Trump Calls Democratic Senator ‘Phony Vietnam Con Artist’ After Comments On Russia Probe

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! There are times when I really love Trump's tweets. He really knows how to skewer a big wind bag.

President Trump is on vacation, but that hasn’t stopped him from watching early morning cable TV and tweeting angrily in response.

On Monday, President Trump went after Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who was on CNN earlier in the morning to discuss the ongoing investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

Blumenthal also expressed concern that the Trump administration has “weaponized” investigations into leaks of classified information. On Friday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the agency will be aggressively investigating leaks to the media.

Blumenthal’s remarks touched off a trio of tweets from Trump, who began his vacation at his Bedminster, N.J. golf resort on Friday.

In 2010, The New York Times reported that Blumenthal falsely claimed that he served in the Vietnam War. In fact, Blumenthal served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve between 1970 and 1976, but he was stationed in the U.S. and never went to Vietnam. He had received five deferments between 1965 and 1970.

Blumenthal said after the Times revelation that he “misspoke” about being in Vietnam.

Trump himself received four student deferments and one medical deferment, preventing him from being drafted. But unlike Blumenthal, Trump has never claimed to have served in Vietnam.

Trump has gone after Blumenthal about his Vietnam statements in the past.

In February, after Blumenthal pledged to block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, Trump criticized CNN anchor Chris Cuomo for not asking Blumenthal about his Vietnam record.
I am sorry but your Pilsbury Doughboy Draft Dodger does not have the cred to say anything a man who enlisted into the Marines except thank you.

That's because you're a douche bag. Turds like you hounded Bush relentlessly because he joined the National Guard, but you let Blumenthal off the hook even though he avoided combat by joining the Marine Corps Reserve and lied Blumenthal painted himself as some kind of war hero to get elected when he was actually a coward.
Actually, he said he served during the Vietnam War and on occasions said he served in Vietnam War which he admitted was a lie. Your fat assed doughboy lied when he said Blumenthal talked about being in battle.

Bush left his guard service early & quit flying because he was high on coke.

Bush & Blumenthal are both miles ahead of Trump.

That is still milrs ahead from your PIOW trahing drascft dodging Doughboy.
People are so used to trump lying that the lie he told about Blumenthal in his tweet is being mostly ignored.

What lie? If they are ignoring it, then why are you clucking about it on this forum?
Perhaps you could provide a link to the remarks made by Blumenthal that trump claims he made.
Trump was a coward who dodged service, he has ZERO business talking on the subject.

And just to head off the where did you serve bullshit, I TRIED but was rejected because of my criminal record.
Gramps, you're way off base. Are you trying to oiss off your entire side now? Not cool fool
I don't have a side. I have an opinion. You don't have to like it and I certainly won't change it
John Kelly may find that being in combat may be a lark compared to protecting Trump from Himself. There are 2 problems with Trump that Kelly had to curb. Trump getting his information from television and twitter. It looks like the only way that will happen is to break his hands and sabotage the television.
Apparently Trump is better at getting information than Hillary or all the fake news operations.

Trump is the most ignorant President we have had. He can't talk issues because he shows how uninformed he is.
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.

dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....


Trump is serving the country right now, where did you serve?


Trump is lining his pockets at taxpayer expense. Various agencies are forced to rent space in Trump's properties. They are not getting any discounts from Trump. The profits go into Trump's pocket.

Trump is not serving this country. He is helping himself and his big ego.
Why should Trump give the government a discount? He's already donating his salary. If you want to donate money to the government, feel free. There's no law that says Trump has to subsidize the Secret Service.

The fact is that he is making far more money from taxpayers being forced to subsidize Trump for security purposes. The government pays Trump when he goes to Florida to pay for rent. The Trump family continues to cash in on Trump being President. That is far more than the salary Trump gives up. The government consists of taxpayer dollars that go in Trump's pocket.

You have the mind of a child. I see how your avatar fits you very well.
A draft dodging pussy like Trump has no right to criticize anyone's service. I'm honestly surprised that war hawk, pro military conservatives didn't have a problem with his draft dodge.
You mean the way all these snowflakes calling for war against Russia had no problem with the draft dodger Slick Willy?
the only asshole pounding his meat about Vietnam is the Orange piece of Nasty Pussy ...he is a Physical coward he is grotesque in his cowardice
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Trump wants to keep us out of wars, moron. He campaigned on that. Hillary, who is married to a draft dodger, is the one who wanted to drag us into war with Syria.

View attachment 142519

That is why the Russians interfered in our elections. They knew if Trump got his way, they would be able to move right in. Clinton would have stood up to Russia
and made it harder for them to move in.
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.

dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....


Trump is serving the country right now, where did you serve?


Trump is lining his pockets at taxpayer expense. Various agencies are forced to rent space in Trump's properties. They are not getting any discounts from Trump. The profits go into Trump's pocket.

Trump is not serving this country. He is helping himself and his big ego.

Really, where are they renting anything directly from Trump?


The government pays for accommodations and space at Mar-a-Lago. It is owned by Trump. Until recently the government was renting space at Trump Tower in NY. In addition, if you are a lobbyist and you know Trump goes there frequently and meets with guests, you will buy a accommodation or a membership.
John Kelly may find that being in combat may be a lark compared to protecting Trump from Himself. There are 2 problems with Trump that Kelly had to curb. Trump getting his information from television and twitter. It looks like the only way that will happen is to break his hands and sabotage the television.
Apparently Trump is better at getting information than Hillary or all the fake news operations.

Trump is the most ignorant President we have had. He can't talk issues because he shows how uninformed he is.
Trump talks issues all the time, you lying sack of shit. The main reason for this entire "Russian collusion" witch hunt is the Democrats' fear of discussing issues. They know certain defeat lies down that road. Open borders, higher taxes and preserving Obamacare are not winning issues.
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.

dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....


Trump is serving the country right now, where did you serve?


Trump is lining his pockets at taxpayer expense. Various agencies are forced to rent space in Trump's properties. They are not getting any discounts from Trump. The profits go into Trump's pocket.

Trump is not serving this country. He is helping himself and his big ego.

Really, where are they renting anything directly from Trump?


The government pays for accommodations and space at Mar-a-Lago. It is owned by Trump. Until recently the government was renting space at Trump Tower in NY. In addition, if you are a lobbyist and you know Trump goes there frequently and meets with guests, you will buy a accommodation or a membership.

They book a reservation and pay the same rate as any other guest. That isn't an "emolument," which is a gift. It's an ordinary business transaction.
lol, Trump's ad hominem attacks on Blumenthal would be violations of the Zone 2 rules.
Blumenthal was attorney general in CT for years.

How was it possible for him to win convictions in CT if his Vietnam scandal means that everyone he involves himself with must be innocent?

He enlisted in the reserves where he knew he would never have to serve in combat. Then he lied about serving in combat, repeatedly. If Blumenthal doesn't like having his service record pointed out, he should shut his fucking yap.
Trump went crying to his Doctor begging for an excuse to not serve his country...Trump is a Coward PUNK
dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....


Trump is serving the country right now, where did you serve?


Trump is lining his pockets at taxpayer expense. Various agencies are forced to rent space in Trump's properties. They are not getting any discounts from Trump. The profits go into Trump's pocket.

Trump is not serving this country. He is helping himself and his big ego.

Really, where are they renting anything directly from Trump?


The government pays for accommodations and space at Mar-a-Lago. It is owned by Trump. Until recently the government was renting space at Trump Tower in NY. In addition, if you are a lobbyist and you know Trump goes there frequently and meets with guests, you will buy a accommodation or a membership.

They book a reservation and pay the same rate as any other guest. That isn't an "emolument," which is a gift. It's an ordinary business transaction.

noun: emolument; plural noun: emoluments
a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office.

Now what.
John Kelly may find that being in combat may be a lark compared to protecting Trump from Himself. There are 2 problems with Trump that Kelly had to curb. Trump getting his information from television and twitter. It looks like the only way that will happen is to break his hands and sabotage the television.
Apparently Trump is better at getting information than Hillary or all the fake news operations.

Trump is the most ignorant President we have had. He can't talk issues because he shows how uninformed he is.
Trump talks issues all the time, you lying sack of shit. The main reason for this entire "Russian collusion" witch hunt is the Democrats' fear of discussing issues. They know certain defeat lies down that road. Open borders, higher taxes and preserving Obamacare are not winning issues.
You & Trump are both lying fucks. No one want open borders. Obama increased border security you stupid shit. You defend Trump & his campaign who lied repeated about meetings with Russians. Why did they lie?

The absolute failure ofd Trump & the Republicans to replace the ACA is a great winning issue.

I support paying for our legislation. Something the Republicans rarely do.
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.

dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....


Trump is serving the country right now, where did you serve?


Trump is lining his pockets at taxpayer expense. Various agencies are forced to rent space in Trump's properties. They are not getting any discounts from Trump. The profits go into Trump's pocket.

Trump is not serving this country. He is helping himself and his big ego.
Why should Trump give the government a discount? He's already donating his salary. If you want to donate money to the government, feel free. There's no law that says Trump has to subsidize the Secret Service.

The fact is that he is making far more money from taxpayers being forced to subsidize Trump for security purposes. The government pays Trump when he goes to Florida to pay for rent. The Trump family continues to cash in on Trump being President. That is far more than the salary Trump gives up. The government consists of taxpayer dollars that go in Trump's pocket.

You have the mind of a child. I see how your avatar fits you very well.
Trump charges the Secret Service for cart rentals to folllow his fat ass around the golf course.
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.

dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....


Trump is serving the country right now, where did you serve?


Trump is lining his pockets at taxpayer expense. Various agencies are forced to rent space in Trump's properties. They are not getting any discounts from Trump. The profits go into Trump's pocket.

Trump is not serving this country. He is helping himself and his big ego.

Really, where are they renting anything directly from Trump?


The government pays for accommodations and space at Mar-a-Lago. It is owned by Trump. Until recently the government was renting space at Trump Tower in NY. In addition, if you are a lobbyist and you know Trump goes there frequently and meets with guests, you will buy a accommodation or a membership.

They rented an apartment owned by someone other than Trump at Trump tower, they're now in a small trailer on the street. As far as Mar a Lago goes I don't think they are renting any quarters there, if they are, it's limited to normal government per diem rates which in most cases is below market. Also what lobbyist do is irrelevant to this discussion.

dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....


Trump is serving the country right now, where did you serve?


Trump is lining his pockets at taxpayer expense. Various agencies are forced to rent space in Trump's properties. They are not getting any discounts from Trump. The profits go into Trump's pocket.

Trump is not serving this country. He is helping himself and his big ego.

Really, where are they renting anything directly from Trump?


The government pays for accommodations and space at Mar-a-Lago. It is owned by Trump. Until recently the government was renting space at Trump Tower in NY. In addition, if you are a lobbyist and you know Trump goes there frequently and meets with guests, you will buy a accommodation or a membership.

They rented an apartment owned by someone other than Trump at Trump tower, they're now in a small trailer on the street. As far as Mar a Lago goes I don't think they are renting any quarters there, if they are, it's limited to normal government per diem rates which in most cases is below market. Also what lobbyist do is irrelevant to this discussion.


You people would defend Trump if he cut up the White House front lawn in 8" squares & sold them on e-bay.
dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....


Trump is serving the country right now, where did you serve?


Trump is lining his pockets at taxpayer expense. Various agencies are forced to rent space in Trump's properties. They are not getting any discounts from Trump. The profits go into Trump's pocket.

Trump is not serving this country. He is helping himself and his big ego.

Really, where are they renting anything directly from Trump?


The government pays for accommodations and space at Mar-a-Lago. It is owned by Trump. Until recently the government was renting space at Trump Tower in NY. In addition, if you are a lobbyist and you know Trump goes there frequently and meets with guests, you will buy a accommodation or a membership.

They rented an apartment owned by someone other than Trump at Trump tower, they're now in a small trailer on the street. As far as Mar a Lago goes I don't think they are renting any quarters there, if they are, it's limited to normal government per diem rates which in most cases is below market. Also what lobbyist do is irrelevant to this discussion.

Made up nonsense. Prove the nonsense or admit you just made all the stuff in your post up.
dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....


Trump is serving the country right now, where did you serve?


Trump is lining his pockets at taxpayer expense. Various agencies are forced to rent space in Trump's properties. They are not getting any discounts from Trump. The profits go into Trump's pocket.

Trump is not serving this country. He is helping himself and his big ego.
Why should Trump give the government a discount? He's already donating his salary. If you want to donate money to the government, feel free. There's no law that says Trump has to subsidize the Secret Service.

The fact is that he is making far more money from taxpayers being forced to subsidize Trump for security purposes. The government pays Trump when he goes to Florida to pay for rent. The Trump family continues to cash in on Trump being President. That is far more than the salary Trump gives up. The government consists of taxpayer dollars that go in Trump's pocket.

You have the mind of a child. I see how your avatar fits you very well.
Trump charges the Secret Service for cart rentals to folllow his fat ass around the golf course.

Trump doesn't own the golf cart concessions at his resorts, they are ran by other companies.


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