Trump cancels pay raises for federal employees - It's a BAD Economy NOW

the shit is starting to pile up bobo.....this is were you start losing credibility....
What? I love it when you nerds don’t believe my reality is real. I was metro Detroit powerlifting champ and all state wrestler 1988
dam bobo your great at everything.....but...are you a competent heterosexual?....
When my girlfriend is 25 I have no problems there. If I was dating someone our age I might need some help though. LOL.

But seriously, do you not understand that Republicans don't value hard manual labor?

The Heritage Foundation says you are overpaid

Yes, They’re Overpaid

But your UNION says you are not. So stop being a fucking Republican. You're a worker bee and a government employee. They fucking hate you.

Our last list is comprised of workers who believe their salary is "average," or "just right" for their job.

More than half of surveyed Actuaries ($84,000), Postal Service Workers ($37,700), and Wait Staff ($21,400) believe their salary is average, and almost 50 percent of Pharmacists ($115,500) feel the same way.

The rest of the top ten shakes out like this:

Which workers are underpaid, overpaid, and paid just right?

Postal Service Workers
52.6% Believe That Their Salary is Average (National Median Salary: $37,700)
why dont you do your own thinking bobo?....
I do my own thinking. And I think idiots like you and unkotare, a lousy union public school teacher who will one day get a pension, are fucking future teachers and postal workers when you vote Republican.

Do you think teachers would have gotten raises over the years if it weren't for their unions? Fuck no. Hell Republicans even took their ability to strike away from them. What power do they have? Well I know teachers today and they do not have it good like they used to. The young ones don't make what the old ones make and the schools are harrassing a lot of the old overpaid teachers into retiring early.

Teachers are another profession that will never shut the fuck up about how people don't appreciate how hard their job is. That is true. Kids see what they do everyday and they are not impressed. No one is. Especially Republicans. Not buying it. You get summers and every holiday off and you are in a union so can't get fired like we can here in the real world. You have some job security both of you did or do. So don't cry about how hard your job is. You chose it. And yes, even a monkey could do your job. Or a retard with a little bit of training, assuming that retard can read addresses.
What? I love it when you nerds don’t believe my reality is real. I was metro Detroit powerlifting champ and all state wrestler 1988
dam bobo your great at everything.....but...are you a competent heterosexual?....
When my girlfriend is 25 I have no problems there. If I was dating someone our age I might need some help though. LOL.

But seriously, do you not understand that Republicans don't value hard manual labor?

The Heritage Foundation says you are overpaid

Yes, They’re Overpaid

But your UNION says you are not. So stop being a fucking Republican. You're a worker bee and a government employee. They fucking hate you.

Our last list is comprised of workers who believe their salary is "average," or "just right" for their job.

More than half of surveyed Actuaries ($84,000), Postal Service Workers ($37,700), and Wait Staff ($21,400) believe their salary is average, and almost 50 percent of Pharmacists ($115,500) feel the same way.

The rest of the top ten shakes out like this:

Which workers are underpaid, overpaid, and paid just right?

Postal Service Workers
52.6% Believe That Their Salary is Average (National Median Salary: $37,700)
why dont you do your own thinking bobo?....

You really think he’s capable of thinking? :lol:
You're just a public school teacher in an inner city school system.


Another job you could never do.

“Just”. :lol:
This is just for civilian federal workers, not the military

If Trump feels it is not feasible to award that pre-arranged 2% wage increase, so be it -- especially since that tax cut caused some budget issues.

On the bright side, not many of those large companies who received those tax cuts gave their workers a wage increase either -- so all is well
dam bobo your great at everything.....but...are you a competent heterosexual?....
When my girlfriend is 25 I have no problems there. If I was dating someone our age I might need some help though. LOL.

But seriously, do you not understand that Republicans don't value hard manual labor?

The Heritage Foundation says you are overpaid

Yes, They’re Overpaid

But your UNION says you are not. So stop being a fucking Republican. You're a worker bee and a government employee. They fucking hate you.

Our last list is comprised of workers who believe their salary is "average," or "just right" for their job.

More than half of surveyed Actuaries ($84,000), Postal Service Workers ($37,700), and Wait Staff ($21,400) believe their salary is average, and almost 50 percent of Pharmacists ($115,500) feel the same way.

The rest of the top ten shakes out like this:

Which workers are underpaid, overpaid, and paid just right?

Postal Service Workers
52.6% Believe That Their Salary is Average (National Median Salary: $37,700)
why dont you do your own thinking bobo?....

You really think he’s capable of thinking? :lol:
You're just a public school teacher in an inner city school system.


Another job you could never do.

“Just”. :lol:

I love it when teachers suggest they have a tough job or that "we couldn't last a week" bullshit. LOL. Hilarious.

Why don't more of our smartest, most accomplished college graduates want to become teachers?

People trying to improve education in this country have been talking a lot lately about boosting "teacher effectiveness." But nearly all such efforts focus on the teachers who are already in the classroom, instead of seeking to change the caliber of the people who enter teaching in the first place.

Three of the top-performing school systems in the world -- those in Finland, Singapore and South Korea -- take a different approach, recruiting 100 percent of their teachers from the top third of their high school and college students. Simply put, they don't take middling students and make them teachers. They tap their best people for the job.

Of course, academic achievement isn't the whole story in these countries. They screen would-be teachers for other important qualities, and they invest heavily in training teachers and in retaining them for their entire careers. But scholastic prowess comes first: You don't get through the classroom door in Finland, Singapore or South Korea without having distinguished yourself academically. In the United States, by contrast, only 23 percent of new teachers scored among the top third of SAT and ACT test-takers back in high school. In high-poverty schools, that figure is just 14 percent.

And you can bet unkotare was not one of them. That's why he teaches in a poor neighborhood and makes less money than the average teacher. It's not because he's noble or a saint that's for sure. He's a dumb ex wrestler who could only find a job in the hood.

Why aren't our teachers the best and the brightest?
I'm late to the discussion, was doing stuffs, but Related: I adore my postal carrier. He's a retired army vet and when he's running early and had a package for me we shoot the shit over hot chocolate. The government won't let me tip him what he's worth for dropping packages on my porch instead of making me go to the post office all the time :(
tip him at christmas time.....i used to pick up hundreds of bucks plus "gifts" and the older ladies baked stuff for me.....

Mine won't accept more than a trinket, says it's illegal for him to get anything worth more than $20 a year. I give him hot chocolate and cookies for Christmas and I try to put something out on Easter and Thanksgiving, but sometimes he says it's worth too much and won't accept it. My carrier is too honest... Now there's a complaint I never thought I'd make heh
When my girlfriend is 25 I have no problems there. If I was dating someone our age I might need some help though. LOL.

But seriously, do you not understand that Republicans don't value hard manual labor?

The Heritage Foundation says you are overpaid

Yes, They’re Overpaid

But your UNION says you are not. So stop being a fucking Republican. You're a worker bee and a government employee. They fucking hate you.

Our last list is comprised of workers who believe their salary is "average," or "just right" for their job.

More than half of surveyed Actuaries ($84,000), Postal Service Workers ($37,700), and Wait Staff ($21,400) believe their salary is average, and almost 50 percent of Pharmacists ($115,500) feel the same way.

The rest of the top ten shakes out like this:

Which workers are underpaid, overpaid, and paid just right?

Postal Service Workers
52.6% Believe That Their Salary is Average (National Median Salary: $37,700)
why dont you do your own thinking bobo?....

You really think he’s capable of thinking? :lol:
You're just a public school teacher in an inner city school system.


Another job you could never do.

“Just”. :lol:

I love it when teachers suggest they have a tough job or that "we couldn't last a week" bullshit. LOL. Hilarious.

Why don't more of our smartest, most accomplished college graduates want to become teachers?

People trying to improve education in this country have been talking a lot lately about boosting "teacher effectiveness." But nearly all such efforts focus on the teachers who are already in the classroom, instead of seeking to change the caliber of the people who enter teaching in the first place.

Three of the top-performing school systems in the world -- those in Finland, Singapore and South Korea -- take a different approach, recruiting 100 percent of their teachers from the top third of their high school and college students. Simply put, they don't take middling students and make them teachers. They tap their best people for the job.

Of course, academic achievement isn't the whole story in these countries. They screen would-be teachers for other important qualities, and they invest heavily in training teachers and in retaining them for their entire careers. But scholastic prowess comes first: You don't get through the classroom door in Finland, Singapore or South Korea without having distinguished yourself academically. In the United States, by contrast, only 23 percent of new teachers scored among the top third of SAT and ACT test-takers back in high school. In high-poverty schools, that figure is just 14 percent.

And you can bet unkotare was not one of them. That's why he teaches in a poor neighborhood and makes less money than the average teacher. It's not because he's noble or a saint that's for sure. He's a dumb ex wrestler who could only find a job in the hood.

Why aren't our teachers the best and the brightest?
what can you possibly teach anyone bobo? to throw together a ham and cheese sandwich and grab a coke and remote and hit the couch?....
Wow; that is such a 'black & white' way to view anything.

Since you view the world thru such a rigid lense I have a win/win idea just for you.

We can get Trump to make ALL of the civil federal workers MILITARY!

That way ALL federal employees (in your view) will, "earn their money each and every day."

I'm so glad I could improve your day for you. You're welcome.

You must be one of those worthless Fed employees.

Fuck off. Have a nice day.

Nope; not (currently) employed. I'm 57 years old, haven't worked in two years, just paid off my mortgage last month, debt free, money in all the accounts, things are just fine. Best part; Trump didn't have a thing to do with any of my fortunate situation. How 'bout you?

Well good for you.

I'm 65 and still work. I don't owe anyone a dime and everything I own is paid for except the new vehicle I just bought.

Trump had nothing to do with my good fortune either.

I do like the pay raise I got. And I do like Trump.

I will be back in the work place some time soon but not real soon.

New car? Congrats! What did you get?

Oh its not new. Its a 2007 Mitsubishi, Raider. Nice truck. Not what I really wanted but I couldn't get a loan because I have no credit history.

I pay cash for everything and the only credit card I have is the one on my debit card. I guess you have to be up to your eyeballs in debt before they think you can make a car payment. LOL

Anyway I also just started getting SS so this truck will be paid for then I will get what I really want.

I love my job and will probably continue to work unless I win the PowerBall. LOL

Related - if you want to increase your credit history/credit score, get a credit card to pay for something like gas or utilities and pay it off every month. Your score will go up very quickly if you do that. If you stick to paying it off each month your score should go up quite quickly - just make sure you pay it off every month though, don't get stuck in the interest trap.

Try to find a card that gives you a decent reward if you can; like one of ours is the Costco credit card, ends up paying for the Costco membership plus some for us. We also like the Alaska Airlines card for the miles we get everywhere, but that's kinda local heh
no, i didn't. you only know, right wing propaganda. :p

Something you have yet to identify (except as right-winger), and only openly suggest for some stupid reason. It only stands to represent that whatever you think is right-winger propaganda has more to do with whatever it is you think about it in context with your silly ideas about government. Which would mean, that whatever it is you think about whatever you are referring to as right-wing propaganda, is only influenced by how seriously you think it may or may not make a difference in politics.

Albeit I'm pretty sure you don't possess the wherewithal to understand that, because you don't make much sense about anything.:21:

Try to be a tad bit more specific, and by that, I mean try to express your ideas in a manner that doesn't come across like Che Guevara on a peyote bender at Disney World.
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Trump cancels pay raises for federal employees - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump told lawmakers on Thursday he was scrapping a planned pay raise for civilian federal workers, saying the nation's budget couldn't support it.

In a letter to House and Senate leaders, Trump described the pay increase as "inappropriate."
"We must maintain efforts to put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course, and Federal agency budgets cannot sustain such increases," the President wrote.

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I guess if you can't have a $100 million 'military' parade then federal workers will have to pay for the wall.

Make Federal Workers Look for Other Employment, Again.

I heard the labor market is SMOKIN'

Where did Trump say the economy was bad? The left nuts have been complaining about the budget and overspending, so this will help. He also needs to repeal the tax cuts and start cutting budgets across the board.

We spend way too much and need to start being fiscally responsible.
no, i didn't. you only know, right wing propaganda. :p

Something you have yet to identify (except as right-winger), and only openly suggest for some stupid reason. It only stands to represent that whatever you think is right-winger propaganda has more to do with whatever it is you think about it in context with your silly ideas about government. Which would mean, that whatever it is you think about whatever you are referring to as right-wing propaganda, is only influenced by how seriously you think it may or may not make a difference in politics.

Albeit I'm pretty sure you don't possess the wherewithal to understand that, because you don't make much sense about anything.:21:

Try to be a tad bit more specific, and by that, I mean try to express your ideas in a manner that doesn't come across like Che Guevara on a peyote bender at Disney World.
did you know, You really are equal to males on the right wing? Gossip is what they are best at, not arguments. Congratulations.
Both that scumbag Bill Clinton and that shithead Barry Obama did the same thing. Federal pay freezes in both administrations.

War and the worst depression. What excuse does Trump give, oh wait the tax cuts to the wealthy.
Both that scumbag Bill Clinton and that shithead Barry Obama did the same thing. Federal pay freezes in both administrations.

War and the worst depression. What excuse does Trump give, oh wait the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Trump just doesn't like a bloated Federal bureaucracy while Americans are taxed up the ass.

That is a good thing,.
Trump cancels pay raises for federal employees - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump told lawmakers on Thursday he was scrapping a planned pay raise for civilian federal workers, saying the nation's budget couldn't support it.

In a letter to House and Senate leaders, Trump described the pay increase as "inappropriate."
"We must maintain efforts to put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course, and Federal agency budgets cannot sustain such increases," the President wrote.

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I guess if you can't have a $100 million 'military' parade then federal workers will have to pay for the wall.

Make Federal Workers Look for Other Employment, Again.

I heard the labor market is SMOKIN'

Where did Trump say the economy was bad? The left nuts have been complaining about the budget and overspending, so this will help. He also needs to repeal the tax cuts and start cutting budgets across the board.

We spend way too much and need to start being fiscally responsible.

So why did he give giant tax cuts?
Its a dog whistle to his base. They think all federal employees are Black.

That's it play the idiotic race card....and you should pay attention, Trump said the federal budgets can't support raises. But hell budgets don't matter just keep running up debt

And give tax cuts to the wealthy. Right on.
Both that scumbag Bill Clinton and that shithead Barry Obama did the same thing. Federal pay freezes in both administrations.

War and the worst depression. What excuse does Trump give, oh wait the tax cuts to the wealthy.

Trump just doesn't like a bloated Federal bureaucracy while Americans are taxed up the ass.

That is a good thing,.

No taxes pay into SS and Medicare and all kinds of good programs like subsidies to day cares and subsidies to farmers. Screw the rich friends of Trumps and wall street.
This is hilarious! Trump refuses to give lazy over paid fed workers a raise and the lib-trolls cry. Too bad. Back in my day raises were merit based, if you deserved a raise you got one, not just because. lol!

Edit! OMG! Did someone just play the race card!?

in reality, all US military ARE federal employees.

Why are you labeling the US military lazy?
Not talking about the military troll.
You are talking about the military if youre talking about federal workers.
Yup, and everybody knows the military is all black.

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