trump begs Florida judge to restore his Twitter account

Do you think trump should have his Twitter account reactivated?

  • No, he'll just call for more violence

    Votes: 21 52.5%
  • Yes, trump has learned his lesson and will behave in the future

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Other, specify below

    Votes: 18 45.0%

  • Total voters
Their protection isn’t the same, and their requirements aren’t the same.

ATT and Verizon are protected from liability due to their status as a common carrier. That has obligations to carry communication for everyone.

Social media has protections from the CDA which has no obligations.

They’re regulated by completely different frameworks and although some of their protections are the same, many aren’t and their obligations are totally different.

Not true.
If you follow the chain of authorization of both, it comes down to the same 1st amendment.
Neither any arbitrarily censor political views, content, etc.
That should be obvious.
Social media is exacty intended to preplace the original political sandwich boards that used to be used instead.
Social media is exactly what the 1st amendment was aimed at, even though it did not yet even exist.
Explain how tis is incitement to violence... :cuckoo:

“To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.”
It clearly isn't. Nothing Trump said can be legitimately construed to advocate the disorder we
saw at the nation's capitol on 1/6. That's a fact.
No, they say they are open to anyone that abides by their terms of service. Now argue if you wish that they do not enforce them equally but all Trump had to do was Tweet like an adult.
The claim that Trump is responsible doesn't pass the laugh test. Progs say this because it allows them to pretend they aren't scumbag NAZIs.
This is a lie.

Democrats are stealing elections, stripping the power to validate votes, flooding us with illegal aliens, using corporations to silence you opposition and stacking the SCOTUS.

It is clearly TRUE that you fascists are trying to end a two party system and install yourself to run the politburo. You do not in any way support "democracy." Leftists never do, you're authoritarian fascists
Trump has been banned.

Mad Maxine Watters hasn't.

Another example of Twitter being an arm of the Dimwinger party.
Verizon is a common carrier.

Twitter is not.

This is an extremely important distinction.

As for treating Twitter as a publisher, it’s a stupid idea. People keep talking about whether Twitter should be regulated like a phone company or a newspaper. It’s neither. It shouldn’t be forced into a regulatory structure that wasn’t designed for something like it. It should be regulated as a social media platform.
Yes, Twitter is a common carrier. if it's not, then it can be sued into bankruptcy.
If their TOS says so.

Twitter Removed 3.8M Tweets for Violating Twitter Rules in Second Half of 2020

TOS can't be arbitrary or inherently discriminatory in wording or application.
If it harms no one and does not risk litigation, then it can't be censored, even if Twitter does not agree with it.
It clearly isn't. Nothing Trump said can be legitimately construed to advocate the disorder we
saw at the nation's capitol on 1/6. That's a fact.
Left doesn't care about the facts. That is the problem. Even as he calls for them not to do it, they ignore his statements. The TDS is just too strong. They hear what they want to hear, and no facts are going to change that.

As far as Twitter. Keep him locked down as that is best for him. I like Trump's policies, but admit, he doesn't have a filter.
We should unfetter domestic energy production and leave the middle east. Let's do what the French and Brits did in handing the whole middle east mess to us and hand it to someone else
What Biden's commies are doing is putting us at the mercy of terrorists states on purpose.
All Iran has to do is cut off the Persian Gulf and use blackmail to get us to send billions to them to fund their war on Israel.
That's nonsense. You're asking the courts to step into every controversy between two parties, even if no issue of law is involved, or remedy available.

You want everybody to be able to sue anybody for any reason. Judicial anarchy.
Twitter is already interferring. What he's asking for is to have Twitter stop interfering.
Some protections are the same as you said. To me Twitter is closer to the NYT than Verizon. And should be regulated as such. Legal scholars cannot agree on this so our debate is tangible. To me if I can say that Colfax abuses cats and Twitter blocks you from a retort they are in fact a publisher of content now. That’s my view. Let the courts and legal scholars fight it out.
They’re completely different regulatory structures, so you’re incorrect.
TOS can't be arbitrary or inherently discriminatory in wording or application.
If it harms no one and does not risk litigation, then it can't be censored, even if Twitter does not agree with it.
Course the government could just take over Facebook and Twitter like Obama took over General Motors and Chrysler.
You know...replace their CEOs with puppets......OH....THAT'S ALREADY HAPPENED!!! :iagree:
Trump did the equivalent of inciting a riot. Which is an actual crime.

On Friday night, with just 12 days left in his presidency and two days after a mob of his supporters stormed the US Capitol, leading to several deaths, Twitter said it had permanently suspended Trump’s account “due to the risk of further incitement of violence.”

“To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20th.”

Psssssst…. the coast is clear......
You are such a fucking moron. Inciting a riot is a crime, and Trump said nothing that be construed as doing so.
No one can enforce an amendment.
Amendments are only for federal appeals courts, and nothing else.
When there is grounds for litigation, that mean you sue someone, which is a civil court, and that is local, so has no recourse to federal documents like the Bill of Rights, constitution, etc. You can't bring up federal documents until you have appealed to federal courts.

the Court sustained, and it went even further in the Federal Employers’ Liability Act by not only giving state courts concurrent jurisdiction but also by prohibiting the removal of cases begun in state courts to the federal courts

the Court held on the basis of the Supremacy Clause that, when Congress enacts a law and declares a national policy, that policy is as much Connecticut’s and every other state’s as it is of the collective United States

The Supremacy Clause forbids state courts to dissociate themselves from federal law because of disagreement with its content or a refusal to recognize the superior authority of its source
Instead of wishing and hoping here, why don't you actually do something and respond on twitter on Trumps behalf. I'm sure you could do a better job than Trump did.
I'm sure everyone would be happier and wiser if morons like you would just shut your fucking yaps.
Trump wasn't banned based on his politics. He was banned for the same reason he was impeached. Inciting insurrection, which as an act of violence, is against Twitters terms of service.

The impeachments failed to find any guilt.
He was exonerated.
If he was banned for the same reason, that would then be criminal, since the impeachments were found to be groundless.
Inciting violence is not against any terms of agreement with any company.
For example, if you post that Somali pirates should be blown up with drones or that rapists should be castrated, that is not at all illegal or any violation of terms.
And Twitter does not get to be the arbitrary decider.
It has to be decided in court, otherwise it is a 1st amendment violation.
If you can not prosecute Trump, then it is illegal to censor that which can not be prosecuted.

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