TRUMP! Because it might be the only way to get things Pubs.

Get out, and take your anchor babies with you go home.
The anchor babies ARE home.
So their plan is stupid AND unconstitutional lol.

What's your plan genius throw the doors open and let 100 million poor people enter the country? $18 trillion in debt, talk about idiocy.
The Schumer/Graham bill included a good ID, a long road to citizenship, papers for the worthy, deportation for the unworthy. Would have ENDED this bs 2 years ago. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Must have Pubcrappe for the election for the ignorant dupes like you.
Oh right, you brainwashed functional morons don't know what the real world is doing. That 's the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Immigration bill, blocked by Boehner alone for 2 years, because it would pass and end the problem. And the Infrastructure Jobs Bank them, I'm not your gd mother.
Since it is Graham's bill, why doesn't your topic title say,
GRAHAM! Because it might be the only way to get things Pubs.
The Schumer/Graham bill included a good ID, a long road to citizenship, papers for the worthy, deportation for the unworthy.

(little haterdupes' usual smears and namecalling deleted)
In other words, same laws that are already on the books (except the ID).

If we don't obey these laws now, what makes you think that passing them again will make us obey them in the future?
THE ID IS WHAT MATTERS. What Pubs refuse. They actually love cheap labor, and you are their chump, Pub dupe. ZZZZZZZZZZ later much.
Get out, and take your anchor babies with you go home.
The anchor babies ARE home.
So their plan is stupid AND unconstitutional lol.

What's your plan genius throw the doors open and let 100 million poor people enter the country? $18 trillion in debt, talk about idiocy.
The Schumer/Graham bill included a good ID, a long road to citizenship, papers for the worthy, deportation for the unworthy. Would have ENDED this bs 2 years ago. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Must have Pubcrappe for the election for the ignorant dupes like you.

Obviously the people and their representatives in congress did not approve. Sucks to be you subject to the will of the people.
Get out, and take your anchor babies with you go home.
The anchor babies ARE home.

No they are not. Not to worry all this liberal crap will be reversed in due time.
They are US citizens, so they are indeed home.

That is your uneducated opinion.
No, it is a fact of law. No matter what the voices in your head tell you, or whose piss you drink.

(more of little haterdupes' namecalling and insults deleted)
Of course it is. Liberals always believe that if they clamp more and more requirements and regulations on the populace, some day their plans will work. And when they don't, that's just the next excuse for even more regulations and restrictions.

This pattern has repeated itself SO many time through human history. And it has never produced the results the liberals promised.
Get out, and take your anchor babies with you go home.
The anchor babies ARE home.

No they are not. Not to worry all this liberal crap will be reversed in due time.
They are US citizens, so they are indeed home.

That is your uneducated opinion.
No, it is a fact of law. No matter what the voices in your head tell you, or whose piss you drink.

Good luck with your hallucinations.
Get out, and take your anchor babies with you go home.
The anchor babies ARE home.
So their plan is stupid AND unconstitutional lol.

What's your plan genius throw the doors open and let 100 million poor people enter the country? $18 trillion in debt, talk about idiocy.
The Schumer/Graham bill included a good ID, a long road to citizenship, papers for the worthy, deportation for the unworthy. Would have ENDED this bs 2 years ago. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Must have Pubcrappe for the election for the ignorant dupes like you.

Obviously the people and their representatives in congress did not approve. Sucks to be you subject to the will of the people.
Boehner is holding it up singlehanded and GOP reps have said they would vote for it. You people are so ignorant and brainwashed. You are a disgrace.

(more of little haterdupes' namecalling and insults deleted)
Of course it is. Liberals always believe that if they clamp more and more requirements and regulations on the populace, some day their plans will work. And when they don't, that's just the next excuse for even more regulations and restrictions.

This pattern has repeated itself SO many time through human history. And it has never produced the results the liberals promised.
What a pile of crappe, dingbat dupe. But thanks for 9/11 thru total incompetence, the stupidest wars ever, AND a world depression (and the worst bs propaganda machine ever and 7 years of mindless obstruction). Ever hear of Social Security and Medicare?
You fools think a giant un-American wall will work when 50% ALREADY JUST OVERSTAY VISAS. PFFFFTT!!!!
They all have fake IDs! Ditto US 18-20 year olds. Tell Boehner to allow a GD vote- Which would PASS. GOP= a-holes and fools.
Does the bill include deportation of EVERY illegal AND their children? Building triple layer wall? If not its not good enough.
Does the bill include deportation of EVERY illegal AND their children? Building triple layer wall? If not its not good enough.
Impossible AND unconstitutional. Deportation of unworthy illegals IS included.
Trump for President!!!

I like the idea of closing the border! It's gotten to the point where we cannot take care of the people we have now. Close the border for 5 to 10 years see how it goes then maybe open it up gradually.

I think we need to cut way back on giving our money to other countries! Seems to me we are giving a lot more than we are getting!

Also, I think we need to build our military back up. Obama was wrong to cut our military back as much as he did! Other countries must be laughing at us!

18 trillion and counting, the way we're going we'll never get out of debt! We need more jobs, less welfare, less food stamps and get more people working! In my honest opinion we need to have every available able body working in some capacity! No more freebies for people who won't work and can and would rather collect unemployment! We have to STOP sending jobs overseas!!!

Our forefathers worked to hard and lost a lot of lives to get this once great nation started and it's high time we get back to where it was 40 to 50 years ago!

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