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Trump-Bashers! I Challenge You!

If Cruz is out of the running before we in Florida get to vote, I will have a decision to make. Do I vote for Trump or Rubio?

Trump is stronger on three things that are important: illegal immigration, Muslim refugees, and the economy.

Cruz is stronger in that I think he will pick a strong conservative SCOTUS judge. I'm not sure at all about Trumps picking ability. I also believe if it's Rubio vs any Dem, Rubio wins. He will win in a landslide against Hillary.

The thing is, to me, the SCOTUS pick is the most important issue we face right now.

Leaning Rubio, but not solid on it yet.
Interesting, but completely Off Topic.
OK. Trump bashers. If you think your arguments can hold up to intense scrutiny, here's your chance to prove it. It's now or never. Accept my challenge, or cut and run like scared rabbits. Fight or flight.

This is for the conservatives who say that Trump is not a Conservative, and whose policies have been liberal, and it is only in the last 6 months or so, that he has come out with Conservative policies (right in time for the 2016 election campaign).

Is that what you think ? I've heard lots of people saying that. Well, here is a list of issues, and what do you say about them ? Is Trump just a 2015/2016 "conservative", or not ? Step up to the plate.


1. Gun control

2. Same-sex marriage.

3. Taxes

4. Death penalty

5. Domestic drilling

6. China

7. Obamacare

8. Military strength

9. Immigration

10. Mexican border fence/wall

11. Foreign job stealers

12. Political insiders

13. Cyber-warfare

14. Israel

15. Iran nuclear program

16. North Korea

17. Welfare

18. Terrorism

Trump has yet to articulate any intelligent realistic policies in any of those areas.

"protect the 2nd amendment" -- why it's not in danger -- that is gun lobby fear-marketing

"have Mexico pay for a wall" -- why would Mexico pay for something they don't need, Americans aren't trying to get into Mexico illegally. This one is the biggest joke of all. How fucking stupid are his followers to think that a U.S. President can just tell Mexico what to do.

"Obamacare gone." WTF -- how? You'd need congress--both houses.

"Military strength." Um -- our military is 8x bigger than any other military -- is he stupid?
If Cruz is out of the running before we in Florida get to vote, I will have a decision to make. Do I vote for Trump or Rubio?

Trump is stronger on three things that are important: illegal immigration, Muslim refugees, and the economy.

Cruz is stronger in that I think he will pick a strong conservative SCOTUS judge. I'm not sure at all about Trumps picking ability. I also believe if it's Rubio vs any Dem, Rubio wins. He will win in a landslide against Hillary.

The thing is, to me, the SCOTUS pick is the most important issue we face right now.

Leaning Rubio, but not solid on it yet.

Pred, I agree with you.

I believe that the instant answer is Trump, the long view is Rubio. If Trump starts rattling off SCOTUS nominees who are conservative, then Trump it is for sure.

Still, taking the establishment down to where it is forced to listen to us is still a very good consolation prize if I do say so myself.

And then-----------> if the left has its way to allow illegals to become citizens and vote, it all goes out of current Americans hands. I think the left is making a mistake to think they will ever keep control of that vote, but still, we will become a one party system, and that does not bode well for any republic.
Trump has yet to articulate any intelligent realistic policies in any of those areas.

"protect the 2nd amendment" -- why it's not in danger -- that is gun lobby fear-marketing

"have Mexico pay for a wall" -- why would Mexico pay for something they don't need, Americans aren't trying to get into Mexico illegally. This one is the biggest joke of all. How fucking stupid are his followers to think that a U.S. President can just tell Mexico what to do.

"Obamacare gone." WTF -- how? You'd need congress--both houses.

"Military strength." Um -- our military is 8x bigger than any other military -- is he stupid?

Although you still aren't discussint the TOPIC (ie. Trump only a recent Conservative, or longer ?) at least you are discusiing issues.

1. "Intelligent" isn't the topic, but I would disagree with you. I'd say he HAS articulated intelligent policies.

2. The 2nd amendment is much more than in danger. It is under attack (by gun free zones & assault weapon ban proposals,)

3. Nothing could be easier than forcing Mexico to pay for the wall. The wall (all of it) is estimated to cost 14 Billion dollars. We have tons of leverage over Mexico that will be exerted, if they don't build the wall. US $$ is their # 1 source of income. We can hit them hard on foreign aid, remittances$$$, and welfare to Mexicans in the US (far more than $14 Billion). Cheapest way out of it for them is to build the wall and keep their mouths shut. We'' probably make them pay for the deportations too (As should be)

4. Both houses. So ?

5. No he's NOT stupid. Our military has been reduced to it's lowest levels in almost 100 years. And we NEED a much bigger military than other countries. We may be the only ones really engaged in fending off the intl jihad.
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Pred, I agree with you.

I believe that the instant answer is Trump, the long view is Rubio. If Trump starts rattling off SCOTUS nominees who are conservative, then Trump it is for sure.

Still, taking the establishment down to where it is forced to listen to us is still a very good consolation prize if I do say so myself.

And then-----------> if the left has its way to allow illegals to become citizens and vote, it all goes out of current Americans hands. I think the left is making a mistake to think they will ever keep control of that vote, but still, we will become a one party system, and that does not bode well for any republic.

Please address the question of the TOPIC, or STAY OUT OF THE THREAD.
Trump HAS no political compass. He will make "deals".. And THEN justify the deals as being Brilliant and "great for America".. Every LEFTIST believes their deals are "Brilliant and Great for America".. It means NOTHING politically.

Except that he will use the power of the Govt -- to FORCE those deals. He is not concerned with expanding precedents for using that power..

The positions in the OP are his answers TODAY --- YESTERDAY it was different. He is NO conservative. He's a proud crony Capitalist meglomaniac and YOU are giving him powers that will be used without any humility or regret.

Giving the keys to the minions of the damned in Washington to Trump -- Is like giving Ethan Couch whiskey and tossing him the keys to the car.. Spoiled affluenza cases shouldn't be enabled.. ((apologies to PJ O'Rouke for ripping his quote))
Are you one of the misguided fools who get excited by Trump's claim that he will overturn the SCOTUS ruling on gay marriage?
Trump HAS no political compass. He will make "deals".. And THEN justify the deals as being Brilliant and "great for America".. Every LEFTIST believes their deals are "Brilliant and Great for America".. It means NOTHING politically.

Except that he will use the power of the Govt -- to FORCE those deals. He is not concerned with expanding precedents for using that power..

The positions in the OP are his answers TODAY --- YESTERDAY it was different. He is NO conservative. He's a proud crony Capitalist meglomaniac and YOU are giving him powers that will be used without any humility or regret.

Giving the keys to the minions of the damned in Washington to Trump -- Is like giving Ethan Couch whiskey and tossing him the keys to the car.. Spoiled affluenza cases shouldn't be enabled.. ((apologies to PJ O'Rouke for ripping his quote))
Well hallelujah! Somebody finally responded to the TOPIC (question of the OP) And it only took us 27 posts to get there.

So which of the 18 issues listed, are you saying that his positions today are different then they were in the past ? Are you saying he did not profess these positions years ago ? Could you be slightly more specific ? (and thank you for being the first one to actually address the topic)

In 2008, Donald Trump said George W. Bush should’ve been impeached

TRUMP: When [Pelosi] first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush . It just seemed like she was really going to look to impeach Bush and get him out of office. Which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing.

BLITZER: To impeach him?

TRUMP: For the war. For the war! Well, he lied! He got us into the war with lies!

What was it Democrats said? Oh, yeah. "Bush lied, people died". There's Trump saying the exact same thing, and calling for Bush's impeachment.

On Hillary Clinton:

"I know Hillary, and I think she’d make a great president or vice-president."

On both Clintons:

"Hillary is smart, tough and a very nice person, so is her husband. Bill Clinton was a great president. They are fine people."

On abortion:

On socialized medicine:

"I’m a conservative on most issues but a liberal on health. It is an unacceptable but accurate fact that the number of uninsured Americans has risen to 42 million. Working out detailed plans will take time. But the goal should be clear: Our people are our greatest asset. We must take care of our own. We must have universal healthcare."

Trump 2007:

"Well, I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States, and I just don't understand how they could have lost that election."

"The rest of the world hates us."

And for all of you who vilify Obama for demobilizing in Iraq and causing the creation of ISIS:

BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave. Because I'll tell you, this county is just going to get further bogged down. They're in a civil war over there, Wolf. There's nothing that we're going to be able to do with a civil war. They are in a major civil war. And it's gonna go to Iran, and its gonna go to other countries. They are in the midst of a major civil war. By the way, we're keeping the lid on a little bit, but the day we leave anyway, its all gonna blow up. And Saddam Hussein will be a nice person compared to the man (and it will be man, it will not be a woman. That we understand. People will say, "Oh gee, you didn't give the women a chance. It will be a man.) compared to the person who takes over for Saddam Hussein. He will be considered a nice person. This guy will be the meanest, the worst guy. And he will have one thing, one thing. He will hate America, and he will use it to flame.

For those of you who insist there were WMDs in Iraq:

BLITZER: What do you think of some of these scandals that are unfolding in Washington right now as we speak? The Attorney General is under fire, Alberto Gonzalez. What do you make of this as an executive trying to watch an Administration?

TRUMP: Look. Everything in Washington has been a lie. Weapons of mass destruction, was a total lie! It was a way of attacking Iraq, which he thought was going to be easy, and it turned out to be the exact opposite of easy. "He reads 60 books a year. He reads a book a week." Do you think the President reads a book a week? I don't think so. "He doesn't watch television." Now one thing I know, when I'm on television, I watch. Or I try. Because you do! Your own ego says you know, let's watch. Whether its good or bad, you watch, right? "He doesn't watch television". Does anybody really believe that? Now they're doing this whole scandal with US Attorneys. Now they're finding emails. It's proven to be a lie. Everything's a lie. It's all a big lie.

BLITZER: So what's gonna happen?

TRUMP: Well, it depends if the Democrats get their act together, they're going to have a big victory in a couple years.

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So there you have it.

1) Trump believed Hillary Clinton will make a great President.

2) Trump believed Bill Clinton was a great President.

3) Trump believed Bush was the worst President in the history of the US. He believed Bush deliberately lied about WMDs to get us into a war with Iraq.

4) Trump believed there were no WMDs in Iraq.

5) Trump believed the US should cut and run from Iraq.

6) Trump believed Bush should be impeached for lying to get us into the war.

7) Trump was "very pro-choice".

8) Pro socialized medicine.

9) Pro big government.

10) Big contributor to, and supporter of, the Clintons.

Any time, anywhere, there was a left wing talking point to discuss, Donald Trump was right there in the ranks with them. EVERY TIME!!!

This is whose cock you dumb rubes have been sucking. This is the GOP front runner.

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Trump HAS no political compass. He will make "deals".. And THEN justify the deals as being Brilliant and "great for America".. Every LEFTIST believes their deals are "Brilliant and Great for America".. It means NOTHING politically.

Except that he will use the power of the Govt -- to FORCE those deals. He is not concerned with expanding precedents for using that power..

The positions in the OP are his answers TODAY --- YESTERDAY it was different. He is NO conservative. He's a proud crony Capitalist meglomaniac and YOU are giving him powers that will be used without any humility or regret.

Giving the keys to the minions of the damned in Washington to Trump -- Is like giving Ethan Couch whiskey and tossing him the keys to the car.. Spoiled affluenza cases shouldn't be enabled.. ((apologies to PJ O'Rouke for ripping his quote))
Well hallelujah! Somebody finally responded to the TOPIC (question of the OP) And it only took us 27 posts to get there.

So which of the 18 issues listed, are you saying that his positions today are different then they were in the past ? Are you saying he did not profess these positions years ago ? Could you be slightly more specific ? (and thank you for being the first one to actually address the topic)

Virtually ALL of those issue planks.. He has NO COMPASS.. In science --- you can bring down a theory by disproving any vital component. So lets start with ::::

The Peculiar Brilliance Of Donald Trump's Healthcare Strategy

As Dan Diamond notes at Politico Pulse, Cruz is sort of right. Trump has consistently backed the idea of universal healthcare coverage, even as he proclaims, “I am so against ObamaCare.” And that’s once again proof of Trump’s peculiar political genius: you can have universal healthcare and hate ObamaCare, too. Instead of seeing a contradiction, his backers simply cheer.

So Trump’s getting away with making the vague promise that he’d offer universal care, and the government will pay, without increasing costs. (Likely impossible–healthcare costs money.) And his ideas have gotten even more, well, radical. He’s adopted a solution Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have proposed for controlling drug prices: giving Medicare the ability to use its huge size to negotiate with drug companies.

Most pundits interpreted Trump’s “we’ll work something out” comment on ABC’s This Week as a mere shrug, a thoughtless feint. But he said more than that. Trump is proposing a radical reworking of how government-run healthcare systems work, whether he realized it or not. Trump wants to make U.S. government-run healthcare more centralized.

Exactly as I said. His dismissive "we'll work something out" (on healthcare) says it all. He has no convictions about free market solutions or consumer CHOICES or Government intervention and socialization of the entire medical industry..

He will MAKE DEALS --- and after the first couple of "deals" where he uses the FDA, IRS, OSHA, SEC, and all those others minions of the damned to FORCE folks into HIS deals -- you're gonna be squealing like a baby..
G just polished the toe of his shoe on Trump's butt.


So there you have it.

1) Trump believed Hillary Clinton will make a great President.

2) Trump believed Bill Clinton was a great President.

3) Trump believed Bush was the worst President in the history of the US. He believed Bush deliberately lied about WMDs to get us into a war with Iraq.

4) Trump believed there were no WMDs in Iraq.

5) Trump believed the US should cut and run from Iraq.

6) Trump believed Bush should be impeached for lying to get us into the war.

7) Trump was "very pro-choice".

8) Pro socialized medicine.

9) Pro big government.

10) Big contributor to, and supporter of, the Clintons.

Any time, anywhere, there was a left wing talking point to discuss, Donald Trump was right there in the ranks with them. EVERY TIME!!!

This is whose cock you dumb rubes have been sucking. This is the GOP front runner.


Looks like someone accepted your challenge. And destroyed you. Lol
Trump 2007:

"Well, I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States, and I just don't understand how they could have lost that election."

"The rest of the world hates us."

I want you rubes to take a real good look at that statement from Trump. "The rest of the world hates us."

He was blaming Bush for that.

Have you noticed he says the EXACT SAME THING TODAY? He constantly talks about how much the rest of the world hates us. But he has changed the name to OBAMA!

That's right out of Orwell's 1984. "We have always been at war with eastasia". And you obedient and mindless rubes have played your part exactly like the proles in that book.

The man is as transparent as vodka, rubes. And yet you still fell for his line of bullshit.

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