Trump cancels pay raises for federal employees - It's a BAD Economy NOW

That's it play the idiotic race card....and you should pay attention, Trump said the federal budgets can't support raises. But hell budgets don't matter just keep running up debt

So, Trump offers the wealthy 0.001% of individuals a massive tax cut, offers the corporations a massive tax cut, tax receipts go down as a result, and the federal worker loses out.

Glad to see your line of thinking there but I disagree.

Budgets...learn budgets, then comment
That would be good advice for Drumpf. Then he wouldnt have had to cancel his parade if he had simply known about his budget.

The parade wasn't in a budget, dumb ass

If Trump wanted a parade so bad he could have paid for it but Trump is too damn cheap.
I'm sure that he could have paid for his so-called parade if he'd put up a GoFundMe account for his base.

Sorry if you make the mistake of thinking I'm a right-winger. I am a Capitalist, and do have an anarchist side. The anarchist side really doesn't matter much though. I support production, quality, and just enough compliance to stay ahead of the bullshit the rest of y'all get mired in. I'm going to adapt and innovate to whatever the heck you goofballs come up with (most of it isn't worth a pile of poop). The only way to fight me in that aspect, is if you destroy the economy, so have at it if you think that's a good idea.
apparently you dont know either.....
I know everyone thinks their job is harder than the next guys job.....but it makes it harder if its done while whining....

Trump whines every day on Twitter, many times a day.

It's called venting and bitch slapping liberal assholes into another galaxy. Only a nancy boy liberal could call it whining.
The all so important reason to vote someone in as President of the United States......right?

Sorry if you make the mistake of thinking I'm a right-winger. I am a Capitalist, and do have an anarchist side. The anarchist side really doesn't matter much though. I support production, quality, and just enough compliance to stay ahead of the bullshit the rest of y'all get mired in. I'm going to adapt and innovate to whatever the heck you goofballs come up with (most of it isn't worth a pile of poop). The only way to fight me in that aspect, is if you destroy the economy, so have at it if you think that's a good idea.
you only have right wing propaganda, down pat.
Trump cancels pay raises for federal employees - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump told lawmakers on Thursday he was scrapping a planned pay raise for civilian federal workers, saying the nation's budget couldn't support it.

In a letter to House and Senate leaders, Trump described the pay increase as "inappropriate."
"We must maintain efforts to put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course, and Federal agency budgets cannot sustain such increases," the President wrote.

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I guess if you can't have a $100 million 'military' parade then federal workers will have to pay for the wall.

Make Federal Workers Look for Other Employment, Again.

I heard the labor market is SMOKIN'
Civilian Federal employees are overpaid...
Give us a reason why.
you only have right wing propaganda, down pat.

Well I'll accept your judgment for the absolute lack of value it brings, if that makes you feel any better. You can say whatever you want, but you haven't presented anything of value to support your saying it, other than whatever pleasure it may give you to say it. Look, as an anti authoritarian capitalist, I can listen to your concerns, but until you offer something of value, something other than right-wing/left wing crap, you're wasting your time. I have no desire to hitch my wagon the perpetual struggle between one political party/philosophy and another. The only way there would be any profit/money in it, would be if I desired to use politics to corrupt an otherwise pragmatic approach to individual responsibility (that's not going to happen).

Tell me when you are satisfied with your silly government, then I may be more interested. Until then, I'm really not interested in your magic beans.
a wall of text to say, nothing?

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.
a wall of text to say, nothing?

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

You are correct it means nothing to you. There is nothing you can do to argue with it. There is no way your political struggle can benefit from it. To you, I am useless, because I won't ever support granting the government the power to do anything more than it already has.

There's no need to protest, you have nothing of real value to offer. Keep your magic beans, and climb the fairytale beanstalk when it grows. :21:
I'm going to keep the cows, and you can let me know when you need some milk.
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a wall of text to say, nothing?

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.

You are correct it means nothing to you. There is nothing you can do to argue with it. There is no way your political struggle can benefit from it. To you, I am useless, because I won't ever support granting the government the power to do anything more than it already has.

There's no need to protest, you have nothing of real value to offer. Keep your magic beans, and climb the fairytale beanstalk when it grows. :21:
I'm going to keep the cows, and you can let me know when you need some milk.
just right wing fantasy?
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Does the debt clock scare you? It doesn't scare me, and mainly because I'm pretty sure no one is really interested in fixing the debt. Not to mention that everyone in America could sell everything they own and it probably still wouldn't pay off our existing debt (the only reason anyone buys our debt, is because they are gambling and buying our potential). What have you done to address your fear? Your fantasies haven't accomplished much. :21:
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All the USPS threads are negative and all republicans trashing it. Do you think they value your hard work that a big child could do? It doesn’t take any schooling. They can find people to do that. If I could have went right into a $60k mailman job you bet I could do it. I was an all state wrestler I could have been a marine if I wanted. Wet. Ha
the shit is starting to pile up bobo.....this is were you start losing credibility....
What? I love it when you nerds don’t believe my reality is real. I was metro Detroit powerlifting champ and all state wrestler 1988
dam bobo your great at everything.....but...are you a competent heterosexual?....
When my girlfriend is 25 I have no problems there. If I was dating someone our age I might need some help though. LOL.

But seriously, do you not understand that Republicans don't value hard manual labor?

The Heritage Foundation says you are overpaid

Yes, They’re Overpaid

But your UNION says you are not. So stop being a fucking Republican. You're a worker bee and a government employee. They fucking hate you.

Our last list is comprised of workers who believe their salary is "average," or "just right" for their job.

More than half of surveyed Actuaries ($84,000), Postal Service Workers ($37,700), and Wait Staff ($21,400) believe their salary is average, and almost 50 percent of Pharmacists ($115,500) feel the same way.

The rest of the top ten shakes out like this:

Which workers are underpaid, overpaid, and paid just right?

Postal Service Workers
52.6% Believe That Their Salary is Average (National Median Salary: $37,700)
why dont you do your own thinking bobo?....

You really think he’s capable of thinking? :lol:
So, Trump offers the wealthy 0.001% of individuals a massive tax cut, offers the corporations a massive tax cut, tax receipts go down as a result, and the federal worker loses out.

Glad to see your line of thinking there but I disagree.

Budgets...learn budgets, then comment
That would be good advice for Drumpf. Then he wouldnt have had to cancel his parade if he had simply known about his budget.

The parade wasn't in a budget, dumb ass

If Trump wanted a parade so bad he could have paid for it but Trump is too damn cheap.
I'm sure that he could have paid for his so-called parade if he'd put up a GoFundMe account for his base.
------------------------------------------------- as i told you lefties already , the Parade was just 'Bait' for you lefties . Space Force may be the same thing , just Bait . And then the best was the Free Commercial the media gave to advertise his TRUMP Hotel in DC but there has been more . Trump is just messing with you lefty guys and your media Bode .
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seems to me that the DEBT is manageable and is not a serious concern . I am 70 , seems to me that the huge debt has been around for at least 30 or more years . And its never hurt anything as far as i know .

Does the debt clock scare you? It doesn't scare me, and mainly because I'm pretty sure no one is really interested in fixing the debt. Not to mention that everyone in America could sell everything they own and it probably still wouldn't pay off our existing debt (the only reason anyone buys our debt, is because they are gambling and buying our potential). What have you done to address your fear? Your fantasies haven't accomplished much. :21:
Tax cut economics are WorthLess, yet you still support it?
Tax cut economics are WorthLess, yet you still support it?

Let me get this straight, as a Capitalist that doesn't care about the failing government, are you seriously asking me if I mind keeping more of the money I have? :21:

You have to remember, I think people should be paid whatever they think they can earn, which doesn't mean minimum wage (minimum wage is some stupid crap you need to play politics). If you want the best employee who can do the job you require to the standards you set (considering you have any kind of quality standards), chances are they are already working for someone else. You're gonna have to step up and steal that worker, and offer them more than what they were getting (whether that's pay, bonuses, benefits, location, whatever). You then have to keep rewarding the employee to keep them from bailing on you (they already left the person you stole them from, and you know they'll walk if you don't take care of them).

What you talk about is make believe social garbage, and just isn't business (at least not the way it should be conducted).
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All the USPS threads are negative and all republicans trashing it. Do you think they value your hard work that a big child could do? It doesn’t take any schooling. They can find people to do that. If I could have went right into a $60k mailman job you bet I could do it. I was an all state wrestler I could have been a marine if I wanted. Wet. Ha
the shit is starting to pile up bobo.....this is were you start losing credibility....
What? I love it when you nerds don’t believe my reality is real. I was metro Detroit powerlifting champ and all state wrestler 1988
dam bobo your great at everything.....but...are you a competent heterosexual?....
When my girlfriend is 25 I have no problems there. If I was dating someone our age I might need some help though. LOL.

But seriously, do you not understand that Republicans don't value hard manual labor?

The Heritage Foundation says you are overpaid

Yes, They’re Overpaid

But your UNION says you are not. So stop being a fucking Republican. You're a worker bee and a government employee. They fucking hate you.

Our last list is comprised of workers who believe their salary is "average," or "just right" for their job.

More than half of surveyed Actuaries ($84,000), Postal Service Workers ($37,700), and Wait Staff ($21,400) believe their salary is average, and almost 50 percent of Pharmacists ($115,500) feel the same way.

The rest of the top ten shakes out like this:

Which workers are underpaid, overpaid, and paid just right?

Postal Service Workers
52.6% Believe That Their Salary is Average (National Median Salary: $37,700)
why dont you do your own thinking bobo?....
I do my own thinking. And I think idiots like you and unkotare, a lousy union public school teacher who will one day get a pension, are fucking future teachers and postal workers when you vote Republican.

Do you think teachers would have gotten raises over the years if it weren't for their unions? Fuck no. Hell Republicans even took their ability to strike away from them. What power do they have? Well I know teachers today and they do not have it good like they used to. The young ones don't make what the old ones make and the schools are harrassing a lot of the old overpaid teachers into retiring early.

Teachers are another profession that will never shut the fuck up about how people don't appreciate how hard their job is. That is true. Kids see what they do everyday and they are not impressed. No one is. Especially Republicans. Not buying it. You get summers and every holiday off and you are in a union so can't get fired like we can here in the real world. You have some job security both of you did or do. So don't cry about how hard your job is. You chose it. And yes, even a monkey could do your job. Or a retard with a little bit of training, assuming that retard can read addresses.
Tax cut economics are WorthLess, yet you still support it?

Let me get this straight, as a Capitalist that doesn't care about the failing government, are you seriously asking me if I mind keeping more of the money I have? :21:

You have to remember, I think people should be paid whatever they think they can earn, which doesn't mean minimum wage (minimum wage is some stupid crap you need to play politics). If you want the best employee who can do the job you require to the standards you set (considering you have any kind of quality standards), chances are they are already working for someone else. You're gonna have to step up and steal that worker, and offer them more than what they were getting (whether that's pay, bonuses, benefits, location, whatever). You then have to keep rewarding the employee to keep them from bailing on you (they already left the person you stole them from, and you know they'll walk if you don't take care of them).

What you talk about is make believe social garbage, and just isn't business.
that is why i don't take right wingers seriously about politics.
the shit is starting to pile up bobo.....this is were you start losing credibility....
What? I love it when you nerds don’t believe my reality is real. I was metro Detroit powerlifting champ and all state wrestler 1988
dam bobo your great at everything.....but...are you a competent heterosexual?....
When my girlfriend is 25 I have no problems there. If I was dating someone our age I might need some help though. LOL.

But seriously, do you not understand that Republicans don't value hard manual labor?

The Heritage Foundation says you are overpaid

Yes, They’re Overpaid

But your UNION says you are not. So stop being a fucking Republican. You're a worker bee and a government employee. They fucking hate you.

Our last list is comprised of workers who believe their salary is "average," or "just right" for their job.

More than half of surveyed Actuaries ($84,000), Postal Service Workers ($37,700), and Wait Staff ($21,400) believe their salary is average, and almost 50 percent of Pharmacists ($115,500) feel the same way.

The rest of the top ten shakes out like this:

Which workers are underpaid, overpaid, and paid just right?

Postal Service Workers
52.6% Believe That Their Salary is Average (National Median Salary: $37,700)
why dont you do your own thinking bobo?....

You really think he’s capable of thinking? :lol:
You're just a public school teacher in an inner city school system.

As a starting point, we have the average teacher salary in Michigan. The state Department of Education puts it at $61,978.

So you and Harry make about the same.

First, it marks a downward trend for five years in a row. The average teacher salary in 2011-12 was $62,613 and has dropped every year since.

But in Detroit, a poor community,
Average Base Pay
5% below national average

So we know if you work in a poor school district, you make less. And rightfully so according to Republicans.

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