Trump calls the media what it is...CROOKED

Trump is anti-first amendment! He doesn't want to be questioned as he wants to be a dictator.

He is a very dangerous man.
I would say that a person who sets up an illegal server, lies to the American people, uses their position in govt. to benefit a private organization they're part of, and then gets away with it because of connections and cronyism with the president (who already acts like a dictator), has much more potential of behaving like a dictator.
Callling the media what it is and has been for the last four election cycles. They promoted the anti American, anti capitalist, divisive, totally inexperienced and unqualified Obama to the presidency, despite his background and ties to people like Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers. The first step in fixing what's wrong in this country is to call out the corrupt, lying media which has become the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

Trump: I’m running against media, not Clinton
A shanda fur die goyim
Loosely translated : making an ass of yourself in public.

yes and no. it means it's an embarrassment to his fellow jews
Callling the media what it is and has been for the last four election cycles. They promoted the anti American, anti capitalist, divisive, totally inexperienced and unqualified Obama to the presidency, despite his background and ties to people like Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers. The first step in fixing what's wrong in this country is to call out the corrupt, lying media which has become the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

Trump: I’m running against media, not Clinton
A shanda fur die goyim
Loosely translated : making an ass of yourself in public.

yes and no. it means it's an embarrassment to his fellow jews
I'm loyal to country, not party. American Jews have been used and abused by the Democrat party as useful idiots. After Obama's close associations with known antisemites, refusals to call Islamic terrorism what it is, and shameful treatment of Israel, many patriotic American Jews have long ago decided to take what's best for their country over party loyalty and being politically correct amongst their peers.
And Trump is 100% correct again. The news media is so blatant anti Trump and pro hiliary it is embarrassing. .
It is time that the mainstream news media learn that they are not the only game in town anymore and they are losing their significance.

Of course they are anti Trump. Trump is scum, and would be terrible for our country. His silly ideas aren't equal to a well thought plan, and shouldn't be presented as equal.
Why is Trump already making excuses? He hasn't lost yet so why is he blaming a media we all know is biased and have known for decades?

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Hey jackass, he's not making excuses.

He's informing you. But most jackasses are hard learners.
Trump is such a simpleton....everyone is either crooked, a liar or a moron

Just because they don't agree with him
Simpleton who happens to be a real estate mogul, a media phenomenon, and beat 16 well qualified candidates to the nomination? Only a simpleton party hack would call trump a simpleton.
Callling the media what it is and has been for the last four election cycles. They promoted the anti American, anti capitalist, divisive, totally inexperienced and unqualified Obama to the presidency, despite his background and ties to people like Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers. The first step in fixing what's wrong in this country is to call out the corrupt, lying media which has become the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

Trump: I’m running against media, not Clinton

I'll bet the media spent more time on some yahoo illegally scaling a building in New York than they did on Hillary's lies during that time.
the news media isn't your friend, the news media is a pervert in a rusty old van offering candy to children hoping to lure the next victim.
And Trump is 100% correct again. The news media is so blatant anti Trump and pro hiliary it is embarrassing. .
It is time that the mainstream news media learn that they are not the only game in town anymore and they are losing their significance.
And then? The new media showed it was just as bad this primary with pushing trump. So what choice is there again ?

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Your guy Cruz got tons of air time. It was a big mistake actually a huuuuuuuuuuuge mistake for Amanda and Erik to publicly put out who they would blacklist from Washington when Cruz got elected.

Talk about a monumental fuck up. Saying they'd blacklist Drudge, Rush and Sean.

Fucking arrogant assholes.

Your panties Still in a twist over the fact that trump is a fraud are you? You picked him over a conservative you own the results.

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Not as big a fraud as Cruz. With Trump what you see is what you get. I don't like a game being run down on me like Cruz did when I first supported him and found out him and Heidi were the biggest freaking frauds on the planet.

Well Carly came a close second. Pity. At one time I admired Cruz.

Now he's just a bad joke. A lie like "I promise I won't come in your mouth" kinda liar. Establishment bastard all the way.

List the frauds.... go on show us. like trump using foreign labor in his Florida resort so he doesn't have to pay Americans as a example which is provable fact. Show us something that is a fact.... show us Ted Cruz was not what he said he was.

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1. Ted Cruz's father was with Lee Harvey Oswald before he shot JFK.

So there's that.

Callling the media what it is and has been for the last four election cycles. They promoted the anti American, anti capitalist, divisive, totally inexperienced and unqualified Obama to the presidency, despite his background and ties to people like Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers. The first step in fixing what's wrong in this country is to call out the corrupt, lying media which has become the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

Trump: I’m running against media, not Clinton

So you're saying they're crooked because they have a different view to your own?
FOX NEWS slogan is: We report, you decide.

Slogan of the rest of the media: We decide, you shut up.

Oh that's complete and utter nonsense.

Fox News has a massive agenda.

Breaking Political News, Headlines & Opinion | Politics | Fox News

Congress could get Clinton emails
Trump calls NY Times "fiction"
Trump to deliver foreign policy speech
Nehlen starts Trump super PAC
Pence wants federal probe into Clinton
And something about Pelosi.

Come on, one anti-Clinton and 4 pro-Trump articles on their politics main page.

Biased? Yes.
And Trump is 100% correct again. The news media is so blatant anti Trump and pro hiliary it is embarrassing. .
It is time that the mainstream news media learn that they are not the only game in town anymore and they are losing their significance.
And then? The new media showed it was just as bad this primary with pushing trump. So what choice is there again ?

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Your guy Cruz got tons of air time. It was a big mistake actually a huuuuuuuuuuuge mistake for Amanda and Erik to publicly put out who they would blacklist from Washington when Cruz got elected.

Talk about a monumental fuck up. Saying they'd blacklist Drudge, Rush and Sean.

Fucking arrogant assholes.

Have you seen their list of websites that they want blacklisted?

The Cruzers? Both Carpenter and Erikson had a list. That maniac that is engaged to that bitch who tried to get Corey jailed who works for Daily Caller has a hit list too. He is one fucked up dude.

I am seriously disappointed in Tucker for not bitch slapping that idiot around.

Anyone promoting Ted Cruz to be President is about as knowledgeable about politics, life and common sense as the director who cast that other cruise, wimpy pretty boy light weight Tom Cruise in the role of 250 pound ex military cop, Jack Reacher in movies that are inevitable failures for exactly that reason.
The American Pravda has been exposed by Trump. They are dishonest, lying, scum.

The question is, will the sheeple do anything about it?
Pravda is the only paper to support Trump
Callling the media what it is and has been for the last four election cycles. They promoted the anti American, anti capitalist, divisive, totally inexperienced and unqualified Obama to the presidency, despite his background and ties to people like Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers. The first step in fixing what's wrong in this country is to call out the corrupt, lying media which has become the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

Trump: I’m running against media, not Clinton

So you're saying they're crooked because they have a different view to your own?
The media is supposed to report the news objectively, not dedicate and promote one candidate while demonizing another. The media's primary job is to report the news, not to transform the country while promoting radical leftist, socialistic, anti capitalist agenda, as it is doing now. The media has become a worthless, corrupt propaganda arm of the democrat party.
Why is Trump already making excuses? He hasn't lost yet so why is he blaming a media we all know is biased and have known for decades?

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Hey jackass, he's not making excuses.

He's informing you. But most jackasses are hard learners.
He isn't informing anyone because this isn't new. He is making excuses. He isn't spending money except on his children's salary and has no ground game at all. He isn't even campaigning he is just having a couple rallies a month saying stupid shit.

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Trump is such a simpleton....everyone is either crooked, a liar or a moron

Just because they don't agree with him
Simpleton who happens to be a real estate mogul, a media phenomenon, and beat 16 well qualified candidates to the nomination? Only a simpleton party hack would call trump a simpleton.
More voted against trump then for him. Trump didn't win because he was smart he won because he was lucky fools like Rubio and Kasich stayed in far longer then they should have

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And then? The new media showed it was just as bad this primary with pushing trump. So what choice is there again ?

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Your guy Cruz got tons of air time. It was a big mistake actually a huuuuuuuuuuuge mistake for Amanda and Erik to publicly put out who they would blacklist from Washington when Cruz got elected.

Talk about a monumental fuck up. Saying they'd blacklist Drudge, Rush and Sean.

Fucking arrogant assholes.

Your panties Still in a twist over the fact that trump is a fraud are you? You picked him over a conservative you own the results.

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Not as big a fraud as Cruz. With Trump what you see is what you get. I don't like a game being run down on me like Cruz did when I first supported him and found out him and Heidi were the biggest freaking frauds on the planet.

Well Carly came a close second. Pity. At one time I admired Cruz.

Now he's just a bad joke. A lie like "I promise I won't come in your mouth" kinda liar. Establishment bastard all the way.

List the frauds.... go on show us. like trump using foreign labor in his Florida resort so he doesn't have to pay Americans as a example which is provable fact. Show us something that is a fact.... show us Ted Cruz was not what he said he was.

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1. Ted Cruz's father was with Lee Harvey Oswald before he shot JFK.

So there's that.

Yea that's believable lol only to retards like Trump and Alex Jones

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And GOP nominee portrayed by the press is always either stupid, crazy, and/or filthy rich and only wanting to get richer.

It's the same thing every Presidential election
And GOP nominee portrayed by the press is always either stupid, crazy, and/or filthy rich and only wanting to get richer.

It's the same thing every Presidential election
Yep so how is it Donald Trump didn't see this before? Why is he making excuses for him not really doing the work?

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