Trump calls for forming a posse of so-called "voter-watchers"

And the Black Panthers weren't monitoring. They were engaging in voter intimidation, jackass.

another right wing moron chimes in.........Yeah, those 2 black panthers must scare the shit out of you....Heck, even their picture must INTIMIDATE morons like you from voting.

Again, I ask dim witted right wingers......WHO stepped up and stated that they did not vote because of those 2 morons with a baton and in desperate need of a good meal and a bath???
Explosive Justice Department Emails Offer New Evidence Political Appointees at DOJ Ended Case against New Black Panther Party - Judicial Watch
And the Black Panthers weren't monitoring. They were engaging in voter intimidation, jackass.

another right wing moron chimes in.........Yeah, those 2 black panthers must scare the shit out of you....Heck, even their picture must INTIMIDATE morons like you from voting.

Again, I ask dim witted right wingers......WHO stepped up and stated that they did not vote because of those 2 morons with a baton and in desperate need of a good meal and a bath???
Explosive Justice Department Emails Offer New Evidence Political Appointees at DOJ Ended Case against New Black Panther Party - Judicial Watch
Voter oppression by democrats is a dangerous thing for America.....
And the Black Panthers weren't monitoring. They were engaging in voter intimidation, jackass.

another right wing moron chimes in.........Yeah, those 2 black panthers must scare the shit out of you....Heck, even their picture must INTIMIDATE morons like you from voting.

Again, I ask dim witted right wingers......WHO stepped up and stated that they did not vote because of those 2 morons with a baton and in desperate need of a good meal and a bath???
Explosive Justice Department Emails Offer New Evidence Political Appointees at DOJ Ended Case against New Black Panther Party - Judicial Watch

Thomas Perez, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division should be indicted on perjury, then. But the govt. is allowed to break laws. Obama/Hillary are setting the standard on that.

Two young men exercising their second amendment rights

Are you claiming the bottom two dudes are standing at a polling station intimidating voters?

I don't see anyone intimidating voters

I see a couple of young men intimidating Target shoppers
Could you explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?

The monkeys were there for a reason, and it wasn't to earn money.

You think those monkeys were there just to shop at Target?
You think those monkeys were there just to shop at Target?
Could be. Maybe they needed some body lotion for where the slings chafe or pick up some gun oil. Are they doing anything wrong?

OTOH, Shabazz and Jackson both did something wrong. The fact they got off easy is irrelevant. If those two target shoppers did the same thing at their polling station would you expect them to get the same treatment? More? Less?
Again. I ask for ANY right winger on this thread to cite ONE legitimate voter who walked away and did not vote because he or she was intimidated by those two clowns with batons......

I am anxiously waiting for that ONE scared voter......(Btw, those 2 clowns had batons...the 2 other [white] clowns sported weapons a bit more dangerous.)
You think those monkeys were there just to shop at Target?
Could be. Maybe they needed some body lotion for where the slings chafe or pick up some gun oil. Are they doing anything wrong?

OTOH, Shabazz and Jackson both did something wrong. The fact they got off easy is irrelevant. If those two target shoppers did the same thing at their polling station would you expect them to get the same treatment? More? Less?

As Americans protected by the second amendment, they did nothing wrong unless you consider the right to bear arms to be wrong

If carrying a loaded AR-15 is not wrong, how can carrying a club be wrong?
You think those monkeys were there just to shop at Target?
Could be. Maybe they needed some body lotion for where the slings chafe or pick up some gun oil. Are they doing anything wrong?

OTOH, Shabazz and Jackson both did something wrong. The fact they got off easy is irrelevant. If those two target shoppers did the same thing at their polling station would you expect them to get the same treatment? More? Less?

Can you find a single voter from that precinct that felt intimidated? Neither could the DOJ.
Can you find a single voter from that precinct that felt intimidated? Neither could the DOJ.

For almost 4 years I've been asking right wingers for that ONE voter who was so scared that he/she didn't vote because of those 2 clowns.......and not a PEEP form anyone....

I guess the "story" by right wing voters of being intimidated, is much better than the reality....

(BTW, how would we know if that "intimidation" by those 2 nitwits didn't impact on democrat voters???
Are GOP voters the only scared ones???)
Voter ID is as effective as a condom with the end ripped off.

IMO, there are a handful of things going on here, some of which are legit.

No doubt in my mind there is a concerted effort to disenfranchise low-income, low-information voters aka the Democrat base. OTOH, it's important for Americans to have complete 100% faith their voting system is perfect and that elections can't be rigged. Voter ID isn't a problem for me nor any of my contemporaries, but it is an extremely bad idea to use it as a backdoor poll tax. If we implement voter ID, then it has to be over a period of time, say 5 years, where everyone who registers to vote is also given a picture ID voter registration card. The extra cost can't be much more than the voter registration system itself.

As others have noted; in-person voter fraud is nearly nonexistent and I'm not aware of any instances where such a case has been prosecuted. I am aware of where cases of absentee ballot voting have been prosecuted. So what is the solution there because Voter ID isn't it? The reality is that absentee ballots aren't even counted unless the number of absentee votes would make a difference in the outcome of the election.

Example; 10,000 people vote with 1,000 voting absentee ballots. If the election winner wins by 5,010 votes to 3,990 votes, the 1000 absentee votes won't even be counted because they wouldn't make a difference; fraud or no fraud.
Correction on absentee ballots. They can be still counted even though the official election results are posted. It also appears more elections are being determined by absentee ballots which leads to questions about voter fraud and the security of absentee balloting.

Are absentee ballots counted? -
Are absentee ballots counted?
Yes, all votes are counted, whether they're cast in-person or by absentee ballot.

It is a common misconception that absentee ballots are only counted during very tight races. This misconception stems from two things: one, absentee ballots are often counted for days after the election since many are coming from abroad; two, absentee ballots are often a small percentage of all voted ballots. Many elections have a clear winner, so the absentee ballots that are still being counted after election night don't affect the results as predicted right after the polls close. As absentee voting becomes more popular, however, an increasing number of elections are decided by absentee ballots.

So vote absentee and be counted!

We'll help you get your absentee ballot.

Want Your Absentee Vote To Count? Don't Make These Mistakes
Millions of voters — about 1 in 5 — are expected to vote absentee, or by mail, in November's midterm elections. For many voters, it's more convenient than going to the polls.

But tens of thousands of these mail-in ballots are likely to be rejected — and the voter might never know, or know why.

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission found that in 2012 more than a quarter of a million absentee ballots were rejected.

The No. 1 reason? The ballot wasn't returned on time, which in most states is by Election Day. Sometimes it's the voter's fault. Others blame the post office.

Kim Alexander, who runs the California Voter Foundation, says this past June almost 600 absentee ballots arrived at the Santa Cruz County election office the morning after the primary. Too late to count.

"It's absolutely heartbreaking. Because the only thing worse than people not voting is people trying to vote and having their ballots go uncounted," says Alexander. "And most of these people have no idea that their ballots are not getting counted. They could be making the same mistakes over and over again."

Those mistakes are often easy to avoid. Here are some:

  • The voter forgets to sign the ballot envelope, as required.
  • The voter sends the envelope back, but forgets to include the ballot.
  • The voter uses the wrong envelope.
  • The voter already voted in person.
  • The voter's signature on the ballot envelope doesn't match the one on file.
This last mistake is a big problem, says Alexander. In California, all absentee ballot signatures are checked against the ones the election office has in its records. But many of those signatures come from the Department of Motor Vehicles, where people sign their names using a stylus on a pad, which can look a lot different than a signature written on paper.

"You also have the issue of younger people whose signatures change over time. You have older voters whose signature changes over time too," says Alexander. "And voters have no idea what image of their signature is on file."

She says it could be 10 or 15 years old. In 2012, thousands of California ballots were rejected because the signatures didn't match.

Absentee voters who are confused and vote twice is another concern.

Alysoun McLaughlin, deputy director of the Montgomery County, Md., board of elections, calls these "just in case" voters. First, they send in their absentee ballot.

"They're concerned that maybe it won't get back to us in time. So then they also go to the polls and they vote," says McLaughlin.

That vote is a provisional one, but when election officials get that second ballot in the mail, both ballots are rejected. It's illegal to vote twice — even by mistake.

Paul Gronke, who runs the Early Voting Information Center at Reed College in Oregon, says he's concerned about all these lost votes.

"After the 2000 election, a lot of attention was paid in this country to voting machines to make sure that no one was denied the right to vote because of a machine that didn't function properly, or a chad that did not hang properly," Gronke says.

But absentee voting hasn't received that same attention, he says. And in a close election, those ballots could make a difference.

Gronke says it's also important to know which voters are affected the most. A study by the California Civic Engagement Project at the University of California, Davis found that absentee ballots cast by young voters or those using non-English ballots were more likely to be rejected.

And Gronke says a study he did in Florida found that lots of absentee ballots got tossed in precincts made up entirely of senior citizens.

"As many as a third of the ballots in some cases were rejected because of errors," he says.

Gronke doesn't know what those errors were, but he thinks the findings do raise questions about whether instructions on how to vote absentee are clear enough.

Election officials are doing more to try to educate voters about the rules. Their big message is to get the absentee ballot in the mail as soon as possible.

Better yet, says Alexander, they should notify voters when their ballots have been rejected and tell them why — so they don't make the same mistake twice.

Two young men exercising their second amendment rights

Are you claiming the bottom two dudes are standing at a polling station intimidating voters?

I don't see anyone intimidating voters

I see a couple of young men intimidating Target shoppers
Where they charged with intimidating anyone like Shabazz was?
Obvious second amendment violation

What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?
Non sequitur. What violation are the Target shoppers committing?

Two young men exercising their second amendment rights

Are you claiming the bottom two dudes are standing at a polling station intimidating voters?

I don't see anyone intimidating voters

I see a couple of young men intimidating Target shoppers
Where they charged with intimidating anyone like Shabazz was?
Obvious second amendment violation

What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?
Non sequitur. What violation are the Target shoppers committing?
Why none of course.....just a couple of second amendment loving Americans

Just like those two young men defending voting rights

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