Trump backed candidates went 4-0 yesterday

Not only did Trump backed candidates go 4-0 but Potaohead backed candidates went 0-4.
Cool story bruh.

And now a word from reality:

This marks the first time since Ronald Regan that both VA/NJ governerships didn't go to the oposition party.
So, why isn't Trump and his cult whining about an audit for this election?
Is that a serious question? is anyone but Trump working for ya?....If you or your elected liars want to call for an audit I'll stand right by your side because there is no way McAuliffe got as many votes as he did with the way he dances....audits are good with today's deceitful elections...thanks for recognizing would you like to support an audit of the swing states for the 2020 election?....
Irrelevant...The point is that it is perfectly acceptable to refer to Youngkin as Governor now....He won, as much as it twists you up..

Are you really that dumb? I you wish to refer to him as the Governor-elect as people refered to Obama and Trump and Biden as president-elect then you might have a point

This is a perfect summary of what happened yesterday.

No it isn't. Yesterday was actually a win for Democrats. You lost the New Jersey governorship. This is the first time the party in opposition to the White House hasn't won New Jersey, after the White House changed hands, since Reagan retained New Jersey in 1981.

When Democrats won Virginia and New Jersey in 2017, did you say that was a complete and total rejection of the Trump agenda?
No it isn't. Yesterday was actually a win for Democrats. You lost the New Jersey governorship. This is the first time the party in opposition to the White House hasn't won New Jersey, after the White House changed hands, since Reagan retained New Jersey in 1981.

When Democrats won Virginia and New Jersey in 2017, did you say that was a complete and total rejection of the Trump agenda?
Yesterday was actually a win for Democrats.

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Youngkin stayed as far away from Trump as possible without pissing off Trump's base. To give Trump credit is a bit silly to say the least
You act like that never happens.......again if he was not near Trump, why did the dems and the media try to tie him to Trump and smear him as a racist.....oh wait, they do that to everyone they run against........shocking! SHOCKING!
Could it be that many people actually agreed with Trump’s policies but didn’t like Trump, the man? The fact that other more polished candidates are supported by Trump is a perfect fit for these folks who couldn’t handle Trump’s personality.

Unlike Biden, most of Trump’s policies were very sound.
$8T in deficit spending was "sound"?
“President Trump continues to be a huge boost for Republicans across the country,” added Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.

Trump has already begun endorsing other candidates up in 2022, notably Herschel Walker running for the Georgia Senate seat.

In Virginia last night, Trump endorsed Youngkin, and Youngkin embraced the support. But he also kept the former president at arm’s length as McAuliffe tried to build liberal support by bashing the link.

Media pundits and election analysts, however, noted that Trump’s endorsement 175 days before the election helped to solidify the GOP, giving Youngkin a firm base to build on.

Trump, who participated in two eleventh-hour telerallies, said, “I would like to thank my BASE for coming out in force and voting for Glenn Youngkin. Without you, he would not have been close to winning. The MAGA movement is bigger and stronger than ever before.”

In Ohio’s 15th Congressional District, Mike Carey was elected to Congress in a special election to succeed former Rep. Steve Stivers. Carey is a former coal lobbyist who Trump picked out of a crowded primary of 11 candidates.

In the general election, Trump issued multiple endorsements of Carey, recorded a robocall, and hosted a telerally to help the Republican beat his Biden-endorsed opponent.

Trump also scored in the race for borough president of Staten Island, New York. He backed Vito Fossella 48 hours before the primary election in June. In the general election, he also taped a robocall, and Fossella won big last night 60%-30%.

In his victory speech, Fossella repeatedly thanked Trump and told supporters, “Tell President Trump what Staten Island thinks of what he has done!”

In the mayor’s race for Hialeah, Florida, Trump endorsed Esteban “Steve” Bovo, who avoided a runoff, winning 59% of the vote against a former mayor of Hialeah.

Jack told Secrets, “In 2020, his record in congressional special and primary elections was 120-2, and last night, he was 4-0 in general elections in Virginia, Ohio, New York, and Florida. Results don’t lie.”

Is that a serious question? is anyone but Trump working for ya?....If you or your elected liars want to call for an audit I'll stand right by your side because there is no way McAuliffe got as many votes as he did with the way he dances....audits are good with today's deceitful elections...thanks for recognizing would you like to support an audit of the swing states for the 2020 election?....
'how is anyone but Trump working for ya'?
A LOT better than any time Trump was in office.

How did that Arizona 'audit' work out for ya'?

Audits waste of $$$.

After more than five months of counting and millions of dollars spent, an election audit of more than 2 million Arizona ballots has delivered disappointing results for former President Donald Trump and his supporters, concluding he lost the state to President Joe Biden by an even bigger margin than the final vote count that the state certified in the 2020 election.

Arizona Audit Cost Trump Supporters Nearly $6 Million—Only To Assert Biden Won By Even More​


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