trump begs Florida judge to restore his Twitter account

Do you think trump should have his Twitter account reactivated?

  • No, he'll just call for more violence

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • Yes, trump has learned his lesson and will behave in the future

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 18 45.0%

  • Total voters
Do you mean the one they prevented from being competitive?
After they deplatformed his Twitter account?
Fakebook and Twatter don't like competition.

And the net is controlled by the international community....making it impossible for anyone in America to have a IP address without the okay of the ICANN. Obama signed that responsibility over to the ICANN taking it away from the Commerce Department.
Trump was allowed to open a website....but it just became a target for leftists to troll and sabotage.
Stories about Trump's blog is labeled "The Disgraced Former President's blogsite".

Trump didn't do anything to deserve the label "disgraced" if he had anything to do with Nancy Pelosi's faked false-flag operation on Jan 6th.
There's also the horrible revelation that Pelosi went behind Trump talking to his top military advisor, Gen Miley, to claim that Trump was planning to bomb China.....and like your typical traitor....called the Chinese to let them know exactly what wasn't going on....but it was all simply a figment of Nancy Pelosi's sick imaginations. If you want to look up the definition of coup or treason....this fits it perfectly.


Gator is a decent dude, but his Trump hate has blinded him.

He is so excited about Trump's attempt to offer an alternative failing, solely because Trump started it and that makes Trump a failure, that he didn't realize how that makes Facebook and Twitter monopolies.

This is what I have been talking about. People hate Trump so much that fucking genocide is not off the table when it comes to anything Trump.

People hate Trump more than they love liberty. It's pathetic.
We're so far from fighting for liberty now. Democrats aren't kidding, they want this to be a one party country and they are not pulling any punches in their quest to get it.

When someone is trying to destroy you, fighting for liberty means defending yourself, not discussing the theoretical limits of government in a libertarian utopia
Again, you are not wrong.

When some decide that nothing is too far, and anything goes, the ends justify the means, it must be true for all.

It sucks that song will do anything for power, thus causing me to do anything to stop them.
  • Thanks
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But. here comes the argument against Citizens United. It needs to be distinguished.

I'm not clear what you're arguing exactly. Campaign contributions are one piece of it. The biggest one is giving social media companies free access to their customers on taxpayer's dime then restricting competition so they have a government created monopoly they can exploit
Cut and paste where it says get out by 8-31 anywhere in Trump's agreement.


You'd better find something constructive to do for the rest of the day.

Senior military officials in the United States have linked the collapse of the Afghan government and its security forces in August to former President Donald Trump’s deal with the Taliban in 2020 promising a complete withdrawal of US troops.

General Frank McKenzie, the head of Central Command, told the House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday that once the US troop presence was pushed below 2,500 as part of Washington’s bid to complete a total withdrawal by the end of August, the unravelling of the US-backed Afghan government accelerated.
Donald made the deal that we'd be out by end of August. They came in as we were leaving. They did not attack our troops and they allowed 100% of our troops to leave along with thousands of Afghanis who were loyal to the US.

I hope the rest of your day goes better for you than this thread has. :D
Are you seriously defending this, Doc? Come on man.

You lefties who are embracing corporate fascism are really misguided fools.

Corporations acting as government surrogates to dance around limits of their tyranny is NOT ok.
W didn't fight back because he knew it was purely political....not personal.....and he was in on it from the beginning anyway.
He's a Globalist like the rest of them. Trump was an outsider. He's not a member.
GWB is untouchable....and so is Hillary.
Obama wants to be part of that group....but he's still just a co-conspirator.

W didn't fight back because he had this vision in his mind that he was Reaganesque, above the fray. W actually just looked clueless and out of touch. Reagan wasn't clueless and didn't look clueless like W. For example, when Mondale went off on the socialist tyrade in the 1984 debate, Reagan said "there you go again." That is above the fray, he didn't get into the muck, but clearly showed he got it and responded to it.

I'm not arguing for Iraq, I was against it and still am. I learned my lesson in Gulf War I which I originally supported and learned nothing changes in the middle east and we have to get out. But W created the worst possible outcome by taking all the hits for what he and the Democrats did arm in arm while totally allowing Democrats to rewrite history and walk away from their own culpability in it.

Lie, lie, lie, it's what Democrats do
Oh I agree. No question.

That's why it is completely inappropriate for government to be telling social media what information or "misinformation" to censor.

Even if social media is a willing participant, it is still government action, and what may seem innocent now will be complete coercion in the future. The only way to make sure that coercion does not happen is for government to shut the fuck up and stay out of it. There's way too much gray area for totalitarian hacks to circumvent constitutional limits.
I don't know the details of their "cooperation". But Zuckerberg, for example, is a dipshit, who seems to prefer letting someone else make the call. I can see him going along voluntarily, to shed the responsibility. Social media companies also have a legitimate problem with those using their site to spread propaganda. They have legitimate reason to complain to the government that their site is being abused.

To be clear, I'm not in favor of what they're doing. They got themselves into this mess because they catered to Trump in the first place. If they'd banned him out of the gate, as the troll he is, they'd be in a much better position. But they played along because, hey - Trump is ratings gold. Now they've changed their minds and want to shut him down. That's hypocritical, to be sure, but it's their right, and claiming that the government should have the power to force them to host content against their will is far more dangerous than letting websites censor content as they see fit.
You'd better find something constructive to do for the rest of the day.

Senior military officials in the United States have linked the collapse of the Afghan government and its security forces in August to former President Donald Trump’s deal with the Taliban in 2020 promising a complete withdrawal of US troops.

General Frank McKenzie, the head of Central Command, told the House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday that once the US troop presence was pushed below 2,500 as part of Washington’s bid to complete a total withdrawal by the end of August, the unravelling of the US-backed Afghan government accelerated.
There is a reason you provided no link. That's because Aug 31 was created by Surrender Joe. Trump had nothing to do with that date, Liar.

If he did, you would be able to cut and paste it from Trump's agreement.

Learn to lie better, liar.
So when did Hamas become the Taliban? The contention here is that the Taliban committed a terrorist attack in their takeover of Kabul.
No, the issue is Twitter selectively enforcing their TOS. Hamas is just another example of their hypocrisy.
When a former President, no matter how ignorant he is, can have his free speech rights eliminated what chance do we have?

So let me get this straight. A private business should have no say over who posts or what standards of content should exist?
When someone is trying to destroy you, fighting for liberty means defending yourself, not discussing the theoretical limits of government in a libertarian utopia.
Of course. This is war! We don't have the luxury of protecting individual liberty!

Seriously, if you're throwing the towel on liberty, what in the fuck are you fighting for?
Euphemisms are awesome. Pretty much can't do politics with them.

Oh jeez - that still? "Because Trump says so" doesn't count as proof.

Twitter is stupid. I have no use for the service. But it's their right to be stupid.
Yeah....oppressing other folks doesn't bother you one bit.
But if it's that's a different story.
That's why your complaints regularly fall on deaf ears.
You seem to like a stacked long as it's stacked in your favor.

Whenever you want to discuss the issues, let me know.
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