Trump attacks his own political party


You have to wonder, if McCain didn't have cancer, would he have voted different?

he might not have. process matters to him and he was embarrassed by this. that said, it was a lot easier for him to take the heat for people like Lindsey Graham now. Otherwise, he might have had to put together a coalition of people just for cover or he might have wussed out. That said, freaking awesome Collins and McCulsky made it possible for him to do this.

I'm also pretty sure that in his head he was thinking "I like presidents who aren't under investigation for their dealings with Russia" :)
McCain, spineless and a progressive.
We knew it all along… LOL
If you don't put gas in the tank, change the oil and replace the brakes then your car isn't going to work. The car is now at the Republicans auto shop. If the ACA dies then it's easy to assign them blame.
Obamacare was made to fail... to make way for single payer

lol, so if it's failing, the plan is working?
Too bad The country could never afford single payer... lol
Why can't our country afford it? How much are healthcare costs per year in this country? How much do insurance companies profit per year after paying for their customers care? Think about it
Because the successful would be paying for the deadbeats, and deadbeats Vastly out number successful people… Facr
That didn't address my questions at all. Care to try again?
Obamacare was made to fail... to make way for single payer

lol, so if it's failing, the plan is working?
Too bad The country could never afford single payer... lol
Why can't our country afford it? How much are healthcare costs per year in this country? How much do insurance companies profit per year after paying for their customers care? Think about it
Because the successful would be paying for the deadbeats, and deadbeats Vastly out number successful people… Facr
That didn't address my questions at all. Care to try again?
There is no way for it to work, when you have deadbeats taking way more than what is brought in. Simple arithmetic
lol, so if it's failing, the plan is working?
Too bad The country could never afford single payer... lol
Why can't our country afford it? How much are healthcare costs per year in this country? How much do insurance companies profit per year after paying for their customers care? Think about it
Because the successful would be paying for the deadbeats, and deadbeats Vastly out number successful people… Facr
That didn't address my questions at all. Care to try again?
There is no way for it to work, when you get a deadbeats taking way more than what is brought in. Simple arithmetic
Simple arithmetic involves numbers which is what I was asking for... youve dodged answering twice now. So how about we go back and look at the numbers. What are healthcare costs in this country and how much do insurance companies profit after paying the bills? That will give us a start for the "simple arithmetic"... or is discussing these kinds of details over your head?
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

The Trump supporters are in full denial mode. They think that the outrag over Trump and his antics are still about the election. They believe that our national incredulity about Trump is born of resentment. They call the mature, responsible Americans who sincerely worry for the foreseeable future "butt hurt snowflakes". They rationalize every Trump misstep, every irrational tweet contradicting other 'official White House messages', every impulsive firing.

What they fail to realize is these shenanigans undermine Trump's authority as President. With the congressional Republicans splitting at the seams, one would think that Trump supporters would have some serious navel gazing at hand.

But they carry the water for this guy like Gunga Din. They have fully bought into Trump come hell or high water.

Incredible, ain't it?

We gambled that he could change some things that really needed change.

Sure we are in for the long haul.

It's not like anyone else was going to do it.

What part of this is news to you?
Could it be that Trump is not the agent of change you so desperately want? Could it be that Trump's inexperience, massive yet fragile ego and his cast in stone self interest and promotion only bring chaos and mayhem? Could it be that Trump is just not the man to be invested in the power of the Presidency?

It seems that, sooner or later, even the most dedicated of the Trump supporters will do the forehead slap heard round the world.

You ask a question, and then answer it for yourself.

If you want my answer, then ask it again, without answering it.

Otherwise, my answer stands.

We gambled that he could change some things that really needed change.

Sure we are in for the long haul.

It's not like anyone else was going to do it.

What part of this is news to you?
Fair enough. Let's try again.

Are you confident in Trump's abilities to work effectively with both the legislative and judicial branches of the federal government?

Do you believe that Donald Trump is the agent of change you would like to see?

What would shake your belief in Trump?

Are you still satisfied with the way Trump is conducting the nation's business?
Too bad The country could never afford single payer... lol
Why can't our country afford it? How much are healthcare costs per year in this country? How much do insurance companies profit per year after paying for their customers care? Think about it
Because the successful would be paying for the deadbeats, and deadbeats Vastly out number successful people… Facr
That didn't address my questions at all. Care to try again?
There is no way for it to work, when you get a deadbeats taking way more than what is brought in. Simple arithmetic
Simple arithmetic involves numbers which is what I was asking for... youve dodged answering twice now. So how about we go back and look at the numbers. What are healthcare costs in this country and how much do insurance companies profit after paying the bills? That will give us a start for the "simple arithmetic"... or is discussing these kinds of details over your head?
The very concept of insurance is a fraud, just like paying into a pool. The outcome is always a shitty one, bathed in red ink.

This is from a few years ago, much greater now and does not even include the 125+ trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.

The country has butt fucked by the federal government for decades now… LOL
What is it with the left? Barry Hussein's economic stagnation lasted eight freaking years, the "treaties" he negotiated were laughable, the U.S. Military was stuck in a stagnant never ending conflict that the administration didn't want to engage in while they were used as a social laboratory and his A.G. was drummed out of Washington for authorizing the shipment of 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels. Hussein's dream of leveling the international playing field and turning the U.S. into a 3rd world country failed just barely. Under Trump the DOW stays in record territory, illegal immigration (and border drug trafficking) is down about 80%, the Military is revitalized and so are Police Officers and we negotiate treaties from a position of strength rather than apologizing for American decadence. All this despite angry incoherent crazy rants from disappointed lefties and even the attempted murder of republican congressmen by a Sanders democrat. Hang on to your hats lefties, it's only been six months and you are in for a bumpy ride.
Why can't our country afford it? How much are healthcare costs per year in this country? How much do insurance companies profit per year after paying for their customers care? Think about it
Because the successful would be paying for the deadbeats, and deadbeats Vastly out number successful people… Facr
That didn't address my questions at all. Care to try again?
There is no way for it to work, when you get a deadbeats taking way more than what is brought in. Simple arithmetic
Simple arithmetic involves numbers which is what I was asking for... youve dodged answering twice now. So how about we go back and look at the numbers. What are healthcare costs in this country and how much do insurance companies profit after paying the bills? That will give us a start for the "simple arithmetic"... or is discussing these kinds of details over your head?
The very concept of insurance is a fraud, just like paying into a pool. The outcome is always a shitty one, bathed in red ink.

This is from a few years ago, much greater now and does not even include the 125+ trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.

The country has butt fucked by the federal government for decades now… LOL
Again you avoid a very simple conversation about numbers and move into the ideological arguments. Are you not capable of staying on subject or are you just too lazy to look up numbers and do a basic analysis?
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

The Trump supporters are in full denial mode. They think that the outrag over Trump and his antics are still about the election. They believe that our national incredulity about Trump is born of resentment. They call the mature, responsible Americans who sincerely worry for the foreseeable future "butt hurt snowflakes". They rationalize every Trump misstep, every irrational tweet contradicting other 'official White House messages', every impulsive firing.

What they fail to realize is these shenanigans undermine Trump's authority as President. With the congressional Republicans splitting at the seams, one would think that Trump supporters would have some serious navel gazing at hand.

But they carry the water for this guy like Gunga Din. They have fully bought into Trump come hell or high water.

Incredible, ain't it?

We gambled that he could change some things that really needed change.

Sure we are in for the long haul.

It's not like anyone else was going to do it.

What part of this is news to you?
Could it be that Trump is not the agent of change you so desperately want? Could it be that Trump's inexperience, massive yet fragile ego and his cast in stone self interest and promotion only bring chaos and mayhem? Could it be that Trump is just not the man to be invested in the power of the Presidency?

It seems that, sooner or later, even the most dedicated of the Trump supporters will do the forehead slap heard round the world.

You ask a question, and then answer it for yourself.

If you want my answer, then ask it again, without answering it.

Otherwise, my answer stands.

We gambled that he could change some things that really needed change.

Sure we are in for the long haul.

It's not like anyone else was going to do it.

What part of this is news to you?
Fair enough. Let's try again.

Are you confident in Trump's abilities to work effectively with both the legislative and judicial branches of the federal government?

Trump's stated policy goals are, imo, obviously in America's interests. It should not be difficult to get the Legislative and Judicial branches of the government to enact policies in America's interest.

If those branches of government are that resistant to serving American interests, that is on them. Trump is the head of the executive branch. THe other branches are BY DESIGN, fully capable of limiting his powers.

Do you believe that Donald Trump is the agent of change you would like to see?

I have no way of knowing at this point in time. He was obviously the best choice available in the primaries.

What would shake your belief in Trump?

Seeing him not try.

Are you still satisfied with the way Trump is conducting the nation's business?

A bunch of sound and fury coming from our enemies? Doesn't mean they have point. INSTEAD it indicates that Trump is doing the right thing, if our enemies are so pissed off.

Fuck them. Fuck them all. A lot. And not in the nice way. No dinner before hand. No waffles in the morning. Don't call. Write their numbers on the bath room wall.
Because the successful would be paying for the deadbeats, and deadbeats Vastly out number successful people… Facr
That didn't address my questions at all. Care to try again?
There is no way for it to work, when you get a deadbeats taking way more than what is brought in. Simple arithmetic
Simple arithmetic involves numbers which is what I was asking for... youve dodged answering twice now. So how about we go back and look at the numbers. What are healthcare costs in this country and how much do insurance companies profit after paying the bills? That will give us a start for the "simple arithmetic"... or is discussing these kinds of details over your head?
The very concept of insurance is a fraud, just like paying into a pool. The outcome is always a shitty one, bathed in red ink.

This is from a few years ago, much greater now and does not even include the 125+ trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.

The country has butt fucked by the federal government for decades now… LOL
Again you avoid a very simple conversation about numbers and move into the ideological arguments. Are you not capable of staying on subject or are you just too lazy to look up numbers and do a basic analysis?
Ok, there is not enough money in the private sector to pay for socialist entitlement programs…. NEVER WILL BE.
The fucking well is dry, socialism has run out of other peoples money.
That didn't address my questions at all. Care to try again?
There is no way for it to work, when you get a deadbeats taking way more than what is brought in. Simple arithmetic
Simple arithmetic involves numbers which is what I was asking for... youve dodged answering twice now. So how about we go back and look at the numbers. What are healthcare costs in this country and how much do insurance companies profit after paying the bills? That will give us a start for the "simple arithmetic"... or is discussing these kinds of details over your head?
The very concept of insurance is a fraud, just like paying into a pool. The outcome is always a shitty one, bathed in red ink.

This is from a few years ago, much greater now and does not even include the 125+ trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.

The country has butt fucked by the federal government for decades now… LOL
Again you avoid a very simple conversation about numbers and move into the ideological arguments. Are you not capable of staying on subject or are you just too lazy to look up numbers and do a basic analysis?
Ok, there is not enough money in the private sector to pay for socialist entitlement programs…. NEVER WILL BE.
The fucking well is dry, socialism has run out of other peoples money.
Are you ever going to post some numbers so we can actually talk about real things? Or do you only have empty statements to throw out?

Your diversions and rhetoric are beginning to get ridiculous
There is no way for it to work, when you get a deadbeats taking way more than what is brought in. Simple arithmetic
Simple arithmetic involves numbers which is what I was asking for... youve dodged answering twice now. So how about we go back and look at the numbers. What are healthcare costs in this country and how much do insurance companies profit after paying the bills? That will give us a start for the "simple arithmetic"... or is discussing these kinds of details over your head?
The very concept of insurance is a fraud, just like paying into a pool. The outcome is always a shitty one, bathed in red ink.

This is from a few years ago, much greater now and does not even include the 125+ trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.

The country has butt fucked by the federal government for decades now… LOL
Again you avoid a very simple conversation about numbers and move into the ideological arguments. Are you not capable of staying on subject or are you just too lazy to look up numbers and do a basic analysis?
Ok, there is not enough money in the private sector to pay for socialist entitlement programs…. NEVER WILL BE.
The fucking well is dry, socialism has run out of other peoples money.
Are you ever going to post some numbers so we can actually talk about real things? Or do you only have empty statements to throw out?

Your diversions and rhetoric are beginning to get ridiculous

Slade, you are wasting your time with Rustic. He believes that everyone but Trump and himself are deadbeats.
Simple arithmetic involves numbers which is what I was asking for... youve dodged answering twice now. So how about we go back and look at the numbers. What are healthcare costs in this country and how much do insurance companies profit after paying the bills? That will give us a start for the "simple arithmetic"... or is discussing these kinds of details over your head?
The very concept of insurance is a fraud, just like paying into a pool. The outcome is always a shitty one, bathed in red ink.

This is from a few years ago, much greater now and does not even include the 125+ trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.

The country has butt fucked by the federal government for decades now… LOL
Again you avoid a very simple conversation about numbers and move into the ideological arguments. Are you not capable of staying on subject or are you just too lazy to look up numbers and do a basic analysis?
Ok, there is not enough money in the private sector to pay for socialist entitlement programs…. NEVER WILL BE.
The fucking well is dry, socialism has run out of other peoples money.
Are you ever going to post some numbers so we can actually talk about real things? Or do you only have empty statements to throw out?

Your diversions and rhetoric are beginning to get ridiculous

Slade, you are wasting your time with Rustic. He believes that everyone but Trump and himself are deadbeats.
I know, but I enjoy calling him on specifics and watching him do his best to dodge and weave. It just showcases that he doesn't know what he is talking about.
Too bad The country could never afford single payer... lol
Why can't our country afford it? How much are healthcare costs per year in this country? How much do insurance companies profit per year after paying for their customers care? Think about it
Because the successful would be paying for the deadbeats, and deadbeats Vastly out number successful people… Facr
That didn't address my questions at all. Care to try again?
There is no way for it to work, when you get a deadbeats taking way more than what is brought in. Simple arithmetic
Simple arithmetic involves numbers which is what I was asking for... youve dodged answering twice now. So how about we go back and look at the numbers. What are healthcare costs in this country and how much do insurance companies profit after paying the bills? That will give us a start for the "simple arithmetic"... or is discussing these kinds of details over your head?

Pretty damn simple answer!
Health care costs in the USA..ANSWER:
First up isn't a prediction as much as a major milestone that's reflective of escalating healthcare costs. According to CMS (here) our National Healthcare Expenditure (NHE) is projected to hit $3.207 trillion this year. The U.S. Population is currently hovering at around 320 million, so 2015 looks to be the first year healthcare spending will reach $10,000 per person. We may be "bending the cost growth curve," but the per capita amount continues to grow.
U.S. Healthcare Spending On Track To Hit $10,000 Per Person This Year

Ok now for your other dumb ass question: insurance companies profit after paying the bills?
First of all you dummies never heard of the Medical loss ratio I bet!
Here let me help you out!
A basic financial measurement used in the Affordable Care Act to encourage health plans to provide value to enrollees. If an insurer uses 80 cents out of every premium dollar to pay its customers' medical claims and activities that improve the quality of care, the company has a medical loss ratio of 80%.
So these idiots at Obamacare FORCED 85% MLR... and guess what? FORCED Premiums up!

WHY... well let's take a look at Aetna's 2015 Financial statement:
NOTE: care costs: $41 billion divided by total premiums $51 billion equals 80% going out in claims!
Then NOTE: those exorbitant salaries, overhead etc. $11 billion of $51 billion 21% wow terrible
Finally after all is done what kind of federal taxes have they paid? $2 billion in taxes or 4% But wait... remember they also paid Federal payroll taxes!
So now they have after all that is done woo.... big profits! $ 2.4 billion from $51 billion is NET profits? 3.9%!
WOW!! Big money big money filthy profits... but wait where does that stand with other industries net profits...
Insurance is 40th at 7.2% and Aetna... 3.9%


To reinforce the stupidity of a lot of people on this board and people in general look at this chart!
I'm sure most of you ignorant people really believe insurance companies, companies in general make a lot of profit! WRONG!

The public thinks the average company makes a 36% profit margin, which is about 5X too high • AEI
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

The Trump supporters are in full denial mode. They think that the outrag over Trump and his antics are still about the election. They believe that our national incredulity about Trump is born of resentment. They call the mature, responsible Americans who sincerely worry for the foreseeable future "butt hurt snowflakes". They rationalize every Trump misstep, every irrational tweet contradicting other 'official White House messages', every impulsive firing.

What they fail to realize is these shenanigans undermine Trump's authority as President. With the congressional Republicans splitting at the seams, one would think that Trump supporters would have some serious navel gazing at hand.

But they carry the water for this guy like Gunga Din. They have fully bought into Trump come hell or high water.

Incredible, ain't it?

We gambled that he could change some things that really needed change.

Sure we are in for the long haul.

It's not like anyone else was going to do it.

What part of this is news to you?
Could it be that Trump is not the agent of change you so desperately want? Could it be that Trump's inexperience, massive yet fragile ego and his cast in stone self interest and promotion only bring chaos and mayhem? Could it be that Trump is just not the man to be invested in the power of the Presidency?

It seems that, sooner or later, even the most dedicated of the Trump supporters will do the forehead slap heard round the world.

You ask a question, and then answer it for yourself.

If you want my answer, then ask it again, without answering it.

Otherwise, my answer stands.

We gambled that he could change some things that really needed change.

Sure we are in for the long haul.

It's not like anyone else was going to do it.

What part of this is news to you?
Fair enough. Let's try again.

Are you confident in Trump's abilities to work effectively with both the legislative and judicial branches of the federal government?

Trump's stated policy goals are, imo, obviously in America's interests. It should not be difficult to get the Legislative and Judicial branches of the government to enact policies in America's interest.

If those branches of government are that resistant to serving American interests, that is on them. Trump is the head of the executive branch. THe other branches are BY DESIGN, fully capable of limiting his powers.

Do you believe that Donald Trump is the agent of change you would like to see?

I have no way of knowing at this point in time. He was obviously the best choice available in the primaries.

What would shake your belief in Trump?

Seeing him not try.

Are you still satisfied with the way Trump is conducting the nation's business?

A bunch of sound and fury coming from our enemies? Doesn't mean they have point. INSTEAD it indicates that Trump is doing the right thing, if our enemies are so pissed off.

Fuck them. Fuck them all. A lot. And not in the nice way. No dinner before hand. No waffles in the morning. Don't call. Write their numbers on the bath room wall.
Is that how you view Trump's critics, as "enemies"? Isn't the lion's share of the sound and fury coming from inside the West Wing?
Why can't our country afford it? How much are healthcare costs per year in this country? How much do insurance companies profit per year after paying for their customers care? Think about it
Because the successful would be paying for the deadbeats, and deadbeats Vastly out number successful people… Facr
That didn't address my questions at all. Care to try again?
There is no way for it to work, when you get a deadbeats taking way more than what is brought in. Simple arithmetic
Simple arithmetic involves numbers which is what I was asking for... youve dodged answering twice now. So how about we go back and look at the numbers. What are healthcare costs in this country and how much do insurance companies profit after paying the bills? That will give us a start for the "simple arithmetic"... or is discussing these kinds of details over your head?

Pretty damn simple answer!
Health care costs in the USA..ANSWER:
First up isn't a prediction as much as a major milestone that's reflective of escalating healthcare costs. According to CMS (here) our National Healthcare Expenditure (NHE) is projected to hit $3.207 trillion this year. The U.S. Population is currently hovering at around 320 million, so 2015 looks to be the first year healthcare spending will reach $10,000 per person. We may be "bending the cost growth curve," but the per capita amount continues to grow.
U.S. Healthcare Spending On Track To Hit $10,000 Per Person This Year

Ok now for your other dumb ass question: insurance companies profit after paying the bills?
First of all you dummies never heard of the Medical loss ratio I bet!
Here let me help you out!
A basic financial measurement used in the Affordable Care Act to encourage health plans to provide value to enrollees. If an insurer uses 80 cents out of every premium dollar to pay its customers' medical claims and activities that improve the quality of care, the company has a medical loss ratio of 80%.
So these idiots at Obamacare FORCED 85% MLR... and guess what? FORCED Premiums up!

WHY... well let's take a look at Aetna's 2015 Financial statement:
NOTE: care costs: $41 billion divided by total premiums $51 billion equals 80% going out in claims!
Then NOTE: those exorbitant salaries, overhead etc. $11 billion of $51 billion 21% wow terrible
Finally after all is done what kind of federal taxes have they paid? $2 billion in taxes or 4% But wait... remember they also paid Federal payroll taxes!
So now they have after all that is done woo.... big profits! $ 2.4 billion from $51 billion is NET profits? 3.9%!
WOW!! Big money big money filthy profits... but wait where does that stand with other industries net profits...
Insurance is 40th at 7.2% and Aetna... 3.9%
View attachment 141102
View attachment 141100

To reinforce the stupidity of a lot of people on this board and people in general look at this chart!
I'm sure most of you ignorant people really believe insurance companies, companies in general make a lot of profit! WRONG!

The public thinks the average company makes a 36% profit margin, which is about 5X too high • AEI
View attachment 141096
Wow, well I was going to "thank" your response and applaud you for wanting to talk about real numbers until I read your snarky little comment about my dumb ass questions. If you think I'm dumb for wanting to talk about stats and numbers then feel free to not respond to me and engage with members seeking hateful partisan attack fights
Because the successful would be paying for the deadbeats, and deadbeats Vastly out number successful people… Facr
That didn't address my questions at all. Care to try again?
There is no way for it to work, when you get a deadbeats taking way more than what is brought in. Simple arithmetic
Simple arithmetic involves numbers which is what I was asking for... youve dodged answering twice now. So how about we go back and look at the numbers. What are healthcare costs in this country and how much do insurance companies profit after paying the bills? That will give us a start for the "simple arithmetic"... or is discussing these kinds of details over your head?

Pretty damn simple answer!
Health care costs in the USA..ANSWER:
First up isn't a prediction as much as a major milestone that's reflective of escalating healthcare costs. According to CMS (here) our National Healthcare Expenditure (NHE) is projected to hit $3.207 trillion this year. The U.S. Population is currently hovering at around 320 million, so 2015 looks to be the first year healthcare spending will reach $10,000 per person. We may be "bending the cost growth curve," but the per capita amount continues to grow.
U.S. Healthcare Spending On Track To Hit $10,000 Per Person This Year

Ok now for your other dumb ass question: insurance companies profit after paying the bills?
First of all you dummies never heard of the Medical loss ratio I bet!
Here let me help you out!
A basic financial measurement used in the Affordable Care Act to encourage health plans to provide value to enrollees. If an insurer uses 80 cents out of every premium dollar to pay its customers' medical claims and activities that improve the quality of care, the company has a medical loss ratio of 80%.
So these idiots at Obamacare FORCED 85% MLR... and guess what? FORCED Premiums up!

WHY... well let's take a look at Aetna's 2015 Financial statement:
NOTE: care costs: $41 billion divided by total premiums $51 billion equals 80% going out in claims!
Then NOTE: those exorbitant salaries, overhead etc. $11 billion of $51 billion 21% wow terrible
Finally after all is done what kind of federal taxes have they paid? $2 billion in taxes or 4% But wait... remember they also paid Federal payroll taxes!
So now they have after all that is done woo.... big profits! $ 2.4 billion from $51 billion is NET profits? 3.9%!
WOW!! Big money big money filthy profits... but wait where does that stand with other industries net profits...
Insurance is 40th at 7.2% and Aetna... 3.9%
View attachment 141102
View attachment 141100

To reinforce the stupidity of a lot of people on this board and people in general look at this chart!
I'm sure most of you ignorant people really believe insurance companies, companies in general make a lot of profit! WRONG!

The public thinks the average company makes a 36% profit margin, which is about 5X too high • AEI
View attachment 141096
Wow, well I was going to "thank" your response and applaud you for wanting to talk about real numbers until I read your snarky little comment about my dumb ass questions. If you think I'm dumb for wanting to talk about stats and numbers then feel free to not respond to me and engage with members seeking hateful partisan attack fights
Simply... the well is dry.
That didn't address my questions at all. Care to try again?
There is no way for it to work, when you get a deadbeats taking way more than what is brought in. Simple arithmetic
Simple arithmetic involves numbers which is what I was asking for... youve dodged answering twice now. So how about we go back and look at the numbers. What are healthcare costs in this country and how much do insurance companies profit after paying the bills? That will give us a start for the "simple arithmetic"... or is discussing these kinds of details over your head?

Pretty damn simple answer!
Health care costs in the USA..ANSWER:
First up isn't a prediction as much as a major milestone that's reflective of escalating healthcare costs. According to CMS (here) our National Healthcare Expenditure (NHE) is projected to hit $3.207 trillion this year. The U.S. Population is currently hovering at around 320 million, so 2015 looks to be the first year healthcare spending will reach $10,000 per person. We may be "bending the cost growth curve," but the per capita amount continues to grow.
U.S. Healthcare Spending On Track To Hit $10,000 Per Person This Year

Ok now for your other dumb ass question: insurance companies profit after paying the bills?
First of all you dummies never heard of the Medical loss ratio I bet!
Here let me help you out!
A basic financial measurement used in the Affordable Care Act to encourage health plans to provide value to enrollees. If an insurer uses 80 cents out of every premium dollar to pay its customers' medical claims and activities that improve the quality of care, the company has a medical loss ratio of 80%.
So these idiots at Obamacare FORCED 85% MLR... and guess what? FORCED Premiums up!

WHY... well let's take a look at Aetna's 2015 Financial statement:
NOTE: care costs: $41 billion divided by total premiums $51 billion equals 80% going out in claims!
Then NOTE: those exorbitant salaries, overhead etc. $11 billion of $51 billion 21% wow terrible
Finally after all is done what kind of federal taxes have they paid? $2 billion in taxes or 4% But wait... remember they also paid Federal payroll taxes!
So now they have after all that is done woo.... big profits! $ 2.4 billion from $51 billion is NET profits? 3.9%!
WOW!! Big money big money filthy profits... but wait where does that stand with other industries net profits...
Insurance is 40th at 7.2% and Aetna... 3.9%
View attachment 141102
View attachment 141100

To reinforce the stupidity of a lot of people on this board and people in general look at this chart!
I'm sure most of you ignorant people really believe insurance companies, companies in general make a lot of profit! WRONG!

The public thinks the average company makes a 36% profit margin, which is about 5X too high • AEI
View attachment 141096
Wow, well I was going to "thank" your response and applaud you for wanting to talk about real numbers until I read your snarky little comment about my dumb ass questions. If you think I'm dumb for wanting to talk about stats and numbers then feel free to not respond to me and engage with members seeking hateful partisan attack fights
Simply... the well is dry.
For the 5th time. Show some numbers... what are the costs per person? How much to insurance companies collect in revenue? Break it down or do details make your head hurt?
Why shouldn't he? His own political party has been attacking him since he announced his candidacy. Trump is a political outsider who doesn't play by the same rules. Remember, Trump is not a politician and it is one of the reasons he got elected. The career politicians of both both parties hate him and will do everything in their power to stop his agenda to make him look bad.

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