Trump calls for forming a posse of so-called "voter-watchers"

Every place I have ever voted had poll watchers. The Democrats are having Trump overload.

Actually, NO....not quite.....Trump is calling for his followers to show up to vote (perfectly fine) BUT, then to hang around the polling stations and "assume" the role of "poll watchers"......Can you imagine what could happen???
I even expect to see Nazi armbands on his gestapo goon squads and assorted thugs. I hope the feds keep a close watch on them. They are all about voter suppression - not voter fraud.

My friend, I urge you to read the article and plainly see that what you speculate actually DID happen in New Jersey a while back until the courts stepped in.

I agree. I read it and posted it yesterday in another thread.
Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up that ridiculous assertion?

Of course you don't. You are simply mimicking a SADFI.

Like I stated....I doubted that it would make ANY difference to half-brains like you......Want to cite the extensive studies done by ANY reputable organization pointing out the "excessive voters' fraud"?
Unfortunately, this kind of sick scenario may indeed happen, especially in some remote country in a red state.....

Some myopic old white Trump supporter, carrying his trusty gun....and for whom all blacks look alike.....will raise his weapon to try to stop some black voters from entering the polling station....and......well, I'll leave it to others' imagination of what could ensue..
More than likely it would be a couple of black guys with baseball bats yelling black power.
What do so many jackass party supporters think that voter fraud does not happen?

Not that it'll make any difference in your few remaining brain cells....but from the same artcile cited:

..............the fact that the frequency of in-person voter fraud in elections is lower than getting five numbers right in the Powerball................
Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up that ridiculous assertion?

Of course you don't. You are simply mimicking a SADFI.
There have been so few documented cases of voter impersonation, the kind of fraud ID is supposed to prevent, that the chilling effect on minority voting can be the only real motive for enacting such laws. On the other hand, getting republicans to give a shit about election fraud, the kind where the count is rigged, has only occurred in the last few months after many years of disinterest in making the counting honest. I wonder why that is? They fought every effort to make machines honest and transparent.
Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up that ridiculous assertion?

i don;t know why I even bother with morons like you....but just for others on this thread...

Analysis of the resulting comprehensive News21 election fraud database turned up 10 cases of voter impersonation. With 146 million registered voters in the United States during that time, those 10 cases represent one out of about every 15 million prospective voters.

Who Can Vote? - A News21 2012 National Project
there is zero proof of in person voter fraud.
Could you please explain the reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion so that I may rip it to shreds and shove it up your ass?

What do so many jackass party supporters think that voter fraud does not happen?

what ridiculous confusion?

go find proof of in person voter fraud (not registration, but people voting).

good luck with that.

but please, keep listening to delusional dumb donald.
You are simply choosing to remain ignorant, again.
Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up that ridiculous assertion?

i don;t know why I even bother with morons like you....but just for others on this thread...

Analysis of the resulting comprehensive News21 election fraud database turned up 10 cases of voter impersonation. With 146 million registered voters in the United States during that time, those 10 cases represent one out of about every 15 million prospective voters.

Who Can Vote? - A News21 2012 National Project
Only very stupid morons believe that every person who committed voter fraud was caught and prosecuted.

Are you that stupid?
More than likely it would be a couple of black guys with baseball bats yelling black power.

Again, as I PLAINLY stated in the first sentence of my O/P....I waited for right wing morons to bring up those two nitwits with batons......and sure enough, another idiot (number 2 so far) raises his hand....LOL
Only very stupid morons believe that every person who committed voter fraud was caugh

Well, you're "right" we should just go with your gut feelings instead of documented studies....

BTW, how the fuck do you know that someone voting fraudulently was not a right winger like you?
Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up that ridiculous assertion?

i don;t know why I even bother with morons like you....but just for others on this thread...

Analysis of the resulting comprehensive News21 election fraud database turned up 10 cases of voter impersonation. With 146 million registered voters in the United States during that time, those 10 cases represent one out of about every 15 million prospective voters.

Who Can Vote? - A News21 2012 National Project
Only very stupid morons believe that every person who committed voter fraud was caught and prosecuted.

Are you that stupid?
The world is supposed to run on hard numbers, not unfounded suspicions. If it was enough of a problem that it actually stole elections there would be no way to keep it secret.
there is zero proof of in person voter fraud.

Now.....explain to me how, Trump requesting for his followers to stand in front of polling stations will prevent some non-citizen from voting?....Do they stop everyone who wants to vote and in some German accent ask "...papers, please....?"

Try to keep up and look what post I answered to. Jill claimed that there was zero evidence of in person voter fraud.
Try to keep up and look what post I answered to. Jill claimed that there was zero evidence of in person voter fraud.

Oh, sorry...I didn't know this was a private exchange between you and Jill......

So, answer MY question to you, nitwit.
Try to keep up and look what post I answered to. Jill claimed that there was zero evidence of in person voter fraud.

Oh, sorry...I didn't know this was a private exchange between you and Jill......

So, answer MY question to you, nitwit.
No, it is not a private conversation since it is public message board. You are very aggressive with your Sicilian flag flying over there. I just proved her to be a liar. You did not like that, did you? Facts are your enemy showing the depravity of your being.
What do so many jackass party supporters think that voter fraud does not happen?

Not that it'll make any difference in your few remaining brain cells....but from the same artcile cited:

..............the fact that the frequency of in-person voter fraud in elections is lower than getting five numbers right in the Powerball................
Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up that ridiculous assertion?

Of course you don't. You are simply mimicking a SADFI.
There have been so few documented cases of voter impersonation, the kind of fraud ID is supposed to prevent, that the chilling effect on minority voting can be the only real motive for enacting such laws. On the other hand, getting republicans to give a shit about election fraud, the kind where the count is rigged, has only occurred in the last few months after many years of disinterest in making the counting honest. I wonder why that is? They fought every effort to make machines honest and transparent.
The fact that so few people get caught is an indication that voter fraud laws are very lax.

Would you support a mandatory life sentence for voter fraud? Why or why not?

Personally, one of the few extremely egregious crimes that I think warrant a mandatory death sentence is voter fraud. (The other 2 are murder and rape).

And everyone who gets convicted should be impaled in public at polling stations during the next election in order to dissuade other Democrats from voting fraudulently.
No, it is not a private conversation since it is public message board. You are very aggressive with your Sicilian flag flying over there. I just proved her to be a liar. You did not like that, did you? Facts are your enemy showing the depravity of your being.

First, Jill is certainly capable enough to smack your ass around all by herself.....

But you could at LEAST try to answer my question.....and since probably you have the attention span of a mindless Trumpster, let me repeat it.....

How will a right wing nitwit, standing in front of a polling station, be able to discern who is or is not a US citizen....(perhaps any dark skinned person is cause for "suspicion"???)
And everyone who gets convicted should be impaled in public at polling stations during the next election in order to dissuade other Democrats from voting fraudulently.

...and, fuckhead....what should we do with a right winger who has committed "voter fraud"???
(like Ann Coulter)
What do so many jackass party supporters think that voter fraud does not happen?

Not that it'll make any difference in your few remaining brain cells....but from the same artcile cited:

..............the fact that the frequency of in-person voter fraud in elections is lower than getting five numbers right in the Powerball................
Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up that ridiculous assertion?

Of course you don't. You are simply mimicking a SADFI.
There have been so few documented cases of voter impersonation, the kind of fraud ID is supposed to prevent, that the chilling effect on minority voting can be the only real motive for enacting such laws. On the other hand, getting republicans to give a shit about election fraud, the kind where the count is rigged, has only occurred in the last few months after many years of disinterest in making the counting honest. I wonder why that is? They fought every effort to make machines honest and transparent.
The fact that so few people get caught is an indication that voter fraud laws are very lax.

Would you support a mandatory life sentence for voter fraud? Why or why not?

Personally, one of the few extremely egregious crimes that I think warrant a mandatory death sentence is voter fraud. (The other 2 are murder and rape).

And everyone who gets convicted should be impaled in public at polling stations during the next election in order to dissuade other Democrats from voting fraudulently.
The laws are not lax, it is a crime punishable by five years and/or $10,000 and deportation for non citizens. It's just too easy to get caught with practically no solid reason to do it. It's not like your one fraudulent vote is going to make a difference. Just how many people do you think you could secretly organize to commit felonies and none of them ever talk? When you look at the logistics of committing the massive voter fraud you claim it quickly becomes apparent that it cannot possibly happen on the scale you imagine. It would be a criminal operation involving thousands or millions of people and not one of them ever talked about it, not even anonymously.

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