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Trump-Bashers! I Challenge You!

Rubio will not win in a landslide against Hillary, and even if he wins he will just be another Bush when it comes to the issues that actually matter, and that will kill off the Republican Party considering the changing demographics.

Trump is a wildcard, but if he wins, the Republican Party will be forever changed for the better.

Cruz has no prayer of getting the required number of delegates.

Agreed. All 3 points. :iagree: :thup:
Half of the shit on your list has had him on 2 or more different sides. The other half of your list he has offered his ideas, which by the way change or get denied depending on who's doing the interview.

You like Trump, fine. I think he is a pompous conceited ass. I'm not going to bother fine tuning the points as Trump supporters don't care and any discussion will end with insults & name calling. I know cause I've created threads showing the two faces of Trump and that's how every single one of them ended.

If it's Trump vs Hillary I will hold my nose & vote Trump while hoping for the best. That's the last I will say on the matter
No. Same sides - all 18.

But the ideas are NOT changed. They are the same.

If Trump is a pompous, conceited ass, I don't care. The President of the US is getting paid to lead the country and PROTECT it. If he does that, fine. He'll be the first one in a long time.
Trump is a pompous, conceited ass, but he is the only candidate that appears to really care about immigration.

Considering what is happening in NYC right now we absolutely must pick the candidate that is the toughest on immigration.
Forget it. You are too stupid to talk to.
Great post, MR ECHO.
Trump is a pompous, conceited ass, but he is the only candidate that appears to really care about immigration.

Considering what is happening in NYC right now we absolutely must pick the candidate that is the toughest on immigration.
Same here in Florida, and most places around the country. It's time to take the country back from the race pandering, Muslim ass-kissing, illegal alien ass-kissing idiots in the White House.
Trump is a pompous, conceited ass, but he is the only candidate that appears to really care about immigration.

Considering what is happening in NYC right now we absolutely must pick the candidate that is the toughest on immigration.
Same here in Florida, and most places around the country. It's time to take the country back from the race pandering, Muslim ass-kissing, illegal alien ass-kissing idiots in the White House.
In NYC they are literally trying to give illegals voting rights.

I doubt Florida has "progressed" that far.
If Cruz is out of the running before we in Florida get to vote, I will have a decision to make. Do I vote for Trump or Rubio?

Trump is stronger on three things that are important: illegal immigration, Muslim refugees, and the economy.

Cruz is stronger in that I think he will pick a strong conservative SCOTUS judge. I'm not sure at all about Trumps picking ability. I also believe if it's Rubio vs any Dem, Rubio wins. He will win in a landslide against Hillary.

The thing is, to me, the SCOTUS pick is the most important issue we face right now.

Leaning Rubio, but not solid on it yet.
Rubio will not win in a landslide against Hillary, and even if he wins he will just be another Bush when it comes to the issues that actually matter, and that will kill off the Republican Party considering the changing demographics.

Trump is a wildcard, but if he wins, the Republican Party will be forever changed for the better.

Cruz has no prayer of getting the required number of delegates.

Yes Rubio would crush Hillary.

No, he would not be another Bush.

The GOP is killing itself already, Trump is a symptom of that.

It's possible that Trump could be another praised and loved republican when he's done.

Cruz likely will not be the nominee. He's still the best person for the job and will get my vote if he's on the ballot.
If Cruz is out of the running before we in Florida get to vote, I will have a decision to make. Do I vote for Trump or Rubio?

Trump is stronger on three things that are important: illegal immigration, Muslim refugees, and the economy.

Cruz is stronger in that I think he will pick a strong conservative SCOTUS judge. I'm not sure at all about Trumps picking ability. I also believe if it's Rubio vs any Dem, Rubio wins. He will win in a landslide against Hillary.

The thing is, to me, the SCOTUS pick is the most important issue we face right now.

Leaning Rubio, but not solid on it yet.
Rubio will not win in a landslide against Hillary, and even if he wins he will just be another Bush when it comes to the issues that actually matter, and that will kill off the Republican Party considering the changing demographics.

Trump is a wildcard, but if he wins, the Republican Party will be forever changed for the better.

Cruz has no prayer of getting the required number of delegates.

Yes Rubio would crush Hillary.

No, he would not be another Bush.

The GOP is killing itself already, Trump is a symptom of that.

It's possible that Trump could be another praised and loved republican when he's done.

Cruz likely will not be the nominee. He's still the best person for the job and will get my vote if he's on the ballot.
How would Rubio crush Hillary? I can see a relatively low turnout for the Democrats and a higher than normal turnout for Republicans(thanks to Trump and the death of Scalia) giving Rubio a win that resembles Bush/Gore, but he has absolutely no appeal for anyone but Republicans and Republican voting Independents, and that would be the last win Republicans ever get on a national ticket(contrary to what the media is telling you).

Right now Trump is literally creating new Republican voters(people who have never voted before)and pushing more Democrat leaning Independents to the Republican side. Trump is easily the best thing Republicans have going for them right now and they can't afford to play pretend anymore.
OK. Trump bashers. If you think your arguments can hold up to intense scrutiny, here's your chance to prove it. It's now or never. Accept my challenge, or cut and run like scared rabbits. Fight or flight.

This is for the conservatives who say that Trump is not a Conservative, and whose policies have been liberal, and it is only in the last 6 months or so, that he has come out with Conservative policies (right in time for the 2016 election campaign).

Is that what you think ? I've heard lots of people saying that. Well, here is a list of issues, and what do you say about them ? Is Trump just a 2015/2016 "conservative", or not ? Step up to the plate.


1. Gun control

2. Same-sex marriage.

3. Taxes

4. Death penalty

5. Domestic drilling

6. China

7. Obamacare

8. Military strength

9. Immigration

10. Mexican border fence/wall

11. Foreign job stealers

12. Political insiders

13. Cyber-warfare

14. Israel

15. Iran nuclear program

16. North Korea

17. Welfare

18. Terrorism
How is he going to pay for it all. By going through each bill like an accountant and line item vetoing it out of the bill? I don't think that is in the Presidents power.
In NYC they are literally trying to give illegals voting rights.

I doubt Florida has "progressed" that far.
Illegals have been voting in Florida for years. They don't even check for citizenship. Not for voting. for getting drivers license they do though.
Virtually ALL of those issue planks....
So in answer to my post, you say that in "Virtually ALL of those issue planks.." >> that his positions today are different then they were in the past. OK. Let's take look.

So Trump only got his CCW license and pistol just with the last 6 months, and only has been against gun control since then ? And he has only been pro-life since August 2015 ? And he has only been against gay marriage and same-sex partner benefits, for 6 months ? And it's only since last August, that he has advocated drastically lowering the corporate tax ? And he only just recently came out in favor of the death penalty ? And he only just now came out in favor of domestic drilling for oil ? Only since August 2015, that Trump has criticized our leniency toward China ? Only opposed Obamacare a few months ago ? Only supports building up the military since last summer ? Has only opposed immigration lately ? Has only advocated for a Mexican border barrier (fence or wall) since August 2015 ? Spoke out against foreign companies taking jobs from the US only recently ? Has only been critical of political insiders for last 6 months ? Only mentioned China's cyber-warfare problem recently ? New to supporting Israel ? Just started calling for end to Iran's nuclear programs ? Only has talked tough against North Korea since last summer ? Has only mentioned restricting welfare, recently ?

1. "I am against gun control" (USA Today report on 2011 Conservative Political Action Conf. Feb 10, 2011)

2. "I am pro-life," (USA Today report on 2011 Conservative Political Action Conf. Feb 10, 2011)

3. When asked whether gay couples should have access to "the same benefits as married couples, Trump said "As of this moment, I would say no and no" to gay marriage and civil benefits." ( New York Daily News, "Offends gay activist", Mar 7, 2011)

4. "0% corporate tax would create millions of jobs" (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 63 , Dec 5, 2011)

5. "Capital punishment isn’t uncivilized; murderers living is"......" 100% of the people who are executed never commit another crime" (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.102-4 , Jul 2, 2000)

6. "It's incredible how slowly we're drilling for oil" (Devonia Smith Political Transcripts Examiner , Mar 16, 2011)

7. "Be tougher on China-we’re too eager to please" ( The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.117-18 , Jul 2, 2000)

8. "Obamacare has to be killed now before it grows into an even bigger mess, as it inevitably will." ( Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p.121-122 , Dec 5, 2011)

9. "3% of GNP for military is too low" (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.149 , Jul 2, 2000)

10. "“I’m opposed to new people coming in,” ..... “We have to take care of the people who are here.”(nytimes.com/library/politics , Dec 10, 1999)

11. "The point is that properly built walls work. We just need the political will to finish the job. " (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p.146-147 , Dec 5, 2011)

12. "Foreign companies are taking jobs from US"....."Foreign companies are ripping off the United States like never before.” (Pat Eaton-Robb, Associated Press , Dec 2, 1999)

13. "I believe non-politicians represent the wave of the future and if elected I would make the kind of president America needs in the new millennium." (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p. 15-16 , Jul 2, 2000)

14. "China presents three big threats to the United States in its outrageous currency manipulation, its systematic attempt to destroy our manufacturing base, and its industrial espionage and cyber warfare against America." (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 32-33 , Dec 5, 2011)

15. "The U.S. must continue to nurture and safeguard our special relationship with the state of Israel. This relationship must remain the cornerstone of our policy tactics through the entire Middle-East region, as it has been for administrations of both parties for more than half a century." (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.132-33 , Jul 2, 2000)

16. "Iran's nuclear program must be stopped--by any and all means necessary. Period." (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 98 , Dec 5, 2011)

17. "I would let Pyongyang know in no uncertain terms that it can either get out of the nuclear arms race or expect a rebuke similar to the one Ronald Reagan delivered to Ghadhafi in 1986. I don’t think anybody is going to accuse me of tiptoeing through the issues or tap-dancing around them either. Who else in public life has called for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea?" (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.274 , Jul 2, 2000)

18. "Let “saints” help teen moms; restrict public assistance" ( The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.107-8 , Jul 2, 2000)

Well, FT. You just got refuted ....in "Virtually ALL of those issue planks.."

I didn't get refuted -- you just didn't go back far enough. Most quotes are just FOUR years before he decided to run. He has CONTRADICTED most of those positions in 1990s and early 2000s.

MAYBE writing those books had a conversion effect on him.. And caused him to actually think about policy issues. Seems like it was on his mind to run in 2000...

"I believe non-politicians represent the wave of the future and if elected I would make the kind of president America needs in the new millennium." (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p. 15-16 , Jul 2, 2000)

He's just hijacked the appropriate party to gain power. Dems wouldn't ever ALLOW their party to be hijacked by an egotistical maniac like him...
How is he going to pay for it all. By going through each bill like an accountant and line item vetoing it out of the bill? I don't think that is in the Presidents power.
What are you talking about ? Pay for WHAT ?
I didn't get refuted -- you just didn't go back far enough. Most quotes are just FOUR years before he decided to run. He has CONTRADICTED most of those positions in 1990s and early 2000s.

MAYBE writing those books had a conversion effect on him.. And caused him to actually think about policy issues. Seems like it was on his mind to run in 2000...

"I believe non-politicians represent the wave of the future and if elected I would make the kind of president America needs in the new millennium." (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p. 15-16 , Jul 2, 2000)

He's just hijacked the appropriate party to gain power. Dems wouldn't ever ALLOW their party to be hijacked by an egotistical maniac like him...
You got refuted. The OP said >> "the conservatives who say that Trump is not a Conservative, and whose policies have been liberal, and it is only in the last 6 months or so, that he has come out with Conservative policies (right in time for the 2016 election campaign). Is Trump just a 2015/2016 "conservative", or not ?"

And you purported to claim that Trump's positions were not the same before August 2015 (that's what you were answering to) as they are now in "Virtually ALL of those issue planks.." (your words not mine) And I showed (with sources), the positions being the same. Simple as that.
Virtually ALL of those issue planks....
So in answer to my post, you say that in "Virtually ALL of those issue planks.." >> that his positions today are different then they were in the past. OK. Let's take look.

So Trump only got his CCW license and pistol just with the last 6 months, and only has been against gun control since then ? And he has only been pro-life since August 2015 ? And he has only been against gay marriage and same-sex partner benefits, for 6 months ? And it's only since last August, that he has advocated drastically lowering the corporate tax ? And he only just recently came out in favor of the death penalty ? And he only just now came out in favor of domestic drilling for oil ? Only since August 2015, that Trump has criticized our leniency toward China ? Only opposed Obamacare a few months ago ? Only supports building up the military since last summer ? Has only opposed immigration lately ? Has only advocated for a Mexican border barrier (fence or wall) since August 2015 ? Spoke out against foreign companies taking jobs from the US only recently ? Has only been critical of political insiders for last 6 months ? Only mentioned China's cyber-warfare problem recently ? New to supporting Israel ? Just started calling for end to Iran's nuclear programs ? Only has talked tough against North Korea since last summer ? Has only mentioned restricting welfare, recently ?

1. "I am against gun control" (USA Today report on 2011 Conservative Political Action Conf. Feb 10, 2011)

2. "I am pro-life," (USA Today report on 2011 Conservative Political Action Conf. Feb 10, 2011)

3. When asked whether gay couples should have access to "the same benefits as married couples, Trump said "As of this moment, I would say no and no" to gay marriage and civil benefits." ( New York Daily News, "Offends gay activist", Mar 7, 2011)

4. "0% corporate tax would create millions of jobs" (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 63 , Dec 5, 2011)

5. "Capital punishment isn’t uncivilized; murderers living is"......" 100% of the people who are executed never commit another crime" (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.102-4 , Jul 2, 2000)

6. "It's incredible how slowly we're drilling for oil" (Devonia Smith Political Transcripts Examiner , Mar 16, 2011)

7. "Be tougher on China-we’re too eager to please" ( The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.117-18 , Jul 2, 2000)

8. "Obamacare has to be killed now before it grows into an even bigger mess, as it inevitably will." ( Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p.121-122 , Dec 5, 2011)

9. "3% of GNP for military is too low" (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.149 , Jul 2, 2000)

10. "“I’m opposed to new people coming in,” ..... “We have to take care of the people who are here.”(nytimes.com/library/politics , Dec 10, 1999)

11. "The point is that properly built walls work. We just need the political will to finish the job. " (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p.146-147 , Dec 5, 2011)

12. "Foreign companies are taking jobs from US"....."Foreign companies are ripping off the United States like never before.” (Pat Eaton-Robb, Associated Press , Dec 2, 1999)

13. "I believe non-politicians represent the wave of the future and if elected I would make the kind of president America needs in the new millennium." (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p. 15-16 , Jul 2, 2000)

14. "China presents three big threats to the United States in its outrageous currency manipulation, its systematic attempt to destroy our manufacturing base, and its industrial espionage and cyber warfare against America." (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 32-33 , Dec 5, 2011)

15. "The U.S. must continue to nurture and safeguard our special relationship with the state of Israel. This relationship must remain the cornerstone of our policy tactics through the entire Middle-East region, as it has been for administrations of both parties for more than half a century." (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.132-33 , Jul 2, 2000)

16. "Iran's nuclear program must be stopped--by any and all means necessary. Period." (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 98 , Dec 5, 2011)

17. "I would let Pyongyang know in no uncertain terms that it can either get out of the nuclear arms race or expect a rebuke similar to the one Ronald Reagan delivered to Ghadhafi in 1986. I don’t think anybody is going to accuse me of tiptoeing through the issues or tap-dancing around them either. Who else in public life has called for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea?" (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.274 , Jul 2, 2000)

18. "Let “saints” help teen moms; restrict public assistance" ( The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.107-8 , Jul 2, 2000)

Well, FT. You just got refuted ....in "Virtually ALL of those issue planks.."

I didn't get refuted -- you just didn't go back far enough. Most quotes are just FOUR years before he decided to run. He has CONTRADICTED most of those positions in 1990s and early 2000s.

MAYBE writing those books had a conversion effect on him.. And caused him to actually think about policy issues. Seems like it was on his mind to run in 2000...

"I believe non-politicians represent the wave of the future and if elected I would make the kind of president America needs in the new millennium." (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p. 15-16 , Jul 2, 2000)

He's just hijacked the appropriate party to gain power. Dems wouldn't ever ALLOW their party to be hijacked by an egotistical maniac like him...
Democrats have nothing but egotistical maniacs running for office.
If Cruz is out of the running before we in Florida get to vote, I will have a decision to make. Do I vote for Trump or Rubio?

Trump is stronger on three things that are important: illegal immigration, Muslim refugees, and the economy.

Cruz is stronger in that I think he will pick a strong conservative SCOTUS judge. I'm not sure at all about Trumps picking ability. I also believe if it's Rubio vs any Dem, Rubio wins. He will win in a landslide against Hillary.

The thing is, to me, the SCOTUS pick is the most important issue we face right now.

Leaning Rubio, but not solid on it yet.
Rubio will not win in a landslide against Hillary, and even if he wins he will just be another Bush when it comes to the issues that actually matter, and that will kill off the Republican Party considering the changing demographics.

Trump is a wildcard, but if he wins, the Republican Party will be forever changed for the better.

Cruz has no prayer of getting the required number of delegates.

Yes Rubio would crush Hillary.

No, he would not be another Bush.

The GOP is killing itself already, Trump is a symptom of that.

It's possible that Trump could be another praised and loved republican when he's done.

Cruz likely will not be the nominee. He's still the best person for the job and will get my vote if he's on the ballot.
How would Rubio crush Hillary? I can see a relatively low turnout for the Democrats and a higher than normal turnout for Republicans(thanks to Trump and the death of Scalia) giving Rubio a win that resembles Bush/Gore, but he has absolutely no appeal for anyone but Republicans and Republican voting Independents, and that would be the last win Republicans ever get on a national ticket(contrary to what the media is telling you).

Right now Trump is literally creating new Republican voters(people who have never voted before)and pushing more Democrat leaning Independents to the Republican side. Trump is easily the best thing Republicans have going for them right now and they can't afford to play pretend anymore.

Rubio would win because he's likable, young, good looking, and Hispanic. Hillary is distrusted and irritating, Bernie is a socialist. Rubio would get a lot of the independants, a large porting of Hispanics, and all but the evangelicals in the GOP. Hilkary wouldn't stand a chance.

Trump would have a difficult time getting any independants, or Hispanics, nor would he get a great deal of the GOP. 40-50% isn't going to cut it in the general election. I believe it's possible for Trump to beat Hillary, but it would be close. Rubio would slaughter her.
How is he going to pay for it all. By going through each bill like an accountant and line item vetoing it out of the bill? I don't think that is in the Presidents power.
What are you talking about ? Pay for WHAT ?
Pay to make the military better.
Pay to give the rich tax breaks.
Pay to keep our promises to social security recipients.
It all cost money.
How is he going to pay for any of it.
Virtually ALL of those issue planks....
So in answer to my post, you say that in "Virtually ALL of those issue planks.." >> that his positions today are different then they were in the past. OK. Let's take look.

So Trump only got his CCW license and pistol just with the last 6 months, and only has been against gun control since then ? And he has only been pro-life since August 2015 ? And he has only been against gay marriage and same-sex partner benefits, for 6 months ? And it's only since last August, that he has advocated drastically lowering the corporate tax ? And he only just recently came out in favor of the death penalty ? And he only just now came out in favor of domestic drilling for oil ? Only since August 2015, that Trump has criticized our leniency toward China ? Only opposed Obamacare a few months ago ? Only supports building up the military since last summer ? Has only opposed immigration lately ? Has only advocated for a Mexican border barrier (fence or wall) since August 2015 ? Spoke out against foreign companies taking jobs from the US only recently ? Has only been critical of political insiders for last 6 months ? Only mentioned China's cyber-warfare problem recently ? New to supporting Israel ? Just started calling for end to Iran's nuclear programs ? Only has talked tough against North Korea since last summer ? Has only mentioned restricting welfare, recently ?

1. "I am against gun control" (USA Today report on 2011 Conservative Political Action Conf. Feb 10, 2011)

2. "I am pro-life," (USA Today report on 2011 Conservative Political Action Conf. Feb 10, 2011)

3. When asked whether gay couples should have access to "the same benefits as married couples, Trump said "As of this moment, I would say no and no" to gay marriage and civil benefits." ( New York Daily News, "Offends gay activist", Mar 7, 2011)

4. "0% corporate tax would create millions of jobs" (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 63 , Dec 5, 2011)

5. "Capital punishment isn’t uncivilized; murderers living is"......" 100% of the people who are executed never commit another crime" (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.102-4 , Jul 2, 2000)

6. "It's incredible how slowly we're drilling for oil" (Devonia Smith Political Transcripts Examiner , Mar 16, 2011)

7. "Be tougher on China-we’re too eager to please" ( The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.117-18 , Jul 2, 2000)

8. "Obamacare has to be killed now before it grows into an even bigger mess, as it inevitably will." ( Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p.121-122 , Dec 5, 2011)

9. "3% of GNP for military is too low" (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.149 , Jul 2, 2000)

10. "“I’m opposed to new people coming in,” ..... “We have to take care of the people who are here.”(nytimes.com/library/politics , Dec 10, 1999)

11. "The point is that properly built walls work. We just need the political will to finish the job. " (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p.146-147 , Dec 5, 2011)

12. "Foreign companies are taking jobs from US"....."Foreign companies are ripping off the United States like never before.” (Pat Eaton-Robb, Associated Press , Dec 2, 1999)

13. "I believe non-politicians represent the wave of the future and if elected I would make the kind of president America needs in the new millennium." (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p. 15-16 , Jul 2, 2000)

14. "China presents three big threats to the United States in its outrageous currency manipulation, its systematic attempt to destroy our manufacturing base, and its industrial espionage and cyber warfare against America." (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 32-33 , Dec 5, 2011)

15. "The U.S. must continue to nurture and safeguard our special relationship with the state of Israel. This relationship must remain the cornerstone of our policy tactics through the entire Middle-East region, as it has been for administrations of both parties for more than half a century." (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.132-33 , Jul 2, 2000)

16. "Iran's nuclear program must be stopped--by any and all means necessary. Period." (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 98 , Dec 5, 2011)

17. "I would let Pyongyang know in no uncertain terms that it can either get out of the nuclear arms race or expect a rebuke similar to the one Ronald Reagan delivered to Ghadhafi in 1986. I don’t think anybody is going to accuse me of tiptoeing through the issues or tap-dancing around them either. Who else in public life has called for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea?" (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.274 , Jul 2, 2000)

18. "Let “saints” help teen moms; restrict public assistance" ( The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.107-8 , Jul 2, 2000)

Well, FT. You just got refuted ....in "Virtually ALL of those issue planks.."

I didn't get refuted -- you just didn't go back far enough. Most quotes are just FOUR years before he decided to run. He has CONTRADICTED most of those positions in 1990s and early 2000s.

MAYBE writing those books had a conversion effect on him.. And caused him to actually think about policy issues. Seems like it was on his mind to run in 2000...

"I believe non-politicians represent the wave of the future and if elected I would make the kind of president America needs in the new millennium." (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p. 15-16 , Jul 2, 2000)

He's just hijacked the appropriate party to gain power. Dems wouldn't ever ALLOW their party to be hijacked by an egotistical maniac like him...
Democrats have nothing but egotistical maniacs running for office.

And we would never TRUST an egotistical maniac UNLESS they were driven by a fundamental set of principles that they honor in any policy they pushed. Bernie has that set of principles. You pretty much KNOW what his policies will be. But Trump is all about the deal. No real political principles that inform us what those deals will look like. AND THAT is dangerous. As Hillary is dangerous as she "triangulates" between being a leftist revolutionary and a Board member at Walmart.

Because NEITHER of them are predictable and politically principled..
If Cruz is out of the running before we in Florida get to vote, I will have a decision to make. Do I vote for Trump or Rubio?

Trump is stronger on three things that are important: illegal immigration, Muslim refugees, and the economy.

Cruz is stronger in that I think he will pick a strong conservative SCOTUS judge. I'm not sure at all about Trumps picking ability. I also believe if it's Rubio vs any Dem, Rubio wins. He will win in a landslide against Hillary.

The thing is, to me, the SCOTUS pick is the most important issue we face right now.

Leaning Rubio, but not solid on it yet.
Rubio will not win in a landslide against Hillary, and even if he wins he will just be another Bush when it comes to the issues that actually matter, and that will kill off the Republican Party considering the changing demographics.

Trump is a wildcard, but if he wins, the Republican Party will be forever changed for the better.

Cruz has no prayer of getting the required number of delegates.

Yes Rubio would crush Hillary.

No, he would not be another Bush.

The GOP is killing itself already, Trump is a symptom of that.

It's possible that Trump could be another praised and loved republican when he's done.

Cruz likely will not be the nominee. He's still the best person for the job and will get my vote if he's on the ballot.
How would Rubio crush Hillary? I can see a relatively low turnout for the Democrats and a higher than normal turnout for Republicans(thanks to Trump and the death of Scalia) giving Rubio a win that resembles Bush/Gore, but he has absolutely no appeal for anyone but Republicans and Republican voting Independents, and that would be the last win Republicans ever get on a national ticket(contrary to what the media is telling you).

Right now Trump is literally creating new Republican voters(people who have never voted before)and pushing more Democrat leaning Independents to the Republican side. Trump is easily the best thing Republicans have going for them right now and they can't afford to play pretend anymore.

Rubio would win because he's likable, young, good looking, and Hispanic. Hillary is distrusted and irritating, Bernie is a socialist. Rubio would get a lot of the independants, a large porting of Hispanics, and all but the evangelicals in the GOP. Hilkary wouldn't stand a chance.

Trump would have a difficult time getting any independants, or Hispanics, nor would he get a great deal of the GOP. 40-50% isn't going to cut it in the general election. I believe it's possible for Trump to beat Hillary, but it would be close. Rubio would slaughter her.
Yeah, just like Ben Carson would win because he is likable and black....

The best Rubio can do is peel off like 2% of the Hispanic Democrat vote, that will do absolutely nothing, especially not in the long term with a Republican Party that cannot rely on huge blocks of white voters to make races at least competitive.

Trump will get much more than 40-50% of the GOP voting for him considering the Supreme Court is at stake. Only Kasich is considering not supporting Trump if he gets the nomination, and the situation with the SC will make him look foolish if decides to do something like that.

Trump and his blatant pro-white civic nationalism is the future of the party, not Rubio's "diversity" tokenism that has failed the party for decades.
Virtually ALL of those issue planks....
So in answer to my post, you say that in "Virtually ALL of those issue planks.." >> that his positions today are different then they were in the past. OK. Let's take look.

So Trump only got his CCW license and pistol just with the last 6 months, and only has been against gun control since then ? And he has only been pro-life since August 2015 ? And he has only been against gay marriage and same-sex partner benefits, for 6 months ? And it's only since last August, that he has advocated drastically lowering the corporate tax ? And he only just recently came out in favor of the death penalty ? And he only just now came out in favor of domestic drilling for oil ? Only since August 2015, that Trump has criticized our leniency toward China ? Only opposed Obamacare a few months ago ? Only supports building up the military since last summer ? Has only opposed immigration lately ? Has only advocated for a Mexican border barrier (fence or wall) since August 2015 ? Spoke out against foreign companies taking jobs from the US only recently ? Has only been critical of political insiders for last 6 months ? Only mentioned China's cyber-warfare problem recently ? New to supporting Israel ? Just started calling for end to Iran's nuclear programs ? Only has talked tough against North Korea since last summer ? Has only mentioned restricting welfare, recently ?

1. "I am against gun control" (USA Today report on 2011 Conservative Political Action Conf. Feb 10, 2011)

2. "I am pro-life," (USA Today report on 2011 Conservative Political Action Conf. Feb 10, 2011)

3. When asked whether gay couples should have access to "the same benefits as married couples, Trump said "As of this moment, I would say no and no" to gay marriage and civil benefits." ( New York Daily News, "Offends gay activist", Mar 7, 2011)

4. "0% corporate tax would create millions of jobs" (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 63 , Dec 5, 2011)

5. "Capital punishment isn’t uncivilized; murderers living is"......" 100% of the people who are executed never commit another crime" (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.102-4 , Jul 2, 2000)

6. "It's incredible how slowly we're drilling for oil" (Devonia Smith Political Transcripts Examiner , Mar 16, 2011)

7. "Be tougher on China-we’re too eager to please" ( The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.117-18 , Jul 2, 2000)

8. "Obamacare has to be killed now before it grows into an even bigger mess, as it inevitably will." ( Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p.121-122 , Dec 5, 2011)

9. "3% of GNP for military is too low" (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.149 , Jul 2, 2000)

10. "“I’m opposed to new people coming in,” ..... “We have to take care of the people who are here.”(nytimes.com/library/politics , Dec 10, 1999)

11. "The point is that properly built walls work. We just need the political will to finish the job. " (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p.146-147 , Dec 5, 2011)

12. "Foreign companies are taking jobs from US"....."Foreign companies are ripping off the United States like never before.” (Pat Eaton-Robb, Associated Press , Dec 2, 1999)

13. "I believe non-politicians represent the wave of the future and if elected I would make the kind of president America needs in the new millennium." (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p. 15-16 , Jul 2, 2000)

14. "China presents three big threats to the United States in its outrageous currency manipulation, its systematic attempt to destroy our manufacturing base, and its industrial espionage and cyber warfare against America." (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 32-33 , Dec 5, 2011)

15. "The U.S. must continue to nurture and safeguard our special relationship with the state of Israel. This relationship must remain the cornerstone of our policy tactics through the entire Middle-East region, as it has been for administrations of both parties for more than half a century." (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.132-33 , Jul 2, 2000)

16. "Iran's nuclear program must be stopped--by any and all means necessary. Period." (Time to Get Tough, by Donald Trump, p. 98 , Dec 5, 2011)

17. "I would let Pyongyang know in no uncertain terms that it can either get out of the nuclear arms race or expect a rebuke similar to the one Ronald Reagan delivered to Ghadhafi in 1986. I don’t think anybody is going to accuse me of tiptoeing through the issues or tap-dancing around them either. Who else in public life has called for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea?" (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.274 , Jul 2, 2000)

18. "Let “saints” help teen moms; restrict public assistance" ( The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p.107-8 , Jul 2, 2000)

Well, FT. You just got refuted ....in "Virtually ALL of those issue planks.."

I didn't get refuted -- you just didn't go back far enough. Most quotes are just FOUR years before he decided to run. He has CONTRADICTED most of those positions in 1990s and early 2000s.

MAYBE writing those books had a conversion effect on him.. And caused him to actually think about policy issues. Seems like it was on his mind to run in 2000...

"I believe non-politicians represent the wave of the future and if elected I would make the kind of president America needs in the new millennium." (The America We Deserve, by Donald Trump, p. 15-16 , Jul 2, 2000)

He's just hijacked the appropriate party to gain power. Dems wouldn't ever ALLOW their party to be hijacked by an egotistical maniac like him...
Democrats have nothing but egotistical maniacs running for office.

And we would never TRUST an egotistical maniac UNLESS they were driven by a fundamental set of principles that they honor in any policy they pushed. Bernie has that set of principles. You pretty much KNOW what his policies will be. But Trump is all about the deal. No real political principles that inform us what those deals will look like. AND THAT is dangerous. As Hillary is dangerous as she "triangulates" between being a leftist revolutionary and a Board member at Walmart.

Because NEITHER of them are predictable and politically principled..
Hillary is the same as all the unprincipled psychopaths that Democrats have run for decades.

Trump is no different from the crap Democrats expect everyone to bow down to EVERY election cycle.
Rubio would win because he's likable, young, good looking, and Hispanic. Hillary is distrusted and irritating, Bernie is a socialist. Rubio would get a lot of the independants, a large porting of Hispanics, and all but the evangelicals in the GOP. Hilkary wouldn't stand a chance.

Trump would have a difficult time getting any independants, or Hispanics, nor would he get a great deal of the GOP. 40-50% isn't going to cut it in the general election. I believe it's possible for Trump to beat Hillary, but it would be close. Rubio would slaughter her.

Trump got a lot of Hispanic votes in Nevada. Trump is IN, and he's ahead of Hillary in the polls. Hillary's dropping like a rock. I fthe FBI puts charges on her, she's done. I'm amazed they're all not making more of her having a Muslim Brotherhood aide (Huma Abedin)

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