Trump calls for forming a posse of so-called "voter-watchers"


Two young men exercising their second amendment rights

Are you claiming the bottom two dudes are standing at a polling station intimidating voters?

I don't see anyone intimidating voters

I see a couple of young men intimidating Target shoppers
Voter ID is as effective as a condom with the end ripped off.

IMO, there are a handful of things going on here, some of which are legit.

No doubt in my mind there is a concerted effort to disenfranchise low-income, low-information voters aka the Democrat base. OTOH, it's important for Americans to have complete 100% faith their voting system is perfect and that elections can't be rigged. Voter ID isn't a problem for me nor any of my contemporaries, but it is an extremely bad idea to use it as a backdoor poll tax. If we implement voter ID, then it has to be over a period of time, say 5 years, where everyone who registers to vote is also given a picture ID voter registration card. The extra cost can't be much more than the voter registration system itself.

As others have noted; in-person voter fraud is nearly nonexistent and I'm not aware of any instances where such a case has been prosecuted. I am aware of where cases of absentee ballot voting have been prosecuted. So what is the solution there because Voter ID isn't it? The reality is that absentee ballots aren't even counted unless the number of absentee votes would make a difference in the outcome of the election.

Example; 10,000 people vote with 1,000 voting absentee ballots. If the election winner wins by 5,010 votes to 3,990 votes, the 1000 absentee votes won't even be counted because they wouldn't make a difference; fraud or no fraud.
You start your post disagreeing with my assertion of the total ineffectiveness of Voter ID and then proceed to describe exactly why it is completely ineffective.

Every time a Voter ID rube has come on this forum to "prove" we need Voter ID, they post links to examples of real fraud which cannot be stopped by Voter ID (absentee ballot fraud, poll worker fraud, etc.). Even more hilariously, most of their links are about fraud being committed in states which have Voter ID.

Voter ID is as effective as a condom with the end ripped off.
You start your post disagreeing with my assertion of the total ineffectiveness of Voter ID and then proceed to describe exactly why it is completely ineffective....
Obviously subtleties are lost on you. Interesting. Feel free to believe as you wish.
As others have noted; in-person voter fraud is nearly nonexistent
Which is why Voter ID is ineffective. The most common types of voter fraud cannot be prevented and/or stopped by Voter ID.

The fact voter fraud continues to happen in Voter ID states is also proof Voter ID is ineffective.

You watch. The next time someone starts a topic about why we need Voter ID and posts a link to a story about voter fraud, it will either be a kind of fraud which cannot be prevented/stopped by Voter ID, or it will be a story about a fraud which occurred in a state which already has Voter ID, or both.

Count on it. I laugh my ass off every single time this happens. And it happens EVERY time.
Which is why Voter ID is ineffective. The most common types of voter fraud cannot be prevented and/or stopped by Voter ID.
While I have agreed on this point, you ran right past my point about "voter confidence in the system". This voter fraud thing is a distraction, but not a distraction without merit since a majority of Americans lack confidence in their own election process. Don't tell me it's only Republicans either because a lot of Bernie fans and Independents feel the same way.

Feel free to say "Tough luck, go fuck yourself" all day long, but that won't make this lack of confidence go away. The only way to make the problem go away is to prove to voters the system is solid and true. What do you propose, if anything?

The Frustrated Public: Views of the 2016 Campaign, the Parties, and the Electoral Process Issue Brief | |
Nine in 10 Americans lack confidence in the country's political system, and among a normally polarized electorate, there are few partisan differences in the public's lack of faith in the political parties, the nominating process, and the branches of government.

Republicans Sour on Way Election Process Is Working
Thirty percent of Americans say the presidential election process is working as it should, down from 37% in January.
Which is why Voter ID is ineffective. The most common types of voter fraud cannot be prevented and/or stopped by Voter ID.
While I have agreed on this point, you ran right past my point about "voter confidence in the system". This voter fraud thing is a distraction, but not a distraction without merit since a majority of Americans lack confidence in their own election process. Don't tell me it's only Republicans either because a lot of Bernie fans and Independents feel the same way.

Feel free to say "Tough luck, go fuck yourself" all day long, but that won't make this lack of confidence go away. The only way to make the problem go away is to prove to voters the system is solid and true. What do you propose, if anything?

The Frustrated Public: Views of the 2016 Campaign, the Parties, and the Electoral Process Issue Brief | |
Nine in 10 Americans lack confidence in the country's political system, and among a normally polarized electorate, there are few partisan differences in the public's lack of faith in the political parties, the nominating process, and the branches of government.

Republicans Sour on Way Election Process Is Working
Thirty percent of Americans say the presidential election process is working as it should, down from 37% in January.
I often point out the retards live in a world completely disconnected from reality. They are the kind of idiots who think the moon has to be made of cheese if enough people bleev it.

The reality is that voter fraud is incredibly small, but propaganda outlets have the rubes bleeving it is happening on a massive scale.

You know what I call people who demand the government waste taxpayer dollars on a completely ineffective government program which impedes on the exercising of our rights?


Another thing I often point out is how much the pseudocons remind me of 70s liberals.

I find it the height of hilarity when they call other people "low information voters". Talk about projection! :lol:

Two young men exercising their second amendment rights

Are you claiming the bottom two dudes are standing at a polling station intimidating voters?

I don't see anyone intimidating voters

I see a couple of young men intimidating Target shoppers
Where they charged with intimidating anyone like Shabazz was?
Obvious second amendment violation

What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?
Dims best hope that something happens to assure an honest vote. Otherwise Trump supporters are very unlikely to accept a Clinton win.
Otherwise Trump supporters are very unlikely to accept a Clinton win.

Well, they could always start a separate, angry and vocal subgroup....
maybe even call themselves, Tea Par.......ooops, wait........never mind.
No one cares who does or doesn't accept an election. You have to live with it either way. But, whine away.
The worst thing that could happen is that some foreign enemies of the trying to make war against the US by undermining our government will get cold feet and decide it isn't worth it.

As soon as I find my Moron-to-English dictionary, I'll try to decipher the above.....LOL
You are a moron. I have an IQ of 158, jackass.

That's why you are dodging like a typical jackass party apologist.
Voter ID is as effective as a condom with the end ripped off.

IMO, there are a handful of things going on here, some of which are legit.

No doubt in my mind there is a concerted effort to disenfranchise low-income, low-information voters aka the Democrat base. OTOH, it's important for Americans to have complete 100% faith their voting system is perfect and that elections can't be rigged. Voter ID isn't a problem for me nor any of my contemporaries, but it is an extremely bad idea to use it as a backdoor poll tax. If we implement voter ID, then it has to be over a period of time, say 5 years, where everyone who registers to vote is also given a picture ID voter registration card. The extra cost can't be much more than the voter registration system itself.

As others have noted; in-person voter fraud is nearly nonexistent and I'm not aware of any instances where such a case has been prosecuted. I am aware of where cases of absentee ballot voting have been prosecuted. So what is the solution there because Voter ID isn't it? The reality is that absentee ballots aren't even counted unless the number of absentee votes would make a difference in the outcome of the election.

Example; 10,000 people vote with 1,000 voting absentee ballots. If the election winner wins by 5,010 votes to 3,990 votes, the 1000 absentee votes won't even be counted because they wouldn't make a difference; fraud or no fraud.
You start your post disagreeing with my assertion of the total ineffectiveness of Voter ID and then proceed to describe exactly why it is completely ineffective.

Every time a Voter ID rube has come on this forum to "prove" we need Voter ID, they post links to examples of real fraud which cannot be stopped by Voter ID (absentee ballot fraud, poll worker fraud, etc.). Even more hilariously, most of their links are about fraud being committed in states which have Voter ID.

Voter ID is as effective as a condom with the end ripped off.
Voter ID laws combined with a mandatory death penalty for voter fraud are the way to go. Along with lynching the offenders at the polling place.

The jackass party is only against voter ID laws because they are notorious criminals.
No matter who wins an election the other side will do everything they can to sabotage the winner. The thing about covert sabotage is, it takes very few people to do real damage. Edward Snowden comes to mind.
The worst thing that could happen is that some foreign enemies of the trying to make war against the US by undermining our government will get cold feet and decide it isn't worth it.

As soon as I find my Moron-to-English dictionary, I'll try to decipher the above.....LOL
You are a moron. I have an IQ of 158, jackass.

That's why you are dodging like a typical jackass party apologist.

Yes, you're obviously much too intelligent for me to comprehend your gibberish.....
See, you carry such a heavy "burden" when you're so damn smart. LOL

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