails had been submitted as directed. She said delete the rest, which didn’t happen.

Then the congressional subpoena came.

Then the emails were deleted by Bryan Pagliano.

Bryan Pagliano was given immunity from prosecution in return for cooperation. Even with immunity, he said that no one told him to delete emails after getting the subpoena.

That’s why there’s no charges.

Im much better informed than you. You should pay attention so you can learn something.
Assuming this ever makes it to trial, I doubt a Florida jury will convict Trump, and even if they did, who thinks the judge who was appointed by Trump is going to give him years in prison for something no one else has ever recieved jail time for? Hillary destroyed her documents when they were asked for, even under subpoena. She wasnt even charged.

If judges are supposed to be fair, how could she give Trump any time in jail? Furthermore, you cant put a former president in jail anyway. They have Secret Service for life. Are they all going to hang out in a cell together? I sincerely doubt it. :laugh:

The good news is if they do find him guilty you all will not have your normal built in excuses.
Your timelines are all wacky, i assume intentionally. Dishonesty isnt going to win you anything here.
It seems Trump was quite weak and ineffective at making sure Clinton paid for her crimes....

However, it seems Biden was very powerful and strong at being able to do something Trump could only dream of doing....

Maybe if you get on your knees harder for Trump, he will finally be strong enough to punish your enemies.....or at least, name call them in a way that makes you moist
Military members are not civilians and therefore subject to different laws.


He was an ex-military member tried in Federal District Court in Tampa, not via Military Court Martial.

You said: "even if they did, who thinks the judge who was appointed by Trump is going to give him years in prison for something no one else has ever recieved jail time for?".

Same statute charged as the one the FPOTUS is charged with.

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For someone who claims he doesn't worship Trump....

You sure are in full fledge Captain Save-A-Trump mode......cape and a true sycophantic dork.

Assuming this ever makes it to trial, I doubt a Florida jury will convict Trump, and even if they did, who thinks the judge who was appointed by Trump is going to give him years in prison for something no one else has ever recieved jail time for? Hillary destroyed her documents when they were asked for, even under subpoena. She wasnt even charged.

If judges are supposed to be fair, how could she give Trump any time in jail? Furthermore, you cant put a former president in jail anyway. They have Secret Service for life. Are they all going to hang out in a cell together? I sincerely doubt it. :laugh:
Ha ha
Remember that even his Trump appointed judges ALL turned down his bogus attempts trying to get election recounts . This bozo judge can easily get ousted. Btw, just because it’s red Miami now doesn't mean anything. You may actually have a bunch of republicans on the jury that are tired of a seven year loser and see an out just by doing the right thing and tossing this loser in jail.,
I'm embarrassed for you.
Imagine if Bill was caught paying off Monica with campaign funds and got his own lawyer sent to prison while doing it....

but, that was, no big deal......

Maybe one day you will grow tired of keeping Bill's dick in your mouth.....
I agree

I think it will be impossible to find 12 jurors without at least one who is unwilling to hold Trump accountable.

The only question is with 37 counts not finding one that he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
Some of the charges are cut and dry…..Trump did have classified documents
Trump did admit he took them intentionally
I remind you of the Manafort jury. Even MAGA types voted to convict

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