Trump attacks his own political party

to the OP. Trump is not a slave to either political party or the DC establishment. That's why they all hate him. He is not one of them. He was elected by the people to do exactly what he is doing---------drain the DC swamp and expose the corruption of the establishment, the media, and the do nothing congress.

The only party he represents is the party of the American people------------and that's how it should be.

So you would urge Trump to pursue a bi-partisan compromise bill to improve Obamacare, with significant votes from the Democrats?

of course, he has been trying to do just that from the beginning, but the dems refuse to talk.

The Democrats were not let into any of the GOP crafting process of their healthcare bills.

bullshit, they were invited and refused to participate. Unlike when obozocare was written in secret by dem staffers, passed in the middle of the night on Christmas eve using reconciliation, with no floor debate in either house, no amendments allowed, and signed into law before anyone had any idea what was in it.

ACA is the worst piece of legislation in the history of this country, and was made law in the most corrupt fashion.
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Fake News ....:bs1:
triggered ?
Trump = possibly the best president in US history.

Illegal immigration already massively down, and he hasn't even started building the wall yet.
I think we're watching the implosion of the Trump administration right before our eyes. They're definitely not going to work with him. [...] we're watching Republicans & Democrats work together on the hill to tie Trump's hands. Bipartisanship at last!

Congress pretty much has Trump constrained, as well they should. That man is, IMO, more likely to cause WWIII and/or the complete and irreversible eradication of the U.S.' primacy, than is anyone or anything else currently extant on the planet. And, no, I don't think he would wittingly do either. As with most everything else he thinks he wants to do as POTUS, it is his propensity to act while also being utterly ignorant of what he's about to do (doing) that would effect such disaster and calamity.

Congress, if nothing else, is going to ensure that Trump isn't permitted to act on his hubris, ignorance, stupidity, selfishness, egoism, and disregard for the rule of law. With any luck, it'll send him back to running his hotels, golf courses, beauty pageants, etc. and install as POTUS someone who is neither reprobate nor naive to governance on the presidential level.
Obama had it easier with the GOP in congress than Trump so far...
The GOP Congresses Obama had were concerned about mere ideological differences between them and him/Democrats. That's very different from what disturbs them about Trump and the courses of action they fear he may follow, which include his foreshadowed desires to abrogate ethical legal principles, that is principles beyond those he's already disregarded.
You don't expect Trump to admit he hoaxed his voters, do you?
The problem is Trump voters and his supporters don’t have the courage to admit they were hoaxed.
But YOU were HOAXED by Obama who TOLD YOU he was an angry black man and wanted to see America fail!
Trump for damn sure doesn't want to see his country fail cause he is selfish just as I and millions like me are selfish! We want our children's children to have a country
that A) protects them...B) encourages them to be better then we were and C) simply be able to live a better life!
Trump certainly wouldn't want businesses to go bankrupt as Obama wanted remember Obama said..
"if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
So do you really truly want a president who WANTS to build our country up versus a president who wanted to bankrupt our country?
Obviously you can't tell the difference which means you are worthless to attempt to enlighten. Sorry gave up on you a long time ago! Racist!
In Trump's mind, literally everything is all about him and his ego. There is no id there. Period. Country, party, friendship, etc. are all incidental and ephemeral factors.

The Trump WH has been dysfunctionally impulsive, thereby in utter chaos, since day one. The press reported as much, and here, just six months into his presidency, he's replaced his
  1. Press secretary,
  2. Chief of staff,
  3. National Security Council Middle East advisor,
  4. Assistant press secretary,
  5. Director of of the Office of Government Ethics,
  6. Communications director,
  7. Deputy national security advisor,
  8. FBI Director,
  9. Head WH usher,
  10. Deputy chief of staff, and
  11. National security advisor.
That many close and high level replacements in the space of 190 days or less, along with the utter failure of Trump's legislative agenda thus far, does not imply the ship was sailing smoothly. It suggests the exact opposite.

The deputy national security advisor, K.T. McFarland, left the WH, but was appointed as Ambassador to Singapore, so she's not left the Trump Administration. Gen. McMaster is the person who initiated her departure from the WH staff, something he did because he disapproved of her "brash, shoot-from-the-hip style, and her contempt for working through the long-standing, deliberative communications channels with agencies."​

You have to wonder, if McCain didn't have cancer, would he have voted different?

he might not have. process matters to him and he was embarrassed by this. that said, it was a lot easier for him to take the heat for people like Lindsey Graham now. Otherwise, he might have had to put together a coalition of people just for cover or he might have wussed out. That said, freaking awesome Collins and McCulsky made it possible for him to do this.

I'm also pretty sure that in his head he was thinking "I like presidents who aren't under investigation for their dealings with Russia" :)
You don't expect Trump to admit he hoaxed his voters, do you?
The problem is Trump voters and his supporters don’t have the courage to admit they were hoaxed.
But YOU were HOAXED by Obama who TOLD YOU he was an angry black man and wanted to see America fail!
Trump for damn sure doesn't want to see his country fail cause he is selfish just as I and millions like me are selfish! We want our children's children to have a country
that A) protects them...B) encourages them to be better then we were and C) simply be able to live a better life!
Trump certainly wouldn't want businesses to go bankrupt as Obama wanted remember Obama said..
"if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
So do you really truly want a president who WANTS to build our country up versus a president who wanted to bankrupt our country?
Obviously you can't tell the difference which means you are worthless to attempt to enlighten. Sorry gave up on you a long time ago! Racist!
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you certainly earn your keep. :cuckoo:

no one wanted businesses to go bankrupt. in fact, businesses have NOT gone bankrupt. because of the ACA.

I have already read where someone posted that Trump's health care plan all along was to not pass anything, and then ACA would fail, and it would be the death of the democratic party. Yep! He's a sly one, that Trump!
If you don't put gas in the tank, change the oil and replace the brakes then your car isn't going to work. The car is now at the Republicans auto shop. If the ACA dies then it's easy to assign them blame.
Obamacare was made to fail... to make way for single payer

lol, so if it's failing, the plan is working?
Too bad The country could never afford single payer... lol
Why can't our country afford it? How much are healthcare costs per year in this country? How much do insurance companies profit per year after paying for their customers care? Think about it
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

The Trump supporters are in full denial mode. They think that the outrag over Trump and his antics are still about the election. They believe that our national incredulity about Trump is born of resentment. They call the mature, responsible Americans who sincerely worry for the foreseeable future "butt hurt snowflakes". They rationalize every Trump misstep, every irrational tweet contradicting other 'official White House messages', every impulsive firing.

What they fail to realize is these shenanigans undermine Trump's authority as President. With the congressional Republicans splitting at the seams, one would think that Trump supporters would have some serious navel gazing at hand.

But they carry the water for this guy like Gunga Din. They have fully bought into Trump come hell or high water.

Incredible, ain't it?

We gambled that he could change some things that really needed change.

Sure we are in for the long haul.

It's not like anyone else was going to do it.

What part of this is news to you?
Could it be that Trump is not the agent of change you so desperately want? Could it be that Trump's inexperience, massive yet fragile ego and his cast in stone self interest and promotion only bring chaos and mayhem? Could it be that Trump is just not the man to be invested in the power of the Presidency?

It seems that, sooner or later, even the most dedicated of the Trump supporters will do the forehead slap heard round the world.
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You don't expect Trump to admit he hoaxed his voters, do you?
The problem is Trump voters and his supporters don’t have the courage to admit they were hoaxed.
But YOU were HOAXED by Obama who TOLD YOU he was an angry black man and wanted to see America fail!
Trump for damn sure doesn't want to see his country fail cause he is selfish just as I and millions like me are selfish! We want our children's children to have a country
that A) protects them...B) encourages them to be better then we were and C) simply be able to live a better life!
Trump certainly wouldn't want businesses to go bankrupt as Obama wanted remember Obama said..
"if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
So do you really truly want a president who WANTS to build our country up versus a president who wanted to bankrupt our country?
Obviously you can't tell the difference which means you are worthless to attempt to enlighten. Sorry gave up on you a long time ago! Racist!
View attachment 141069

you certainly earn your keep. :cuckoo:

no one wanted businesses to go bankrupt. in fact, businesses have NOT gone bankrupt. because of the ACA.

Bullcrap! I have HIS EXACT words and you are a liar!
Here is what your messiah said
Obama wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemployed 450,000 people that work for these companies! (Obama told us he favored a "single payer health system"... so what happens to the above?)

- " if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
Says that President Obama said in 2008 that his proposed greenhouse gas regulations "will bankrupt" anyone who wants to build a new coal-fired power plant.
Ohio Coal Association on Tuesday, March 1st, 2011 in testimony to a House subcommittee
Why would ANY president want to bankrupt businesses?
(Pretty easy way of increasing unemployment.)
- "I prefer higher gas prices".
when asked in 2008 about then-$4 per gallon gasoline prices, and whether that could be a good thing to encourage people toward alternative energy, Obama responded that he “would have preferred a gradual adjustment” because “the fact that this is such a shock to American pocketbooks is not a good thing.” He said nothing of wanting to goose gasoline prices to European levels, gradually or otherwise.
(And how did it go about doing that?
Obama signed 40% fewer Federal oil lease exploration then Bush).
Screen Shot 2017-07-29 at 12.50.53 PM.png

Obama's Drilling Denials -
- Obama tells "Brazil to develop oil and so that the USA will be DEPENDENT on foreign oil....will be their best customer"!

- "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (That certainly puts a dent in the pocketbook...)

So these are ALL REAL statements made by the truly economic moron who didn't ever seem to realize that businesses hire people!
People/businesses pay payroll taxes. People/businesses pay income taxes. So the more people employed the more TAX revenue!
Damn simple but how could any business under Obama especially ever plan to grow faced with this challenge?

Every year economist Clyde Wade Crews of the Competitive Enterprise Institute report cites the work of economists Nicole V. Crain and W. Mark Crain, whose study of the net cost of regulations determined that in 2009 federal regulation cost businesses and consumers $1.75 trillion, or nearly 12% of America’s 2009 GDP! The Hidden Cost of Regulation | FreedomWorks
And then you have a president like Obama who does the below!

I have already read where someone posted that Trump's health care plan all along was to not pass anything, and then ACA would fail, and it would be the death of the democratic party. Yep! He's a sly one, that Trump!
If you don't put gas in the tank, change the oil and replace the brakes then your car isn't going to work. The car is now at the Republicans auto shop. If the ACA dies then it's easy to assign them blame.
Obamacare was made to fail... to make way for single payer

lol, so if it's failing, the plan is working?
Too bad The country could never afford single payer... lol
Why can't our country afford it? How much are healthcare costs per year in this country? How much do insurance companies profit per year after paying for their customers care? Think about it
Because the successful would be paying for the deadbeats, and deadbeats Vastly out number successful people… Facr
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

The Trump supporters are in full denial mode. They think that the outrag over Trump and his antics are still about the election. They believe that our national incredulity about Trump is born of resentment. They call the mature, responsible Americans who sincerely worry for the foreseeable future "butt hurt snowflakes". They rationalize every Trump misstep, every irrational tweet contradicting other 'official White House messages', every impulsive firing.

What they fail to realize is these shenanigans undermine Trump's authority as President. With the congressional Republicans splitting at the seams, one would think that Trump supporters would have some serious navel gazing at hand.

But they carry the water for this guy like Gunga Din. They have fully bought into Trump come hell or high water.

Incredible, ain't it?

We gambled that he could change some things that really needed change.

Sure we are in for the long haul.

It's not like anyone else was going to do it.

What part of this is news to you?
Could it be that Trump is not the agent of change you so desperately want? Could it be that Trump's inexperience, massive yet fragile ego and his cast in stone self interest and promotion only bring chaos and mayhem? Could it be that Trump is just not the man to be invested in the power of the Presidency?

It seems that, sooner or later, even the most dedicated of the Trump supporters will do the forehead slap heard round the world.

You ask a question, and then answer it for yourself.

If you want my answer, then ask it again, without answering it.

Otherwise, my answer stands.

We gambled that he could change some things that really needed change.

Sure we are in for the long haul.

It's not like anyone else was going to do it.

What part of this is news to you?
Without a doubt dummies like Jillian make dumb ass statements naively thinking that NONE of us have access to the internet to PROVE our statements!
Why do people do that? Just makes them look so STUPID...Wait remember
From the architect of Obamacare and the man who admitted it took "stupidity" to pass Obamacare!
"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” Gruber said. "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass
Makes sense right? Stupidity of people who don't read just emote!

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