Trump calls for forming a posse of so-called "voter-watchers"

The article notes that the" Trump Election observer" thing seems to be illegal (voter intimidation).
True, but since the Obama administration failed to prosecute Minister King Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson for the same thing, so there's precedent. If he did prosecute white Republicans for doing something he chose not to do to black Democrats, the jury may see the unfairness of it all.
To follow the "posse' analogy, maybe Trump will "deputize" all those pissed off older white republicans (perhaps with weapons) to stop anyone that is dark-skinned and suspect from voting.....I mean, what could possibly go wrong with THAT scenario, right ???
The article notes that the" Trump Election observer" thing seems to be illegal (voter intimidation).
True, but since the Obama administration failed to prosecute Minister King Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson for the same thing, so there's precedent. If he did prosecute white Republicans for doing something he chose not to do to black Democrats, the jury may see the unfairness of it all.

The Obama Administration?

O'Reilly blames Obama admin. for not pursuing criminal charges in New Black Panther Party case


Thanks for the link: ""Of course," Wiehl said. "I mean, there's absolutely no reason. Just take a look at the video that they didn't prosecute. And it's interesting you use the word prosecute, because all that the department did was file a civil complaint, which they won by default judgment. They dropped that afterwards, because, oh, one of the Black Panthers has said, oh, I'm not going to show up for three years at that particular polling area with a night stick. And that's all they wanted. They never pursued criminal charges, Bill. And they could have done that."

"Okay, but you say they should have done that?" O'Reilly asked.

"Oh, absolutely," Wiehl said

In summary, the case against Jackson was dropped and a civil injunction was filed against Shabazz. He promised not to do it again for 3 years. Fine. So can "Trump's posse" do the same exact thing and expect the same exact response?
So can "Trump's posse" do the same exact thing and expect the same exact response?

Absolutely......You right wing morons can act just as stupidly as those 2 guys....
Dress up in cowboy outfits and try to look tough.....


Thanks for the link: ""Of course," Wiehl said. "I mean, there's absolutely no reason. Just take a look at the video that they didn't prosecute. And it's interesting you use the word prosecute, because all that the department did was file a civil complaint, which they won by default judgment. They dropped that afterwards, because, oh, one of the Black Panthers has said, oh, I'm not going to show up for three years at that particular polling area with a night stick. And that's all they wanted. They never pursued criminal charges, Bill. And they could have done that."

"Okay, but you say they should have done that?" O'Reilly asked.

"Oh, absolutely," Wiehl said

In summary, the case against Jackson was dropped and a civil injunction was filed against Shabazz. He promised not to do it again for 3 years. Fine. So can "Trump's posse" do the same exact thing and expect the same exact response?

Well, you see and the morons at FOX should pay a bit more attention to what our laws state.

Those 2 black panther idiots could not be prosecuted because there was NO direct harm done to anyone....Some legitimate voter would have to have shown up and state, "I was deprived of my right to vote because I was afraid of being hit over the head with a baton by those 2 I went home and did not vote."

Since that did NOT happen, there could not be any prosecution simply for two dummies being stupid....

But, as I stated in the other post, you and your ilk can be JUST as stupid as those 2 guys and sign up for the Trump Posse (maybe you'll even get a badge)
Absolutely......You right wing morons can act just as stupidly as those 2 guys....
Dress up in cowboy outfits and try to look tough.....
....and not get prosecuted or, if prosecuted, get off with "I'll never do it again for 3 years"....just in time for 2020. ;)
Of course, trump acolytes will bring up the two nitwits in black panther uniforms with sticks as the reason for Trump calling his posse.. But for smarter posters, here's the artcile from WashPo....(what could go wrong?)

After telling an audience in Altoona, Pa., that he would seek their help in policing the polls in November to root out voter fraud — something that even the state of Pennsylvania has noted doesn't exist in any meaningful way — Donald Trump's campaign nationalized the effort on Saturday morning. Now eager Trump backers can go to Trump's website and sign up to be "a Trump Election Observer." Do so, and you get an email thanking you for volunteering and assuring you that the campaign will "do everything we are legally allowed to do to stop crooked Hillary from rigging this election."

How Donald Trump’s bizarre voter-watch effort could get the GOP in trouble
Trump knows his Chumps are deluded and will imagine they are seeing fraud where there is none.

Just like this: CAUGHT ON TAPE: Dem Operative Stuffs Ballot Box in Arizona (Video)

The gullible retards swallowed an entirely bogus fraud story around a perfectly innocent situation based on a soundless video. They blindly bleeved what they were told they were seeing instead of of actually LOOKING at the video which did not match up with the lies.

Trump is absolutely counting on the stupidity of his rubes to manufacture bullshit excuses for his loss.
What do so many jackass party supporters think that voter fraud does not happen?

Not that it'll make any difference in your few remaining brain cells....but from the same artcile cited:

..............the fact that the frequency of in-person voter fraud in elections is lower than getting five numbers right in the Powerball................
Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up that ridiculous assertion?

Of course you don't. You are simply mimicking a SADFI.
There's a link in his post, retard.
Somewhere in this country, there will be a black voting precinct (not an entire city or town, just a precinct) where 100 percent of the black people will vote for Hillary Clinton. Not one of the black people in that precinct will vote for the bigoted racist Donald Trump.

Fox News will search and search and search until they find this precinct, and then will report this as evidence of voter fraud. :lol:
Trump vote-fraud spotter: "Are you voting for Trump?"
Voter: "No"

"FRAUD!" (insert sound of Donald Sutherland screeching at the end of Invasion of The Body Snatchers while pointing a bony finger)

Every place I have ever voted had poll watchers. The Democrats are having Trump overload.

Actually, NO....not quite.....Trump is calling for his followers to show up to vote (perfectly fine) BUT, then to hang around the polling stations and "assume" the role of "poll watchers"......Can you imagine what could happen???
The worst thing that could happen is that some foreign enemies of the trying to make war against the US by undermining our government will get cold feet and decide it isn't worth it.

Voter ID laws are the obvious solution.
The worst thing that could happen is that some foreign enemies of the trying to make war against the US by undermining our government will get cold feet and decide it isn't worth it.

As soon as I find my Moron-to-English dictionary, I'll try to decipher the above.....LOL
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Of course, trump acolytes will bring up the two nitwits in black panther uniforms with sticks as the reason for Trump calling his posse.. But for smarter posters, here's the artcile from WashPo....(what could go wrong?)

After telling an audience in Altoona, Pa., that he would seek their help in policing the polls in November to root out voter fraud — something that even the state of Pennsylvania has noted doesn't exist in any meaningful way — Donald Trump's campaign nationalized the effort on Saturday morning. Now eager Trump backers can go to Trump's website and sign up to be "a Trump Election Observer." Do so, and you get an email thanking you for volunteering and assuring you that the campaign will "do everything we are legally allowed to do to stop crooked Hillary from rigging this election."

How Donald Trump’s bizarre voter-watch effort could get the GOP in trouble
We intend on following this .gov approved model....any problems?

And what do you think those guys were doing?
I'm sure Trump's BFF's in the Russian mafia could provide some awesome poll watchers.

Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up that ridiculous assertion?

Of course you don't. You are simply mimicking a SADFI.

Like I stated....I doubted that it would make ANY difference to half-brains like you......Want to cite the extensive studies done by ANY reputable organization pointing out the "excessive voters' fraud"?
Calling yourself an idiot again, I see. Voter fraud is rampant and you know it. Otherwise jackass party fuckwads like you would have no problem with poll watchers and voter ID laws.

However, you do know that people who vote for the jackass party members are extremely dishonest people who are devoid of any moral character whatsoever. Therefore you know that fraudulent votes will overwhelmingly favor the jackass party.

Two young men exercising their second amendment rights

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Voter ID is as effective as a condom with the end ripped off.

IMO, there are a handful of things going on here, some of which are legit.

No doubt in my mind there is a concerted effort to disenfranchise low-income, low-information voters aka the Democrat base. OTOH, it's important for Americans to have complete 100% faith their voting system is perfect and that elections can't be rigged. Voter ID isn't a problem for me nor any of my contemporaries, but it is an extremely bad idea to use it as a backdoor poll tax. If we implement voter ID, then it has to be over a period of time, say 5 years, where everyone who registers to vote is also given a picture ID voter registration card. The extra cost can't be much more than the voter registration system itself.

As others have noted; in-person voter fraud is nearly nonexistent and I'm not aware of any instances where such a case has been prosecuted. I am aware of where cases of absentee ballot voting have been prosecuted. So what is the solution there because Voter ID isn't it? The reality is that absentee ballots aren't even counted unless the number of absentee votes would make a difference in the outcome of the election.

Example; 10,000 people vote with 1,000 voting absentee ballots. If the election winner wins by 5,010 votes to 3,990 votes, the 1000 absentee votes won't even be counted because they wouldn't make a difference; fraud or no fraud.

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