Trump Calls Democratic Senator ‘Phony Vietnam Con Artist’ After Comments On Russia Probe


Snowflakes are yelping like a scalded dog over Trump calling Blumenthal what he is - a 'Phony Viet Nam Con Artist'

Richard Blumenthal Apologizes for Exaggerating Military Service

Trump has never claimed to have been in service and / or exaggerated military service as Blumenthal did, so the attacks on Trump about his lack of military service is yet more sour grapes over a Trump 'victory'.

" multiple instances he misleadingly suggested he served on the battlefield during the Vietnam War. While Blumenthal served six years in the Marine Corps Reserves, he received at least five deferments to keep him out of Vietnam."

There isn't much difference between Trump and Blumenthal except Blumenthal went through training as a Marine. He still got out of combat then LIED ABOUT IT for personal benefit. At least Trump hasn't lied about his not being in the Viet Nam War.

He can't lie about it because he was too busy to go to Vietnam. Trump constantly lies and gets caught as the Administration is forced to admit he led.
The 'Stolen Valor' LIB kunt: "I'd love to go serve my country but right now I'm just way too busy".
Trump is lining his pockets at taxpayer expense. Various agencies are forced to rent space in Trump's properties. They are not getting any discounts from Trump. The profits go into Trump's pocket.

Trump is not serving this country. He is helping himself and his big ego.

Really, where are they renting anything directly from Trump?


The government pays for accommodations and space at Mar-a-Lago. It is owned by Trump. Until recently the government was renting space at Trump Tower in NY. In addition, if you are a lobbyist and you know Trump goes there frequently and meets with guests, you will buy a accommodation or a membership.

They rented an apartment owned by someone other than Trump at Trump tower, they're now in a small trailer on the street. As far as Mar a Lago goes I don't think they are renting any quarters there, if they are, it's limited to normal government per diem rates which in most cases is below market. Also what lobbyist do is irrelevant to this discussion.


You people would defend Trump if he cut up the White House front lawn in 8" squares & sold them on e-bay.

The White house is government property, you witless moron. You have described nothing Trump has done that is illegal. We know you want it to be illegal so bad that you cry your little hearts out, but nevertheless his actions are strictly within the law. It really is hilarious the way you pine so desperately for something to pin on Trump.

So, that is your standard. Whether it is legal?

No, it is not illegal for a President of the US to shirk his duties to run to Florida nearly every week end in the winter & parade himself so he can charge more for his memberships.

No it is not illegal to stay up all night watching right wing cable TV & then tweeting lie after lie.

No it is not illegal for Trump to go golfing & forcing the ss to rent his golf carts.

Nope, not illegal.. Its a disgusting abuse of his position & of course a low life POS like you could care less.

But that is your standard for our President.

Trump's time is coming. No it is not fake news as you preach.
stolen valor.....and democrats still vote for this pos? It's things like this that is causing the dems to lose.
Blumenthal misrepresented his actual service. He did serve, unlike Crooked Donnie Bone Spurs.

"It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider,”
He LIED about serving in VN you asshole!
The kunt "served" fucking mashed potatoes at a NR field camp once a month in Virginia.
Notice that the same people who defend Blumenthal persecuted and slandered George W. Bush because he served in the National Guard, which actually did have a real chance of going to Vietnam.

Notice we are not defending Blumenthal at all.

We are saying your draft dodging Pillsbury Doughboy has no cred to trash Blumenthal & lie about what he had said.
Dems lie! just like Senator Warren lying about her heritage to get an easier path into a university. SCUM pure SCUM

Snowflakes are yelping like a scalded dog over Trump calling Blumenthal what he is - a 'Phony Viet Nam Con Artist'

Richard Blumenthal Apologizes for Exaggerating Military Service

Trump has never claimed to have been in service and / or exaggerated military service as Blumenthal did, so the attacks on Trump about his lack of military service is yet more sour grapes over a Trump 'victory'.

" multiple instances he misleadingly suggested he served on the battlefield during the Vietnam War. While Blumenthal served six years in the Marine Corps Reserves, he received at least five deferments to keep him out of Vietnam."

There isn't much difference between Trump and Blumenthal except Blumenthal went through training as a Marine. He still got out of combat then LIED ABOUT IT for personal benefit. At least Trump hasn't lied about his not being in the Viet Nam War.

He can't lie about it because he was too busy to go to Vietnam. Trump constantly lies and gets caught as the Administration is forced to admit he led.
The 'Stolen Valor' LIB kunt: "I'd love to go serve my country but right now I'm just way too busy".
Maybe he had better things to do aka dick Cheney?
Trump was a coward who dodged service, he has ZERO business talking on the subject.

And just to head off the where did you serve bullshit, I TRIED but was rejected because of my criminal record.
So you didn't have the personal integrity to be accepted into the US military.
None of us who actually served in combat would have wanted you alongside us.
EVERY LIB who went into combat turned out to be a 'puker and a shitter and a coward!
Trump is lining his pockets at taxpayer expense. Various agencies are forced to rent space in Trump's properties. They are not getting any discounts from Trump. The profits go into Trump's pocket.

Trump is not serving this country. He is helping himself and his big ego.

Really, where are they renting anything directly from Trump?


The government pays for accommodations and space at Mar-a-Lago. It is owned by Trump. Until recently the government was renting space at Trump Tower in NY. In addition, if you are a lobbyist and you know Trump goes there frequently and meets with guests, you will buy a accommodation or a membership.

They rented an apartment owned by someone other than Trump at Trump tower, they're now in a small trailer on the street. As far as Mar a Lago goes I don't think they are renting any quarters there, if they are, it's limited to normal government per diem rates which in most cases is below market. Also what lobbyist do is irrelevant to this discussion.


the apartment in trump tower was owned and controlled by Donald and his businesses.

he wanted to rip the taxpayers off for even more money so sent his protective forces into a trailer by the building when the secret service wouldn't pay more.

this is why presidents aren't supposed to run businesses
NO law says a President can't run a business, and many of them have. This is why we have actual laws rather then the whining and pleading of snowflakes who hate the President.
When was the last time a sitting President ran a business?
Really, where are they renting anything directly from Trump?


The government pays for accommodations and space at Mar-a-Lago. It is owned by Trump. Until recently the government was renting space at Trump Tower in NY. In addition, if you are a lobbyist and you know Trump goes there frequently and meets with guests, you will buy a accommodation or a membership.

They rented an apartment owned by someone other than Trump at Trump tower, they're now in a small trailer on the street. As far as Mar a Lago goes I don't think they are renting any quarters there, if they are, it's limited to normal government per diem rates which in most cases is below market. Also what lobbyist do is irrelevant to this discussion.


You people would defend Trump if he cut up the White House front lawn in 8" squares & sold them on e-bay.

The White house is government property, you witless moron. You have described nothing Trump has done that is illegal. We know you want it to be illegal so bad that you cry your little hearts out, but nevertheless his actions are strictly within the law. It really is hilarious the way you pine so desperately for something to pin on Trump.

So, that is your standard. Whether it is legal?

No, it is not illegal for a President of the US to shirk his duties to run to Florida nearly every week end in the winter & parade himself so he can charge more for his memberships.

No it is not illegal to stay up all night watching right wing cable TV & then tweeting lie after lie.

No it is not illegal for Trump to go golfing & forcing the ss to rent his golf carts.

Nope, not illegal.. Its a disgusting abuse of his position & of course a low life POS like you could care less.

But that is your standard for our President.

Trump's time is coming. No it is not fake news as you preach.

Changing the subject again? That's what your kind does when the facts don't support your idiotic narrative.
Notice we are not defending Blumenthal at all
If you lived in his district you would vote for him and you know it.
It would have been a factor. Nearly all the time, he said he served during the Vietnam War. There are only a few times when it was "in" the Vietnam war. There are varied degree of stolen valor. He never claimed to be in battle.

Was this worse than calling John McCain not a hero? You voted for Trump, right?
Really, where are they renting anything directly from Trump?


The government pays for accommodations and space at Mar-a-Lago. It is owned by Trump. Until recently the government was renting space at Trump Tower in NY. In addition, if you are a lobbyist and you know Trump goes there frequently and meets with guests, you will buy a accommodation or a membership.

They rented an apartment owned by someone other than Trump at Trump tower, they're now in a small trailer on the street. As far as Mar a Lago goes I don't think they are renting any quarters there, if they are, it's limited to normal government per diem rates which in most cases is below market. Also what lobbyist do is irrelevant to this discussion.


the apartment in trump tower was owned and controlled by Donald and his businesses.

he wanted to rip the taxpayers off for even more money so sent his protective forces into a trailer by the building when the secret service wouldn't pay more.

this is why presidents aren't supposed to run businesses
NO law says a President can't run a business, and many of them have. This is why we have actual laws rather then the whining and pleading of snowflakes who hate the President.
When was the last time a sitting President ran a business?

What difference does the make? The point is that it's been done, and no one tried to impeach any president who has done it.
Trump was a coward who dodged service, he has ZERO business talking on the subject.

And just to head off the where did you serve bullshit, I TRIED but was rejected because of my criminal record.
So you didn't have the personal integrity to be accepted into the US military.
None of us who actually served in combat would have wanted you alongside us.
EVERY LIB who went into combat turned out to be a 'puker and a shitter and a coward!
Ahahahaha here we go again!

Getting called a leftist by morons has become quite entertaining.
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Trump was a coward who dodged service, he has ZERO business talking on the subject.

Bill Clinton dodged military service...
- But Liberals say, 'but he's awesome'.

George Bush did EXACTLY what Blumenthal did - joined the military, served during the war, never went Into combat.
- But Liberals claim Bush was a combat dodger but Blumenthal is an awesome American...despite his 'Stolen Valor' claim of being a COMBAT Veteran (something Bush never did), which he was NOT.

Much like Clinton, Barry never went into the military, never served his country in that capacity. He was too interested in being tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, learning criminal activity from Tony Rezco, studying how to be a hate-spewing Anti-American racist from his 'mentor' Jeremiah Wright, and hanging out with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

But Trump is the bad guy for never serving in the military....

Bwuhahaha....snowflakes is F*ed up in the head. :p
This is why democrat politicians lie...because their idiot base believes and or forgives everything the say true or not.
Trump was a coward who dodged service, he has ZERO business talking on the subject.

Bill Clinton dodged military service...
- But Liberals say, 'but he's awesome'.

George Bush did EXACTLY what Blumenthal did - joined the military, served during the war, never went Into combat.
- But Liberals claim Bush was a combat dodger but Blumenthal is an awesome American...despite his 'Stolen Valor' claim of being a COMBAT Veteran (something Bush never did), which he was NOT.

Much like Clinton, Barry never went into the military, never served his country in that capacity. He was too interested in being tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, learning criminal activity from Tony Rezco, studying how to be a hate-spewing Anti-American racist from his 'mentor' Jeremiah Wright, and hanging out with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

But Trump is the bad guy for never serving in the military....

Bwuhahaha....snowflakes is F*ed up in the head. :p
Clinton was just as cowardly but this thread isn't about Clinton so why would I bring that up?
Also Clinton turned out to be a pretty decent president despite his cowardice. No reason Trump can't do the same.
The trouble is that Trump ducked out of military service. He has no ability to criticize anyone's service record. You are a Trump cultist and if anyone disagrees with Trump you attack them but excuse Trump when he does the same thing. Trump is the King of Con Men and you are living proof of it.

dipshits like Trump who duck serving their country havent earned the right to say a damn word about those who have.

two words .....


I must have missed the clause in the constitution that says we have free speech unless you are calling out a liar and didn't serve in the military
Blumenthal misrepresented his actual service. He did serve, unlike Crooked Donnie Bone Spurs.

"It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider,”
He LIED about serving in VN you asshole!
The kunt "served" fucking mashed potatoes at a NR field camp once a month in Virginia.
that is still more of a service than offered by Blobmaster D.
Does anyone NOT realize that Trump's attack on Blumenthal has nothing to do with Trump's ultimate guilt or innocence in these inquiries?

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