Trump attorney sends Bannon a "cease & desist" letter

I told you guys, Bannon is playing with fire and a lawsuit would only be the beginning. He should have walked away quietly, he was a leaker and he should know first hand that Trump and his base is not going to turn on Trump. Furthermore, these exposes work both ways...remember those last words.

He had a job, he overplayed his hand and he was released. If he is this committed to whatever his cause is, so be it, God bless him for standing his ground, I subscribe to that belief system myself. if this is to try and derail Trump, don't do it, this isn't the hand you bite, he gave you a great opportunity and great exposure, just move along quietly.

Oh, and in November Bannon himself said the Russian issue is a farce, so he is potentially breaking the law with his comment attributed to him in the book if he is associating his kids as the Russian go-between.

Trump attorney sends Bannon cease and desist letter over 'disparaging' comments
Trump attorney sends Bannon cease and desist letter over 'disparaging' comments

The trouble is that Trump cannot win with just his base. We also know Trump Jr met with Russians to get dirt on Clinton. In 1 case he did act as a go-between.

If Trump cannot win with just his base, how did he win the election?

Furthermore, he is expanding his base. With libertarians in particular, with the Hispanic and black population who are seeing lowest unemployment numbers in decades, highest home ownership ever.

We don't see it in the media, but I am willing to bet, he is expanding his support, and it will be even higher come 2020.
When someone attacks Trump, this is his inevitable response. He sues. Poor baby.

So what.

This is the same piece of shit who accused Ted Cruz's father of conspiring to kill JFK.

Fuck him. I hope he cries himself to sleep every night over this book.

Oh, by the way. The book says Trump hits the sack by 6:30 every night. With a cheeseburger to keep him warm.
I told you guys, Bannon is playing with fire and a lawsuit would only be the beginning. He should have walked away quietly, he was a leaker and he should know first hand that Trump and his base is not going to turn on Trump. Furthermore, these exposes work both ways...remember those last words.

He had a job, he overplayed his hand and he was released. If he is this committed to whatever his cause is, so be it, God bless him for standing his ground, I subscribe to that belief system myself. if this is to try and derail Trump, don't do it, this isn't the hand you bite, he gave you a great opportunity and great exposure, just move along quietly.

Oh, and in November Bannon himself said the Russian issue is a farce, so he is potentially breaking the law with his comment attributed to him in the book if he is associating his kids as the Russian go-between.

Trump attorney sends Bannon cease and desist letter over 'disparaging' comments
Trump attorney sends Bannon cease and desist letter over 'disparaging' comments

The trouble is that Trump cannot win with just his base. We also know Trump Jr met with Russians to get dirt on Clinton. In 1 case he did act as a go-between.

If Trump cannot win with just his base, how did he win the election?

Furthermore, he is expanding his base. With libertarians in particular, with the Hispanic and black population who are seeing lowest unemployment numbers in decades, highest home ownership ever.

We don't see it in the media, but I am willing to bet, he is expanding his support, and it will be even higher come 2020.

He won because a quarter of the voters were voting against Clinton. These were people who were marginally attached to Trump such as suburbanites. These people have already moved away from Trump. Hence his low approval ratings.

You really are delusional. Blacks voted 97% for Democrats in the Alabama Senate race. Hispanics disapprove of Trump by a large margin. Trump's support is shrinking.
I told you guys, Bannon is playing with fire and a lawsuit would only be the beginning. He should have walked away quietly, he was a leaker and he should know first hand that Trump and his base is not going to turn on Trump. Furthermore, these exposes work both ways...remember those last words.

He had a job, he overplayed his hand and he was released. If he is this committed to whatever his cause is, so be it, God bless him for standing his ground, I subscribe to that belief system myself. if this is to try and derail Trump, don't do it, this isn't the hand you bite, he gave you a great opportunity and great exposure, just move along quietly.

Oh, and in November Bannon himself said the Russian issue is a farce, so he is potentially breaking the law with his comment attributed to him in the book if he is associating his kids as the Russian go-between.

Trump attorney sends Bannon cease and desist letter over 'disparaging' comments
Trump attorney sends Bannon cease and desist letter over 'disparaging' comments

The trouble is that Trump cannot win with just his base. We also know Trump Jr met with Russians to get dirt on Clinton. In 1 case he did act as a go-between.

If Trump cannot win with just his base, how did he win the election?

Furthermore, he is expanding his base. With libertarians in particular, with the Hispanic and black population who are seeing lowest unemployment numbers in decades, highest home ownership ever.

We don't see it in the media, but I am willing to bet, he is expanding his support, and it will be even higher come 2020.

He won because a quarter of the voters were voting against Clinton. These were people who were marginally attached to Trump such as suburbanites. These people have already moved away from Trump. Hence his low approval ratings.

You really are delusional. Blacks voted 97% for Democrats in the Alabama Senate race. Hispanics disapprove of Trump by a large margin. Trump's support is shrinking.
If the Democrats put up another steaming pile of shit to run against Trump, none of what you just said will matter.

Just like it turned out not to matter in 2016.
So, do I have this correct?Trump & his senior staff allow some guy into the White House for months to write an inside look at the Trump White House, and now Trump & his senior staff are complaining about the book and trying to stop it from being released?

She said Trump is known for being only semi literate. That he would take a briefing for as long as he could and then walk out without taking a single note.

Steve Schmitt said this book is a validation of the fact Trump is ignorant. And our political class has a lack of imagination of the magnitude of the damage this administration is causing.

Well DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you tune in to Trump for a minute a day, you know exactly who he is. And it's embarrassing to put it mildly. Makes you wonder about his followers. How do such people function?

Single cell creatures to be sure!
Being reported by Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC. Apparently ABC is the source.

Lawyers on behalf of President Donald Trump sent a letter Wednesday night to former White House Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon demanding he refrain from making disparaging comments against the president and his family.

The letter, comes after excerpts from a forthcoming book by journalist Michael Wolff were made public Wednesday, causing a stir.

Trump attorney Charles Harder said in a statement, "This law firm represents President Donald J. Trump and Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. On behalf of our clients, legal notice was issued today to Stephen K. Bannon, that his actions of communicating with author Michael Wolff regarding an upcoming book give rise to numerous legal claims including defamation by libel and slander, and breach of his written confidentiality and non-disparagement agreement with our clients. Legal action is imminent."

In the letter to Bannon, Harder, writes, “You [Bannon] have breached the Agreement by, among other things, communicating with author Michael Wolff about Mr. Trump, his family members, and the Company [the campaign], disclosing Confidential Information to Mr. Wolff, and making disparaging statements and in some cases outright defamatory statements to Mr. Wolff about Mr. Trump, his family members.”

In the letter, Trump’s attorney says that “remedies for your breach of the agreement include but are not limited to monetary damages” though no dollar amount is disclosed.

Bannon has not responded to ABC News' request for comment.

More: Trump attorney sends Bannon cease and desist letter over 'disparaging' comments

Well, since the horse is already out of the barn - it seems a little late to close the barn door. Although Trump's lawyers may be able to shut Bannon up - they can't stop the book.

Why would a squeaky clean orange clown need this as stated in the attorneys letter??? LOL

....... legal claims including defamation by libel and slander, and breach of his written confidentiality and non-disparagement agreement with our clients.....

Well, THAT letter from the crack Trump legal team "scared" the publisher enough, that they UPPED the release date to 5 days sooner..................LOL
So, do I have this correct?Trump & his senior staff allow some guy into the White House for months to write an inside look at the Trump White House, and now Trump & his senior staff are complaining about the book and trying to stop it from being released?

yes you are correct.

and it is crazy....but that is the real problem and what the book is saying, more or less...president Trump is suffering from Dementia and delusions it causes in some people...
"My legal team is sending a CEASE & DESIST notice to @RealDonaldTrump for him to STOP calling Steve Bannon by MY nickname. You don’t get to re-gift a nickname. Trump designated me as the original “Sloppy.” And, henceforth, Bannon will be known as "Sloppy Seconds Steve Bannon!!"" - Sloppy Michael Moore

i admit that's pretty funny

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