Trump appointed Judge and Florida jury = epic democrat fail

Good one!
Stalinists piglet says what?
Hillary had classfied documents and destroyed them after she was subpoena'd. No charges.
In reality, her lawyers gathered all government emails in December 2014? and turned them over, 30,000 p lus. Then her lawyers instructed their IT guy to deleted all personal emails that were left, to prepare the server for other use.

the subpoena came in January for any emails involving Benghazi and Lybia. Of which her team of lawyers complied...her server and private emails were NOT SUBPOENAED by Congress at the time her IT guy wiped them from her server.

Clinton's server was not subpoenaed until August, the following summer, by the FBI, when the IG, (inspector general) going through her emails turned over found 4 email chains by her staff that contained top secret information.
She's not a computer whiz kid... The protocols re: use of computers and cell phones were still in flux. Do you think she deliberately made a mess of her government communications?

Yes, absolutely. She knew what she was doing.
Assuming this ever makes it to trial, I doubt a Florida jury will convict Trump, and even if they did, who thinks the judge who was appointed by Trump is going to give him years in prison for something no one else has ever recieved jail time for? Hillary destroyed her documents when they were asked for, even under subpoena. She wasnt even charged.

If judges are supposed to be fair, how could she give Trump any time in jail? Furthermore, you cant put a former president in jail anyway. They have Secret Service for life. Are they all going to hang out in a cell together? I sincerely doubt it. :laugh:
Are you only getting to this now...

Aileen Cannon has already made a huge embarrassment of herself for Trump once. You know that Judges swear to uphold the law not bend the knee to Trump... You are expecting a Judge to not uphold the law as your main defence.

Jack Smith knew this when he put the grand jury case... Do you think he didn't... He could have had this case in DC but he wants to convict Trump in Florida by his own state... He knows when he wins with this Judge, Trump is done...

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