Trump attacks 16 year old with Aspergers (jealous that she won Time person of the year)

Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted the minor for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

Who in this forum has not yet attacked the 16 year old who tells people how to live? People that are much smarter, have more knowledge, and above all are not retarded mind you.

It's ridiculous that she is named a person of the year, she has not accomplished a shit. Virtue signaling is not enough. But then Stalin and Hitler were also people of the year, so time is certainly consistent with their bad choices.

Are you jealous?
It’s really very disgusting an adult like you attacking a 16 yo girl with a goal toward climate change...... I admired her.
Trump just shows he is a disgusting MORON.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted the minor for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
After Obama's Nobel, these things don't mean much.We all know that for three years running, Trump has been Man of the Year.

Your wonder boy Donald is not a man, he's a man-child in an empty suit.

Thats worth billions...
Jealous much?

Weakass meme.....but we know dems cant meme so it's to be expected.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted the minor for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
After Obama's Nobel, these things don't mean much.We all know that for three years running, Trump has been Man of the Year.

Your wonder boy Donald is not a man, he's a man-child in an empty suit.

Thats worth billions...
Jealous much?

Of Trump, hell no. I'm a year or two younger than that fat asshole: never once paid for sex; never been sued; never declared bankruptcy; worked my way through college; served our country in the USN; never got divorced, married for 45 years; retired at age 57 with Safety Retirement and life time medical. and live in a community where no homes are valued under seven figures.

Oh, and I never claimed or paid for a Dr. to claim I have bone spurs.

So what? I retired at 56.
Lets see a pic of this home with a dated sign out front with my name on it.
This thread is... :lol:

And the MORONS that are trying to pass off some little IGNORANT CHILD as an ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST that the WORLD should LISTEN TO.

You people are RETARDED.
Of Trump, hell no. I'm a year or two younger than that fat asshole: never once paid for sex; never been sued; never declared bankruptcy; worked my way through college; served our country in the USN; never got divorced, married for 45 years; retired at age 57 with Safety Retirement and life time medical. and live in a community where no homes are valued under seven figures.

Oh, and I never claimed or paid for a Dr. to claim I have bone spurs.

What else? Let's see, he's the President of the United States, Head of the Free World, multi-billionaire whose businesses provide tens of thousands of jobs all over the world. He has great children who are accomplished and leaders in their own right. Instead of sitting on his behind, as he could well afford, he's working diligently to help make our country even greater while you...nothing.
And then he wonders why he can't get anything done.

Really? Granted, without three years of harassment, threats, false investigations and most of all whining, President Donald Trump could have accomplished even more, but he's done pretty good in spite of the Democrats.

The Unemployment Rate Does Not Signal A Recession
Update - October 4, 2019
Oct. 4, 2019 10:29 AM ET

|The Unemployment Rate Does Not Signal A Recession: Update - October 4, 2019 | Seeking Alpha


Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy

Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy | FreedomWorks


Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages
Oct. 17, 2019, 8:59 AM

A tightening labor market with U.S. unemployment rate at a 50-year low is starting to result in higher wages for full-time workers, including younger people and minorities whose pay has lagged.

Median weekly earnings for Americans in the third quarter rose 3.6% to $919, outpacing inflation, the U.S. Labor Department reported Wednesday. Earnings for those aged 25 to 54, in their prime working years, rose by 5%, the fastest rate of growth in recent years.

Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages


Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists

Published 1 month ago on September 9, 2019


“Love him or hate him, this is an incredible economic accomplishment for the President and a tremendous benefit for American blacks,” said Project 21 member Derryck Green.

Along with a reported third straight month of 3.7 percent overall unemployment, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) August jobs report noted that the overall black unemployment rate fell half-a-percent to 5.5 percent. This is the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded. BLS began reporting employment statistics by race in 1972. And with overall white unemployment at 3.4 percent, it is also the smallest reported gap between the races ever in terms of joblessness. Until recently, the racial employment disparity between blacks and whites has generally held to a 2-1 margin.

Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists


Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states
Tim Henderson, Stateline Published 8:00 a.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019 | Updated 7:10 p.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019

In 39 states, there are more jobs than people looking for them, according to a Stateline analysis of June hiring and employment data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states


America Created 266,000 Jobs in November
JOHN CARNEY 6 Dec 2019

The imaginary recession of 2019 is over.

The U.S. economy added 266,000 jobs for the month and the unemployment rate fell to 3.5 percent, matching the lowest level in 50 years.

Economists had expected the economy to add 180,000 jobs and for unemployment to remain unchanged at 3.6 percent, according to Econoday.

Adding to the picture of strength for the labor market, previous jobs numbers were revised up. September’s figure was revised up by 13,000 to 193,000. October was revised up by 28,000 to 156,000. Together, that adds 41,000 more jobs than previously reported.


Average hourly wages are up 3.14 percent compared with last year, above economist expectations. In manufacturing, the average workweek increased by 0.1 hour to 40.5 hours. Average hourly ages of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees rose by 7 cents in the month to $23.83, a 0.22 percent gain.


America Created 266,000 Jobs in November | Breitbart

Wall Street soars after economy added robust 266,000 jobs in November


USMCA: Agreement reached on Nafta trade deal replacement
10 December 2019

The US, Mexico and Canada have finalised a trade deal that will replace the 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta).

Agreement reached on Nafta trade deal replacement

You are a liar. What made you think your post is a fact?
You can post all these bullshit and lies. Trump asshole has nothing to do with the booming economy.

Just to note.....the economy is not booming because if it was, the Fed wouldn't still be pumping billions of dollars into the economy.
Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
Well the con did make a fake Time cover with him on the cover.
Just when you think he can't go any lower

Got a link?

It was this photoshopped bullshit.

So, was this one he hung up in his hotel...


Fake Time Magazine cover on display in Trump's golf courses


Campaign edits Time 'Person of the Year' cover to show Trump's face on Thunberg's body
This is a GREAT EXAMPLE of what's WRONG with the LEFTISTS of the WORLD... they're willing to even follow a LITTLE CHILD, that knows NOTHING, only what she's been TOLD to THINK, so long as it goes along with their RADICAL AGENDA.

Yeah that's the ticket leftist... try and convince the ENTIRE WORLD, WORLD LEADERS, SCHOLARS, SCIENTISTS, ALL WALKS OF PEOPLE WITH A HIGHER EDUCATION... that they're STUPID, that they HAVE to LISTEN to a LITTLE GIRL.

How STUPID are you people... REALLY... HOW STUPID ARE YOU?
EVERY libtard here has best STFU. You assholes went after the Covington kids and Barron Trump and cried that you were “justified”. Now you cry and whine when a know nothing retard gets what’s coming to her by acting the fool in public. Hypocrites, every single one of you. The TDS is strong here.

Dude we are talking about the president attacking a 16 year old girl.
That just shows how low this president is.
So Progs are saying Trump's mean for picking on the fucking retard who is supposed to run our lives?

When did trump pick on you? Of course no one would allow you to run their life, so as usual you are wrong on both points.

How dare you! HOW DARE YOU!!!

Why didn't the EnviroMarxists pick a retarded black kid, why did they go with the lily white privilege one?
This is a GREAT EXAMPLE of what's WRONG with the LEFTISTS of the WORLD... they're willing to even follow a LITTLE CHILD, that knows NOTHING, only what she's been TOLD to THINK, so long as it goes along with their RADICAL AGENDA.

Yeah that's the ticket leftist... try and convince the ENTIRE WORLD, WORLD LEADERS, SCHOLARS, SCIENTISTS, ALL WALKS OF PEOPLE WITH A HIGHER EDUCATION... that they're STUPID, that they HAVE to LISTEN to a LITTLE GIRL.

How STUPID are you people... REALLY... HOW STUPID ARE YOU?

Don't attack teenage boy Barron Trump, the president's supporters protested.
Now Donald blasted not only a minor,for but one with a mental disorder, for having an "anger management" issue.
How classy.
Trump mocks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'
Well the con did make a fake Time cover with him on the cover.
Just when you think he can't go any lower

Got a link?

It was this photoshopped bullshit.

So, was this one he hung up in his hotel...


Fake Time Magazine cover on display in Trump's golf courses


Campaign edits Time 'Person of the Year' cover to show Trump's face on Thunberg's body

LOL at your link.....

"[Thunberg] represents a broader generational shift in the culture that we’re seeing from the campuses of Hong Kong"

Than why are protesters in Hong Kong running around with signs supporting Trump?
This thread is... :lol:

And the MORONS that are trying to pass off some little IGNORANT CHILD as an ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST that the WORLD should LISTEN TO.

You people are RETARDED.

The whole world belongs to Paris accord except one country USA because of Trump. Even Ivanka disagree with this dude.
EVERY libtard here has best STFU. You assholes went after the Covington kids and Barron Trump and cried that you were “justified”. Now you cry and whine when a know nothing retard gets what’s coming to her by acting the fool in public. Hypocrites, every single one of you. The TDS is strong here.

Dude we are talking about the president attacking a 16 year old girl.
That just shows how low this president is.

We're talking about the left taking advantage of a mentally disturbed teenager to further their political goals.

But you're okay with the attacks on Barron.
Go fuck yourself foreigner.
This thread is... :lol:

And the MORONS that are trying to pass off some little IGNORANT CHILD as an ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST that the WORLD should LISTEN TO.

You people are RETARDED.

The whole world belongs to Paris accord except one country USA because of Trump. Even Ivanka disagree with this dude.
Bull shit. That's one of the most STUPID things I've read on here today.
This thread is... :lol:

And the MORONS that are trying to pass off some little IGNORANT CHILD as an ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST that the WORLD should LISTEN TO.

You people are RETARDED.

The whole world belongs to Paris accord except one country USA because of Trump. Even Ivanka disagree with this dude.
Bull shit. That's one of the most STUPID things I've read on here today.

Coming from one of the dumbest MF's on this board I'm not surprised at his comment.
This thread is... :lol:

And the MORONS that are trying to pass off some little IGNORANT CHILD as an ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST that the WORLD should LISTEN TO.

You people are RETARDED.

The whole world belongs to Paris accord except one country USA because of Trump. Even Ivanka disagree with this dude.
Bull shit. That's one of the most STUPID things I've read on here today.

Coming from one of the dumbest MF's on this board I'm not surprised at his comment.
Riiiiiiiiiiiight... ass clown... "THE WHOLE WORLD BELONGS TO PARIS ACCORD"...

I'm not the one that made that MORONIC STATEMENT... YOU DID... dumbass twit.
This is a GREAT EXAMPLE of what's WRONG with the LEFTISTS of the WORLD... they're willing to even follow a LITTLE CHILD, that knows NOTHING, only what she's been TOLD to THINK, so long as it goes along with their RADICAL AGENDA.

Yeah that's the ticket leftist... try and convince the ENTIRE WORLD, WORLD LEADERS, SCHOLARS, SCIENTISTS, ALL WALKS OF PEOPLE WITH A HIGHER EDUCATION... that they're STUPID, that they HAVE to LISTEN to a LITTLE GIRL.

How STUPID are you people... REALLY... HOW STUPID ARE YOU?

Whether you support her or believe she should have got the award is really secondary. The main point is Trump acting like a 6 year old because he didn't get it.
This thread is... :lol:

And the MORONS that are trying to pass off some little IGNORANT CHILD as an ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST that the WORLD should LISTEN TO.

You people are RETARDED.

The whole world belongs to Paris accord except one country USA because of Trump. Even Ivanka disagree with this dude.
Bull shit. That's one of the most STUPID things I've read on here today.

Coming from one of the dumbest MF's on this board I'm not surprised at his comment.
Riiiiiiiiiiiight... ass clown... "THE WHOLE WORLD BELONGS TO PARIS ACCORD"...

I'm not the one that made that MORONIC STATEMENT... YOU DID... dumbass twit.

You should probably re read my post and not jump to conclusions that are unmerited.

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