Trump calls the media what it is...CROOKED

Callling the media what it is and has been for the last four election cycles. They promoted the anti American, anti capitalist, divisive, totally inexperienced and unqualified Obama to the presidency, despite his background and ties to people like Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers. The first step in fixing what's wrong in this country is to call out the corrupt, lying media which has become the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.
You are very strange. You recognize (you and Trump that is) that the MEDIA is crooked. Bravo! Was it Trump who clued you in to that bit of information? You didn't know that before now? But worst of all is that you accredit media "crookedness" to one party alone. You have it figured that it is the Democratic side that has the media spinning 24/7? Suffering Succotash! Have you ever heard of Iraq? Have you ever heard of the non-existent WMD's that were suppose to be there? Have you heard about the illegal, American-lead invasion and occupation of that country? Yes, I'm sure you have heard about it from the news media. You know, the MEDIA ... the ones who invented "embedded journalism". Do you have any idea what that is? That's a tecnique that makes independent journalism taboo. Embedded journalism is the government/military making puppetry out of journalism. It is a non- journalism. It is a Fascist-controlled entity that only reports what ... and how ... they want information spread. It has NOTHING to do with reporting "news". It produces only political propaganda.

So you and Trump are right!
But you stopped short of telling the truth anyway.
Trump is such a simpleton....everyone is either crooked, a liar or a moron

Just because they don't agree with him
Simpleton who happens to be a real estate mogul, a media phenomenon, and beat 16 well qualified candidates to the nomination? Only a simpleton party hack would call trump a simpleton.
More voted against trump then for him. Trump didn't win because he was smart he won because he was lucky fools like Rubio and Kasich stayed in far longer then they should have

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Whatever, but considering all his accomplishments, only a fool would call Trump a "simpleton". He is by far more qualified and experienced than president Hussein Obama was when the crooked media were pushing for him in 08 and 12.
Callling the media what it is and has been for the last four election cycles. They promoted the anti American, anti capitalist, divisive, totally inexperienced and unqualified Obama to the presidency, despite his background and ties to people like Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers. The first step in fixing what's wrong in this country is to call out the corrupt, lying media which has become the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.
You are very strange. You recognize (you and Trump that is) that the MEDIA is crooked. Bravo! Was it Trump who clued you in to that bit of information? You didn't know that before now? But worst of all is that you accredit media "crookedness" to one party alone. You have it figured that it is the Democratic side that has the media spinning 24/7? Suffering Succotash! Have you ever heard of Iraq? Have you ever heard of the non-existent WMD's that were suppose to be there? Have you heard about the illegal, American-lead invasion and occupation of that country? Yes, I'm sure you have heard about it from the news media. You know, the MEDIA ... the ones who invented "embedded journalism". Do you have any idea what that is? That's a tecnique that makes independent journalism taboo. Embedded journalism is the government/military making puppetry out of journalism. It is a non- journalism. It is a Fascist-controlled entity that only reports what ... and how ... they want information spread. It has NOTHING to do with reporting "news". It produces only political propaganda.

So you and Trump are right!
But you stopped short of telling the truth anyway.
Yeah, and how does that square with the fact that the crooked media has always had a hardon for Democrats, even during the Bush years, which if you recall, they were beyond the pale...using all kinds of profanity about Bush, and mocking the office of the presidency.
You know what I find interesting? Trump was bragging about how much the media was covering him during the primaries, and that is the precise reason that he ended up with the GOP nomination.

Then............he kept amping up his rhetoric, going from Mexicans and the wall, to railing against McCain, to saying he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and he'd still get votes, all the way up to the aftermath of the convention.

Now? He's seeing the writing on the wall, and has started to make excuses as to why he might lose. First, he was saying that the election was going to be rigged, which is why he would lose, but that didn't get the traction he wanted with the base.

So now, he's saying that the media is biased against him. That is something that would work with the base, because Sarah Palin was able to successfully demonize the media by calling them the "lamestream media", and so Trump is going to see if that line works.

And after his speech the other day where he was saying he'd like to be Secretary of keeping jobs in the USA, or some other job like SECDEF or SECSTATE. I really don't think that Trump wants to be president.
You got it all wrong. The Hillary campaign had calculated that Tump is would be the easiest candidate to beat, so their puppets at the media elevated Trump to the nomination. Have they convered any of Trumps rallies since the nomination? No.

Actually, Trump's speech this afternoon was covered from start to finish on CNN. I've also watched other rallies of his both on MSNBC and CNN. If they aren't carrying it, I know I can find it on FOX or CSPAN.

Guess you're wrong when you say the media hasn't covered any of his rallies. Matter of fact, just a couple of days ago, on CNN, they were covering a Trump rally and showed the protesters requesting Trump's tax forms getting thrown out.

Try again.
You know what I find interesting? Trump was bragging about how much the media was covering him during the primaries, and that is the precise reason that he ended up with the GOP nomination.

Then............he kept amping up his rhetoric, going from Mexicans and the wall, to railing against McCain, to saying he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and he'd still get votes, all the way up to the aftermath of the convention.

Now? He's seeing the writing on the wall, and has started to make excuses as to why he might lose. First, he was saying that the election was going to be rigged, which is why he would lose, but that didn't get the traction he wanted with the base.

So now, he's saying that the media is biased against him. That is something that would work with the base, because Sarah Palin was able to successfully demonize the media by calling them the "lamestream media", and so Trump is going to see if that line works.

And after his speech the other day where he was saying he'd like to be Secretary of keeping jobs in the USA, or some other job like SECDEF or SECSTATE. I really don't think that Trump wants to be president.
You got it all wrong. The Hillary campaign had calculated that Tump is would be the easiest candidate to beat, so their puppets at the media elevated Trump to the nomination. Have they convered any of Trumps rallies since the nomination? No.

Actually, Trump's speech this afternoon was covered from start to finish on CNN. I've also watched other rallies of his both on MSNBC and CNN. If they aren't carrying it, I know I can find it on FOX or CSPAN.

Guess you're wrong when you say the media hasn't covered any of his rallies. Matter of fact, just a couple of days ago, on CNN, they were covering a Trump rally and showed the protesters requesting Trump's tax forms getting thrown out.

Try again.
A policy speech isn't the same as a rally. They were covering nearly all of his rallies. Here's another masterpiece defending the indefensible behavior of the corrupt biased media.
Callling the media what it is and has been for the last four election cycles. They promoted the anti American, anti capitalist, divisive, totally inexperienced and unqualified Obama to the presidency, despite his background and ties to people like Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers. The first step in fixing what's wrong in this country is to call out the corrupt, lying media which has become the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

Trump: I’m running against media, not Clinton

So you're saying they're crooked because they have a different view to your own?
The media is supposed to report the news objectively, not dedicate and promote one candidate while demonizing another. The media's primary job is to report the news, not to transform the country while promoting radical leftist, socialistic, anti capitalist agenda, as it is doing now. The media has become a worthless, corrupt propaganda arm of the democrat party.

Why is the media supposed to report the news objectively? They're private businesses, they can do as they wish within the confines of the law.

The media's primary job is to make money.

The media has always been biased and always will. It's up to people to use their brains to be able to understand what they're being given.
..... the crooked media ..... even during the Bush years ...using all kinds of profanity about Bush, and mocking the office of the presidency.

Can't blame them for that anyway ...... we're talking about Bush and his office, you know.
Why is the media supposed to report the news objectively?
The problem here is that ACTUAL non-biased news is being side-lined. This is PURE POLITICAL PROPAGANDA. Knowing what we know about falsified "proof" on the WMD hoax, I want my news to tell me:

"There were no WMD's in Irak" ... or .... "No WMD's were ever found in Irak".
I do no want to hear:
"American forces, whose sole objective to invade was to create a regime change, suspect that the WMD's were smuggled out of the country just prior to the invasion."

They're private businesses, they can do as they wish within the confines of the law. The media's primary job is to make money.
Perhaps, but that is not their proper function, and since it is often dictated and censored by government its' 'private business' practices is a lie.
..... the crooked media ..... even during the Bush years ...using all kinds of profanity about Bush, and mocking the office of the presidency.

Can't blame them for that anyway ...... we're talking about Bush and his office, you know.

Oh don't worry Obama is far worse than he is. Bush left Obama with a stable Middle East, and Obama in return singlehandedly obliterated all the stability that he was handed. But the media dare not criticize the first black president that walks on water.
Callling the media what it is and has been for the last four election cycles. They promoted the anti American, anti capitalist, divisive, totally inexperienced and unqualified Obama to the presidency, despite his background and ties to people like Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers. The first step in fixing what's wrong in this country is to call out the corrupt, lying media which has become the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

Trump: I’m running against media, not Clinton

So you're saying they're crooked because they have a different view to your own?
The media is supposed to report the news objectively, not dedicate and promote one candidate while demonizing another. The media's primary job is to report the news, not to transform the country while promoting radical leftist, socialistic, anti capitalist agenda, as it is doing now. The media has become a worthless, corrupt propaganda arm of the democrat party.

Why is the media supposed to report the news objectively? They're private businesses, they can do as they wish within the confines of the law.

The media's primary job is to make money.

The media has always been biased and always will. It's up to people to use their brains to be able to understand what they're being given.
So therefore, like I said, they aren't providing a service that can even remotely be considered "news", they are corrupt, crooked ideologues who spread false propaganda at the behest of radical leftists that want to bring this country down.

Spreading one agenda or another doesn't make a news organization any more money. If that was the case then PMSNBC would be swimming in cash.

By being objective a news organization increases credibility and a perception by the public of being fair and objective, which in turns brings more viewers, which means...more money.
Why is the media supposed to report the news objectively?
The problem here is that ACTUAL non-biased news is being side-lined. This is PURE POLITICAL PROPAGANDA. Knowing what we know about falsified "proof" on the WMD hoax, I want my news to tell me:

"There were no WMD's in Irak" ... or .... "No WMD's were ever found in Irak".
I do no want to hear:
"American forces, whose sole objective to invade was to create a regime change, suspect that the WMD's were smuggled out of the country just prior to the invasion."

They're private businesses, they can do as they wish within the confines of the law. The media's primary job is to make money.
Perhaps, but that is not their proper function, and since it is often dictated and censored by government its' 'private business' practices is a lie.

It might not be their "proper function" as you put it, but it's the reality of life.

The right want capitalism in every sector of their lives, and then complain so much about capitalism it's incredible. They don't want capitalism when it means low paid jobs go overseas, they don't want capitalism when it's to do with the media.

They only want capitalism when it benefits them, and it would seem the media is more left wing than right wing, though the largest media outlet is right wing.
Callling the media what it is and has been for the last four election cycles. They promoted the anti American, anti capitalist, divisive, totally inexperienced and unqualified Obama to the presidency, despite his background and ties to people like Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers. The first step in fixing what's wrong in this country is to call out the corrupt, lying media which has become the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

Trump: I’m running against media, not Clinton

So you're saying they're crooked because they have a different view to your own?
The media is supposed to report the news objectively, not dedicate and promote one candidate while demonizing another. The media's primary job is to report the news, not to transform the country while promoting radical leftist, socialistic, anti capitalist agenda, as it is doing now. The media has become a worthless, corrupt propaganda arm of the democrat party.

Why is the media supposed to report the news objectively? They're private businesses, they can do as they wish within the confines of the law.

The media's primary job is to make money.

The media has always been biased and always will. It's up to people to use their brains to be able to understand what they're being given.
So therefore, like I said, they aren't providing a service that can even remotely be considered "news", they are corrupt, crooked ideologues who spread false propaganda at the behest of radical leftists that want to bring this country down.

Spreading one agenda or another doesn't make a news organization any more money. If that was the case then PMSNBC would be swimming in cash.

By being objective a news organization increases credibility and a perception by the public of being fair and objective, which in turns brings more viewers, which means...more money.

So what if you think it can't be considered "news", some outlets provide more news and less rubbish because those who get it demand that, others provide more rubbish and less news because those who get it want that.

Isn't that capitalism?

How much do those on the right demand real news and less rubbish? I mean, Fox News wanted the whole debates thing for the Republican Primaries and Trump came out of it looking really good to those who watch Fox News.

How much news does Fox bother to give, and how much of it is opinion based, and how much of it is just nonsense?

I mean, I don't watch Fox News or any other news, but I saw a video about them criticizing other media outlets for only concentrating on Trump's soundbites and not on his whole economic speech the other day, and what were Fox doing? Yeah, concentrating on the soundbites and criticizing the other media outlets for doing so. It was pure nonsense.
..... Bush left Obama with a stable Middle East .....
That is the most bold-face lie that I've heard since Bush said, "Nobody ever insinuated that Saddam had WMD's!" Aside from your filthy, lying mouth, I love the graphics in your signature. Is it from a film or is it only that short clip?
..... Bush left Obama with a stable Middle East .....
That is the most bold-face lie that I've heard since Bush said, "Nobody ever insinuated that Saddam had WMD's!" Aside from your filthy, lying mouth, I love the graphics in your signature. Is it from a film or is it only that short clip?

Roundy is not exactly lying. He just lives in an alternative universe, and got sucked into to ours when Trump started claiming that Obama and Hillary founded ISIS. He has not quite figured out that he isn't in Kansas anymore....
Why is the media supposed to report the news objectively?
The problem here is that ACTUAL non-biased news is being side-lined. This is PURE POLITICAL PROPAGANDA. Knowing what we know about falsified "proof" on the WMD hoax, I want my news to tell me:

"There were no WMD's in Irak" ... or .... "No WMD's were ever found in Irak".
I do no want to hear:
"American forces, whose sole objective to invade was to create a regime change, suspect that the WMD's were smuggled out of the country just prior to the invasion."

They're private businesses, they can do as they wish within the confines of the law. The media's primary job is to make money.
Perhaps, but that is not their proper function, and since it is often dictated and censored by government its' 'private business' practices is a lie.

It might not be their "proper function" as you put it, but it's the reality of life.

The right want capitalism in every sector of their lives, and then complain so much about capitalism it's incredible. They don't want capitalism when it means low paid jobs go overseas, they don't want capitalism when it's to do with the media.

They only want capitalism when it benefits them, and it would seem the media is more left wing than right wing, though the largest media outlet is right wing.
I know what Communist/Socialist philosophy is good for, but I've never been able to understand what good Capitalism is. Your response reminds what is wrong with it, however. What you have just described is Capitalism in a nutshell. They are opportunists who are eager to Capitalize on "this" ....... then "that" ..... and as quick as a rabbit in heat ........... the other thing, and ready to shift with the wind at a moments notice in order to fuck the right, the left, and in-betweeners.
..... Bush left Obama with a stable Middle East .....
That is the most bold-face lie that I've heard since Bush said, "Nobody ever insinuated that Saddam had WMD's!" Aside from your filthy, lying mouth, I love the graphics in your signature. Is it from a film or is it only that short clip?

Roundy is not exactly lying. He just lives in an alternative universe, and got sucked into to ours when Trump started claiming that Obama and Hillary founded ISIS. He has not quite figured out that he isn't in Kansas anymore....
He could have asked Dorothy, but I guess it's too late now.
..... Bush left Obama with a stable Middle East .....
That is the most bold-face lie that I've heard since Bush said, "Nobody ever insinuated that Saddam had WMD's!" Aside from your filthy, lying mouth, I love the graphics in your signature. Is it from a film or is it only that short clip?

Roundy is not exactly lying. He just lives in an alternative universe, and got sucked into to ours when Trump started claiming that Obama and Hillary founded ISIS. He has not quite figured out that he isn't in Kansas anymore....
150% Obama and Hillary's premature total pullout from Iraq, and turning a blind eye to Assad committing genocide on his own people, ushered the rise of ISIS. So yes figuratively speaking Obama and Hillary were indeed founders of ISIS.

The crooked media and their supporters can't handle the truth so now they're parsing words.
..... Bush left Obama with a stable Middle East .....
That is the most bold-face lie that I've heard since Bush said, "Nobody ever insinuated that Saddam had WMD's!" Aside from your filthy, lying mouth, I love the graphics in your signature. Is it from a film or is it only that short clip?

Roundy is not exactly lying. He just lives in an alternative universe, and got sucked into to ours when Trump started claiming that Obama and Hillary founded ISIS. He has not quite figured out that he isn't in Kansas anymore....
He could have asked Dorothy, but I guess it's too late now.
The alternate universe is what the crooked media is selling to the naive American public, where Obama and Hillary supposedly had eight years of astounding success, both domestically and internationally. It seems like they are pretty good at it.
150% Obama and Hillary's premature total pullout from Iraq, and turning a blind eye to Assad committing genocide on his own people, ushered the rise of ISIS. So yes figuratively speaking Obama and Hillary were indeed founders of ISIS.

The crooked media and their supporters can't handle the truth so now they're parsing words.
You hang out with teenagers, don't you.
The media is doing everything they can to ensure that right-wing, predatory capitalist, Hillary Clinton, gets elected President. I suppose she's better than Trump, but by how much?

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