Trump calls the media what it is...CROOKED

And Trump is 100% correct again. The news media is so blatant anti Trump and pro hiliary it is embarrassing. .
It is time that the mainstream news media learn that they are not the only game in town anymore and they are losing their significance.
And then? The new media showed it was just as bad this primary with pushing trump. So what choice is there again ?

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Your guy Cruz got tons of air time. It was a big mistake actually a huuuuuuuuuuuge mistake for Amanda and Erik to publicly put out who they would blacklist from Washington when Cruz got elected.

Talk about a monumental fuck up. Saying they'd blacklist Drudge, Rush and Sean.

Fucking arrogant assholes.

Your panties Still in a twist over the fact that trump is a fraud are you? You picked him over a conservative you own the results.

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Not as big a fraud as Cruz. With Trump what you see is what you get. I don't like a game being run down on me like Cruz did when I first supported him and found out him and Heidi were the biggest freaking frauds on the planet.

Well Carly came a close second. Pity. At one time I admired Cruz.

Now he's just a bad joke. A lie like "I promise I won't come in your mouth" kinda liar. Establishment bastard all the way.


Miss Tiny, Cruz never had me fooled, so I hate to tell you that what you see with Trump is NOT what you get, either. Everything that Tony Schwartz has claimed about Mr. Trump has been backed up by Trump's very own publishers, Random House.

He is a fraud. Oh wait....and he's going on trial for fraud later this year to the tune of $40M, too!
Callling the media what it is and has been for the last four election cycles. They promoted the anti American, anti capitalist, divisive, totally inexperienced and unqualified Obama to the presidency, despite his background and ties to people like Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers. The first step in fixing what's wrong in this country is to call out the corrupt, lying media which has become the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

Trump: I’m running against media, not Clinton

You are trying to make a case for a petulant, clinically narcissistic tyrant who can't be satisfied with just sucking the air out of the room, he wants to suck it out of the whole country.

Mr. Trump gets more air time and ink than anybody else on the entire planet right now, and has been for the past year. He's gets LIVE coverage, his rallies are LIVE. He calls into LIVE talk shows and is allowed to blow his bull$#!t without interruption. What else do you think the media owes him?

"You are trying to make a case for a petulant, clinically narcissistic tyrant who can't be satisfied with just sucking the air out of the room, he wants to suck it out of the whole country."

You've just summed up Barack Obama brilliantly, congratulations :thup:
Your guy Cruz got tons of air time. It was a big mistake actually a huuuuuuuuuuuge mistake for Amanda and Erik to publicly put out who they would blacklist from Washington when Cruz got elected.

Talk about a monumental fuck up. Saying they'd blacklist Drudge, Rush and Sean.

Fucking arrogant assholes.

Your panties Still in a twist over the fact that trump is a fraud are you? You picked him over a conservative you own the results.

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Not as big a fraud as Cruz. With Trump what you see is what you get. I don't like a game being run down on me like Cruz did when I first supported him and found out him and Heidi were the biggest freaking frauds on the planet.

Well Carly came a close second. Pity. At one time I admired Cruz.

Now he's just a bad joke. A lie like "I promise I won't come in your mouth" kinda liar. Establishment bastard all the way.

List the frauds.... go on show us. like trump using foreign labor in his Florida resort so he doesn't have to pay Americans as a example which is provable fact. Show us something that is a fact.... show us Ted Cruz was not what he said he was.

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Cruz and his wife being complete inside the beltway and pro Wall Street Bush babies.

While lying his fucking ass off that he's "the outsider". Their history is out there. It's for real. What? You don't know their connection to the Bush family and administration?

Come on. You aren't stupid.
That is all talking points with no facts ... try again zombie

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All facts. Cruz worked for Bush. Heidi worked for Bush. It's simple. Cruz hired Niel Bush for heavens sakes and his wife. All Bush all the time.

Heidi's Wall Street connections are completely on record as well.
The American Pravda has been exposed by Trump. They are dishonest, lying, scum.

The question is, will the sheeple do anything about it?

I'm starting with Joe Scarborough.


You know. Nailing media for their skeletons in their closets. I'm not even warmed up yet. His dead intern was a lovely young thing. The one that was found in his office.
Why is Trump already making excuses? He hasn't lost yet so why is he blaming a media we all know is biased and have known for decades?

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Because he sees the crooked media doing everything they can to promote crooked and criminal Hillary.
And Trump is 100% correct again. The news media is so blatant anti Trump and pro hiliary it is embarrassing. .
It is time that the mainstream news media learn that they are not the only game in town anymore and they are losing their significance.
Funny part is the CNN propaganda robots act surprised when they're accused of being biased. "Who, us?! Biased?!" Ha ha ha.
You know what I find interesting? Trump was bragging about how much the media was covering him during the primaries, and that is the precise reason that he ended up with the GOP nomination.

Then............he kept amping up his rhetoric, going from Mexicans and the wall, to railing against McCain, to saying he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and he'd still get votes, all the way up to the aftermath of the convention.

Now? He's seeing the writing on the wall, and has started to make excuses as to why he might lose. First, he was saying that the election was going to be rigged, which is why he would lose, but that didn't get the traction he wanted with the base.

So now, he's saying that the media is biased against him. That is something that would work with the base, because Sarah Palin was able to successfully demonize the media by calling them the "lamestream media", and so Trump is going to see if that line works.

And after his speech the other day where he was saying he'd like to be Secretary of keeping jobs in the USA, or some other job like SECDEF or SECSTATE. I really don't think that Trump wants to be president.
Callling the media what it is and has been for the last four election cycles. They promoted the anti American, anti capitalist, divisive, totally inexperienced and unqualified Obama to the presidency, despite his background and ties to people like Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers. The first step in fixing what's wrong in this country is to call out the corrupt, lying media which has become the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

Trump: I’m running against media, not Clinton

You are trying to make a case for a petulant, clinically narcissistic tyrant who can't be satisfied with just sucking the air out of the room, he wants to suck it out of the whole country.

Mr. Trump gets more air time and ink than anybody else on the entire planet right now, and has been for the past year. He's gets LIVE coverage, his rallies are LIVE. He calls into LIVE talk shows and is allowed to blow his bull$#!t without interruption. What else do you think the media owes him?
Yes, he sure gets air time. He can speak positively for two hours at a rally, and the media will take two words out of a two hour speech and create a major controversy, while totally ignoring all the actual revelations about Hillary that would otherwise be devastating to any other candidate that didn't have the media watching its back. The media will not carry or show Hillary speaking because everytime they show that bitch face talking, her unfavorables spike.
You know what I find interesting? Trump was bragging about how much the media was covering him during the primaries, and that is the precise reason that he ended up with the GOP nomination.

Then............he kept amping up his rhetoric, going from Mexicans and the wall, to railing against McCain, to saying he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and he'd still get votes, all the way up to the aftermath of the convention.

Now? He's seeing the writing on the wall, and has started to make excuses as to why he might lose. First, he was saying that the election was going to be rigged, which is why he would lose, but that didn't get the traction he wanted with the base.

So now, he's saying that the media is biased against him. That is something that would work with the base, because Sarah Palin was able to successfully demonize the media by calling them the "lamestream media", and so Trump is going to see if that line works.

And after his speech the other day where he was saying he'd like to be Secretary of keeping jobs in the USA, or some other job like SECDEF or SECSTATE. I really don't think that Trump wants to be president.
You got it all wrong. The Hillary campaign had calculated that Tump is would be the easiest candidate to beat, so their puppets at the media elevated Trump to the nomination. Have they convered any of Trumps rallies since the nomination? No.
The American Pravda has been exposed by Trump. They are dishonest, lying, scum.

The question is, will the sheeple do anything about it?
It's also a question of whether the people CAN do anything about it.
You know what I find interesting? Trump was bragging about how much the media was covering him during the primaries, and that is the precise reason that he ended up with the GOP nomination.

Then............he kept amping up his rhetoric, going from Mexicans and the wall, to railing against McCain, to saying he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and he'd still get votes, all the way up to the aftermath of the convention.

Now? He's seeing the writing on the wall, and has started to make excuses as to why he might lose. First, he was saying that the election was going to be rigged, which is why he would lose, but that didn't get the traction he wanted with the base.

So now, he's saying that the media is biased against him. That is something that would work with the base, because Sarah Palin was able to successfully demonize the media by calling them the "lamestream media", and so Trump is going to see if that line works.

And after his speech the other day where he was saying he'd like to be Secretary of keeping jobs in the USA, or some other job like SECDEF or SECSTATE. I really don't think that Trump wants to be president.

Oh the candidates don't have shit on the media like others of us do. You see Biker Sailor it's not just a matter of tearing down the R establishment or the D establishment, it is about shaking the establishment to its core.

Nuking the media is just part of the game. I'm having a blast. Wait till I go beyond Scarborough. Only a couple of weeks to go now.

One would think this "so called left" would be into tearing down the establishment.


What fakers. They are in bed with the establishment.
You know what I find interesting? Trump was bragging about how much the media was covering him during the primaries, and that is the precise reason that he ended up with the GOP nomination.

Then............he kept amping up his rhetoric, going from Mexicans and the wall, to railing against McCain, to saying he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and he'd still get votes, all the way up to the aftermath of the convention.

Now? He's seeing the writing on the wall, and has started to make excuses as to why he might lose. First, he was saying that the election was going to be rigged, which is why he would lose, but that didn't get the traction he wanted with the base.

So now, he's saying that the media is biased against him. That is something that would work with the base, because Sarah Palin was able to successfully demonize the media by calling them the "lamestream media", and so Trump is going to see if that line works.

And after his speech the other day where he was saying he'd like to be Secretary of keeping jobs in the USA, or some other job like SECDEF or SECSTATE. I really don't think that Trump wants to be president.
You got it all wrong. The Hillary campaign had calculated that Tump is would be the easiest candidate to beat, so their puppets at the media elevated Trump to the nomination. Have they convered any of Trumps rallies since the nomination? No.

I want to make sure that i understand this.

Trump's nomination was engineered by Hillary, and the media, and that's why he is going to lose the election and Hillary and the media are evil?
Trump is such a simpleton....everyone is either crooked, a liar or a moron

Just because they don't agree with him
Callling the media what it is and has been for the last four election cycles. They promoted the anti American, anti capitalist, divisive, totally inexperienced and unqualified Obama to the presidency, despite his background and ties to people like Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers. The first step in fixing what's wrong in this country is to call out the corrupt, lying media which has become the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

Trump: I’m running against media, not Clinton
Whine, cry, mewl, puke. Your guy is bordering on insane, and more and more people are seeing that. And all you can do is endorse his insanity. You fellows are pathetic. The Donald is going to go down in flames in a major way on 8Nov16. Trump is running against Trump. His idiotic mouth may even lose him Utah and Texas.
And Trump is 100% correct again. The news media is so blatant anti Trump and pro hiliary it is embarrassing. .
It is time that the mainstream news media learn that they are not the only game in town anymore and they are losing their significance.
Can you imagine them thar assholes in the media actually running the videos of Trump's speeches? Just how unfair can you get?
Your panties Still in a twist over the fact that trump is a fraud are you? You picked him over a conservative you own the results.

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Not as big a fraud as Cruz. With Trump what you see is what you get. I don't like a game being run down on me like Cruz did when I first supported him and found out him and Heidi were the biggest freaking frauds on the planet.

Well Carly came a close second. Pity. At one time I admired Cruz.

Now he's just a bad joke. A lie like "I promise I won't come in your mouth" kinda liar. Establishment bastard all the way.

List the frauds.... go on show us. like trump using foreign labor in his Florida resort so he doesn't have to pay Americans as a example which is provable fact. Show us something that is a fact.... show us Ted Cruz was not what he said he was.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Cruz and his wife being complete inside the beltway and pro Wall Street Bush babies.

While lying his fucking ass off that he's "the outsider". Their history is out there. It's for real. What? You don't know their connection to the Bush family and administration?

Come on. You aren't stupid.
That is all talking points with no facts ... try again zombie

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

All facts. Cruz worked for Bush. Heidi worked for Bush. It's simple. Cruz hired Niel Bush for heavens sakes and his wife. All Bush all the time.

Heidi's Wall Street connections are completely on record as well.
Trump gave millions to democrats and progressives. .. gee looks worse then republicans working to get republicans who are not fake republicans like trump

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