Trump calls for boycott of Goodyear for banning MAGA hats.

Wrong. President Trump is cancelling cancel culture.
Boycotting a company is cancel culture.
Don't type nonsense.

Boycotting is not cancel culture. Even if it was, I am fine with cancelling cancel culture.

Banning a Trump product because "Orange Man Bad", and not because the consumers do not want them - they are probably the best selling product... that is cancel culture.
Is there some rule that says only liberals get to call for boycotts of companies and people who do or say something they don't like? I'm not a fan of the cancel culture bullshit but if one side is going to do it the other has just as much of a right to.
Note how cons now suddenly view "cancel culture' positively now that their Cult leader is a member.
MMMmmm... K.

I haven't bought a shoe from Nike in a while. A very long while. I haven't bought anything from Gillette since it's stupidity. No desire to watch any NBA game. Won't watch Nascar, although I didn't before they went insane. This is not new. Nor is it really news.

The absolute moment I can get away from AT&T I will do it, and all of the companies that it owns I will not be a part of.

I refuse to support racism, sexism, and people who think they can tell me what I must/will say. This is not new.
What do you do when a US manufacturer declares that the 1st Amendment of freedom of speech no longer applies in their facility and that the MAGA (make America great again) slogan is not acceptable in their factories?
According to, “Cancel culture refers to the popular practice of withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive.
Today President Trump joined Cancel Culture by calling for the boycott of Goodyear tires, for banning MAGA hats:

Damn, quit your fricken whining.
According to, “Cancel culture refers to the popular practice of withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive.
Today President Trump joined Cancel Culture by calling for the boycott of Goodyear tires, for banning MAGA hats:
You're confused. Goodyear joined cancel culture by banning MAGA hats. Goodyear made this an issue, not Trump. Try again.
And like others before me... This isn't really cancel culture here. I'm not out to stop anyone from speaking their mind. I'm not asking to de-platform anybody for their views.

What I am doing is not buying a product from a company. I wouldn't and don't demand that they lose their voice on twitter, youtube, facebook, or any other platform. As a company they can believe whatever they want. I just won't buy their product.
Proving again that he's both a liar and an idiot, Donald Trump gets fact-checked for not noting that Goodyear bans pro-Biden clothing, but just "MAGA hats":
Trump continues to lie life no other US president ever lied:
Proving again that he's both a liar and an idiot, Donald Trump gets fact-checked for not noting that Goodyear bans pro-Biden clothing, but just "MAGA hats":
Trump continues to lie life no other US president ever lied:
"Proving again that he's both a liar and an idiot"

He's got that down. For sure.
Proving again that he's both a liar and an idiot, Donald Trump gets fact-checked for not noting that Goodyear bans pro-Biden clothing, but just "MAGA hats":
Trump continues to lie life no other US president ever lied:
You forgot to say something about blue lives matter.

Edit: I don't think you guys understand that if you allow something like black lives matter, you damn sure have to allow blue lives matter, all lives matter.
Proving again that he's both a liar and an idiot, Donald Trump gets fact-checked for not noting that Goodyear bans pro-Biden clothing, but just "MAGA hats":
Trump continues to lie life no other US president ever lied:
Pro Biden clothing would be diapers
More "Fact Checkers" with an extreme bias toward Communist Democrats

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