Trump calls for forming a posse of so-called "voter-watchers"

Of course, trump acolytes will bring up the two nitwits in black panther uniforms with sticks as the reason for Trump calling his posse.. But for smarter posters, here's the artcile from WashPo....(what could go wrong?)

After telling an audience in Altoona, Pa., that he would seek their help in policing the polls in November to root out voter fraud — something that even the state of Pennsylvania has noted doesn't exist in any meaningful way — Donald Trump's campaign nationalized the effort on Saturday morning. Now eager Trump backers can go to Trump's website and sign up to be "a Trump Election Observer." Do so, and you get an email thanking you for volunteering and assuring you that the campaign will "do everything we are legally allowed to do to stop crooked Hillary from rigging this election."

How Donald Trump’s bizarre voter-watch effort could get the GOP in trouble

I even expect to see Nazi armbands on his gestapo goon squads and assorted thugs. I hope the feds keep a close watch on them. They are all about voter suppression - not voter fraud.
Your paranoid fantasies are hilarious.
Trump calls for forming a posse of so-called "voter-watchers"
He should hire Minister King Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson. They have experience in the job.

Of course, trump acolytes will bring up the two nitwits in black panther uniforms with sticks as the reason for Trump calling his posse.. But for smarter posters, here's the artcile from WashPo....(what could go wrong?)

After telling an audience in Altoona, Pa., that he would seek their help in policing the polls in November to root out voter fraud — something that even the state of Pennsylvania has noted doesn't exist in any meaningful way — Donald Trump's campaign nationalized the effort on Saturday morning. Now eager Trump backers can go to Trump's website and sign up to be "a Trump Election Observer." Do so, and you get an email thanking you for volunteering and assuring you that the campaign will "do everything we are legally allowed to do to stop crooked Hillary from rigging this election."

How Donald Trump’s bizarre voter-watch effort could get the GOP in trouble

I signed up yesterday.
What do so many jackass party supporters think that voter fraud does not happen?

Not that it'll make any difference in your few remaining brain cells....but from the same artcile cited:

..............the fact that the frequency of in-person voter fraud in elections is lower than getting five numbers right in the Powerball................
Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up that ridiculous assertion?

Of course you don't. You are simply mimicking a SADFI.
There have been so few documented cases of voter impersonation, the kind of fraud ID is supposed to prevent, that the chilling effect on minority voting can be the only real motive for enacting such laws. On the other hand, getting republicans to give a shit about election fraud, the kind where the count is rigged, has only occurred in the last few months after many years of disinterest in making the counting honest. I wonder why that is? They fought every effort to make machines honest and transparent.
The fact that so few people get caught is an indication that voter fraud laws are very lax.

Would you support a mandatory life sentence for voter fraud? Why or why not?

Personally, one of the few extremely egregious crimes that I think warrant a mandatory death sentence is voter fraud. (The other 2 are murder and rape).

And everyone who gets convicted should be impaled in public at polling stations during the next election in order to dissuade other Democrats from voting fraudulently.
The laws are not lax, it is a crime punishable by five years and/or $10,000 and deportation for non citizens. It's just too easy to get caught with practically no solid reason to do it. It's not like your one fraudulent vote is going to make a difference. Just how many people do you think you could secretly organize to commit felonies and none of them ever talk? When you look at the logistics of committing the massive voter fraud you claim it quickly becomes apparent that it cannot possibly happen on the scale you imagine. It would be a criminal operation involving thousands or millions of people and not one of them ever talked about it, not even anonymously.
It's not easy to get caught. Anyone could do it and the likelyhood of getting caught is practically null. Yes I know 3 Obama campaign workers from New York and California got busted for illegally voting here in Ohio, but the imbeciles wrote down the address of the campaign HQ on the ballot. That's how they got caught.

Granted, most Obama voters are very stupid, but not stupid enough to do that. The vast majority of the fraudsters probably got away with it. Those 3 only got caught because a poll worker recognized the address.
Not that it'll make any difference in your few remaining brain cells....but from the same artcile cited:

..............the fact that the frequency of in-person voter fraud in elections is lower than getting five numbers right in the Powerball................
Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up that ridiculous assertion?

Of course you don't. You are simply mimicking a SADFI.
There have been so few documented cases of voter impersonation, the kind of fraud ID is supposed to prevent, that the chilling effect on minority voting can be the only real motive for enacting such laws. On the other hand, getting republicans to give a shit about election fraud, the kind where the count is rigged, has only occurred in the last few months after many years of disinterest in making the counting honest. I wonder why that is? They fought every effort to make machines honest and transparent.
The fact that so few people get caught is an indication that voter fraud laws are very lax.

Would you support a mandatory life sentence for voter fraud? Why or why not?

Personally, one of the few extremely egregious crimes that I think warrant a mandatory death sentence is voter fraud. (The other 2 are murder and rape).

And everyone who gets convicted should be impaled in public at polling stations during the next election in order to dissuade other Democrats from voting fraudulently.
The laws are not lax, it is a crime punishable by five years and/or $10,000 and deportation for non citizens. It's just too easy to get caught with practically no solid reason to do it. It's not like your one fraudulent vote is going to make a difference. Just how many people do you think you could secretly organize to commit felonies and none of them ever talk? When you look at the logistics of committing the massive voter fraud you claim it quickly becomes apparent that it cannot possibly happen on the scale you imagine. It would be a criminal operation involving thousands or millions of people and not one of them ever talked about it, not even anonymously.
It's not easy to get caught. Anyone could do it and the likelyhood of getting caught is practically null. Yes I know 3 Obama campaign workers from New York and California got busted for illegally voting here in Ohio, but the imbeciles wrote down the address of the campaign HQ on the ballot. That's how they got caught.

Granted, most Obama voters are very stupid, but not stupid enough to do that. The vast majority of the fraudsters probably got away with it. Those 3 only got caught because a poll worker recognized the address.
What the fuck are you babbling about? Explain how you manufacture thousands of documents, distribute them to thousands of people and be assured they will go through with it, never talk and never get caught. Are you deliberately ignoring what it would take to make your paranoid fantasies reality? Trump will even lose states that have an ID requirement how do you explain that? Do the democrats have secret driver license factories where people who are interested in voting several times come in for a stack of IDs? You are alleging a conspiracy involving so many people it's ludicrous.
Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up that ridiculous assertion?

Of course you don't. You are simply mimicking a SADFI.
There have been so few documented cases of voter impersonation, the kind of fraud ID is supposed to prevent, that the chilling effect on minority voting can be the only real motive for enacting such laws. On the other hand, getting republicans to give a shit about election fraud, the kind where the count is rigged, has only occurred in the last few months after many years of disinterest in making the counting honest. I wonder why that is? They fought every effort to make machines honest and transparent.
The fact that so few people get caught is an indication that voter fraud laws are very lax.

Would you support a mandatory life sentence for voter fraud? Why or why not?

Personally, one of the few extremely egregious crimes that I think warrant a mandatory death sentence is voter fraud. (The other 2 are murder and rape).

And everyone who gets convicted should be impaled in public at polling stations during the next election in order to dissuade other Democrats from voting fraudulently.
The laws are not lax, it is a crime punishable by five years and/or $10,000 and deportation for non citizens. It's just too easy to get caught with practically no solid reason to do it. It's not like your one fraudulent vote is going to make a difference. Just how many people do you think you could secretly organize to commit felonies and none of them ever talk? When you look at the logistics of committing the massive voter fraud you claim it quickly becomes apparent that it cannot possibly happen on the scale you imagine. It would be a criminal operation involving thousands or millions of people and not one of them ever talked about it, not even anonymously.
It's not easy to get caught. Anyone could do it and the likelyhood of getting caught is practically null. Yes I know 3 Obama campaign workers from New York and California got busted for illegally voting here in Ohio, but the imbeciles wrote down the address of the campaign HQ on the ballot. That's how they got caught.

Granted, most Obama voters are very stupid, but not stupid enough to do that. The vast majority of the fraudsters probably got away with it. Those 3 only got caught because a poll worker recognized the address.
What the fuck are you babbling about? Explain how you manufacture thousands of documents, distribute them to thousands of people and be assured they will go through with it, never talk and never get caught. Are you deliberately ignoring what it would take to make your paranoid fantasies reality? Trump will even lose states that have an ID requirement how do you explain that? Do the democrats have secret driver license factories where people who are interested in voting several times come in for a stack of IDs? You are alleging a conspiracy involving so many people it's ludicrous.
Why are you babbling about thousands of documents and stacks of IDs, jackass?
There have been so few documented cases of voter impersonation, the kind of fraud ID is supposed to prevent, that the chilling effect on minority voting can be the only real motive for enacting such laws. On the other hand, getting republicans to give a shit about election fraud, the kind where the count is rigged, has only occurred in the last few months after many years of disinterest in making the counting honest. I wonder why that is? They fought every effort to make machines honest and transparent.
The fact that so few people get caught is an indication that voter fraud laws are very lax.

Would you support a mandatory life sentence for voter fraud? Why or why not?

Personally, one of the few extremely egregious crimes that I think warrant a mandatory death sentence is voter fraud. (The other 2 are murder and rape).

And everyone who gets convicted should be impaled in public at polling stations during the next election in order to dissuade other Democrats from voting fraudulently.
The laws are not lax, it is a crime punishable by five years and/or $10,000 and deportation for non citizens. It's just too easy to get caught with practically no solid reason to do it. It's not like your one fraudulent vote is going to make a difference. Just how many people do you think you could secretly organize to commit felonies and none of them ever talk? When you look at the logistics of committing the massive voter fraud you claim it quickly becomes apparent that it cannot possibly happen on the scale you imagine. It would be a criminal operation involving thousands or millions of people and not one of them ever talked about it, not even anonymously.
It's not easy to get caught. Anyone could do it and the likelyhood of getting caught is practically null. Yes I know 3 Obama campaign workers from New York and California got busted for illegally voting here in Ohio, but the imbeciles wrote down the address of the campaign HQ on the ballot. That's how they got caught.

Granted, most Obama voters are very stupid, but not stupid enough to do that. The vast majority of the fraudsters probably got away with it. Those 3 only got caught because a poll worker recognized the address.
What the fuck are you babbling about? Explain how you manufacture thousands of documents, distribute them to thousands of people and be assured they will go through with it, never talk and never get caught. Are you deliberately ignoring what it would take to make your paranoid fantasies reality? Trump will even lose states that have an ID requirement how do you explain that? Do the democrats have secret driver license factories where people who are interested in voting several times come in for a stack of IDs? You are alleging a conspiracy involving so many people it's ludicrous.
Why are you babbling about thousands of documents and stacks of IDs, jackass?
It is clear you have never thought about what it would take to make your conspiracy theory a reality. I have tried to explain it to you but you are being dense. Instead explain how democrats plan to cheat the very large margin of victory Hillary will probably win by right under the noses of GOP poll watchers?
What does the term "in a meaningful way" mean when it comes to voter fraud? Does the left tolerate a couple or ten or a hundred or a thousand incidences of voter fraud before they decide it's "meaningful"? Why the hell does the left whine about cherry picked comments by Trump concerning voter fraud when they didn't seem concerned when the "justice dept" under A.G. Holder refused to prosecute the "new Black Panthers" for intimidating voters with clubs and fascist uniforms?
The fact that so few people get caught is an indication that voter fraud laws are very lax.

Would you support a mandatory life sentence for voter fraud? Why or why not?

Personally, one of the few extremely egregious crimes that I think warrant a mandatory death sentence is voter fraud. (The other 2 are murder and rape).

And everyone who gets convicted should be impaled in public at polling stations during the next election in order to dissuade other Democrats from voting fraudulently.
The laws are not lax, it is a crime punishable by five years and/or $10,000 and deportation for non citizens. It's just too easy to get caught with practically no solid reason to do it. It's not like your one fraudulent vote is going to make a difference. Just how many people do you think you could secretly organize to commit felonies and none of them ever talk? When you look at the logistics of committing the massive voter fraud you claim it quickly becomes apparent that it cannot possibly happen on the scale you imagine. It would be a criminal operation involving thousands or millions of people and not one of them ever talked about it, not even anonymously.
It's not easy to get caught. Anyone could do it and the likelyhood of getting caught is practically null. Yes I know 3 Obama campaign workers from New York and California got busted for illegally voting here in Ohio, but the imbeciles wrote down the address of the campaign HQ on the ballot. That's how they got caught.

Granted, most Obama voters are very stupid, but not stupid enough to do that. The vast majority of the fraudsters probably got away with it. Those 3 only got caught because a poll worker recognized the address.
What the fuck are you babbling about? Explain how you manufacture thousands of documents, distribute them to thousands of people and be assured they will go through with it, never talk and never get caught. Are you deliberately ignoring what it would take to make your paranoid fantasies reality? Trump will even lose states that have an ID requirement how do you explain that? Do the democrats have secret driver license factories where people who are interested in voting several times come in for a stack of IDs? You are alleging a conspiracy involving so many people it's ludicrous.
Why are you babbling about thousands of documents and stacks of IDs, jackass?
It is clear you have never thought about what it would take to make your conspiracy theory a reality. I have tried to explain it to you but you are being dense. Instead explain how democrats plan to cheat the very large margin of victory Hillary will probably win by right under the noses of GOP poll watchers?
You are suffering from paranoid delusions, jackass.
The laws are not lax, it is a crime punishable by five years and/or $10,000 and deportation for non citizens. It's just too easy to get caught with practically no solid reason to do it. It's not like your one fraudulent vote is going to make a difference. Just how many people do you think you could secretly organize to commit felonies and none of them ever talk? When you look at the logistics of committing the massive voter fraud you claim it quickly becomes apparent that it cannot possibly happen on the scale you imagine. It would be a criminal operation involving thousands or millions of people and not one of them ever talked about it, not even anonymously.
It's not easy to get caught. Anyone could do it and the likelyhood of getting caught is practically null. Yes I know 3 Obama campaign workers from New York and California got busted for illegally voting here in Ohio, but the imbeciles wrote down the address of the campaign HQ on the ballot. That's how they got caught.

Granted, most Obama voters are very stupid, but not stupid enough to do that. The vast majority of the fraudsters probably got away with it. Those 3 only got caught because a poll worker recognized the address.
What the fuck are you babbling about? Explain how you manufacture thousands of documents, distribute them to thousands of people and be assured they will go through with it, never talk and never get caught. Are you deliberately ignoring what it would take to make your paranoid fantasies reality? Trump will even lose states that have an ID requirement how do you explain that? Do the democrats have secret driver license factories where people who are interested in voting several times come in for a stack of IDs? You are alleging a conspiracy involving so many people it's ludicrous.
Why are you babbling about thousands of documents and stacks of IDs, jackass?
It is clear you have never thought about what it would take to make your conspiracy theory a reality. I have tried to explain it to you but you are being dense. Instead explain how democrats plan to cheat the very large margin of victory Hillary will probably win by right under the noses of GOP poll watchers?
You are having paranoid delusions, jackass.

You are the one that thinks democrats have the means to cheat a double digit win for Hillary. I was just wondering how you think they will do it.
It's not easy to get caught. Anyone could do it and the likelyhood of getting caught is practically null. Yes I know 3 Obama campaign workers from New York and California got busted for illegally voting here in Ohio, but the imbeciles wrote down the address of the campaign HQ on the ballot. That's how they got caught.

Granted, most Obama voters are very stupid, but not stupid enough to do that. The vast majority of the fraudsters probably got away with it. Those 3 only got caught because a poll worker recognized the address.
What the fuck are you babbling about? Explain how you manufacture thousands of documents, distribute them to thousands of people and be assured they will go through with it, never talk and never get caught. Are you deliberately ignoring what it would take to make your paranoid fantasies reality? Trump will even lose states that have an ID requirement how do you explain that? Do the democrats have secret driver license factories where people who are interested in voting several times come in for a stack of IDs? You are alleging a conspiracy involving so many people it's ludicrous.
Why are you babbling about thousands of documents and stacks of IDs, jackass?
It is clear you have never thought about what it would take to make your conspiracy theory a reality. I have tried to explain it to you but you are being dense. Instead explain how democrats plan to cheat the very large margin of victory Hillary will probably win by right under the noses of GOP poll watchers?
You are having paranoid delusions, jackass.

You are the one that thinks democrats have the means to cheat a double digit win for Hillary. I was just wondering how you think they will do it.
Whether you are coherent enough to know it or not, you are lying, jackass.
If the Donald loses....
And the Trumpsters feel there is a one in 500 million chance of that happening...
But if it happens....

We all will hear a blood curdling scream coming from Trump tower....
Lawsuits will be filed immediately....
Trump's press Secretary Sean Hannity will have a month long series of shows
fighting for Trump to be appointed President....

It's gonna be crazy around here for a long long,very long time.
Trump will not go away quietly or at all....
The laws are not lax, it is a crime punishable by five years and/or $10,000 and deportation for non citizens. It's just too easy to get caught with practically no solid reason to do it. It's not like your one fraudulent vote is going to make a difference. Just how many people do you think you could secretly organize to commit felonies and none of them ever talk? When you look at the logistics of committing the massive voter fraud you claim it quickly becomes apparent that it cannot possibly happen on the scale you imagine. It would be a criminal operation involving thousands or millions of people and not one of them ever talked about it, not even anonymously

Spot on..........I wonder if any right wingers on this thread alone...were one of them here illegally.....would be dumb enough to say to him/herself....."sure, I'll take the chance of being deported because my one vote will turn the election...."
Trump calls for forming a posse of so-called "voter-watchers"
He should hire Minister King Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson. They have experience in the job.


Hey, is this number THREE among the right wing morons who brought this out??
....(BTW, nitwit, on that last picture, was that fellow idiot to you standing in front of a polling station with a bouquet of flowers behind him???)
but the imbeciles wrote down the address of the campaign HQ on the ballot. That's how they got caught.

Without even realizing what a fucked up moron you are, since when does someone who casts a ballot is asked to "write down his address"....and if its a provisional one, how stupid are your "friends" (actually, never mind that last question, if they hang out with you, they ARE morons.)
Of course, trump acolytes will bring up the two nitwits in black panther uniforms with sticks as the reason for Trump calling his posse.. But for smarter posters, here's the artcile from WashPo....(what could go wrong?)

After telling an audience in Altoona, Pa., that he would seek their help in policing the polls in November to root out voter fraud — something that even the state of Pennsylvania has noted doesn't exist in any meaningful way — Donald Trump's campaign nationalized the effort on Saturday morning. Now eager Trump backers can go to Trump's website and sign up to be "a Trump Election Observer." Do so, and you get an email thanking you for volunteering and assuring you that the campaign will "do everything we are legally allowed to do to stop crooked Hillary from rigging this election."

How Donald Trump’s bizarre voter-watch effort could get the GOP in trouble
The article notes that the" Trump Election observer" thing seems to be illegal (voter intimidation).

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