trump begs Florida judge to restore his Twitter account

Do you think trump should have his Twitter account reactivated?

  • No, he'll just call for more violence

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • Yes, trump has learned his lesson and will behave in the future

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 18 45.0%

  • Total voters
I should clarify, for the others who are as stupid as you. I don't care about the shit partisans bicker over. I do, however, care a lot about the phenomenon. It's poison and it's destroying our nation.

hahaha.....there it is; the real phenomenon, the common denominator among melomaniac fence-sitters...."everybody else is stupid and partisan".
I'm pretty sure even you amazing intellectuals know that those who voted the almost dead dude to the oval office are the ones destroying our nation.
The Trump administration was moving our nation back on track, restoring American virtue and the American Way....Everybody legitimate was kicking ass under the Trump administration...EVERYBODY!
It sucks than an asshole like Trump has been able to stir up such tribalism and cause so many to abandon core principles of liberty on all sides. The next outsider needs to be someone who is not so off-putting.
Again, I think it's bigger than Trump. The lesser-of-two-assholes thing is baked into our system. It won't change until we either a) change the system or b) finally get over the lie that we only have two choices.
Donald made the deal that we'd be out by end of August. They came in as we were leaving. They did not attack our troops and they allowed 100% of our troops to leave along with thousands of Afghanis who were loyal to the US.

I hope the rest of your day goes better for you than this thread has. :D
Trump's deal? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I accept your concession.

Yes, Trump screaming racist, racist, racist at everyone certainly stirred up tribalism.

No wait, that was the Democrats ...
You are not wrong. It was not Trump doing anything other than just being Trump that stirred up the tribalism. I was not blaming him for it. I am blaming those who hated him so much that they could not help but abandon all principles of liberty.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
And that is why there can be no collusion whatsoever. There must be a bright line. Government has to shut the fuck up and not be involved in any of that.

Exactly my point as well. "Incentives" boil down to using other people's money to buy power.

Though in dblack's case, if it benefits Democrats, he finds a way to justify it
You are not wrong. It was not Trump doing anything other than just being Trump that stirred up the tribalism. I was not blaming him for it. I am blaming those who hated him so much that they could not help but abandon all principles of liberty.

My objection more specifically was your use of the term "stirring up."

I'll agree with Trump using tribalism, that wasn't my issue. My issue was he isn't the one who created it. That was clearly the Democrats. Trump was the first at that level to actually fight back. W destroyed his own agenda by not fighting back and letting Democrats control the narrative.

Democrats brought a gun to the gun fight they started and are trying to destroy us. They aren't kidding around and too many people aren't dealing with that reality
Again, I think it's bigger than Trump. The lesser-of-two-assholes thing is baked into our system. It won't change until we either a) change the system or b) finally get over the lie that we only have two choices.
The duopoly has no interest in allowing other options. The duopoly loves the "either-or" system. All they have to do is make backroom deals and pick sides on how they will summarily fuck us out of our rights, while raiding the treasury for their own financial benefit and doing nothing they promise.

There must be a third-party involvement to break up what is really a single-party system disguised as a two-party system.

Rank-Choice is the only solution I can see to fix it.
whatever happened to the social media platform we were told he was starting?
Do you mean the one they prevented from being competitive?
After they deplatformed his Twitter account?
Fakebook and Twatter don't like competition.

And the net is controlled by the international community....making it impossible for anyone in America to have a IP address without the okay of the ICANN. Obama signed that responsibility over to the ICANN taking it away from the Commerce Department.
Trump was allowed to open a website....but it just became a target for leftists to troll and sabotage.
Stories about Trump's blog is labeled "The Disgraced Former President's blogsite".

Trump didn't do anything to deserve the label "disgraced" if he had anything to do with Nancy Pelosi's faked false-flag operation on Jan 6th.
There's also the horrible revelation that Pelosi went behind Trump talking to his top military advisor, Gen Miley, to claim that Trump was planning to bomb China.....and like your typical traitor....called the Chinese to let them know exactly what wasn't going on....but it was all simply a figment of Nancy Pelosi's sick imaginations. If you want to look up the definition of coup or treason....this fits it perfectly.


I guess if you mean they are both regulated by the Govt sure, but that is sort of meaningless
Nope. I stated what I meant. They are all protected under Section 230 equally but they aren't equal as FB, YouTube and Twitter control content while AT&T and Verizon do not.
Exactly my point as well. "Incentives" boil down to using other people's money to buy power.

Though in dblack's case, if it benefits Democrats, he finds a way to justify it
But. here comes the argument against Citizens United. It needs to be distinguished.
You are not wrong. It was not Trump doing anything other than just being Trump that stirred up the tribalism. I was not blaming him for it. I am blaming those who hated him so much that they could not help but abandon all principles of liberty.

We're so far from fighting for liberty now. Democrats aren't kidding, they want this to be a one party country and they are not pulling any punches in their quest to get it.

When someone is trying to destroy you, fighting for liberty means defending yourself, not discussing the theoretical limits of government in a libertarian utopia
It did, but you’re too blind to see.

I generally agree with you but it did not. Trump is free to say whatever stupid thing he wants to. There is no free speech right to say whatever you want wherever you want where non governmental entities are concerned.
My objection more specifically was your use of the term "stirring up."

I'll agree with Trump using tribalism, that wasn't my issue. My issue was he isn't the one who created it. That was clearly the Democrats. Trump was the first at that level to actually fight back. W destroyed his own agenda by not fighting back and letting Democrats control the narrative.

Democrats brought a gun to the gun fight they started and are trying to destroy us. They aren't kidding around and too many people aren't dealing with that reality
W didn't fight back because he knew it was purely political....not personal.....and he was in on it from the beginning anyway.
He's a Globalist like the rest of them. Trump was an outsider. He's not a member.
GWB is untouchable....and so is Hillary.
Obama wants to be part of that group....but he's still just a co-conspirator.

GWB goes after Trump like he wants to murder him.....just because he criticized his brother during a political campaign.....but he never lifted a finger to defend himself. He even told Glenn Beck that he was simply a cog in the wheel to explain his unwillingness to fight.
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