Trump calls for drug test before debate

You think Bill used Cuban cigars?
Pass this on to your women folk
Adam Khan @Khanoisseur
nailed it

Adam Khan @Khanoisseur

Retweet to save a life

4:40 PM - 14 Oct 2016 · San Francisco, CA, United States
The entire Trump brand name was built upon him being a winner, not a whiner. The promise was that he claimed he knew what to do. "Believe me" is a phrase we have consistently heard, and people excused some of his unconventional and often-controversial remarks.

But he has not been winning. The stories about his checkered business past are now merging with very real evidence of a failing campaign.
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So it's ok for woman to invade Donald's sacred space by touching his hair to see if it's real, but he's not allowed to do the same? *L*
The entire Trump brand name was built upon him being a winner, not a whiner. The promise was that he claimed he knew what to do. "Believe me" is a phrase we have consistently heard, and people excused some of his unconventional and often-controversial remarks.

But he has not been winning. The stories about his checkered business past are now merging with very real evidence of a failing campaign.

So now you guys resort to child abuse pics to make your deflected accusations?
I'm thinking he'll be busted for coke, if the test is done...
nah, he'll just get his doctor to write a letter that he has never done any drugs, not even while he was in the womb.

then he'll whine that Hillary hasn't done the same.
Once again you revel in a child being abused, clearly the kid was given dry stale peanutbutter cookies without any milk to wash it down with.
But what does this have to do with Hillary revictimizing the victims of Bill's rapes and her intent to hire him if elected?
Seems to me you are calling the media and woman cry babys inadvertantly while usong
ad hominem attacks to smokescreen Hillary's treatment of victimized woman.
Also any false reports (which some have been tied to the foundation) would be harmful to woman. -oops.
Once again you revel in a child being abused, clearly the kid was given dry stale peanutbutter cookies without any milk to wash it down with.
But what does this have to do with Hillary revictimizing the victims of Bill's rapes and her intent to hire him if elected?
Seems to me you are calling the media and woman cry babys inadvertantly while usong
ad hominem attacks to smokescreen Hillary's treatment of victimized woman.
Also any false reports (which some have been tied to the foundation) would be harmful to woman. -oops.

Hillary victimized that little girl again just to get the rapist an amazingly light punishment. It was about making a name for herself with no concern over who would get hurt in the process.

Bill still needs to answer for spending so much time on Epstein's jet and island, where 12 year old sex slaves were raped by perverts. No way in hell he didn't participate. Not a single Dem has expressed concern over them because the guy was a good friend of Bill's. Epstein did jail time after facing one little charge. He was holding little girls on an island to be taken advantage of and should sit in jail for the rest of his life. I think Bill should, too, because it's documented that he made 26 trips there and it wasn't for the scenery.
Donald Trump is Rodney Dangerfield he don't get no respect

Scottish First Minister, Alex Salmond, made this comment in regard to drug testing before the next debate;

'The Donald's claim that Clinton uses mind-altering substances is ironic, given that he needs no such substances to be delusional himself.'
So it's ok for woman to invade Donald's sacred space by touching his hair

"Brilliant" retort.........I'm fairly sure that you may be confusing Trump's orange mop with women's pubic hair.
Hillary victimized that little girl again just to get the rapist an amazingly light punishment. It was about making a name for herself with no concern over who would get hurt in the process.

Stupid assertion........Here, let me ask the question for others with more brain cells to address:

When appointed by a judge to defend a rapist, should Hillary as an attorney, have forfeited her responsibilities?

What would half-assed right wingers be saying if Clinton had purposefully done a shitty job in defending the scum bucket?
Hopefully, this woman (well, sort-of) will be in the audience during the last debate.....Should be interesting.


She is clearly giving consent however the point is others who are not open "to the public" ,as it were, do not give consent and get their vagina grabbed by an Orange weirdo

We already know they are all frauds participating in a smear. You're beating a dead horse.
Donald Trump
Presidential candidate

Says "I’ve been proven right" about "Hillary Clinton's radical call for open borders, meaning anyone in the world can enter the United States without any limit at all."
a rally in Ambridge, Pa. – Monday, October 10, 2016

Wikileaks proved it to be 100% true, moron.
The entire Trump brand name was built upon him being a winner, not a whiner. The promise was that he claimed he knew what to do. "Believe me" is a phrase we have consistently heard, and people excused some of his unconventional and often-controversial remarks.

But he has not been winning. The stories about his checkered business past are now merging with very real evidence of a failing campaign.
Keep deluding yourself, asshole.
Did we ever find out what the devise on her back was at the last debate? Was it some kind of drug pump to keep her from seizing?

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