Trump Becomes 1st POTUS to Speak at Right For Life


Just hours before President Trump addressed thousands of anti-abortion rights activists at the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., his administration has given its attendees reason to cheer.

The Office of Civil Rights, a division of the Department of Health and Human Services, announced Friday that it is taking action against California for requiring private insurers to cover abortions. The office says the requirement, implemented in 2014, violates federal conscience protections for health care providers that refuse to perform certain services on religious or moral grounds.

“Regardless of what one thinks about the legality of abortion, the American people have spoken with one voice to say that people should not be forced to participate, pay for or cover other people’s abortions,” office Director Roger Severino told reporters on a conference call ahead of the formal announcement.

“The Weldon amendment is very clear,” Severino added, referring to a federal measure that was passed by Congress more than a decade ago and repeatedly renewed as part of the department’s appropriations. “If states receive federal funds from HHS and other agencies, they cannot discriminate against health plans that decline to cover or pay for abortions — period, full stop.”

Trump Administration Threatens California Over Mandate That Insurers Cover Abortion
Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’

Pro Partial birth abortions too.

It's a New York thing.

Pandering to his base. He doesn't seem to be someone who would have any qualms paying for an abortion, if need be.

Don't know if he would pay for one, but he was not even pro-life till he choose to run as a Repub.


The video cited on post number 9 is from 1999 where Donald Trump says, repeatedly that he is very PRO-LIFE.
All these pro-lifers are hypocrites. I don't take a word they have to say seriously.

Trump has supposedly paid for 8 abortions for his mistresses. A fact he has never denied. Not one pro-lifer gives a damn.

Pro-lifers don't give a damn about gun violence.

Pro-lifers don't give a damn about the water that pregnant women drink or the air that they breathe.

Yeah, pro-life. Has there ever been a more undeserving title for these people.

Twenty years ago you were all hypocrites as well. Those points that are as relevant today as yesterday. Trump's EPA is allowing more toxins into our environment that will cause more cancer and brain damage to fetuses and that is okay with the pro-lifer.

I would take a "pro-lifer" more seriously if they were consistent, but you are not. Pro-life when the baby is in utero, but when the baby is delivered and it is shot in the head or has cancer, pro-lifers don't give a shit.

Trump rallies are like a Billy Joel or Springsteen concert. he gives a masterful theatrical performance
The Republican Party could win over more women voters if they'd stay out of their wombs.

Alayna Treene Feb 24, 2019
New poll finds "dramatic shift" on abortion attitudes

By the numbers: The poll found Americans are now as likely to identify as pro-life (47%) as they are pro-choice (47%). Last month, a similar Marist survey found that Americans were more likely to identify as pro-choice than pro-life 55% to 38%, a 17-point gap.
  • The survey also found that 80% of Americans support abortion being limited to the first three months of pregnancy, an increase of 5 percentage points since last month's Marist poll.
A Marist poll finds that Americans are as likely to identify as pro-life as they are pro-choice
"What an incredible crowd in Washington, D.C. Tens and tens of thousands of people—all there to stand for life—Protestants, Anglicans, Orthodox, Catholics, everyone. This is such an important issue for our nation. Since Roe v. Wade in 1973, over 61 million babies have been killed by abortion in our nation. That’s shameful. I pray that the American people and our politicians will wake up to what abortion really is and put an end to it." - Franklin Graham
President Trump supports rape, incest, dead beat dads, domestic violence, pedophiles, runaway girls, lower wages for women, manipulative men...that's just openers what about health care that conservatives deny wage earners, evil manipulators, malicious compulsive liars, misleaders, highly egotistical men, men that have dominance or superiority over other people.

I would have thought more of the President if he would attend domestic violence meetings, or rape or something constructive. Conservatives should spend more time on the underlying causes of abortion.

"Above all, we know that every human soul is divine, and every human life—born and unborn—is made in the holy image of Almighty God." —President Trump

I've seen a lot of threads with a lot of lies from the far-left Progressives. This one breaks all records.

I wonder what it is about this particular topic that brings out all the lies from the Democrats.
Pandering to his base. He doesn't seem to be someone who would have any qualms paying for an abortion, if need be.
Is my lawyer really on my side? If he keep doing a good job at pressing my claims in court and defending me from accusations, do I care if he's "really on my side" or just on my side because I pay him?

Is my lawyer acting like he's on my side just because he loves me or due to the facts that our interests align, and he can expect to profit by advancing my interests?

Does it matter?

I've seen a lot of threads with a lot of lies from the far-left Progressives. This one breaks all records.

I wonder what it is about this particular topic that brings out all the lies from the Democrats.
Their lust to butcher babies is significantly threatened.
For all his personality flaws he has stood for the major moral issues of our time more than any other.

Trump becomes first president to speak at March for Life: 'Every life brings love'

You really think he cares about abortion? Really?
Is my lawyer really on my side? If he keeps doing a good job at pressing my claims in court and defending me from accusations, do I care if he's "really on my side" or just on my side because I pay him?

Is my lawyer acting like he's on my side just because he loves me or due to the facts that our interests align, and he can expect to profit by advancing my interests?

Does it matter?

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