trump begs Florida judge to restore his Twitter account

Do you think trump should have his Twitter account reactivated?

  • No, he'll just call for more violence

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • Yes, trump has learned his lesson and will behave in the future

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 18 45.0%

  • Total voters
I don't know the details of their "cooperation". But Zuckerberg, for example, is a dipshit, who seems to prefer letting someone else make the call. I can see him going along voluntarily, to shed the responsibility. Social media companies also have a legitimate problem with those using their site to spread propaganda. They have legitimate reason to complain to the government that their site is being abused.

To be clear, I'm not in favor of what they're doing. They got themselves into this mess because they catered to Trump in the first place. If they'd banned him out of the gate, as the troll he is, they'd be in a much better position. But they played along because, hey - Trump is ratings gold. Now they've changed their minds and want to shut him down. That's hypocritical, to be sure, but it's their right, and claiming that the government should have the power to force them to host content against their will is far more dangerous than letting websites censor content as they see fit.
They should have banned Trump out of the gate?
For what exactly?????
So when did Hamas become the Taliban? The contention here is that the Taliban committed a terrorist attack in their takeover of Kabul.
Of course. This is war! We don't have the luxury of protecting individual liberty!

Seriously, if you're throwing the towel on liberty, what in the fuck are you fighting for?

That is so far away from what I said I'll pass. I'll let you handle the response to the voices in your head
Lawyers for former President Donald Trump are urging a federal judge in Florida to force Twitter to reinstate his account.

Trump has been banned from Twitter for months because of his potential to incite further violence following the deadly siege on the US Capitol in January, the platform said.

The move to ban him from the platform infuriated the former president. A senior administration official told Politico that Trump went "ballistic."

Do you think trump should have his Twitter account reactivated?
Do you think the Judge should cite anti discrimination laws or are you good with corporate discrimination now?

He has his own money. Let him start his own version of twitter or start a proxy fight and take over, but courts should not rule in policy of private company.
Are you good with corporate discrimination now?

Again, I don't think what the Taliban did constituted terrorism. Now if they start letting in al-Qaeda and ISIS and communicating with them in any way - Yes .. out they go.

BTW, the Hamas leader celebrating blowing up an oil pipeline was terrorism. He should be booted right away.
W didn't fight back because he had this vision in his mind that he was Reaganesque, above the fray. W actually just looked clueless and out of touch. Reagan wasn't clueless and didn't look clueless like W. For example, when Mondale went off on the socialist tyrade in the 1984 debate, Reagan said "there you go again." That is above the fray, he didn't get into the muck, but clearly showed he got it and responded to it.

I'm not arguing for Iraq, I was against it and still am. I learned my lesson in Gulf War I which I originally supported and learned nothing changes in the middle east and we have to get out. But W created the worst possible outcome by taking all the hits for what he and the Democrats did arm in arm while totally allowing Democrats to rewrite history and walk away from their own culpability in it.

Lie, lie, lie, it's what Democrats do
When they booted Bin Laden out of Afghanistan that should have ended the war....but they wanted to set up a strategic location in the ME they could use as an operational base. Afghanistan was a bad area to operate from. Iraq was better (Persian Gulf access). Obama destroyed our capabilities in Iraq and Biden has erased us from Afghanistan. Well done Democrats.
Both of these exists caused a vacuum....and the inevitable mass-exodus of refugees that Globalists need to cause mass destruction and death.
Trump didn't do anything to deserve the label "disgraced" if he had anything to do with Nancy Pelosi's faked false-flag operation on Jan 6th.
History has already made that call

There is nothing honorable about being too immature to accept an election defeat and creating a LIE that led to an insurrection against our Congress
Gator is a decent dude, but his Trump hate has blinded him.

He is so excited about Trump's attempt to offer an alternative failing, solely because Trump started it and that makes Trump a failure, that he didn't realize how that makes Facebook and Twitter monopolies.

This is what I have been talking about. People hate Trump so much that fucking genocide is not off the table when it comes to anything Trump.

People hate Trump more than they love liberty. It's pathetic.
I don't think all of that hate is even Trump's fault.
The hatred is purely a media created psychosis.
It could have been anyone...the treatment wouldn't have been any different.
They don't need a reason to hate anyway....they just need a target supplied to them by the left.
The people who fall for this crap are usually out-layers in a society....and friends of Hollywood Pedophiles.
Listen to Bill Maher's show. Even he is complaining about the Democrats.....but then he turns around and foments their false anti-Republican stereotypes like a good lemming every chance he gets.
"Sure....Democrats are a Dumpster-Fire...but at least they aren't Republicans."
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Gator is a decent dude, but his Trump hate has blinded him.

well, you are half right. Do not hate Trump, but he is easy as fuck to laugh at. I supported a number of things Trump did as POTUS, one cannot do that to one that they hate.

He is so excited about Trump's attempt to offer an alternative failing, solely because Trump started it and that makes Trump a failure, that he didn't realize how that makes Facebook and Twitter monopolies.

Not excited, just amused. Trump's alternative failing was a given as every single thing he started on his own has had the same fate.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of alternative to Facebook and Twitter. I have never tweeted a thing, does that mean I do not have freedom of speech? I use FB to keep in touch with Family and Friends, not to make statementsdoes that mean I do not have freedom of speech.

This is what I have been talking about. People hate Trump so much that fucking genocide is not off the table when it comes to anything Trump.

People hate Trump more than they love liberty. It's pathetic.

I would be defending these companies if they did it to Hillary or Biden or me even. At the end of the day I am nothing but a capitals that thinks companies should be allowed to make their decisions on how to run the business.

I recently got banned from a forum for not being left enough and telling someone to fuck off and die. Should I be whining about losing my freedom of speech? Should I be crying about how unfair it all is? Or do I move on to one of the other 1000s to choose from?

You want the Govt to stop companies from making their own business decisions and then talk about people not loving liberty.the irony is so great that even you have to be able to see it
He has his own money. Let him start his own version of twitter or start a proxy fight and take over, but courts should not rule in policy of private company.
"courts should not rule in policy of a private company"; Really, so private companies policy to terminate a women for her pregnancy, a Muslim terminated for praying at their breaks and couples may not fraternize with each other in the office or out of the office.
Nope. I stated what I meant. They are all protected under Section 230 equally but they aren't equal as FB, YouTube and Twitter control content while AT&T and Verizon do not.

Which of these do you think that Verizon falls under...

(2)Interactive computer service
The term “interactive computer service” means any information service, system, or access software provider that provides or enables computer access by multiple users to a computer server, including specifically a service or system that provides access to the Internet and such systems operated or services offered by libraries or educational institutions.

(3)Information content provider
The term “information content provider” means any person or entity that is responsible, in whole or in part, for the creation or development of information provided through the Internet or any other interactive computer service.
well, you are half right. Do not hate Trump, but he is easy as fuck to laugh at. I supported a number of things Trump did as POTUS, one cannot do that to one that they hate.

Not excited, just amused. Trump's alternative failing was a given as every single thing he started on his own has had the same fate.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of alternative to Facebook and Twitter. I have never tweeted a thing, does that mean I do not have freedom of speech? I use FB to keep in touch with Family and Friends, not to make statementsdoes that mean I do not have freedom of speech.

I would be defending these companies if they did it to Hillary or Biden or me even. At the end of the day I am nothing but a capitals that thinks companies should be allowed to make their decisions on how to run the business.

I recently got banned from a forum for not being left enough and telling someone to fuck off and die. Should I be whining about losing my freedom of speech? Should I be crying about how unfair it all is? Or do I move on to one of the other 1000s to choose from?

You want the Govt to stop companies from making their own business decisions and then talk about people not loving liberty.the irony is so great that even you have to be able to see it
So basically you liked Trump's policies but fell for the false propaganda (98% negative media coverage) hook, line, & sinker.
Now thanks to your help, we're stuck with a retard who can't face up to his critics, and is quickly destroying this country's reputation and ruining the economy on purpose.
This is from the Twitter User Agreement. Hey Leftards, explain how the Taliban, Iranian leaders, and Hamas have not violated numerous parts of this: (I'm sure our terrorist loving members will have some sort of lameass spin)

October 2020

There is no place on Twitter for violent organizations, including terrorist organizations, violent extremist groups, or individuals who affiliate with and promote their illicit activities. The violence that these groups engage in and/or promote jeopardizes the physical safety and well-being of those targeted. Our assessments under this policy are informed by national and international terrorism designations, as well as our violent extremist group and violent organizations criteria.

You may not threaten or promote terrorism or violent extremism.

Violent extremist groups are those that meet all of the below criteria:

  • identify through their stated purpose, publications, or actions as an extremist group;
  • have engaged in, or currently engage in, violence and/or the promotion of violence as a means to further their cause; and
  • target civilians in their acts and/or promotion of violence.
Other violent organizations

Other violent organizations are those that meet all of the below criteria:

  • a collection of individuals with a shared purpose; and
  • have systematically targeted civilians with violence.
We examine a group’s activities both on and off Twitter to determine whether they satisfy the above criteria.

What is in violation of this policy?

Under this policy, you can’t state an intention to inflict violence on a specific person or group of people. We define intent to include statements like “I will”, “I’m going to”, or “I plan to”, as well as conditional statements like “If you do X, I will”. Violations of this policy include, but are not limited to:

  • threatening to kill someone;
  • threatening to sexually assault someone;
  • threatening to seriously hurt someone and/or commit a other violent act that could lead to someone’s death or serious physical injury; and
  • asking for or offering a financial reward in exchange for inflicting violence on a specific person or group of people.
So at least the forum is evenly divided now, and starting to lean further away from Trump.

Biden's agenda will probably crash and burn but at least working class Americans will know that they're shooting their own feet off when it happens!

If it wasn't for the threat of nuclear war, the rest of the world could be looking forward in anticipation on how Trump will finish the job of destroying America's reputation. China couldn't hope for anything better at this critical time of their rise to power.
Again, I don't think what the Taliban did constituted terrorism. Now if they start letting in al-Qaeda and ISIS and communicating with them in any way - Yes .. out they go.

BTW, the Hamas leader celebrating blowing up an oil pipeline was terrorism. He should be booted right away.
So you see the hypocrisy. Taliban literally treats women as slaves and kills gays. Yet they are welcome on Twitter. Crazy times.

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