Trump Blasts Military Generals, Says They Are ‘Embarrassing To Our Country’

I think that the TRUMP has a letter signed by 88 Generals that support him CCaption . General Micael Flynn is one ofthem that is on the Trump team CCaption .
wonder just how may bloated pasty faces on this board who cheer on trump ever served in the military
Trump's blaming the wrong guy.
BARRY has replaced a lot of good generals with Obama ass-kissers. General Ham is a great example. When ordered NOT to send his team on 9/11/12 he was relieved of command for deciding to send them anyway.

It was BARRY who ordered the ISIS oil facilities - which funded 50% of ISIS' terrorist operations, including the Paris attack - were off-limits to air strikes...until the Paris attack and the French/Russians told Barry 'FU' and attacked them.

It was Barry who ordered the military to drop leaflets warning ISIS those oil facility attacks were coming.

It was Barry who refused to let the military destroy ISIS' mile-long convoys as they entered Iraq.

It was Hillary and Barry who dragged the country into 2 unauthorized wars to help Al Qaeida take over Libya and try to make up for the horrible 'Red line' disaster.
------------------------------------- and this Gents posted information should clear up a lotta questions that mrobamas pajama boys in this thread have concerning TRUMPS good Generals and mrobamas 'generals' .
Trump is right on target. The true "warrior generals" have all either been forced out or resigned. All we have left is a bunch of robots who do only what the president and his Secty of Defense allow them to.
I mean , there are the politically correct generals of mrobama and Hilary and then there are good Patriotic Trump Generals that want to fight and win the war Ladies , pajama boys and Gents .
Trump Blasts Military Generals, Says They Are ‘Embarrassing To Our Country’

Hours earlier, he said he’d rely on the generals’ expertise to defeat ISIS.

Appearing at the Commander-in-Chief forum on MSNBC, Donald Trump said the generals of the U.S. military were “embarrassing” to America.

Trump said that the generals had been “reduced to rubble.”

Trump has previously said he knows more about ISIS than the generals.

All of this is particularly confusing, since, just hours earlier, Trump said that he would rely on the generals of the U.S. military to create a plan to defeat ISIS.

Trump is a know nothing loser that couldn't wipe the dust off these brave mens shoe. I hope every veteran says a big NO to Trump.

This veteran's for Trump. Most of these generals today are pussies who go along with whatever crazy ideas civilians have for the military, just as long as they get their promotions.
Trump Blasts Military Generals, Says They Are ‘Embarrassing To Our Country’

Hours earlier, he said he’d rely on the generals’ expertise to defeat ISIS.

Appearing at the Commander-in-Chief forum on MSNBC, Donald Trump said the generals of the U.S. military were “embarrassing” to America.

Trump said that the generals had been “reduced to rubble.”

Trump has previously said he knows more about ISIS than the generals.

All of this is particularly confusing, since, just hours earlier, Trump said that he would rely on the generals of the U.S. military to create a plan to defeat ISIS.

Trump is a know nothing loser that couldn't wipe the dust off these brave mens shoe. I hope every veteran says a big NO to Trump.

This veteran's for Trump. Most of these generals today are pussies who go along with whatever crazy ideas civilians have for the military, just as long as they get their promotions.

Yes! Unnamed Generals are mostly pussies.
the guy acting as a king is your mrobama , Hilary will be acting as a king also if she is elected CCaption .
the guy acting as a king is your mrobama , Hilary will be acting as a king also if she is elected CCaption .

SURE!! And I'm the Pope! Because just saying things means they are true like knowing that Generals you cant name or identify are pussies in ways you cant explain or identify! Yep! Cause you said it it must be true
so here is the list of 88 Generals and Admirals that support the TRUMP CCaption . --- SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR DONALD TRUMP --- just click the link and the letter appears along with the TRUMPS supporting Generals CCaption . ---------- repeat of link for those that haven't seen it .
obviously the bad or wusse generals are the ones fighting this war of mrobama and i do not know their names but they are all collecting paycheck , perks , status and other goodies HappyJoy and CCaption .
Trump has a point! He said that many of the generals have gotten to be political correct , and the generals have become more politicians than soldiers!

Then he said he wants the generals to formulate a plan within 30 days to defeat ISIS.

So which is it?
----------------------------------------------- didn't Trump say that he wants HIS Generals to come up with a plan in 30 days HStarsky.

Which generals would those be?
if he said HIS Generals then I suppose that means the remaining Generals that he sees as being GOOD Generals HStarsky .----------- I think that General Michael Flynn would be one of those GOOD Generals plus the other 88 that he has that are supporting Trump .

Flynn and the others are retired fool.
if he said HIS Generals then I suppose that means the remaining Generals that he sees as being GOOD Generals HStarsky .----------- I think that General Michael Flynn would be one of those GOOD Generals plus the other 88 that he has that are supporting Trump .

Flynn and the others are retired fool.
-------------------------------------------------- so what , retired Generals are still Generals both I and Trump approve of them . Some retired or resigned because they were forced out by mrobama because they advised mrobama on how to fight the enemy in an effective manner that is not approved by mrobama HStarsky .
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