Trump cancels visit to Peru, Colombia. he was supposed to leave on Friday

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What are the odds that, despite having cancelled his trip to South America to deal with Syria and Mueller, Trump will still manage to squeeze in a round of golf this weekend?
That either means he's going to bomb Syria or fire Mueller this week.
Friday is the deadline day the congressional oversight committee has set for FBI director Wray and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein to turn over documents on Hillary's emails and the FISA warrants (they've been refusing to turn them over for the last 5 months) If they don't, they can both be held in contempt and impeached by the committee or fired by Trump.
Friday is the deadline day the congressional oversight committee has set for FBI director Wray and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein to turn over documents on Hillary's emails and the FISA warrants. If they don't, they can both be held in contempt and impeached by the committee or fired by Trump.

Friday is the deadline day the congressional oversight committee has set for FBI director Wray and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein to turn over documents on Hillary's emails and the FISA warrants (they've been refusing to turn them over for the last 5 months) If they don't, they can both be held in contempt and impeached by the committee or fired by Trump.
If true, that's a shiny object to lure Trump into doing something stupid. Will he take the bait?

The smart move is to let Congress handle it.

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