Trump calls RFK Jr. ‘a very smart person’

With no proof thats he said. And i searched and searched and couldnt find anything of the sort.
No, I claimed thats what HE said.
If you are so illiterate, why get on forums? Thats makes zero sense.
You can read his book online.

He also thinks HIV came from vaccines.

This dipshit can’t tell the difference between reality if he’s listening to a bunch of crazies.
Mr. Kennedy has his own opinions about the issues.

So-called medical "experts" are often wrong. Remember how Fauci and other doofuses fucked up with covid , while great world leaders like Presidente Bukele of El Salvador got it right and few El Salvadorians were killed by the bug.

In the past, medical experts said Lobotomy was a tremendous operation and awarded the discoverer with a Nobel Prize. Mr. Kennedy's own aunt suffered because his grandfather relied on medical "experts".
I prefer candidates who are not antisemites.
Well, what better news for a Democrat running in a primary than being praised by Donald Trump. Hehe.

I'll tell you who is not being smart here. Trump himself.

The only way of allowing Steve Bannon’s recruit to spoil Biden illumination is by pretending RFK Jr has no ties to Republicans.
Now he has time to Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and yesterday we heard the news that a lot of Republicans are donating to him.
To these add his widely criticized, crazy,conspiratorial, anti-Semitic comment, and we can safely conclude that our was a very bad week for RFK Junior.

If you think RFK Jr. is less than intelligent, then you'd agree that our president has less intellectual capability than a 7th grader....

RFK Jr. is a Harvard alum.

Smart guy, whether you agree with his ideology or not
You don’t have to be an idiot to be taken in by conspiracies. In fact, a certain level of intelligence may actually predispose people to conspiracies.

But he’s definitely a conspiracy kook.
Democrats have bailed on the Kennedys.

It will be a riot when Trump picks RFK Jr as his running mate ... if he takes California, he does not need the electors from those other pesky states he lost in 2020.

It will be a riot when Trump picks RFK Jr as his running mate ... if he takes California, he does not need the electors from those other pesky states he lost in 2020.
Ohh I hope he does pick Kennedy.

The all crazy ticket!
Trump has no concept of intelligence. As a rule, he mistrusts anyone who is highly educated.

What passes as intelligence to Trump is anyone who tells him how great he is.

Praise Trump and he'll say you are brilliant.

That’s no surprise in the least the fact trump is the first president sense his uncle not part of the corrupt two party system.
Donny Apeshit thinks anyone with an I.Q. of at least 10 is intelligent.
That’s no surprise in the least the fact trump is the first president sense his uncle not part of the corrupt two party system.

Right. Trump registered to vote when he was 45 and has changed parties five times.

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