Trump Begins Throttling California

Well, California could just provide forest management. Just sayin.

I agree. They get these fires every year and if they didn't give in to the tree huggers their people could clear out brush and dead trees.

They need to manage their forests a hell of a lot better than they have been.

They also have money for a bullet train to Vegas and they are a Sanctuary State with money for all the illegals they let stay. They can afford to fight their own fires using only their money.

This probably one of the top 5 funniest I ever read here in this site.

Most of the burned areas or forest are under federal controlled areas. This is like an adult soiling your diaper then blame your neighbor.

Since you are so smart. How do you suppose to manage a forest? Deforestation?

This is like........... There are millions of Americans affected by the snow, storms and floodings on the east coast ....... Maybe they should better in managing those water and snow..... See how dumb that is?

Bullet train has not even started. So what in the world are you talking about Claudette?
Again...most of California's forests are FEDERALLY owned and managed.

And THOSE are primarily the areas that burned

You can't build houses in the "national" forests dummy. :itsok:
It STARTED in the NATIONAL FOREST you fucking dummy
The national forest which bordered a bunch of million dollar luxury homes.
The owners lobbied the state gov. NOT to clear the undergrowth b/c there was a chance that the 'ten toed polka dot salamander' might be affected.
Even Jerry Brown agreed the Cal. gov. had fucked up by not brush clearing.
Fucking wise up!

Please stop with the lies. Clearing the underbrush had NOTHING to do with the California wild fires. Governor Jerry Brown looked at Trump like he had grown two heads when he suggested it.

The President of Norway publically mocked and laughed at Donald Trump for this ridiculous suggestion.

Oh so under brush doesn't burn??

If there is no under brush the fire had a hard time spreading.

As for Brown?? He, like you, doesn't know how fire travels.

You really should educate yourself before you end up sounding like a fool.

No, it is you who is being the idiot here. There are 45 million acres of federally owned land in California. How much money would it cost to clear the underbrush from 45 million acres of land? How long will it take to clear underbrush, and how many people will it employ? Since this is not something that can be done by machines, how much money is the federal government prepared to spend doing this?

Please remember that one of the FIRST things that President Trump did is to cut the budget of the US Forestry Service by 1/3, so how do you propose that the US Forestry Service undertake to clear the brush from that 45 million acress of federally owned land in California.

And here's another dose of reality, Ms. Smartass: Underbrush is the fastest growing stuff in the forest. If you cut it in the spring, you'll have to cut it again in the summer. And again next spring too.

And California is just one state.
Well, California could just provide forest management. Just sayin.

I agree. They get these fires every year and if they didn't give in to the tree huggers their people could clear out brush and dead trees.

They need to manage their forests a hell of a lot better than they have been.

They also have money for a bullet train to Vegas and they are a Sanctuary State with money for all the illegals they let stay. They can afford to fight their own fires using only their money.

This probably one of the top 5 funniest I ever read here in this site.

Most of the burned areas or forest are under federal controlled areas. This is like an adult soiling your diaper then blame your neighbor.

Since you are so smart. How do you suppose to manage a forest? Deforestation?

This is like........... There are millions of Americans affected by the snow, storms and floodings on the east coast ....... Maybe they should better in managing those water and snow..... See how dumb that is?

Bullet train has not even started. So what in the world are you talking about Claudette?

Laugh away there smarty pants.

I'll be laughing at you at the same time.
You can't build houses in the "national" forests dummy. :itsok:
It STARTED in the NATIONAL FOREST you fucking dummy
The national forest which bordered a bunch of million dollar luxury homes.
The owners lobbied the state gov. NOT to clear the undergrowth b/c there was a chance that the 'ten toed polka dot salamander' might be affected.
Even Jerry Brown agreed the Cal. gov. had fucked up by not brush clearing.
Fucking wise up!

Please stop with the lies. Clearing the underbrush had NOTHING to do with the California wild fires. Governor Jerry Brown looked at Trump like he had grown two heads when he suggested it.

The President of Norway publically mocked and laughed at Donald Trump for this ridiculous suggestion.

Oh so under brush doesn't burn??

If there is no under brush the fire had a hard time spreading.

As for Brown?? He, like you, doesn't know how fire travels.

You really should educate yourself before you end up sounding like a fool.

No, it is you who is being the idiot here. There are 45 million acres of federally owned land in California. How much money would it cost to clear the underbrush from 45 million acres of land? How long will it take to clear underbrush, and how many people will it employ? Since this is not something that can be done by machines, how much money is the federal government prepared to spend doing this?

Please remember that one of the FIRST things that President Trump did is to cut the budget of the US Forestry Service by 1/3, so how do you propose that the US Forestry Service undertake to clear the brush from that 45 million acress of federally owned land in California.

And here's another dose of reality, Ms. Smartass: Underbrush is the fastest growing stuff in the forest. If you cut it in the spring, you'll have to cut it again in the summer. And again next spring too.

And California is just one state.

So it was only Federal land that burned and all those houses that were destroyed were on Federal land??

I think not.
California is the most mismanaged state in the U.S. It is utterly criminal what the Democrats have done to that once great state. Glad I got out of there when I did. Now, even major industry is leaving, and taking its jobs with it due to the extremely high taxes, high energy costs, and other high costs of doing business.

Nah! I’m very proud, blessed and successful here in California. I will not dare living any where else.

Business leaving California has been going on BUT ......

We are the 6th largest economy in the world.

You were 5th a couple of years back. Just sayin'.
Again...most of California's forests are FEDERALLY owned and managed.

And THOSE are primarily the areas that burned

You can't build houses in the "national" forests dummy. :itsok:
It STARTED in the NATIONAL FOREST you fucking dummy
The national forest which bordered a bunch of million dollar luxury homes.
The owners lobbied the state gov. NOT to clear the undergrowth b/c there was a chance that the 'ten toed polka dot salamander' might be affected.
Even Jerry Brown agreed the Cal. gov. had fucked up by not brush clearing.
Fucking wise up!

Please stop with the lies. Clearing the underbrush had NOTHING to do with the California wild fires. Governor Jerry Brown looked at Trump like he had grown two heads when he suggested it.

The President of Norway publically mocked and laughed at Donald Trump for this ridiculous suggestion.

You are ignorant on this topic. When the "underbrush" is several feet thick due to idiot government policies action is needed.

Do you live in a forest, anywhere near a forest, or do you own any land located in a forest? I can answer that "yes" to all of these questions. My husband's family were actualy lumberjacks, but that was a few generations back. We sold our Muskoka cottage a few years ago, but I think my husband's family still owns a share of the family hunt camp up there. I admit to missing the sound of the loons calling over the still lake on a summer's morning. It's as close to heaven here on earth as you can get.
So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires
Do they rake forests in your neck of the world, billy? Is your State red? If not, take care not to piss 'Da Man' off. His ego needs constant feeding and he will turn on you like a sidewinder if you don't stroke him ardently.

They might. We don't have fires every other day like California.
Do you live by a desert and an ocean?

Nah! I’m very proud, blessed and successful here in California. I will not dare living any where else.

Business leaving California has been going on BUT ......

We are the 6th largest economy in the world. Other states can not even come close.. Business are booming all over that I can’t complain. With the largest populations at 4.1% unemployment. Awesome.

The WELL TO DO (wealthy) are still doing very well in California. It has become like Venezuela. The elite, well off are fine. The poor get public support, and the Middle Income Earner gets pushed out.

Nah! That’s not true. You can twist and lies how ever you want. Other states cannot eeeeeven comes close to California’s economy.

2018’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

California is number 39.
It STARTED in the NATIONAL FOREST you fucking dummy
The national forest which bordered a bunch of million dollar luxury homes.
The owners lobbied the state gov. NOT to clear the undergrowth b/c there was a chance that the 'ten toed polka dot salamander' might be affected.
Even Jerry Brown agreed the Cal. gov. had fucked up by not brush clearing.
Fucking wise up!

Please stop with the lies. Clearing the underbrush had NOTHING to do with the California wild fires. Governor Jerry Brown looked at Trump like he had grown two heads when he suggested it.

The President of Norway publically mocked and laughed at Donald Trump for this ridiculous suggestion.

Oh so under brush doesn't burn??

If there is no under brush the fire had a hard time spreading.

As for Brown?? He, like you, doesn't know how fire travels.

You really should educate yourself before you end up sounding like a fool.

No, it is you who is being the idiot here. There are 45 million acres of federally owned land in California. How much money would it cost to clear the underbrush from 45 million acres of land? How long will it take to clear underbrush, and how many people will it employ? Since this is not something that can be done by machines, how much money is the federal government prepared to spend doing this?

Please remember that one of the FIRST things that President Trump did is to cut the budget of the US Forestry Service by 1/3, so how do you propose that the US Forestry Service undertake to clear the brush from that 45 million acress of federally owned land in California.

And here's another dose of reality, Ms. Smartass: Underbrush is the fastest growing stuff in the forest. If you cut it in the spring, you'll have to cut it again in the summer. And again next spring too.

And California is just one state.

So it was only Federal land that burned and all those houses that were destroyed were on Federal land??

I think not.

The fire started on federally owned lands, and most of the property that was burned was owned by the government. Fire is no respecter of property boundaries, and it's not spread by underbrush, underbrush is actually a way of slowing a fire, when you don't have drought conditions.

Canada is home to the largest temperate rainforests on the planet, so we do know a little bit about forest management. Some of us actually live in those forests, and have vacagtion homes there. Nobody clears underbrush as a fire hazzard. We clear it for esthetic purposes, or to get around our properties more easily, but fire management is done by not starting fires - not campfires.

Green and growing plants and underbrush are slower to burn. It is only when there are drought conditions, and the grasses are dried out with heat and drought, that the underbrush becomes fuel to a fire. It was the drought conditions caused by climate change that created the conditions for this year's fires in California.

Conservatives are desperate to continue to deny the negative impact of climate change, which they've denied for years, and this argument is your last dying gasp of ignorance and stupidity in the modern day "flat earth society" that is the climate change denialists stance.
Well, California could just provide forest management. Just sayin.

I agree. They get these fires every year and if they didn't give in to the tree huggers their people could clear out brush and dead trees.

They need to manage their forests a hell of a lot better than they have been.

They also have money for a bullet train to Vegas and they are a Sanctuary State with money for all the illegals they let stay. They can afford to fight their own fires using only their money.
Again...most of California's forests are FEDERALLY owned and managed.

And THOSE are primarily the areas that burned
Lie. The fires that killed people were not Federal lands.
Oh really?

The Camp Fire began Nov. 8 in National Forest Service land and, powered by 50 mph winds, dashed into Concow, Magalia and Paradise, where firefighters said it morphed into an urban firestorm — blitzing from home to home, with less dependence on fir and pine for tinder.

California's fire answers: Logging, brush clearance and growth controls
"Public officials from the state capitol in Sacramento to Washington, D.C., are pushing policies intended to reverse the old ways — reducing an over-abundance of trees and other fuel and placing tighter controls on human development in fire danger zones. The new rules will increase controlled burns, ramp up logging and brush clearance and further buffer new home development close to wildlands."
Read your own link asshole!
So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires
Trump's hemorrhoids are still flared over California giving Clinton the popular vote. So he is acting like his usual five year old self.
So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires

This isn't how government works. Trump can't do this, and if he does he will be sued, and he will lose.

This is stupidity almost beyond belief but it is Donald Trump. Just when you think he can't get any dumber, he finds a way to go lower.
"Public officials from the state capitol in Sacramento to Washington, D.C., are pushing policies intended to reverse the old ways — reducing an over-abundance of trees and other fuel and placing tighter controls on human development in fire danger zones. The new rules will increase controlled burns, ramp up logging and brush clearance and further buffer new home development close to wildlands."
Well, California could just provide forest management. Just sayin.

I agree. They get these fires every year and if they didn't give in to the tree huggers their people could clear out brush and dead trees.

They need to manage their forests a hell of a lot better than they have been.

They also have money for a bullet train to Vegas and they are a Sanctuary State with money for all the illegals they let stay. They can afford to fight their own fires using only their money.

This probably one of the top 5 funniest I ever read here in this site.

Most of the burned areas or forest are under federal controlled areas. This is like an adult soiling your diaper then blame your neighbor.

Since you are so smart. How do you suppose to manage a forest? Deforestation?

This is like........... There are millions of Americans affected by the snow, storms and floodings on the east coast ....... Maybe they should better in managing those water and snow..... See how dumb that is?

Bullet train has not even started. So what in the world are you talking about Claudette?

Laugh away there smarty pants.

I'll be laughing at you at the same time.

I’m very impressed how little you know about California and forest.

Sometimes laugh is the best way to hide the pain from ignorance.
California is the most mismanaged state in the U.S. It is utterly criminal what the Democrats have done to that once great state. Glad I got out of there when I did. Now, even major industry is leaving, and taking its jobs with it due to the extremely high taxes, high energy costs, and other high costs of doing business.

Nah! I’m very proud, blessed and successful here in California. I will not dare living any where else.

Business leaving California has been going on BUT ......

We are the 6th largest economy in the world.

You were 5th a couple of years back. Just sayin'.

Let say even 3rd or 4th or 5th couple of years back...... STILL the top 10 largest economy of the world far far better than any states or the whole world.
What are you saying again?
So ya wanna be a sanctuary state, do ya? Too busy taking care of foreigners to take care of forest management, eh?

In a Wednesday morning tweet, President Trump said he had instructed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to cut off funding for California wildfire relief unless the state improves its forest management.

Trump Tells FEMA to Halt Funds for California Wildfires

This isn't how government works. Trump can't do this, and if he does he will be sued, and he will lose.

This is stupidity almost beyond belief but it is Donald Trump. Just when you think he can't get any dumber, he finds a way to go lower.
A foreigner who’s an expert on our government.

Trump did it.

Imagine that! Living next door to the USA, hearing daily that it is the greatest country on earth. Watching American TV, and American news. In fact enduring a cultural indoctrination so thorough growing up with American media, that the Canadian government has now legislated against the level of American media content I grew up with, so how could I possible know ANYTHING about American government and how it functions.

Oh, and Canadians were also taught about the Canadian governement and the US government and how they are different and how they both function, when we were in school. I also worked in international law for close to 30 years, which required me to be familiar with US government agencies.

Not every nation's citizens are like Americans, growing up ignorant of other nations and how they function. Americans are the most narcistic people on earth. Canadians long ago learned how the gorilla next door behaves because our economic life has been tied to yours for so long. Every time your economy sneezed, our economy gets a cold, except in 2008, it didn't happen, and it didn't happen because we refused to deregulate the banks.

Canada has developed its own economy, independent of yours, that we survived the Great Recession with just a glancing blow. Your's isn't circling the drain, yet, but the handing of the next recession is critical, especially the weakening of the economic underpinnings created by the Trump tax cuts, and the ballooning of the deficit.

Inside every Canadian is an American trying to get out.
Goggle how many Canadians want to move to the USA. Goggle how many Americans want to move Canada based on percent of population.
The numbers will astonish you.
well , i hear that the middle are leaving both 'kalifornia' and 'new york' state .
California is the most mismanaged state in the U.S. It is utterly criminal what the Democrats have done to that once great state. Glad I got out of there when I did. Now, even major industry is leaving, and taking its jobs with it due to the extremely high taxes, high energy costs, and other high costs of doing business.

Nah! I’m very proud, blessed and successful here in California. I will not dare living any where else.

Business leaving California has been going on BUT ......

We are the 6th largest economy in the world.

You were 5th a couple of years back. Just sayin'.

Let say even 3rd or 4th or 5th couple of years back...... STILL the top 10 largest economy of the world far far better than any states or the whole world.
What are you saying again?

Flick a match in the wrong place and it all goes up like gasoline.
You can't build houses in the "national" forests dummy. :itsok:
It STARTED in the NATIONAL FOREST you fucking dummy
The national forest which bordered a bunch of million dollar luxury homes.
The owners lobbied the state gov. NOT to clear the undergrowth b/c there was a chance that the 'ten toed polka dot salamander' might be affected.
Even Jerry Brown agreed the Cal. gov. had fucked up by not brush clearing.
Fucking wise up!

Please stop with the lies. Clearing the underbrush had NOTHING to do with the California wild fires. Governor Jerry Brown looked at Trump like he had grown two heads when he suggested it.

The President of Norway publically mocked and laughed at Donald Trump for this ridiculous suggestion.

Oh so under brush doesn't burn??

If there is no under brush the fire had a hard time spreading.

As for Brown?? He, like you, doesn't know how fire travels.

You really should educate yourself before you end up sounding like a fool.

No, it is you who is being the idiot here. There are 45 million acres of federally owned land in California. How much money would it cost to clear the underbrush from 45 million acres of land? How long will it take to clear underbrush, and how many people will it employ? Since this is not something that can be done by machines, how much money is the federal government prepared to spend doing this?

Please remember that one of the FIRST things that President Trump did is to cut the budget of the US Forestry Service by 1/3, so how do you propose that the US Forestry Service undertake to clear the brush from that 45 million acress of federally owned land in California.

And here's another dose of reality, Ms. Smartass: Underbrush is the fastest growing stuff in the forest. If you cut it in the spring, you'll have to cut it again in the summer. And again next spring too.

And California is just one state.

Oh God the ignorance ^^^ do you know what a fire break is snowflake? You don't have to clear all 45 millions acres. Just stop talking listening to your ignorance on this topic is painful.

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